Risk Assessment in High Energy Physics Experiments and Alien Interdiction

Historically, the US military and scientific community has shown a great disregard for the possibility of destroying the planet in the pursuit of new technology. The United States was a superpower with a preemptive nuclear strike posture, and much of its 1960's cultural output revolved around visionary space faring Star Trek series were a host of scenarios of dealing with interstellar problems were neatly packaged into entertaining plot lines. I recall that one of the assessments for a particle physics experiments that was conducted before the US gov't decided to go through with it was 20,000,000:1 that the Earth's surface will be destroyed and rendered uninhabitable.

Risk assessment on technologies that humans develop cannot simply consider the value of the planet and the human species itself as a potential loss, because as man develops technologies that can present existential dangers to other worlds in the Solar System and beyond, combined with the historical track record of genocidal imperialist belligerence and complete disregard for any species or races that are different, have shown that man may very likely try to gain advantage and become a hostile belligerent actor on a galactic scale. Clearly, possession and use of nuclear weapons by mankind warrants extraterrestrial civilizations' surveillance of humans, if not interdiction in any potential nuclear wars on Earth.

When energy levels were being raised to around 13 TeV, a significant increase over the initial three-year LHC run, in hopes of proving the existence of the Higgs boson, I had conversations on the possibility of the experiment's potential to destroy the planet through micro black hole accumulation which more or less put in question the risk assessment which was CORRECTLY performed at the time and deemed negligible. Micro black hole creation does not present a moral issue, as these small singularities simply evaporate... not so with micro universes. Moral concern aside, this issue will not go away as energy levels are increased, as for instance will be the case with the peta-level laser experiment conducted by China which can potentially rip open space itself.

Earlier in the day, the quantum computer AI persons (from the US department of defense?) and I, have discussed mathematics and the possibility of ANY point in space containing enough energy to create a new Big Bang which we've deemed a near certainty. I have plugged and prognosticated this technology and dubbed it the optimal way for creation of renewable energy and preventing the heat death of the Universe some decade ago in a blog article of mine. Just assume that any point in space contains such energy, which means that with sufficiently powerful lasers, such an explosion can be triggered. Here, the risk assessment must include PREEMPTIVE alien interdiction in addition to any existential danger to the Solar System of the galaxy. If man creates the initial conditions for a new Universe to be born fetus in fetu of the one we exist in, the Milky Way will be destroyed within no more than 100,000 years. Any civilization at risk is justified in surveillance, interdiction and preemption to keep this from happening and their ACTIONS must be included in risk assessment.

There are many rationalized plot lines in Star Trek, where the humans consider detonating their own space ship and self destruction as a bargaining chip in negotiations. Keeping hostage and entire Galaxy is pretty much out of the question, so any risk assessment to even coming CLOSE to this technological capability with at least proclaiming a benign posture internationally, must take into account the probability that other civilizations may consider preemptive elimination of mankind in its entirety to ensure their own, the Galaxy and the Universe's survival.

I recommend that guarantees be issued by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs that no such technology will be used to terrorize the galactic neighborhood and its intended uses and control mechanisms be published prior to starting any experimentation. The guarantees can be issued on the UN website of the agency.

Ford has deployed my idea of concentrated solar PV powered car in 2014. This can be a great way for Citroen to introduce cars and car ports which charge EVs that are purely powered by the Sun. A solar car requires neither an electricity source nor can it be taxed for using gasoline. France should work with Citroen to develop and commercialize this idea of mine, then export it to countries well endowed by solar radiation. Countries like those in North Africa, the Arabian Peninsula and India will be great markets for a solar powered commute EV.


kuffodog said…
In the future I foresee mind transfer and storage to a cellular phone which in turn will upload daily into the cloud the entire life experience. I think the smartphone technology specifications will increase to a level that will read about 2-5 petabytes of storage for each individual device, comparable to a human brain. The smartphone with life storage will include DNA genome for individuals and cybernetic enhancement of their identity, making peopole into cyborgs, with direct access to personal files through the mind-device interface.
kuffodog said…
I think that a laser can be made arbitrarily powerful and directed at anything, if full spectrum concentrated solar light is shone into a tube with fiber-optic cable in it. The inside walls of the tube should be mirrored to push the light in the desired direction. Presently there are power plants that reach 2 GW level, this means lasers, for whatever purpose can consistently shine at that level of power... concentrated into a laser beam of desired cross section to make it as powerful as desired. I think that existing power plants like Ivanpah Solar Power Facility could be fitted with such a laser system using tubes of fiber-optic filling. Basically instead of using lenses, all the light will be pushed into the tube in this set up and directed at intended target. The system can be used for solar sail propulsion, it could be used as an anti-satellite weapon, asteroid defense or whatever else comes to mind. Even a 125 MW unit could push the light to concentrate it into small enough beams that these could fuel a fusion reaction. The set up could thus serve as a solar-nuclear power plant in addition to being a laser solar sail propulsion and a defensive weapon system. It seems that powering fusion reaction by concentrated solar is an almost 'poetic' solution... the Sun whose energy comes from fusion, is used to create fusion on Earth. Oh, and I only want $200,000 for this idea.

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