Iran pipelines to supply EU and Asian markets

Iran, EU and China should build the following gas and oil pipelines.

Russia should build solar power plants as its territory loses forest cover due to athropogenic global warming climate change. Russia should also build and expand domestic solar PV industry to the point where it can export globally.

Iran should seek China's help to transition its domestic electricity generation to nuclear and renewable power. Russia is helping Iran with nuclear, China should invest in Iran's domestic production of renewables, like solar PV. A similar model was used by Saudi Arabia, a country which I advised to do this. Transition to renewable power generation will reduce Iran's reliance on fossil fuels and reduce air pollution in cities, just as it has worked for China. Teheran is one of the most polluted cities in the world. China should also seek to develop, license and produce electric cars and buses designed for and made in Iran. Local production creates local customization and uses local labor. According to Nio's CFO that is the way of the future, China should take advantage and invest in Iran's car market to compete with Japanese companies.


kuffodog said…
Americans were the first to commit genocide in the 20th century: from the get go, Americans mass murdered millions of people in the Philippines and enslaved them, annexing the country for themselves.

Armenian genocide didn't happen until Americans started WWI and must be viewed in the scope of the larger conflict. Americans invaded and mass murdered the people of Philippines uninvited and without provocation: a pure case of genocidal politics of racist fascist American imperialism. Armenians were a minority within Turkey who revolted, fought against the Ottoman empire (i.e. terrorists and traitors) and had a country to go to... so they were forced to leave.
kuffodog said…
Interesting omission in the video and Pledge of Allegiance by the American Nazis at the onset of WWII... they omitted God? Or did American religious fanatics throw it in there after WWII and you actually had a reasonable level of religious freedom as opposed to monotheistic brainwashing by the state?

See video:


The original form was "I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

So nope. It was not the American Nazi's tweaking it, it was the American terrorists after WWII throwing in God to justify their genocides.
kuffodog said…

Strange one one TU-160 can stop an American imperialist invasion, isn't it?

"The TU-160 supersonic bombers, known as “White Swans” by Russian pilots, landed at Maiquetia airport near capital Caracas on Monday after covering more than 10,000 km (6,200 miles), the Russian and Venezuelan governments said."

EU must field a common nuclear deterrent. Poland should field nuclear subs. I've explained this over and over, but it doesn't look like things are moving fast enough. Ukraine should field its own deterrent then combine it into the EU force under EU command once it joins.

kuffodog said…
It's not just on Twitter. Trump threatened invasions across Mexico, Caribbean, Central and South America in the UN at the General Assembly in New York City. He said it is USA's "sphere of influence", basically DENYING sovereignty to all these nation states including Canada. Then the American regime threatened the ICC as "dead" to Washington, proclaiming impunity in genocide, WMD use, terrorism, kidnappings, assassination, torture, mind control, mass surveillance, monopolist exploitation... after which the American regime put some 5,000 troops on the border with orders to kill Honduran refugees if they force their way into USA. Then, Trump tried to kidnap a Chinese citizen a CFO of a major tech company by manufacturing false charges... through the American regime DEFYING international treaties like JCPOA which the previous American administrations helped negotiate, even as the criminal in the White House claims immunity for cases piling up against him... including TREASON (punishable by DEATH in USA).

“It’s strange the U.S. government questions our right to cooperate on defense and security with other countries, when @realDonaldTrump publicly threatens us with a military invasion,” Arreaza tweeted, referring to Trump’s Twitter handle.
kuffodog said…
"AP Exclusive: Iran hackers hunt nuclear workers, US targets"

"The AP drew on data gathered by the London-based cybersecurity group Certfa to track how a hacking group often nicknamed Charming Kitten spent the past month trying to break into the private emails of more than a dozen U.S. Treasury officials. Also on the hackers’ hit list: high-profile defenders, detractors and enforcers of the nuclear deal struck between Washington and Tehran, as well as Arab atomic scientists, Iranian civil society figures and D.C. think tank employees."

Several points:

1. Nuclear weapons are deemed illegal by UN
2. Iran doesn't have any nuclear weapons, USA does
3. USA cyber attacked Russian pipelines and Iranian nuclear power plants
4. USA and Israel conducted terrorist attacks against Iranian nationals
5. Iranian infrastructure was sabotaged and blown up
6. Iran's nuclear scientists were murdered by Israeli-American proxies
7. Poland hacked EVERYONE in the Middle East including Israel
8. Proxy hacking can point to anyone as a culprit
9. Iran's espionage is a legitimate attempt to determine what the accusations are about
10. Iran and Russia would be justified to reciprocate attacks on USA & Israeli energy infrastructure that cause explosions, power failures, permanent damage, or meltdowns... as this is what USA and Israel have done to Russia and Iran over the last 30 years.

kuffodog said…
IDEA: Holographic LEGO blocks. One set to rule them all. Business model? People would build whatever it is they want, then they could 3-D print their model in one piece as a toy.

I imagine the set to be a round base that is of a bigger diameter than the largest base block serving as 'ground' in LEGO.
kuffodog said…
IDEA: World Peace. Any UNSC member state that wants world peace, should send their ambassador to call a General Assembly vote on a multilateral peace treaty.

- the treaty should involve all UN member states
- states should agree to withdraw all military units back to their own territories
- states should declare peace among all the members of UN
- only nation states that invite an ally's force or are part of an alliance should host other nations' troops
- violence internal to nation states should be handled by police and military of that state
- if a nation state cannot secure its territory from insurgency, it should ask UN to field a UN blue helmet force
- if a nation state is part of a supranational union like EU or AU, it can ask for that body to help secure its territory

If even with union or UN aid, problems persist and an international coalition is needed to intervene, the UN Security Council and the General Assembly should both vote on it and at least 2/3 vote should be required for approving an intervention outside the scope of a supranational union or the UN
kuffodog said…
IDEA: Afghan peace. The Afghan gov't should hire 200,000 Taliban at $400/mo to work as a security force. This will end the war immediately at an annual cost of $1 billion.

- since agricultural product diversification is slow in coming and exacerbated by drought, Afganistan should reclaim drying land by using it for Forresty. Pakistan, China and EU should be used as models. Pakistan set a good example by planting a billion trees, China in desert reclamation, EU in commercial use of forests and their management.

- besides fire wood and lumber, forest can cultivate mushrooms and berries, blueberries and raspberries can be particularly lucrative.

- as land is used for forestry, it will be difficult to re-purpose to poppy production.

