Low Earth Orbit Radar System for Spacecraft, Debris, Asteroids and Missiles. Space Traffic Control.

"Earth should field four radar systems in geostationary orbit, and preferably at least a couple large ones in the Lagrangian points, to keep track of everything in orbits below, in other words between the radar and Earth's atmosphere." - Marcin R. Kubik

Radar in space will not be limited or disturbed by Earth's atmosphere, so less powerful systems can be used, than ground based ones and all of Earth's LEO can be put under space traffic control. This will be necessary as more public and private entities start to enter orbits on regular bases without placing permanent craft in LEO. Most satellites do not change position or accelerate, many things do:

1. Missiles
2. Debris
3. Satellites
4. Spacecraft
5. Derelicts
6. Incoming asteroids
7. Alien spacecraft
8. High weather balloons
9. Lost humans in space suits

These should all be things that are kept track of. Objects' direction of flight and velocity should be determined and live feed through a laser satellite relay, which the European Union has already fielded should be sent back to Earth. The information on space traffic near Earth should be PUBLIC DOMAIN for all people on the planet, INCLUDING people who VISIT the planet.

- In case of incoming asteroids, ones that are not noticed by NEO visual and radio surveillance, a global warning system should be put in place for any town over 1,000 inhabitants to be evacuated or for these people to hide, even if the asteroid is only expected to create an atmospheric explosion like the one in Russia recently. There should be enough time to have several minutes of warning in these cases. Several minutes is enough. Plans for asteroid impact evacuation should also be made, preferably by the UN and adopted by all member states.

- In case of alien spacecraft visiting Earth, these should be targeted through radio and visual spectrum communication with ADIZ information for states that enforce such zones, especially for the particular nation states that may interdict militarily if zones are violated like Russia or USA did historically when spacecraft entered their air space within the atmosphere or landed where they felt like. If such spacecraft want to land and make contact, establish trade, need aid or want to build a diplomatic relationship, they should be given information on where to land according to their stated purpose of visit.

- First contact for extraterrestrial visitors should be directed to land in Brussels, and the director of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs and for extraterrestrial contact, should be sent there or stationed there; if not, then the UN should appoint staff and an ambassador for the purpose. USA and Russia are not a good place to land, as historically, visiting spacecraft have been chased or outright attacked. Even though, Americans host the UN headquarters, they are a people hostile to each other within their own country and far too many Americans engage in mass shootings on daily bases; this is a risk that is too extreme for visiting extra-solar spacecraft to violently be attacked by Americans and initiate interstellar conflict with a space faring people that will involve all of Earth.

- Clean up of space debris will be easier, if the location and trajectory of space debris is known. This means that any debris presently in orbit can also be avoided, as can other objects.

- Search and rescue efforts can be conducted for any tourists or other private persons who enter orbit and evacuate their spacecraft in space suits. GPS, Galileo etc, won't work as altimeters very well as it needs 4 to 5 satellites to make an altitude measurement and requires a signal strong enough to get from the person's space suit to Earth or the ISS.


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