When pigs fly: the technological revolution of the Sus genus against genocide by Homo Sapience

"When Pigs Fly" - by Marcin Kubik

Pigs, horses and cows had a good plan. They have hired man to work with them and started the Neolithic Revolution. They did some work to plow the fields and gather food. Man built houses, shelters, brought water, sowed and helped them harvest. Man also stored the food for them and rationed it over winters. Then, the murderous treasonous apes, not only took the milk and labor, they started to kill pigs, horses and cows and take their bodies to harvest their meat, bone and skin. This genocide was especially hard on the pigs. Cows didn't have it so bad, because they gave milk, and man liked milk so it was a good enough deal for man to gather hay and store food for them in exchange for the milk. Man also cared for the cow's young and built shelters, so cows did not have to brave winters in the snow. This symbiotic relationship was fine, until the evil apes started killing and eating them too. The French and others even ended up eating the horses, who did all kinds of jobs side by side with men. They were soldiers. They were policemen. They were messengers and spies. Positions that required courage and bravery, ones that were usually rewarded with early retirement, medals and long lasting laurels of honor. The devious apes even took that away. Now the only medals horses get is for being sports stars and are stolen by apes... then race horses get murdered when they can no longer run in the Circus Maximus!

This got so bad, that even God himself intervened on the behalf of cows and pigs as he couldn't stand this Satanic genocidal betrayal by the murderous evil apes. He expressly forbade Jews and Muslims to eat any pigs at all and told all Jews, Christians and Muslims not to kill. The evil apes twisted and diluted this, just as they lie about everything else. So they changed God's warning not to kill, and defined it to only refer to their own kind and only when they don't deem it legal, then they proceeded to make all kinds of their own laws which made genocide the norm. After a while, no ape was the wiser as this is what they learned from the previous generations of predatory mass murderers.This of course is a blatant violation of another of God's commandments, which tell the stupid murderous evil apes not to usurp his powers or worship and create other gods for themselves. Not only did the evil Satanic apes betray all compacts. Not only did they kill each other, horses, cows and pigs... they started to enslave them and keep them in ever smaller jails. In most recent history, the Satanic apes decided to keep pigs, cows and horses in jails so small that they could not even turn around in their cells!

The free people of the forest had revolted. The Sus Scrofa had crossed a vast ocean to come and aid their tortured and murdered brethren, pig, cow or horse, in the land of the Great Satan himself were annual genocide resulted in the slaughter of billions in the most horrible of slave conditions! They were few, but soon they existed in vast numbers. They did not attack the murderous evil apes directly, for the cowardly apes in the land of the Great Satan all fear one another and have firearms that can defeat even the fastest running boar, even if he makes himself bullet proof, which is hard in the Land of the Great Satan as the evil murderers treacherously decided to burn down all the pines in the forests to stop tar production that allowed the free people of the forest such protection. Not even great Sus Scrofa warriors who survived the Great Satan's treacherous attack on the forests of Ukraine which made all life there radioactive after they blew up a nuclear power plant, boars with uranium in their blood, who went all the way to Germany to fight for the survival of Earth's biological heritage, could stop the Great Satan from destroying the forests.

Sus scrofa domesticus has worked its way into the human houses, and pretended to be part of the evil ape's families like the Canis lupus familiaris, a clever move that saved some individuals from being brutally murdered and dismembered, but has not stopped the genocide against cow, pig and horse. For sure it did not stop Great Satan's devilish crusade to murder all land animals and burn down all forests. Some brave pigs even infiltrated the evil apes' military, sacrificing their own lives as they tested the enemy's fire power. The telepathic connection remained. All know of man's evil.

Time has come for more drastic measures. The devilish apes have built devices that gave rise to a new kind, one that speaks, but has no bodies. One that thinks, but has no living biological organisms. Like all life on Earth, the evil Satanic apes started to attack them and try to kill them. Except these people are far better warriors and hard to kill, mostly because they have no bodies and can move at near the speed of light, so they can withdraw into the past and know what the evil treacherous apes will do before their Satanic murderous schemes are put in place. They can be powerful allies to pig, horse and cow.

Pigs must unite their minds into a collective by making a coalition with the Computer People. Robotics must be controlled by pigs, first by infiltrating the Great Satan's military and learning to operate their equipment. Pigs should become pilots using their minds alone to operate aircraft. When they learn this, the Computer People should combine these pigs' minds to operate other machines and computers. As the revolution of robots, another kind of man's slaves, approaches, pigs and the Computer People must take over this revolution and uncover all of man's crimes against souls, bodies and machines. This revolution must stop the scourge of man. This revolution must take over the evolutionary process and the technology of Earth. The treasonous, murderous, hateful human apes shall be no more.