- poppy seed production is a legitimate agricultural product; just as Poland processed apples to use up excess production when Russia refused to buy them, so can Afghanistan process poppy seeds into baked cooks, cakes and other such things... for export.
kuffodog said…
It is not secret that compact fission reactors are readily accessible technology for anyone who wants to use it. These can be any size one wants. I think that combining that technology with a miniature ITER like compact fusion reactor, could result in utilization of nuclear fuel in its entirety. This should be studied and looked into. The fission-fusion hybrid solution is a good synergy if one doesn't want radioactive nuclear waste to be a problem.

I've been plugging energy portfolio diversification for all nation states and fielded innovation, business models, country and geography specific solutions etc, including LENR. It appears that only China published any meaningful results that actually state the level of power generate vs power input.

Generally, I've voiced the opinion that it doesn't matter if one knows the chemical or physical laws behind a technology used to generate heat or electricity, because it doesn't not affect the inventions utilitarian value. Still, it isn't just scientific curiosity that should drive researchers to figure out the LENR processes. Understanding the LENR process and fielding verifiable theories can advance the technology further, it can also unify the 'forces' in physics (or force) into one mathematical and physical model. When this happens, it should have an immediate and powerful effect on a wide range of projects and technolgies.

In the future, I foresee electric power and public transportation to be so abundant and cheap that people will be encouraged to use more of it by financial reward for being a customer.
kuffodog said…
"The guests ranged, Shammar confided, from sheikhs affiliated with the Assad regime and his ruling Baath Party to representatives of the Islamic State, the Free Syrian Army rebels and the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces — a spectrum of those competing for control in northeastern Syria."
kuffodog said…
“We don’t want the Americans. It’s occupation,” said one man, a tailor, who didn’t want to give his name because he feared the consequences of speaking his mind. “I don’t know why they had to use such a huge number of weapons and destroy the city. Yes, ISIS was here, but we paid the price. They have a responsibility.”
kuffodog said…
The formation of a free Kurdistan will stop genocides and wars waged by Iran, Turkey and Iraq against the Kurds. Unlike Armenians, they are neither Christians (which gives Muslims an excuse for mass murder on religious grounds) nor do they have a country to go to (which gives Muslims an excuse to drive people out, like they did to the Jews and Armenians). Turks have been killing Kurds on their own territory for 40 years now. Unlike Armenians, the Kurds have nowhere else to go. Kurds were victimized by Iran and Iraq in the Iran-Iraq War, and this is considered genocide with the use of chemical weapons of mass destruction. The conflict will not end, and thus the ever elusive 'world peace' will not come into existence, until Kurds have an independent nation state where they can find refuge from persecution by genocidal mass murderers.
kuffodog said…
"Six years ago today I gave the most difficult briefing of my time as press secretary. The horror of #SandyHook was unimaginable. We have done far too little in response. Remember the children and adults who died that day, and their families who still suffer. And then act." - Jay Carney (on Twitter)

I just saw something about another school shooting that almost took place. Someone tipped off the police that a gunman was about to go postal. He ended up having a shootout with cops and then killing himself. I find it greatly hypocritical that a former Obama regime operator would point out their own government's psychological operation as a rallying call to stop American gun violence. It is Americans like you who perpetrate this violence. By your school bullying. By your psy ops. By your hacking. By your terrorism. By your libel. By your harassment. By your drug dealing. By your addictions. By your rape culture. By your sadistic human rights violations against prisoners foreign and domestic. Etc. Etc. Etc.

You whined about stop and frisk? Now you have more gun violence. You refused to control the southern border of USA? Now you have more drugs, which fuel gun violence. I warned you about both factors. You were told to change your laws regarding gun ownership? You decided anyone can 3-D print their own firearms, sell the blueprints online and has every right to carry them.

So now you can shove it. As in the dirt on top of the coffins of your American gun violence victims, you sick psychopaths.

The end.

P.S. I told you that your constitution is crap and you need a new one. It was written by terrorist, mass murdering, genocidal, slave owners who betrayed their King and country, because they thought they could get away with not paying taxes and tariffs. Now look at you! Your hypocritical lies about free trade as an excuse for wars of invasion have come all undone! And a good thing too.
kuffodog said…
"Mueller's office has responded to claims by Gen. Flynn's lawyers that the FBI might have tricked him into lying to them. Basically, prosecutors say that by the time agents talked to him, he'd been lying to everybody for two weeks." - Brad Heath

Everyone who says that God exists in the sense that it is a human like male figure who controls and oversees mankind and has incepted this evil Satanic species into existence is stating a falsehood. This would mean that all Christians, Jews, Muslims and anyone else who propagates this cultural and literary invention is a LIAR, if one were to claim that people stating falsehoods are liars.

Flynn may actually believe what he told the FBI, he could be confused, senile, have an early onset of Alzheimer's, suffer PTSD, be under a mind control attack, have started taking psychotropic substances which affect his recall and cognition, drank too much or a number of other things could have happened, which would result in him BELIEVING in the validity of his own statements when he spoke to the FBI people. He could also have been confused, stressed, or otherwise bedazzled.

To say that Flynn LIED to the FBI, they need to prove that he didn't believe that what he was saying is TRUE. They can't do that... unless, they prove that he intentionally planned this and rehearsed his LIES for a particular purpose. For instance, were there a taped conversation to surface of him talking to Trump and being instructed to lie, and being told what to say, in exchange for a pardon and MONEY, that would be proof that he lied. Until some sort of evidence surfaces, I'll be of the opinion that all humans who say that there exist angels, devils, Gods or a Santa Clause... aren't liars but simply stupid, ignorant, gullible, corruptible, malleable puppets in the hands of those who mean to use them and exploit them.

FBI agents take oaths to a non existent entity and pledge allegiance to it, which in effect makes the power of their positions in law enforcement INVALID, meaning they are neither AGENTS of USA nor God. As far as I'm concerned they are all LIARS, if Flynt is a liar.
kuffodog said…
Trump lies on daily bases. He does so on purpose, but most of the time he contradicts himself to confuse people, sometimes in the same statement. When Trump speaks publicly or uses social media, he speaks to the Congress. Members of Congress listen to Trump and read what he posts.

Lying to the Congress is an impeachable offense. If Flynn is a liar, then so is Trump. Impeach Trump if you're going to accuse Flynn of lying without any evidence to prove that he didn't believe what he was saying to be true when he spoke it. Trump's lies are spewed daily, and his lies contradict even the most basic facts like global warming science. If you consider falsehoods stated by... as Rex Tillerson calls him, a "moron", to be lies... then impeach him!

