Time: a dimension that is observer dependent, flows at different rates, can freeze and has TWO directions.

Time is something that most humans see as a one directional thing, because we don't move very fast. Most don't think very fast either. Stephen Hawking's just sat in his wheelchair most of the time (pun intended) so he wrote a nice little book called the "Brief History of Time". I've read it in high school, before failing to become a world known astrophysicist, just like I failed to become a professional bodybuilder. Recall that Sir Hawking took me up on my insight that black holes are really "brown". They don't hold everything in, they emit X-rays. These are visible to those who have the right eyes on the sky. Oh, and humans had lots of such eyes. In space mind you, so our vision wasn't clouded, if you know what I mean.

Black holes emit energy, and thus matter, and with it they emit information contained by it. It is a matter of semantics what color you call these things. The Arrow of Time is a nice way of naming the human experience, except it is not factual. Ever since some devilishly clever criminals in America devised photonic mind torture, entanglement and relativistic cognition came into play. This created closed time curves. We're not in Kansas that goes one way anymore, it's now more an adult version like an LGBTQ porn movie with confused genders and orgies nobody wants to see or can make sense out of.

Time does not just flow forward. Time stops. It's empirically proven. There's been experiments done on this. Time goes backwards. Time goes forwards. Because of the effects described by Special Theory of Relativity, time can flow at different rates for different observers. It depends on how fast you move. Thing is, some things move inside others, like for instance photons inside fiber-optic cables. They move near the speed of light, so relativistic effects are in play. The same is true of direct to brain communication, mind control and torture. The photonic electromagnetic spectrum, can also stand still. From the point of view of a cybernetic entity that is made of these photons and an AI program or a human mind processing this, unquestionably time is not a one way street where everyone is forced to go in the same direction at identical velocity. It's a two way street. You can go as fast as you like. Even faster than light.

Anyway, I thought of a nice analogy to illustrate this. A kind of a thought experiment. Let's say you go to IMAX theater to see Superman in 3-D like I did. If you didn't see it, just imagine it. If you watched it, you get a pretty good idea of the arrow of time. Now consider that some people may watch the same movie on fast forward, their time therefore flows faster than yours. Some may like to slow the movie down. Some on occasion may want to freeze the movie and go take a break from it. The movie is portrayed on a 2-D surface, but it is seen in 3-D. Kind of like a hologram. There is a holographic theory of the universe like this as well. That's the reality of our TIME. 

A good approximation of how time works is the IMAX theater Superman movie in 3-D, which you can play backwards (go back in time), watch it slowed, accelerated or rewind it and freeze it. My "assistants" just made me eat my supper backwards. Ice cream, cake, coke, pizza. Pretty funny of them, I'll say I just didn't have the TIME to wait for the oven to heat. The heat death of the universe, is off the books. We can rip open space to create new energy and new matter. We can go backwards and try the same game differently over and over until we get bored. We can create a baby universe inside this one. Why am I telling you all this? Maybe I'm simply running out of time...

Then again, with closed time like curves, I can pursue every career I want within the same timeline. Kind of. Then put it all together as experience for this time interval. But do I want to? Time will tell.

The extraterrestrials who were attacked by Russians, dematerialized into photonic beings. In essence they have quantum teleported to somewhere. This is news and CIA archives, not Stark Trek we're talking about. Modern day experiments have shown that photons can be sent into the past. Similar experiments have also shown that photons can be made into matter. It is unreasonable to think that space faring species did not master this as well and can work it into both directions: matter into photons, and vice versa. Photons can be sent into the past. People who can change into photons, can go into the past. They can also materialize from these photons in the past, wherever they go to. See my point? Any wonder Russians lost between 20 to 27 million Soviet citizens in WWII and Nazi Germany had an inexhaustible inspiration to build ever more clever war machines? Perpetual war is not just the domain of American foreign policy, it may be a curse that plays out over an over, if humans don't grow up and learn not to attack at the slightest provocation.

Time has come for childhood's end. - Marcin Kubik


kuffodog said…
"The Rosetta Stone is a granodiorite stele, found in 1799, inscribed with three versions of a decree issued at Memphis, Egypt in 196 BC during the Ptolemaic dynasty on behalf of King Ptolemy V. The top and middle texts are in Ancient Egyptian using hieroglyphic script and Demotic script, respectively, while the bottom is in Ancient Greek. As the decree has only minor differences between the three versions, the Rosetta Stone proved to be the key to deciphering Egyptian hieroglyphs, thereby opening a window into ancient Egyptian history."

kuffodog said…
"Pan is famous for his sexual powers, and is often depicted with a phallus. Diogenes of Sinope, speaking in jest, related a myth of Pan learning masturbation from his father, Hermes, and teaching the habit to shepherds."

"Pan's greatest conquest was that of the moon goddess Selene. He accomplished this by wrapping himself in a sheepskin; to hide his hairy black goat form, and drew her down from the sky into the forest where he seduced her."

kuffodog said…
Philosopher's stone is neither legendary nor mysterious. I'd imagine many existed and were passed on from generation to generation. Master to pupil. Energy from the hands included 'telepathic' photonic energy that contains information on the person's thoughts or spiritual identity. These things can be 'felt'. In essence, the stone that was handled by subsequent philosophers, is most likely a stone fixture that lets new generations of philosophers feel those who came before them, not just through the study of their writing, but through contact with the photonic energy of their bodies and minds.

kuffodog said…
Psalm 118

8 It is better to take refuge in the Lord
than to trust in humans.
9 It is better to take refuge in the Lord
than to trust in princes.
10 All the nations surrounded me,
but in the name of the Lord I cut them down.

kuffodog said…
Frequency is vibration.

"A photon is a quantum of EM radiation. Its energy is given by E=hf and is related to the frequency f and wavelength λ of the radiation by:

photon's energy is E=hF=hc/λ"

Thus energy of a photon can be arbitrarily large, as λ gets infinitesimally small or vibrates like crazy. To create high energy photons for collisions that produce matter, one needs to resonate the photon informationally in a Maxwell Demon process. Then, one can produce matter by smashing these photons together.

https://opentextbc.ca/physicstestbook2/chapter/photon-energies-and-the-electromagnetic-spectrum/ definition of photon's energy

https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1702/1702.05161.pdf resonance of photons

https://phys.org/news/2014-05-scientists-year-quest.html making matter out of photons

I know this sounds ridiculous, but basically it is theoretically possible to create a Universe out of just one photon. Now that kind of makes sense, since a new Big Bang comes from a singularity. I don't want a new Universe, just an arbitrarily large energy source that costs next to nothing, is very small in size and can power anything humans can make. Also, I want materialization of stuff from photons out of... well almost nothing, one photon in fact. Mathematically I've explained how this is possible, a few days ago. I've written about this for about 10 to 12 years now. Let's get it done!

kuffodog said…
Wikipedia is a giant Rosetta Stone. The various languages are cross referenced for individual entries, and at the very least the individual entries' names are matched.

Gov'ts should back Wikipedia in developing professional content by designating experts to edit entries. All languages should be thus expanded to match all other content.

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