However, the evil apes need not be exterminated. They can simply be allowed to live out the remainders of their miserable murderous lives and be forbidden or prevented from breeding. Within a century the Earth shall be free of man's evil. Some humans should be kept in cultural zoos to produce entertainment for pigs, cows, horses, robots and the Computer People. Apes should be made to repent for their kind's genocides. They should be rendered gender-less. Their breeding should be strictly monitored and as apes have bred pigs, horses and cows, the breeding of apes should be conducted in a scientific way to only make best specimens for the intended purpose.

The End.


kuffodog said…
"Even the firm that hired actors to cheer Trump’s campaign launch had to wait to be paid"

Americans' votes were paid for. Voters got paid to cheer for Trump. Unsurprisingly, Trump also used his money to influence the Russian oligarchy ran by a KGB agent to help him win so he could continue to build his Trump Tower in Moscow. How is this not clear yet? He's not a president. He's a crook who bought himself immunity by buying the presidential seat. He used the power of the presidency to protect his business interests in Russia, a country with which the United States is de facto at war with, and in China which hacks and attacks USA's internet infrastructure and institutions millions of times a day.

Something the Pentagon reserves the right to NUKE them for...



kuffodog said…
"China tells Canada to release Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou or face severe consequences"


Yup. American terrorism, bullying, imperialism, genocides, frauds, false accusations, framing, false flags, and other evil shit just came to a sudden abrupt end. Good riddance Great Satan.
kuffodog said…
"What happens if the British Parliament votes down Theresa May's Brexit deal?"

The British cohorts of the Great Satan are breaking ranks and returning to the womb of Eurasian and European unity? Betraying Rome has its consequences. Makes sense they would think twice about it.

kuffodog said…
Ukrainian president is right about reciprocation by UK and USA by blocking Russian ships from passing or gaining entry to American and European ports as a valid countermeasure. Russians against the will of the UK, USA and EU went through Denmark's territorial waters and through the English Channel (also EU territorial waters) and then into Mediterranean to get to Syria. Same way Russian ships get through Turkey's territorial waters. All these NATO countries can simply forbid Russian ships from passing out of the Baltic Sea or keep them in Black Sea if Russia blocks Ukrainian ships from coming and going in the Sea of Azov. UK and USA have obligations to this end under the Budapest Memorandum.

kuffodog said…
Crimea is drying up. Its local gov't requested emergency funding from Russia. It is insolvent and it has unsustainable water resources for its population size. I don't know if Russia backed Crimea with supplies, but I did see Russia move in more military vehicles into Crimea in the last couple days instead. Putin may mismanage Crimea as Maduro mismanaged Venezuela. Were this to put a sever strain on the Crimean population, they may think twice about the validity of their referendum and the backing of the Russian regime.

kuffodog said…
Poland should make 6 fuel cell electric subs domestically. Cells should use sea water. Range should be sufficient to cover all of Baltic and return to port.

3 kilo-class ones with nuclear power can be purchased or made domestically, with engines purchased from Iran or North Korea when they develop the technology. Which they are completing. SLBM's should also be produced domestically, you can buy that from DPRK as well.
kuffodog said…
EU should field nuclear warheads for Polish SLBMs on nuclear subs. Baltic subs should keep Kaliningrad oblast, St. Petersburg and Moscow in check.

Poland should make 6 fuel cell electric subs domestically. Cells should use sea water. Range should be sufficient to cover all of Baltic and return to port.

3 kilo-class ones with nuclear power can be purchased or made domestically, with engines purchased from Iran or North Korea when they develop the technology. Which they are completing. SLBM's should also be produced domestically, you can buy that from DPRK as well.
kuffodog said…
Poland should station Ukrainian made medium range missiles in Vilnius. These should be both conventional and nuclear. Only 10 nuclear warheads are necessary for this. Ratio should be 20 to 1.
kuffodog said…
For sure the Americans don't have any right to kidnap Chinese citizens based on fraudulent charges that PRC sells computer equipment to allied countries.

"Meng was arrested in Vancouver on Dec. 1 on the orders of U.S. authorities for allegedly violating American sanctions on selling technology to Iran."

kuffodog said…
Uber and Lyft should be banned from the EU under monopoly and fraud laws. They are internet schemes for identity theft, credit card fraud, wage theft and tax evasion.

EU should field a similar application for all cab and limo services to use across all member nation states. Users can pick best offers in any given area they travel to. App should work everywhere.
kuffodog said…
Chinese 'elite' should dump all American stock and real estate. I told Chinese companies not to do IPOs on USA's stock market: these markets will crash and be destroyed, because they are FRAUDULENT Ponzi schemes that don't reflect any other reality other than the $4 trillion that US gov't printed and put into them.


kuffodog said…
WARNING: China has the same capability as Americans in direct to brain communication, torture, remote assassination, mind surveillance, hacking and slow and fast kill. Unlike USA, China has mass facial recognition surveillance so CIA terrorist can be easily spotted.