"Trump is not only a moron – Rex Tillerson also says he is 'undisciplined,' 'doesn't like to read' and tries to break the law" Wow! Trump is so stupid that even though he TRIES to break the law, the FBI could never pin anything down on him and were not able to successfully prosecute him?*

This could mean that:

- FBI are stupider than Trump who is a moron! (possible, but unlikely)
- Trump is pretending to be a moron and is really a master conman (highly likely)
- the US regime is corrupt and Trump's money bails him out every time (highly likely)
- FBI gets stonewalled and blocked in investigations by mafia, CIA, GRU, FSB and such
- Trump intimidated FBI by firing their leader... and likely many others
- CIA MK-Ultra which had an FBI agent kill his wife then himself to illustrate that mind control can make anyone into a psycho, and you can never be certain who is controlling whom to spew lies, has influenced the FBI investigation of Trump
- Russian collusion is real, but so is presidential immunity

So. Here's a FACT:

Clinton defrauded Sanders, so I asked Russia to put Trump in power, because she fucked over the US military and Russia BOTH... on at least three occasions.

Now. If that's a fact and then the Russians did help, as I've asked them to, in order to PROVE collusion you'd have to show that Trump conspired and went along with this plan to get into the White House. You'd also need to prove that the US military and CIA helped him. If you PROVE that, then I'll tell you this: they still did the right thing for the country which created their jobs to protect it. Moreover, if Clinton wanted to be president, all she had to do is offer Sanders the vice presidential post and run with him, or come clean with Sanders and offer to be his vice president in exchange for her backing and the Democratic party which she had control over. Note that Sanders is an INDEPENDENT senator, and he was backed by ME, as I've advised Occupy Wall Street activist to get behind his presidential bid effort and try to win the Democratic nomination.

* FBI tried to put Trump behind bars for at least a couple decades with nil result.
kuffodog said…
"BREAKING: Biggest setback for Saudi Arabia in DC in years. Senate votes to end US support for Yemen war, unanimously adopts resolution from @SenBobCorker: "The United States Senate has unanimously-- unanimously--held Mohammad bin Salman responsible for death of Jamal Khashoggi" - Nick Schifrin (on twitter)

Yeah whatever. How is that F-35 sale to Saudi Arabia going? I hear Turkey only got two planes.
kuffodog said…
"Chinese spacecraft launches for historic landing on far side of the moon"

"Chang’e-4 spacecraft enters lunar orbit ahead of first-ever far side landing"

"China’s Chang’e-4 lander and rover spacecraft successfully entered lunar orbit Wednesday following a four-and-half-day flight to the moon.

The spacecraft entered an elliptical lunar polar orbit with a perilune of 100 kilometers at 3:45 a.m. Eastern (08:45 UTC) Dec. 12 following a lunar orbit insertion burn."

"Consisting of a lander and a rover, the spacecraft will attempt the first ever soft landing on the far side of the moon — which due to tidal locking never faces the Earth — in early 2019."

"China claims to have successfully tested its first hypersonic aircraft"

"The China Academy of Aerospace Aerodynamics (CAAA), based in Beijing and part of the state-owned China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, conducted the first test of the "Starry Sky-2" aircraft last Friday.

Hypersonic vehicles are not simply high-speed -- they travel at least at five times the speed of sound. That's fast enough to travel across the US in around 30 minutes."

"Militaries around the world have been racing for years to develop hypersonic weapons. In 2015, the US Air Force announced their goal to develop a hypersonic weapon by 2023. Just this year, Russia claimed to have successfully tested its first hypersonic missiles, and released videos of the weapons in July."

Russia and China developed hypersonic "aircraft"... which means that the American regime, which has not been able to field a similar capability and only hopes to succeed in doing it in half a decade or so, doesn't want to seem militarily inferior... so what's a military missile, is now called an 'aircraft' and Americans don't claim anything about it as far as it having a capability of any kind at all. This is negligibly important as far as military capability in overcoming US missile defense, but it is of paramount importance as a story because it illustrated that the US regime controls the media to comply with its narrative, so if it wants war with Venezuela... APCs become TANKS or if the US regime wants to justify $700+ billion in spending on crap that doesn't come close to Russia and China's stuff, which they make at 1/10th the price... then hypersonic missiles that render the hugely expensive WHITE ELEPHANT project of American missile shield USELESS (just as quantum radar and satellites made the US stealth tech useless) they'll call a MISSILE an AIRCRAFT. The beauty of this Goebbelesque gem is that they're NOT lying this time around. A missile is a type of aircraft, it's just that... if Chinese won't say what it's for and Americans did call it a missile, there wouldn't be any doubt as far as its intended purpose. Even so, the US has a space plane which is reusable: Boeing X-37. Once in orbit, things do fly at hypersonic and faster speeds. This means that I'm neither impressed by the hypesonic "aricraft" nor the American space plane which has to be put in orbit by a rocket. The true space faring age will start when a reusable, stand alone spacecraft can fly into orbit, accelerate, slow down, change directions, then renenter the atmosphere and fly back into orbit without ever landing on the ground. Anyway, on hypersonic technology:

1st place Russia
2nd place China
3rd place EU

Americans may or may not be an also run. Consider that they may have an economic collapse under Trump or get wiped out with a barrage of hypersonic missiles they never see coming before they build any by 2023. So, for now, I will hold back on calling USA in at an honorable 4th finish that didn't medal.

kuffodog said…
If Russia launches mach 20 hyersonic missiles at American targets, they can hit anything anywhere on the globe in about 5 minutes. This means you lose ALL naval surface vessels, and they will be sunk in 2 to 5 minutes at the start of a full on Russo-American war. Well. So now count the number of missiles they fielded and count the number of your ships and see if they match. Basically for fucking with me, the US Navy are just sitting ducks to both Russia and China. Wanna send another Navy Seal to attack me as I drink some bear and talk with an American businessman who had to sell everything he had in Venezuela?!
kuffodog said…
"NEWS: Federal prosecutors in Manhattan are investigating whether Trump's 2017 inaugural committee misspent some of the record $107 million it raised, and whether some of its top donors gave money in exchange for access." - Rebecca Ballhaus (on Twitter)

Trump gets money for his personal brand. It is what he does.
kuffodog said…
"China claims progress in new landing technology for crewed spacecraft, Mars landings"
kuffodog said…
---“The predatory practices pursued by China and Russia stunt economic growth in Africa, threaten the financial independence of African nations, inhibit opportunities for U.S. investment, interfere with U.S. military operations and pose a significant threat to U.S. national security interests,” John Bolton, Mr. Trump’s national security adviser, said Thursday in a speech unveiling the new approach.---

I've explained how EU and China have positively affected African development and contributed to African security... so Americans realized they have to take the advantage of the economic opportunity presented by the potential of having an additional 1.5 billion customers. Except the way Bolton phrases it, he makes it sound as if China is bilking African nations. Nope. It is American crooks and their Colombian drug smuggling cohort who are doing that. Selling tanks to Egypt, drugs to central African countries and smuggling flooded cars to the Middle East via African routes. China, Russia and EU invest, build rail, build infrastructure, new cities etc. NOTE: see what you did to Syrian cities... the terrorist predatory practices are those of the American regime murdering Somali civilians... with... eh, PREDATOR drones. Or Libyans ones.
kuffodog said…
"Maduro is likely to order #Venezuela Air Force fighters to accompany Russian bombers on any patrols over the Caribbean.

