
Showing posts from January, 2019

We Want World Peace

Someone just said "we want world peace". One way to have world peace, is to convince every human on Earth to want it as well. People usually pursue what they want or desire. As to how to go about doing that, there probably exists a wide spectrum of things that make people want peace. War, terrorism, interventions, assassinations, criminal homicides... those are instances where that peace is broken. One could argue that it is the aftermath of war, especially wars that devastate many nations, that are most effective in making people 'want peace'. People however forget war and its suffering. New generations of belligerents arm themselves and inevitably seek violence. In societies where peace was a result of war, remembrance makes people "want peace". Knowing the horrors, the suffering and the cost of war, makes people less likely to pursue it, but it also motivates those who were victimized by genocide, not rely on others but their own military strength to pr

Mind Storage is Possible with Today's Technology

Mind storage is possible with today’s technology, albeit it would need to be a bit improved and require a significant amount of money for any individual customer. It is a synergy between Google Glass, No More Woof and contact lenses that can tract the eye focus so the camera recording, can zoom in on the same object as the person is viewing. The camera itself would need to be one that allows for focus to match what the person is trying to see - i.e. Lytro. The same is true of sounds. In some instances, a person may tune out what is being said, although we would have a PERFECT audio and visual memory, it would not match what the biological brain processed and stored. Of these technologies, only No More Woof would need to be improved to record the entire brain’s activity. The cost would NOT be prohibitive; it would not be exclusively billionaires who can afford it. Mass produced, life recording technology can be manufactured for the price of a car. The storage of 5 petabytes needed costs

After 19 Years of Torture Americans Are Finally Killing Me

After 19 years of electromagnetic torture, abuse, human rights denials, robbery, hacking, mind hacking, mind control, assaults, fraud, libel, stalking, harassment, denial of police protection, set ups, terrorist attacks, rape threats, murder threats, arson, assassinations of people I knew, torture of my dog, family and friends, etc. etc. etc... my face now looks how my mind and body felt for the entire time of this Satanic persecution by the United States of America and its demented criminal population. U.S. SILENTLY TORTURES AMERICANS WITH CELL TOWER ELECTROMAGNETIC NEUROWEAPON The US electromagnetic neuroweapon torture isn't silent, if the victims who suffered it screamed their lungs out.   - Marcin R. Kubik

Dioxin Poisoning?

I got poisoned with something. My face is blistered, leaking puss, has swollen and it itches. Here's another shot, ...and what I normally look like: Also, I came across this egg shaped golf ball, and I thought it would be a good anti-thesis photograph to the world record egg that just got an Instagram record for likes.  a few hours later... it's getting worse but my face is now numb and doesn't itch. All in puss.

Final Outcome of a Globalized Civilization Can Only be World Peace

The final outcome and goal of  ideological wars that aim to establish a uniform world order, based on common laws with an absence of adversaries, in effect aims to bring about world peace. The United States does this based on the belief that democracy and free market capitalism will result in world wide cooperation. Islamists aiming to create a global caliphate aim to achieve the same goal, they are fighting for world peace, but their vision of a final state of a global political equilibrium is that of Sharia law with everyone turned into a Muslim. Communists were libeled as people who wanted the same final result, where a global system of governance would be the outcome of imperialist conquest in a final state where social equality and common good predominate, with no nation state present with a competing political alignment to challenge communist rule. Monarchical empires like Ancient Rome or the British Empire have similarly endeavored on military conquests to establish uniformity

Evolving Emergent Technology Through Simulation

I have often recommended biomimicry as a means of providing existing technological solutions. This would somehow imply that the biological and technological aren't one and the same. In fact, that is not the case. Producing new DNA solutions through biotechnology is a technological process, few would dispute that even cloning which uses identical DNA is a technology. If you reproduce a biological organism exactly, and the final product of your technology is a biological organism, does it not follow that this organism is technology? If you agree, then it is a simple step of seeing that the identical copy from which this cloned organism was produced, is technology as well. Thus all biology is technology. Now. Because biology is technology, and because evolution is the field in which this technology is perfected and produced to fit particular environmental constraints, it naturally follows that firstly, technology evolves due to environmental constraints, secondly it evolves like th

Hyperloop's Superiority as Compared to Airline Jet Travel

High speed rail and the vacuum tube magnetic levitation transportation systems do not need to rely on any navigation at all. You can't get lost. The routes are predetermined. The stops are known. Weather doesn't affect travel. Volcanic eruptions don't affect travel. Floods won't affect travel, if tracks or the tube is elevated high enough. These systems can even be made earthquake proof. High enough the concrete pylons even protect the system from wild fires. Why the wait? Air travel can be disrupted by drones, weather and volcanic eruptions. Weather systems are getting increasingly volatile due to climate change. Planes are often delayed for days, leaving passengers stranded. The economic losses undergone by airlines, airport operators and passengers associated with disruptions and interruptions had an estimated loss of $26.6 billion in 2017... in the United States alone. USA is 16% of the global economy, thus the real economic loss can be extrapolated to be $166 b