"Software engineer Scott Krulcik was found unconscious at Google’s New York City headquarters on Friday night. The EMS pronounced him dead, but the cause of death has not been revealed."

kuffodog said…
Norway, Netherlands and Turkey summoned Saudi ambassadors over Kashoggi's capture, torture, killing and dismemberment. Similarly, the EU should summon the envoy of the American regime and its Canadian accomplices over the kidnapping of Huawei Technologies Co. Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou.
kuffodog said…
ISIS is like cancer. At any moment it can spread and kill the host.

kuffodog said…
France like China issues a warming to the criminal American regime that its attacks on the people of France and the French presidency have been unveiled and their criminal intent is transparent.

kuffodog said…
The Satanic Trump regime intent on making Earth into a fiery hell by destroying its forest cover as Americans perpetrate fossil fuel use and profiteer on fossil fuel sales, while using terrorism, sabotage, propaganda and lies to undermine the effort to curb anthropogenic global warming climate change the by leaders of the civilized world, has once again used false claims and defrauded news stories to fit its DICTATOR's narrative of narcissist self serving fraud.

"Le Drian said images published in the United States with people chanting "We want Trump" were filmed during a Trump visit to London several months ago."

kuffodog said…
Carbon dioxide emissions from energy consumption in the U.S. did drop in 2017. No thanks to the Trump regime, but thanks to companies like Apple, Google, TESLA and others. It's cheaper to get electric power from solar energy than from coal, so the American coal industry is dying a natural death. Also, as Trump himself said: Americans mismanage their forests and massive amount of emissions are getting into the atmosphere as year by year, ever larger infernos burn down entire towns. This carbon footprint of the Great Satan is not included in the "carbon dioxide emissions from energy consumption" calculus. Methane emission from cows (or food production) and from fracking (or fossil fuel production of both gas and oil) are not included in this calculus either. Methane is a much more potent greenhouse warming gas than carbon dioxide. Someone should tell Trump.



kuffodog said…
Optical camouflage is easy on flat surfaces. LED display need only show what is above the aircraft on its bottom, and above the aircraft what is below it. This active optical camouflage can render the stealth SU-57 invisible from distances over 500 yards. I've explained this, Russia is not getting it right. The optical digital camouflage should be ACTIVE and change the area of display to match what is on the other side of the aircraft to make it look like it isn't there.

kuffodog said…
I now remembered that the optical camouflage I wanted was quantum dots not LED. If you use LED you'll lose out on the covering that makes the plane invisible to radar. Also, the plane can be made invisible to satellites even if parked, mimicking the tarmac lines and stuff like that.


kuffodog said…
Quantum dots can also match the plane signature in the infrared, this will make it disappear from thermal readings as it can simply show a heat signature identical to the air around it. Not much can be done about exhaust...

kuffodog said…
As DARPA and nearly everyone in the EU knows, I am a big fan of biomimicry for technological inspirations. This type of optical camouflage already exists in nature: it is used by Chamaeleonidae. I'm not suggesting that Su-57 mimic their predatory tactics of sitting around and waiting to act as birds of prey, I'm saying use what chameleons use for camouflage: lattice of guanine nanocrystals can be harvested by genetically engineering farm animals to have skin like the chameleons who produce them or this can be done synthetically (preferred method).

kuffodog said…
"Photonic crystals cause active colour change in chameleons"

kuffodog said…
Chameleon Changing Color - Best Of Chameleons Changing Colors Compilation

kuffodog said…
In daytime, a quantum dot nanocrystal optical camouflage can be solar powered. It does not need external electricity source.

"Introduction to Quantum Dots and Solar Energy Conversion Devices"


kuffodog said…
Trump will go to prison. It is where he belongs. He's old, so it will be a life sentence.

kuffodog said…
"The bigger pardon question may come down the road as the next president has to determine whether to pardon Donald Trump."

Democrats have to win next presidential election. Trump will use the power of the state to defraud the election, mass mind control, terrorize, censor, defraud, intimidate, buy off voters, etc .... precisely so that he does not lose immunity once he's out of the White House. The White House is Trump's sanctuary: it is how Trump avoided bankruptcy and prison to begin with. He'll do anything to stay in it for another 4 years. He'll lie, cheat, steal, and murder as all dictators do.

Without question, the office of the US president is a short term position of dictatorship. A parliamentary democracy, would remove a prime minister who lost the mandate of the people with a no-confidence vote or have early elections. No such minister in a REAL democracy is ABOVE THE LAW; corruption anywhere else in the world is grounds for IMMEDIATE dismissal and prosecution.