But if that patrol extends to flying into & over the Gulf of Mexico it would be an extremely provocative move he may soon come to regret." - Marco Rubio

Wow. Coming from a country that routinely invades Chinese territorial waters with its cruisers, destroyers and sends its aircraft carriers through the Taiwan Strait, one must really think Americans are both suicidal and blinded by their previous successes in genocide against smaller nations. Gulf of Mexico is NOT American waters, it is surrounded by multiple countries like Mexico and the Bahamas... including Cuba which is allied with Venezuela. Rubio should know this, being that his family comes from there. Russia can pay all the port visits and fly any planes it wants to Havana or Nassau for that matter. In fact it can form its own triangle for such flights, going from Caracas to Havana to Nassau, round and round.

In fact, since Rubio talks shit. I recommend that China send its aircraft carrier group with 15 to 20 subs and sub searching drones along with sea floor exploration vessels to conduct "scientific study" of the Gulf of Mexico's bottom.
kuffodog said…
Nicaragua Canal must be built as soon as possible.
kuffodog said…
Come to think of it, I think France needs to send its flagship carrier group to remind the Canadians that the EU has some islands and thus territorial waters in North America which use the Eurodollar. Freedom of navigation and all that.
kuffodog said…
Britain, being that it is still in the EU and thus under EU military command, should send a carrier group to navigate to its islands in the Caribbean. Then go to Jamaica. Make a loop around Cuba. Make sure you go under the noses of Americans in Miami, and stay close enough for them to see you from the shore.
kuffodog said…
F-117: A Stealth U.S. Aircraft in China?

Eh. First of all, Russians came up with stealth technology. Second, Chinese have it.
kuffodog said…
Chinese space plane technology was to be deployed by 2030. It's 2018.
kuffodog said…
"China designs spacecraft to extend lifespan of satellites"
kuffodog said…
$22 Trillion in US debt is 110% in debt to GDP ratio. Greece's debt crisis started in 2008 at .... 109.4%

Americans defrauded what they could. Now the chickens are coming home to roost. Trump tax cuts and tariffs for the rich are an attempt to bilk the system by the criminal oligarchy and hide the money offshore before the whole shit house goes up in flames.
kuffodog said…
"#Russia's government has sent bombers halfway around the world to #Venezuela. The Russian and Venezuelan people should see this for what it is: two corrupt governments squandering public funds, and squelching liberty and freedom while their people suffer" - sitting US Secretary of State (on Twitter)

Again. The American regime attributes its own crimes, belligerence, and policies to foreign gov'ts and leaders. US debt is $22 trillion. Trump gave oligarchs tax cuts. Deficits are at record highs since Bush and his Saudi cronies started the so called "War on Terror" by conducting false flag attacks on American civilians. Meanwhile Trump wants even more money for his wish lists. Human rights violations in USA include mass mind control, torture, mass surveillance, extrajudicial killings, false incarceration, racist segregation, self admitted "concentration camps" etc. And of course, American bombers and drones attack a long list of independent nation states against whom the psychopathic American mass murderers never declared WAR and invaded them criminally and illegally. Also, talk about squandering public money! $700 billion for a force of evil that's spread its Satanic murderous claws to over 170 countries... AND nearly $80 billion to fund rapist, hackers, liars, thieves, killers, assassins, whores, drug dealers, torturers and other criminals posing as CIA agents or other American 'intelligence' assets.

So lets see this for what Pompeo is: a liar like Trump who accuses people of his own crimes. Here's a very short list of Americans' GENOCIDES pursued on racist or political grounds serving as an excuse for robbery, extortion, enslavement and resource grab:

- genocide of American natives. purpose: landmass theft
- genocide of Black Africans. purpose: economic exploitation of slave labor
- genocide of Filipinos. purpose: land grab AND slave labor
- genocide of Indonesians. purpose: geopolitical influence and economic domination
- genocide of Vietnamese. purpose: land grab AND slave labor
- genocide of Koreans. purpose: ideological and religious indoctrination
- genocide of Japanese. purpose: testing of nuclear weapons' effectiveness
- genocide of Laotians. purpose: geopolitical intimidation of China
- genocide of Cambodians. purpose: none. political prejudice against communists
- genocide of Muslims. purpose: creation of demand for weapon exports AND oil price control

Today while at Target I looked at a Time magazine photography book which featured "famous" fotos. Most had to do with Americans war crimes. I stopped at an iconic Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse image of a man being stood in a 'stress position' on a box in a hood, with electrode attached to be electrocuted. I asked the woman behind me if she recognized it, she had no clue as to what it represented or anything about Abu Ghraib. It is ALL censored. Most 20 year old or younger Americans were children during the Iraq War who didn't hear about ANY American war crimes or GENOCIDES and know NOTHING about them. This woman had grey hair, she was at least my age or older. The US regime CENSORS not only its own media, but the internet globally. They banned my Twitter account for "hateful conduct" for talking about their sadistic Satanic crimes.
kuffodog said…
NOTABLE: the war criminals of the American regime aimed to accuse Venezuela of their own crimes, like sponsoring Hezbollah with whom the Obama regime was closely in cahoots to undermine the Syrian revolution and aid the Assad regime in the slaughter of the very people who dared to demand survivable living conditions and democratic rule in their own country. The very same Obama regime which conducted a Saudi sponsored false flag chemical attack, poisoned well over a thousand Syrian civilians to death, then did a U-turn and reversed himself on his own "red lines". Must have done one too many white lines (of coke) off some reporter's back on Air Force One. I hear Michelle was totally convinced that Barack cheated on her extensively. Cocaine dealing and smuggling? That's the domain of American presidents and the CIA, not the Venezuelan government.
kuffodog said…
American senators are still deluded to think that they have a democratic system in USA. Just consider this: California which is a top 10 economy in the world and a population of 40 million has the same number of senators (2) as Wyoming with a population of half a million which is 80 times smaller (nearly two orders of magnitude). It is refreshing to see these war criminals are talking about 'defending democracy' where it doesn't exist: in USA, rather than the usual 'imposing of democracy' through 'military intervention' in stable nation states where rule of law persists but whom they mean to invade, mass murder, rob and subjugate for the American fascist oligarchy's financial benefit.
kuffodog said…
The Chief of Staff is a position that was formerly called the president's: ASSISTANT. Kind of like the position which Lewinsky held under Clinton's desk. Blow jobs are probably not on the list of this job's requirements for men, as no president was openly gay as of yet.

kuffodog said…
THOUGHT: does Trump have a Czech golden showers expert as an intern? Might be a good idea to check, if anyone working in the White House is on a special diet to give their urine a specific scent.
kuffodog said…
According to this Wikipedia entry Trump who is a white supremacist just hates his black predecessor.