Removal of Planetary Boundaries: Space & Virtual Economies

Current planetary boundaries are being reached by the global economy and resources are being overstretched. Individual countries' growth will be hindered by these boundaries as well as the global economy as a whole. Large countries with vast resources and large populations, have an economic advantage in the modern but still developing world. This does not mean that the world economy will come to an equilibrium that prevents further growth, because planetary boundaries have been reached. Energy can be unlimited from both renewable and nuclear power sources, it depends on investment, technology and scientific progress which will not be impeded. Material resources can be obtained from the ocean, mined on the Moon or captured asteroids. Stratospheric ozone depletion boundary has been exceeded by 1990, but then reversed to within reasonable limits by present day. Existential dangers to the biosphere and biogeochemical flows having been identified are being addressed just as climate ch

LED Vertical Farming of Biomass for Hydrocarbon Production

Well. You've seen the title of this blog entry. I think it's self explanatory. The European Union is a net importer of hydrocarbons, but all people have come up with so far is bio-fuels made out of conventionally farmed agricultural products that are: - seasonal - sunlight dependent - low efficiency - require significant level of processing - are not a technology that can be improved - are exposed to losses to due climate change or natural disaster like fires, floods or droughts - whose production competes with arable land used for food production Well. I'll stop now. I'm sure the toilet paper long list of what's wrong with bio-fuel production from conventional farming on Earth are much longer, but what I am predominantly concerned with is this one: - hydrocarbon production has NO OTHER SOLUTION (as in SHIKATA GA NAI ) on world's where no outdoor farming or hydrocarbon exploration is possible. You want to import oil and gas from Earth, you go right

"If I Did It". USA and its Geopolitical Prospects 2013-2020

"A tactical blueprint, Strategic Vision argues that without an America that is economically vital, socially appealing, responsibly powerful, and capable of sustaining an intelligent foreign engagement, the geopolitical prospects for the West could become increasingly grave." " Strategic Vision: America and the Crisis of Global Power " by Zbigniew Brzezinski   - social appeal: US (anti) rape culture, sports and gun culture still have pull and are imitated - social appeal: American sexual freedom is propagated world wide: LGBTQ is a global movement - social appeal: multiple American music & film genera brainwash world wide audiences - social appeal: biggest national market for foreign students to get US indoctrinated & build ties - social appeal: US sports organizations befriend & engage competitors world wide - responsibly powerful: veil of lies came off, US regime's impunity and power remained - responsibly powerful: US laid off the

First Contact: No Holds Barred or the Prime Directive?

Humans usurp the right to travel to occupied continents, colonize them and impose their ways on the locals. Americans have gone to the Moon. Mars colonization is an ongoing effort, but there are no objections to its exploration and colonization. Why wouldn't alien civilizations see worlds in the Solar System with the same level of uninhibited freedom of movement for exploration, science and economic exploitation? Why should extraterrestrial civilizations be limited to their own solar systems or uninhabited ones, when it comes to colonization? What happens when more than one planet gives rise to a space faring civilization within the same solar system? Who then claims the moons and the planets of that system? Wouldn't multiple competing civilizations that arise within a singular solar system compete for its resources, planets and moons? Why do humans assume they have an indigenous right to the entire planet's resources, if historically humans have denied such right to their

Public Assistance Robots: Synergy in Robotics, the Smartphone Equivalent

On many occasions I have promoted and illustrated the potency of synergy in technology and combinations in utilitarian value of computing products increasing their functionality to become more versatile, useful and engaging. This of course makes such products more valuable and marketable at economies of scale. The best examples of such products are the smartphone, the tablet computer, the hyperloop and Kubik Plan habitats which best can be defined as net-zero, energy producing, energy storing, smart buildings that incorporate modern technology fixtures as standard equipment of new construction both residential and commercial. Robots like portable computing devices beforehand, are diverse and serve a variety of functions individually. Thus we have, security robots in the malls, information robots at airports to get directions, sales robots to purchase tickets, entertainment robots, sex robots and so on. This idea is similar to how I have put the hand held computing devices into one pr

Americans Have to Accept the End of Their Rule of Terror.

A fighter or a sports star is always at a disadvantage. Records can only be broken. The game continually improves. Equipment gets better. People grow bigger and stronger. Nutrition science advances. Training methods accrue experience and are continually improved. A fighter or a sports star ages. The competition always stays young. It always seeks to copy his or her successes... and improves on it. Eventually, a time comes when even the best are beaten or have to retire. Even if they retire early without tasting defeat, their records are invariably broken. This works the same way for nation states and empires. Economies, militaries and populations continually change, migrate, age, mingle. The problem that Americans have, is that they try to stop competitors from gaining enough strength to where the American hegemony is overcome. They use terrorism, fraud, blackmail, invasions, propaganda or whatever it takes to stay ahead. They are not sportsman like, even though they use the false na