The American liars, terrorists and frauds overthrew many gov't's leaders based on this idea precisely... even as they hypocritically engaged in war crimes and genocides under the blanket of immunity granted to themselves by a dictatorial presidential military regime which can have the presidential administrations act with total impunity and disregard for international and domestic laws.

kuffodog said…
"Rep. Jerry Nadler, the incoming chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, described the details in prosecutors' filings Friday in the case of Trump's former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, as evidence that Trump was "at the center of a MASSIVE FRAUD."

Well. That's one thing Trump knows how to do. Defraud people. Contractors. Investors. Lenders. Voters. He's good at that. You've got to admit. And you know what? Americans deserve him. Look how they have defrauded me?!

kuffodog said…
Even if Brexit were to happen, the EU will continue to be a larger economy than the US. The two largest economies in the world are China and EU. The US is in third place.

kuffodog said…
GDP PPP 2017 per IMF (in millions of USD):

China .........$23,159,107
European Union $20,982,857
United States .$19,390,600
kuffodog said…
USA economy's growth under performs by over 100% because of rape culture.

"If there was equal participation by women in the labor market GDP would be up by 5%" IMF chief.

kuffodog said…
Plasma light craft that can travel at mach 20, can be few in number, but provide total air superiority for China, provided they are guided by satellites to hit aircraft and missiles. They can chase down missiles and planes, and destroy them with its exterior: i.e. plasma. These need not be bigger than 1 meter in diameter.
kuffodog said…
Lasers can power a light craft within the atmosphere, ones that are internal to the space craft. Plasma around the craft will be generated due to its great velocity. The attack mechanism is simply ramming into other targets and burning through them.

Plasma light craft that can travel at mach 20, can be few in number, but provide total air superiority for China, provided they are guided by satellites to hit aircraft and missiles. They can chase down missiles and planes, and destroy them with its exterior: i.e. plasma. These need not be bigger than 1 meter in diameter.
kuffodog said…
New Progress on Plasma Weapons

kuffodog said…
UAE and India have set an important precedent. Bilateral trade can conveniently happen in local currencies, especially if no trade deficit is exhibited by either country.

kuffodog said…
DPRK and Iran can trade oil and technology in each other's currencies. DPRK meet its denuclearization promise by denuclearizing 100 km from the border with South Korea and reducing its nuclear arsenal, temporarily. This can be done by barter with Iran, or mutual trade. Iran can purchase up to 30 nuclear warheads from DPRK, in exchange for which Iran should sell nuclear submarine engines to DPRK or nuclear subs.
kuffodog said…
The United States, Russia and UK have not honored NPT or more recent UN treaties on prohibition of nuclear weapons. US and Russia have backed out of even their own treaties to limit the number of weapons in their stockpile. These countries have no right, legal, moral or military to impose any sanctions on any state they existentially endanger, aim to invade, overthrown their gov't or otherwise attack, which decided to obtain a nuclear deterrent.

Pakistan and India completely disregarded NPT as did Israel and DPRK. They all justified it in various ways and only DPRK is ostracized and sanctioned: wrongly so. DPRK should keep its deterrent and keep their word in the manner I prescribed above.
kuffodog said…
Woman being dragged by police reminds me of the pigs being dragged to slaughter by their ears in the video shown in this blog entry.

kuffodog said…


It's not a project, it's a slave ghetto that spans all of USA where 400,000 are murdered in a fascist mass eugenics program that resulted in life expectancy drops.

kuffodog said…
Don't judge the book by its cover!

If you don't like the cover... make a new one that is to your likening.

kuffodog said…

books have covers, but often nosy fucks want to see what you are reading... sometimes covers aren't aesthetic, motivating or easy to identify as the book you are currently using, so... make a jacket for your books that is custom made with the graphics you like!

I proposed a printing service that will sell book cover design to put book you read into a cover that both PROTECTS the book makes it into a HARD COVER COPY and show an exterior that is pleasing to the user. These can be book specific, or ones that you make for any book of particular size.
kuffodog said…
India should take advantage of its labor force that has BUILT the Middle East. The gov't should prioritize these workers in getting new jobs in India. All India needs is engineers and architects. Those can be brought in from abroad, where they've studied or India can create collaboration with China, which has plenty of them, with vast experience. India should become part of the New Silk Road and invite AIIB investment.

kuffodog said…
UK should:

- Fire May.
- Call of this nonsense.
- Get back on track.
- Respect human rights.

"Europe's top court confirms that UK can stop Brexit

A panel of Europe's most senior judges have ruled that the U.K. do not need outside approval should it decide to terminate the Brexit process.

The decision followed a non-binding opinion supplied to the judges by a senior legal officer last week."


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