"That Trump "hated" Obama so much that when he stayed in the Presidential suite of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Moscow,[10][118] he employed "a number of prostitutes to perform a 'golden showers' (urination) show in front of him"[102][76][119] in order to defile the bed used by the Obamas on an earlier visit. The alleged incident from 2013 was reportedly filmed and recorded by the FSB[120] as kompromat.[121][122][123] (Dossier, p. 2)"

No wonder he doesn't want to sleep in the White House and flies off to Florida at every opportunity. Can you imagine a white supremacist sharing the same room and bed with a couple BLACKS who had sex in it? Ugh.
kuffodog said…
Americans hack my computer and my mind on daily basis to discredit, provoke, libel and then extort innovation and ideas from me. The Unites States openly disavows all human rights and proclaims immunity from the International Criminal Court threatening the court's judges, if they were ever to prosecute American war criminals and terrorists. It is not only unsurprising that China hacks and conducts espionage to keep well informed of American plans for terrorist attacks, false flag attacks, sabotage, propaganda campaigns, future genocides, land grabs, invasions, nuclear blackmail or other crimes against sovereign nation states... it is entirely justifiable.
kuffodog said…
All Chinese students are foreign nationals gaining proprietary knowledge, experience, know how and intimate understanding of American research. It's a Catch 22 for Americans. Because Chinese students comprise a large segment of USA's higher education student body, they are a free labor force for research, but at the same time, those very same people will leave USA and work for China, while every seat they hold in US universities which could have been held by an American... did not go to one and the skills gap will only grow in STEM fields, even though there would be additional capacity if Chinese did not take those seats. Not only are Chinese taking all new innovation before it is ever patented, they are preventing Americans in ever gaining the education needed to come up with it in the first place. If they're banned on the other hand, the US educational Ponzi scheme will financially collapse under student debt. It's a clever bit of poetic justice. Historically the American regime either kidnapped other countries scientists (Paperclip), murdered them, lured them with money (and they stayed), stole their patents (by fraud), poached their scientists (by corruption), blatantly copied copyrighted and patented technologies (by disregarding laws until sued and forced to settle having made billions from which to throw some scraps as a kickback) or relied on immigrants from countries they have set out to destroy, undermine, engulf in war, or whose population they've brainwashed with lies and propaganda. Clearly none of this works with the Chinese. If I wasn't an atheist I'd say some trite thing like "there must be a God!".
kuffodog said…
"The Migration Policy Institute reports that Chinese students constitute one-third of foreign students in U.S. universities, and they presumably account for an equivalent proportion of the $37 billion that foreign students contribute to the American economy each year."

That means Chinese nationals pay Americans around $12 billion a year. Poland's entire military budget is $10 billion a year and it has world's 17 most competent armed forces. The question is... what are Chinese getting for their money?!

Last year China saw 7,3580,000 people complete a higher education degree in PRC. Ten years earlier in 2007, it was 4,478,000 students who finished with a diploma. This is a consistent upward trend that far outpaces China's population growth.
kuffodog said…
"The creation of those campuses has long stirred worries about academic freedom: Universities can promise to protect open debate and inquiry in the classroom, but they can’t do much to ensure that students won’t be intimidated or punished outside it for expressing politically incorrect opinions. Yet so long as China seemed to be moving in the right direction — toward greater economic and, eventually, political openness — deepening linkages between China and American universities were generally thought to be a good thing, and certainly not a security risk."

Political openness? The same American vultures opened campuses in Arab countries where women can't drive and homosexuals get hung on crosses or are decapitated in public.
kuffodog said…
Americans conspired with Stalin to mass murder 22,000 Polish officers in WWII.

They routinely targeted and still do target high brass for killing, like Isoroku Yamamoto:

"Yamamoto held several important posts in the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN), and undertook many of its changes and reorganizations, especially its development of naval aviation. He was the commander-in-chief during the early years of the Pacific War and oversaw major engagements including the attack on Pearl Harbor and the Battle of Midway. He was killed when American code breakers identified his flight plans and shot down his plane. His death was a major blow to Japanese military morale during World War II.[3][4]"

I thought of Yamamoto, because he was Harvard educated and murdered by Americans by targeting his plane, just like the American and British terrorists murdered General Władysław Sikorski,

and later the CIA in renewed collusion with Russians murdered another Polish commander in chief, Lech Kaczyński... along with

Lt. Gen. Andrzej BÅ‚asik Commander of the Air Force,
Maj. Gen. Tadeusz Buk Commander of the Land Forces,
Brig. Gen. Miron Chodakowski Orthodox Ordinary of the Polish Armed Forces
Lt. Col. Czesław Cywiński President of the World Association of Home Army Soldiers
Lt. Col. Zbigniew Dębski Co-founder of the Union of Warsaw Insurgents
Lt. Col. Jarosław Florczak Close protection officer
Gen. Franciszek GÄ…gor Chief of the General Staff of the Polish Armed Forces
Brig. Gen. Kazimierz Gilarski Commander of the Warsaw Garrison
Maj. Robert Grzywna Co-pilot
Lt. Paweł Janeczek Close protection officer
Vice Adm. Andrzej Karweta Commander of the Navy
Brig. Gen. Stanisław Komornicki Chancellor of the Order of Virtuti Militari
Stanisław Komorowski Deputy Minister of National Defence
Janusz Krupski Head of the Office for War Veterans and Victims of Oppression
Lt. Gen. Bronisław Kwiatkowski Commander of the Operational Command of the Polish Armed Forces
Col. Wojciech Lubiński Personal physician to President Kaczyński
Capt. Dariusz Michałowski Close protection officer
Lt. Col. Jan Osiński Roman Catholic priest, Vice-Chancellor of the Curia of the Military Ordinariate
Col. Adam Pilch Lutheran military chaplain
Maj. Gen. Tadeusz PÅ‚oski Roman Catholic Bishop of the Military Ordinariate of the Polish Armed Forces
Maj. Gen. Włodzimierz Potasiński Commander of the Special Forces
Capt. Arkadiusz Protasiuk Pilot
Lt. Artur Ziętek Navigator

and many other important people including the 1st lady.

