"If I Did It". USA and its Geopolitical Prospects 2013-2020

"A tactical blueprint, Strategic Vision argues that without an America that is economically vital, socially appealing, responsibly powerful, and capable of sustaining an intelligent foreign engagement, the geopolitical prospects for the West could become increasingly grave."

"Strategic Vision: America and the Crisis of Global Power" by Zbigniew Brzezinski

- social appeal: US (anti) rape culture, sports and gun culture still have pull and are imitated

- social appeal: American sexual freedom is propagated world wide: LGBTQ is a global movement

- social appeal: multiple American music & film genera brainwash world wide audiences

- social appeal: biggest national market for foreign students to get US indoctrinated & build ties

- social appeal: US sports organizations befriend & engage competitors world wide

- responsibly powerful: veil of lies came off, US regime's impunity and power remained

- responsibly powerful: US laid off the Assad regime, responsibility or lack of power?

- responsibly powerful: Obama good cop & Trump bad cop approach to Iran

- responsibly powerful: Trump threatening then befriending Chairman Kim

- responsibly powerful: Trump keeping peace between US and Russia

- responsibly powerful: US aiding Ukrainian revolution, but not engaging Russia directly

- economic vitality: steady continued growth, mainly on my innovations & business models

- economic vitality: diversified min wage due to Occupy Wall St success, set to be fixed across jurisdictions until about 2020... then what? US was supposed to fix the national minimum wage and set it to a living minimum wage fixed to CPI so full time employees do not need food subsidies.

- economic vitality: US is energy independent; absence of existential economic dependence on client member states who are hydrocarbon exporters means an opportunity for multinationals to diversify their domestic economies, gives US leverage, but reduces the necessity of American engagement; US became an exporter of oil, gas and coal; it should become an exporter of renewable technologies like China and EU... as well as nuclear technologies like Russia.

- economic vitality: Disruptive technologies like hyperloop and nuclear fusion powered ships, trains and planes, can create patented powerhouses that become multinationals outside the scope of US gov't interference in the governance of military contracts (I'm referring to the compact fusion reactor that Lockheed Martin is trying to put on the market as a civilian technology.)

- intelligent foreign engagement: $80 billion in US intel funding, you get your money's worth: instead of intelligence you get micromanagement, confusion, bickering, competing agendas, inter agency competition... and corruption; there is lots of intelligence, there is lots of engagement, but the president doesn't even want to read a multiple choice menu consisting of options worded into a few sentences

- inteligent foreign engagement: methods vary between the Obama and Trump White Houses, but there was avid engagement. Add up the miles flown by Clinton, Kerry, Tillerson, and Pompeo. Each one of them smarter than the actual president, that's a GOOD thing.

- inteligent foreign engagement: US has top 8 of 10 multinational by market cap, the remaining two are Chinese, engagement in tech, business and industry along with all that entails is global, include in this the Bloomberg TV, radio and terminal network that shapes the minds of investors world wide.

- intelligent foreign engagement: Trump tariff regime reinvigorated, reviewed and reengaged country to country and multi party FTA deals. Was it a smart thing to do or a whim of a bully crook? Time will tell.

- intelligent foreign engagement: rising minimum wage in Mexico, increased border control, use of proxies as infantry casting no blame on US foot soldiers for war crimes, privatization of Mexican oil, destruction of Venezuela's dictatorship without direct engagement, elimination of Japanese nuclear threat, military cooperation with some 170+ countries

- intelligent foreign engagement: US putting its foot down on the Nicaragua canal, which resulted in China establishing diplomatic relations with Panama; a definitive soft power US victory, considering that it included infrastructure investment to modernize the existing Panama canal.

- intelligent foreign engagement: negotiation of the Paris Agreement, resulting in world wide consensus on the approach needed to prevent average global temperature from reaching 2 degrees C

- intelligent foreign engagement: withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, resulting in world wide scorn, including within US itself, but continued free market competition as US solar PV is prioritized with tariffs and coal fired power plants are eliminated due to lack of profitability; all of the above energy policy is now REALLY all of the above, economic realities of renewable power technologies make old and new US coal non-competitive.

- intelligent foreign engagement: US now realized (after I've point it out) that economic engagement of the African Union common market is the intelligent thing to do and even present US administration doesn't exclusively see the continent as a place for wars and foreign aid, but as world's 3rd largest single consumer base that is the fastest growing and ripe for investment and economic opportunity, just as China and EU have approached it.

- intelligent foreign engagement: Bolivia and Venezuela became spoilers in UNASUR with a healthy dose of US passivity cast against claims of constant imperialist interference. This should result in collapse of these regimes and establishment of democratic values which will coalesce UNASUR into a common market. The absence of visible and direct US intervention is the right strategy in both cases.

Now see this headline,

"Trump Just Achieved What Every President Since Nixon Had Promised: Energy Independence"

then pay attention to this part:

"Advanced drilling technologies have opened vast expanses of domestic oil and natural gas. And as domestic production skyrocketed, imports have been steadily dropping.
Trump doesn't deserve the credit for this boom. Oil companies do."

Unlike Trump, I actually deserve credit for most of this, as I've come up with the strategies, technologies, schemes, ops, policies and such... instead I get accusations of mass murder, terrorism, despotism, treason and have become universally despised. Yeah, if you run Great Satan you must be the devil. At the very least you people should show some sympathy.


kuffodog said…
"The dependency of the European Union (EU) on energy imports, particularly of oil and more recently of gas, forms the backdrop for policy concerns relating to the security of energy supplies. This article looks at the production of primary energy within the EU and, as a result of the shortfall between production and consumption, the EU’s increasing dependency on energy imports from non-member countries. Indeed, more than half (53.6 %) of the EU-28’s gross inland energy consumption in 2016 came from imported sources."

Energy production and imports

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