Ant species indigenous to Antarctica: an argument for better science.

In the 1980's people believed this was the only Solar System with planets. Something that I found absurd and moronic. I was soon vindicated, because in the early 1990's first exoplanets were verified through astronomical observation. Now thousands of planets in other solar systems have been identified, and the estimate of how frequently they form around other stars is now correctly estimated to be ubiquitous and Earth like planets to number in the tens of billions in this galaxy alone.*

In the 1990's it was believed that an adult human brain did not grow new neurons and that human muscle did not grow the number of fibers. This, like the uniqueness of the Solar System in the entire Universe, I found exceptionally stupid and counter to what basic logic and biology would indicate. By 2000 I was proven right, and studies conducted on live human brains have shown, that humans did indeed make brain new cells even in late adulthood. For obvious reasons cadavers' dead brains that were studied previously... did not show cellular growth. Similarly, it was shown that muscle fibers grow in number during high intensity, long duration, high resistance effort, as evidenced by their increase in the shoulders of competitive kayakers.**

Presently, I found another such abominate absurdity in the field of science:
"Ants have colonised almost every landmass on Earth. The only places lacking indigenous ants are Antarctica and a few remote or inhospitable islands." - Wikipedia
I'll tell you this: 1.) there are albino ants. 2.) there are subterranean ants.**** 3.) albino ants can live underground. 4.) Antarctica was quite warm 130 million years ago when ants evolved, it moved... ants did not move out. 5.) just because you didn't find any ants living in Antarctica that doesn't mean they don't inhabit its entire landmass. 6.) logic, biology and geology dictate that ants should and nearly certainly inhabit all of Antarctica, under the ice cover.

In conclusion I'll say this:

1.) if you don't know of something, don't make claims that something doesn't exist or is untrue; especially if you work in a field of science and your claim contradicts existing pathways of fields of science as extrapolated by logical argument.

2.) should you make claims that something doesn't exist, like the Luminiferous aether, this should be supported by evidence through scientific observation, data gathering, experimentation and theories that are at least partially proven right by having their prediction empirically confirmed.

Now go find the fucking ants that are indigenous to Antarctica. Oh, and don't melt the entire south pole ice cover to find them. Drill.

* I have on many occasions stated that ALL features of the Solar System are commonplace. This means that there are MOONS around exoplanets which may be habitable or life bearing. This means that solar systems host asteroids and comets. This means that solar systems have Oort Clouds and asteroid belts or groups.

** Not only does muscle grow new fibers when stimulated through training that imposes such demands, muscles grow both new nerves and new blood vessels to improve their performance when they need to. In other words, oxygen and nutrients are delivered faster and to a greater number of muscle fibers during effort, while the athlete gets to have better neural control over a larger number of muscle fibers as new nerves grow in the muscular system. I call it the 'neural net'. Bodybuilders call it 'muscle memory'***. I think my term is far more appropriate. Blood vessels also grow in SIZE, cross section and strength (arteries contract, because they are muscles themselves). As does the heart which also is a muscle. And they REMAIN that way. So, even if you experience COMPLETE atrophy of your muscles, say due to illness, starvation or lack of interest in carrying such muscle mass, when you start training again... you can put it right back on. 1.) you know how to exercise and eat right to grow. 2.) you have more nerves to work a larger number of muscle fibers than what you started with, even though your muscles atrophied. 3.) newly built blood vessels make muscles which atrophied perform better, recuperate faster and hypertrophy easier, even if they atrophied to levels below those you had when you began training  4.)  if you grew new muscle fibers or experienced cellular growth in number and not just size, this too will accelerate how quickly you'll regain muscle mass. Incidentally this also works for getting fat. If you grew large numbers of new fat cells, these will balloon right back up when you start overeating. That phenomenon is called the yo-yo effect.

*** Muscle memory as a term used in bodybuilding has very little to do with cognitive ability to control the skeletal muscle. In fact, exercise works BETTER when you have a hard time controlling your muscle, because you end up using MORE of it unless of course you put in greater mental effort to engage mor muscle, and as a result you stimulate it and GROW muscle mass, neurons and blood vessels!

"Muscle memory has been used synonymous with motor learning, which is a form of procedural memory that involves consolidating a specific motor task into memory through repetition." - wiki

**** What food sources do Antarctic ants have? I think that since the entire landmass of Antarctica had plant life and animal life that was frozen underneath the ice cap, there is plenty of biomass for ants to feed on. They can also farm mushrooms underneath the ice. That is what I would do without light. Water is plentiful under the polar ice cover. Being that ants are smarter than humans, I'm sure they've figured out to do this. Also, next time you kill some ants, remember that even fruit flies have personality and individuality.***** Just because you're bigger, it does nt mean that you have the right to terrorize and mass murder them.

***** "Their new study has found that small genetic elements called 'transposons' are active in neurons in the fly brain. Transposons are also known as 'jumping genes', as these short scraps of DNA have the ability to move, cutting themselves out from one position in the genome and inserting themselves somewhere else." - Flies with personality

Humans can store vast amounts of data on DNA. Flies that store memory in their DNA can recall a whole lot more things than their small brain would be able to otherwise. Being that their small brain can be 'erased' electromagnetically and their connectome is too little, I'd look to that DNA itself as a method of creating and storing new MEMORY.

Actually, I've recently thought about this and proposed that humans do same for mind transfer and storage with their smartphones: use individual's genome and DNA to store a digital copy of their life experience and store it on DNA itself. This will allow for design of new individuals in both cybernetic and biological forms, which is easier if there is a ready made genome in the form of DNA. If in addition to cybernetic mind transfer, data storage of a person's life is included in their mind transfer DNA with a mechanism to place it into the newly grown brain from the new person's DNA itself, then clones of dead people will thus develop full memory of their previous life without having to electromagnetically program the reborn person's brain. - Marcin R. Kubik


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