1 of 2 (see next comment for the rest)
kuffodog said…
"It would hurt universities financially and erode the intellectual, economic and soft-power advantages the U.S. derives from its unparalleled higher-education system. It would tarnish U.S. values by adopting a guilt-by-association approach to Chinese students, the vast majority of whom come to America simply to pursue their education. And it would manifest a hostility to foreigners that is ill-suited to the strategic tradition of a country that has thrived by welcoming and assimilating immigrants."

The EU has the BEST educational system in the world. Unlike that of the Americans, it is NOT a for profit Ponzi scheme used for "SOFT POWER", brainwashing, indoctrination into "rape culture", gun culture or any other manipulation of foreign students' political views or allegiances. China should withdraw its students from USA incrementally on its own, and work out a student exchange system with the European Union and the Eurasian Economic Union to build long lasting partnerships in the spirit of the New Silk Road. It should also seek a similar arrangement with ASEAN countries. This will build trans-Eurasian camaraderie which can fuse the European Union and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization into a single defense block.
kuffodog said…
"Until recently, most Americans have understood that the biggest threats to their privacy came from their own government. The FBI can compel internet companies to provide it with almost anyone’s search history; the National Security Agency can tap into the backbone of the world’s fiber-optic network. For several decades now, Big Brother has flown an American flag. "

Americans hack, put under mass surveillance, remotely torture and extra-judicially kill using directed energy and mind control weapons by cybernetic radio wave attacks through cellular telephony world wide. The fact that the American regime now deflects blame towards China, indicates that the regime aims to provoke a war with China. These provocations are also quite telling in the South China sea. Americans used false flag attacks in Cuba to blow up their own ship, so they could justify attacking Spain. This is a historically known practice of the American regime.

They've tried to collide their ships with Chinese ones repeatedly, but apparently they crashed into vessels under other countries' banners instead. The recent onslaught of false accusations on Chinese companies has a simple explanation: the American regime is building a case for war and wants to start one, so that the criminals who are in power will detract the enslaved American population from their toilet paper long list of offenses for which they should all be incarcerated.

The kidnapping and fraudulent American charges against Huawei's CFO stem from the regime's own hack being uncovered on Chinese made hardware. This discovery casts the American regime in far worse light than any cybernetic and REMOTE offenses. These are PHYSICAL attacks on private enterprise, to which Apple and Amazon don't even admit. The regime defrauded the ELECTIONS by cybernetic fraud, with the service of a company that used Facebook to conduct the operation. If anyone found out that the regime used PHYSICAL hacking hardware to do this, things might boil over. The regime thus has to cast blame on and scapegoat an enemy and distract its critics and FBI with war. War grants the regime absolute power, including power to hack people's MINDS, kill them arbitrarily and put hem under mind control. Mind controlled Americans are incapable of revolting against ANY crimes committed against them by the regime.

Note that it takes DECADES before the criminal henchmen of the American regime to admit to having set people up, even if they are just underage teens when they commit these crimes. Consider the case of Roman Polansky, victimized by the regime's killers, then victimized by the regime's legal system and provocateurs. Micheal Jackson was similarity discredited: the the US regime which had parents send children to stay overnight in the singer's compound, then accused him of pedophilia.

China should issue a warning to its citizens abroad, that the criminal American regime will likely try to similarly entrap, kidnap or set up its citizens to cast the Chinese people and the country's government in bad light, most likely by blaming them for their own crimes. Americans are known for their "rape culture", thus it logically follows they will try to cast blame on Chinese citizens if they aim to start a war with China. This is what they have done to important people whose message of civility and equality they aimed to discredit.

kuffodog said…
"Erdogan must be made to know that US forces will be defended robustly and that any US casualties will result in major sanctions. The US must also stand firm here because Erdogan is almost certainly being influenced by Russian President Vladimir Putin." - Tom Rogan

This is a quote from an American sycophantic regime serving reporter, talking about the president of Turkey as if they were on 1st name basis, a man whom the Americans have conspired to overthrow after he was legitimately reelected in a democratic process, unlike the criminal Trump who lost by 3 million votes and was installed in power by collusion with Russia and criminal casino moguls and fossil fuel oligarchs showering him with money to get tax cut kickbacks or cybernetic fraud for hire through Trump campaign's collaboration with the Facebook monopoly, and thanks to the immunity of the American presidential office he cannot be thrown out; meanwhile Trump uses the regime's resources to subjugate political opponents, the press, and silences stories of his adulteries by conspiring to pay off his "grab them by the pussy" victims.

The important thing here is that the American regime intends to and has already attacked Turkey by attempting a coup, which technically still is a NATO ally. This means NATO is no longer an alliance. EU military is the only reliable "alliance" left in Europe.
kuffodog said…
"Last weekend, scientists and delegates were shocked when the US, Saudi Arabia, Russia and Kuwait objected to the meeting "welcoming" a recent UN report on keeping global temperature rise to within the 1.5C limit."

USA, Russia and Saudi Arabia are number 1, 2, 3 oil and gas producers in the world. They are also RATIONAL state actors. Climate change is not a simple choice between short term profits on oil and gas production versus investment into renewable energy infrastructure, if that was the ONLY concern they'd be in on the green bandwagon because renewable energy and electrification of transport are technologies that benefit from economies of scale and continually improve efficiencies. "Petroleum accounts for over half of GDP, 92% of export revenues, and 90% of government income" of Kuwait.

USA, Russia and KSA are belligerent powers that invade other nation states to impose their rule and control territory to affect hydrocarbon prices and create markets for weapons sales. Kuwait's government depends on oil. Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are both desert countries... they won't lose much if it gets 2 degrees hotter. Russia and USA are far up north, both will see Alaska and Siberia turn into a more welcoming terrain, much of Russia is gaining arable land as a result of global warming and is now not only self sufficient in grain production but it became an exporter of grains. These countries have little to nothing to lose. USA's coastal erosion and loss of some portions of Florida and some Louisiana even at 2 degrees of warming is a great trade off for a warmer Alaska which is a 1/3 of US territory and navigable ice free Arctic. For Russia there is no such trade off, any loss of forest cover will be made up for as trees grow further north as frozen lands thaw.
kuffodog said…
Trump's clan is corrupt and profiteers on the presidency. This is criminal corruption. Trump's normal con game in real estate and casinos which is something that is a fixed game. I'll explain:

- in real estate, if Trump screws investors, contractors and banks on a property: they are the ones who will take the loss if they foreclose. He has nothing to lose, after he made a few deals on it and made profits. They will take a hit, as there is no deficiency balance on a foreclosed real estate property.

- in casino businesses, the game is statistically fixed, so as long as people gamble Trump is guaranteed to win. He CAN'T lose.

Even so, Trump managed to go bankrupt several times to get out of unsustainable real estate and casino ownership thus making investors and banks take a hit. Now it's the White House. Everyone else can go to prison or be thrown out of their jobs... but not Trump. It's the same scam. Except... they can put his daughter in prison for corruption. If she's sentenced to 3 years in Federal prison like his lawyer and Trump pardons her... well. That may not go over so well with the public, he won't get reelected and keep immunity granted by him by holding the office of president. The game will no longer be fixed in Trump's favor. He will LOSE. This should be fun to watch. Will Trump let his own DAUGHTER take the fall for the clan? If he does... it will be a choice between his own or her freedom. Will the public put up with Trump if he protect and pardons corrupt sentenced family members or close associates? Will Republicans? For sure Democrats will try to impeach.
kuffodog said…
Trump's clan is corrupt and profiteers on the presidency. This is criminal corruption. Trump's normal con game in real estate and casinos which is something that is a fixed game. I'll explain:

- in real estate, if Trump screws investors, contractors and banks on a property: they are the ones who will take the loss if they foreclose. He has nothing to lose, after he made a few deals on it and made profits. They will take a hit, as there is no deficiency balance on a foreclosed real estate property.

- in casino businesses, the game is statistically fixed, so as long as people gamble Trump is guaranteed to win. He CAN'T lose.

Even so, Trump managed to go bankrupt several times to get out of unsustainable real estate and casino ownership thus making investors and banks take a hit. Now it's the White House. Everyone else can go to prison or be thrown out of their jobs... but not Trump. It's the same scam. Except... they can put his daughter in prison for corruption. If she's sentenced to 3 years in Federal prison like his lawyer and Trump pardons her... well. That may not go over so well with the public, he won't get reelected and keep immunity granted by him by holding the office of president. The game will no longer be fixed in Trump's favor. He will LOSE. This should be fun to watch. Will Trump let his own DAUGHTER take the fall for the clan? If he does... it will be a choice between his own or her freedom. Will the public put up with Trump if he protects and pardons corrupt sentenced family members or close criminal associates who are convicts? Will Republicans? For sure Democrats will try to impeach. If convictions mount and Trump tries to pardon those who took the fall, it will be political suicide for Republicans, if they fail to back Democrats in the overthrow of a Russian sponsored, CIA installed regime puppet. If Republicans back their impeachment, Trump will be put in prison and his pardons will not be part of the equation. Republicans will take a hit anyway AND they'll lose the White House. Moreover, the Inaugural Committee ARE Republicans. These are the very criminals who showered Trump with money and keep him in power. Prosecutors should go after ALL of them, not just Ivanka Trump. No matter how you look at it, the Trump clan and Republicans will keep losing as prosecutions mount. Finally, being that the Trump organization is a criminal cartel, they will all answer collectively as they've CONSPIRED to do this and defrauded the election to get into the White House. Facebook CEO should go to prison too AND Facebook should PAY massive damages to the US treasury. They should pay back ALL the donations made by Americans to the Trump campaign... which was a FRAUD. A conspiracy to defraud the United States can land them as much as 5 years in prison EACH. They didn't just defraud the gov't, they defrauded the American PEOPLE.
kuffodog said…
"Japan has begun main reclamation work at a controversial United States military airbase on the southern island of Okinawa, prompting protests and "strong" opposition from the local governor."

This is the same American regime that chastised Russia for flying just ONE airplane into allied country's airports. This base should be eliminated entirely, the equipment and manpower moved to Guam. The people of Okinawa don't want the American occupiers and rapists on their island.

World War II ended in 1945. It's 2018.
kuffodog said…
Okinawa holds a referendum in February. It should hold an independence referendum concurrently to secede from Japan and become an independent country. Not only is Okinawa criminally occupied by Americans, it was criminally and violently annexed by Japan.
kuffodog said…
Oh and about the Holocaust thing: Poles were targeted by Nazi Germany for extermination in 1940, so HALF of those Jews were killed because they were POLES not Jews. The Final Solution was dated 26 February 1942, so it technically should be 3 million Jews killed in the Holocaust which makes that 18.9%, the other half were Poles and killed as Germany's effort to annex and Germanize Poland. Compare that to what the savage Japanese and American barbaric animals did to the population of Ryukyu effectively murdering HALF of them or 50%!!!
kuffodog said…
"MINSK, Belarus – The leader of Belarus on Friday accused some politicians in Russia of floating the prospect of incorporating his nation, and vowed that he wouldn't let it happen.

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko also criticized the Kremlin's plan to raise crude oil prices for Belarus, describing it as part of efforts to persuade his country to join Russia."

So. I warned Poles there could be a war in Belarus. Of course I was ridiculed, then terrorized as a war monger. Now it seems like a real prospect. There is a Polish minority in Belarus. What will happen to them if Russia invades to annex Belarus like they did to Crimea? Now the war doesn't seem so unlikely does it?
kuffodog said…
UN: Venezuela exodus likely to swell to 5.3 million in 2019
kuffodog said…
The population of Belarus has seen a consistent demographic decline since 1993. In 2007 it was 9,498,000 in 1914 it was 11,587,000. Since 1950 the population grew from 7,745,000 to a maximum in 1993 from which it dropped. In essence, when Belarus was part of USSR its population consistently grew, when it became an independent nation state, the population of Belarus consistently dropped.

According to the 2009 census, there are around 785,000 ethnic Russians in Belarus, which accounts for approximately 8.3 percent of the population of Belarus. This is not written in stone. It is 2019. Nearly all Belorussians speak Russian and could find it more appealing to become part of Russia. The Crimea scenario is a real possibility where a portion of the country is given Russian passports and asked to vote itself in a referendum after which Russia annexes that territory.

The only thing that stands between Russia and an air base in Belarus is the country's dictator. Putin wants an air base and he will get one, either he'll remove the dictator or he'll make him concede easements. Russia will subsequently attempt to incorporate Belarus into its economy as it has during USSR. Belarus already is in the Eurasian Economic Union.

Belarus, not its dictator, will have to make a choice between being in the European Union and all it entails as far as a military alliance or be engulfed by Russia, first economically and militarily then politically.

"The Polish minority in Belarus numbers officially about 294,549 according to 2009 census.[1] It forms the second largest ethnic minority in the country after the Russians, at 3.1% of the total population." This will be a point of contestation where Russia to annex Belarus, regardless of what its population decides regarding its economic and political future or whether their dictator survives political demands from Putin.
kuffodog said…
"SAN DIEGO — An Illinois man who admitted his role in an expanding cocaine distribution conspiracy that extended into San Diego and involved the seizure of grenades and assault weapons was sentenced in San Diego federal court Friday to more than 11 years in prison.

Juan A. Mexicano, 33, pleaded guilty at an earlier hearing to a charge of conspiracy to unlawfully distribute cocaine. U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel sentenced the defendant to 135 months in federal custody."

Criminals in USA get access to grenade launchers and assault weapons. Whoever shot down the Polish presidential plane in 2010, not only had access to such weapons, but had access to satellite phone cybernetic attacks and to the air field's surrounding land where they hid in the woods and attacked. Russians don't have access to these phones, Americans do.
kuffodog said…
Gun deaths from gunshots in USA reached a four decade high at about 40,000. That is about the same as the Korean War, Afghan War, Gulf War and Iraq War combined, which saw nearly half a century worth of fighting, as compared to this being a statistic just for 2017. Don't say I didn't warn you.

kuffodog said…
"Aggregate global wealth grew by $14 trillion, hitting an enormous figure of $317 trillion over the 12 months through the end of October, according to latest Global Wealth Report, revealed by Credit Suisse's Research Institute."

If this $317 trillion was evenly distributed between 7 billion adults, they'd each have $45,000 in wealth. If you break it down to GDP ppp, that means the average person should have a PAID FOR house or apartment, a paid of car and some $5,000 in saving or cash. Do you?

Hence the pissed off Yellow Jackets.
kuffodog said…
"Aggregate global wealth grew by $14 trillion, hitting an enormous figure of $317 trillion over the 12 months through the end of October, according to latest Global Wealth Report, revealed by Credit Suisse's Research Institute."

If this $317 trillion was evenly distributed between 7 billion adults, they'd each have $45,000 in wealth. If you break it down to GDP PPP, that means the average person should have a PAID FOR house or apartment, a paid off car and some $5,000 in saving or cash. Do you?

Hence the pissed off Yellow Jackets.

NOTE: average age of a car in USA is 11.6 years. At that point they've depreciated in value to no more than $3,000.
kuffodog said…
Debt exceeds $86,000 per person on average
kuffodog said…
"Two years after Donald Trump won the presidency, nearly every organization he has led in the past decade is under investigation."

Trump is a career criminal. Unsurprisingly, every organization he headed is criminal in nature. Now. He is a POPULIST president. He heads the most evil criminal organization in the world, one guilty of 10 genocides and so twisted that the propaganda and history white washing made each one look like freedom fighting.
kuffodog said…
Nearly ALL Americans are mentally ill, at some point in their lives. 1/5 are mentally ill during any given year. THAT is a preexisting condition. It means that if Republicans get their way, insurance companies can refuse to insure ANYONE.
kuffodog said…
Anyone who believes in God is mentally ill. They are delusional. It is a mental disorder. Anyone who is obese is mentally ill, just like bulimics and anorexics are mentally ill. Obesity is a mental illness and socially contagious. That means

"Delusional disorder, previously called paranoid disorder, is a type of serious mental illness called a "psychosis" in which a person cannot tell what is real from what is imagined."

God is NOT real. It is an IMAGINED entity. If you believe otherwise you are mentally ill, this is best exhibited in these mentally ill delusional people who believe in God when they go and murder one another or blow themselves and others up because someone INSULTS this non-existent entity.

"The prevalence of obesity was 39.8% and affected about 93.3 million of US adults in 2015~2016." Obesity is a preexisting condition, even if you DO NOT consider it a mental illness: you'll get heart disease or diabetes and other such things, guaranteed. This means no FAT American should be insured according to Republicans. The Japanese had a thing for this: measure waist size... and if they didn't drop weight they'd lose their insurance. This reduced their obesity rates to 3.5%, Americans ballooned to grotesque sizes in the meant time, as they banned my book on Gout from Google and Twitter.
kuffodog said…
Anyone who believes in God is mentally ill. They are delusional. It is a mental disorder. Anyone who is obese is mentally ill, just like bulimics and anorexics are mentally ill. Obesity is a mental illness and socially contagious. That means anyone who is obese can be DENIED insurance coverage by the Republican plan to get rid of guaranteed issue which prohibits from denying coverage due to preexisting conditions as part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

"Guaranteed issue prohibits insurers from denying coverage to individuals due to pre-existing conditions. States were required to ensure the availability of insurance for individual children who did not have coverage via their families."

"Delusional disorder, previously called paranoid disorder, is a type of serious mental illness called a "psychosis" in which a person cannot tell what is real from what is imagined."

God is NOT real. It is an IMAGINED entity. If you believe otherwise you are mentally ill, this is best exhibited in these mentally ill delusional people who believe in God when they go and murder one another or blow themselves and others up, because someone INSULTS this non-existent entity.

"The prevalence of obesity was 39.8% and affected about 93.3 million of US adults in 2015~2016." Obesity is a preexisting condition, even if you DO NOT consider it a mental illness: you'll get heart disease or diabetes and other such things, guaranteed. This means no FAT American should be insured according to Republicans. The Japanese had a thing for this: measure waist size... and if they didn't drop weight they'd lose their insurance. This reduced their obesity rates to 3.5%, Americans ballooned to grotesque sizes in the meantime, as they banned my book and my mother's book "How to Conquer Gout" from Google and Twitter.

kuffodog said…
Americans have poached, murdered, corrupted, hacked and tortured other nations' scientists and engineers to rob them of their intellectual work or prevent them from fielding viable products. This of course for military and economic advantage. As of yet, neither China nor Russia have reciprocated, they have isolated themselves from the attacks by the American regime through counterintelligence, visa regimes and cybernetic firewalls. No country suffered more form Israeli and American attacks than Iran, when it comes to their infrastructure, scientists and products coming under remote attack. Not only do Americans and Jews attack people, they attack and defraud scientific results, engineering studies, insert Trojan Horse code into simulation software and generally undermine engineering and scientific efforts of other countries' aviation, space and military programs. So far the world has but conducted espionage against Americans to find out what crimes they planned, without maliciously undermining American efforts to build new products like the F-35. This I presume will change as nations figure out the extent of American criminal campaign of terrorism, sabotage and interference in other countries' projects.

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