France: replacing fossil fuels with renewable technologies

The French tax on fossil fuel consumption on the consumer side understandably resulted in protests, especially that it is being implemented in the winter. Such taxes should happen on the production side. Taxing utilities in France on the other hand, is a punishment to the nuclear energy industry which generates little to no carbon pollution.

Russia and USA which aim to break up the European Union and are intent on continued and increased fossil fuel production, as number one and number two producers of gas and oil in the world, both create social discord to undermine efforts to curb fossil fuel consumption or replace it with electrified transport.

There exist multiple models of reduction of fossil fuel consumption which do not rely on increasing gasoline, heating oil or coal taxes which the consumer must pay directly. Comparative politics should be used to find the best practices which can be adopted to the individual needs of particular jurisdictions and countries. The three examples to consider should be Norway, Estonia and China. Corresponding jurisdictions which attempt to copy successful introduction of policies free of carbon pollution should take population size into account and level of development.

Taxing fossil fuels should be implemented on the production side, including immediate penalties and environmental regulations for any pollution resulting from their usage. Clean up and environmental costs should be accounted for and companies that produce, distribute or use fossil fuels for energy generation should be made to cover it. This does not have to be in the form of new taxes. New regulations could for instance require air to be filtered by coal fired power plants, and fines used for failure to comply. Similarly, fines can be used for dumping ashes, or oil spills. Carbon capture may be demanded for emission free fossil fuel burning. This legislation can demand emission free products that range from stoves to cars. For instance mufflers can be made into air compression machines that collect exhaust for storage or industrial use. Existing combustion engine car models can be made to introduce such technologies, or be forbidden from operating in highly polluted cities.

The attempts to transfer wealth generated from one social group or industry to another has historically resulted in contestation, protest, violence and warfare. The best way to eliminate fossil fuel production and transition to full electrification of power, transport, heating, food and industry production is through successful economic competition.

Renewable power is the domain of renewable technologies. As any technology, these continue to improve and create greater amount of electric power at a much lower cost with greater returns on investment. Presently solar photovoltaic installations generate cheaper electricity than does burning coal for the same purpose. Some solar panels cover the cost of purchase and installation within two years. It takes over a decade to plan and build fossil fuel infrastructure and plants to make and deliver electric power, and these business models when started new are no longer profitable. France should introduce laws that facilitate the introduction of rooftop solar panels and make them available in stores like Castorama for anyone to wants to put them in their own back yard, farm or on their rooftop, to have easy access to them. Last I looked, no such product was available. I looked less then two weeks ago.

Renewable power is cheaper than fossil fuel generated electricity, and after installation it can produce electricity for decades or centuries with little maintenance. Fossil fuels will not be able to compete. The fossil fuel oligarchies of the United States, Russia and OPEC, have engaged in wars of invasion, genocide, terrorism, hybrid war, war of propaganda, clandestine assassination of reporters and activists, mass mind control, mass surveillance, sabotage and other such things to ensure that their oil and gas products, which are limited in supply and will run out, continue to be used and that the demand for them is artificially increased through violence, fraud, corruption and war. Regardless whether fossil fuel prices are high or low, consumption continues, because these products have not been successfully replaced. To punish the consumer for making an existential choice in energy purchases will obviously antagonize the electorate. It is the fossil fuel producers that have to be punished for wrongdoing, corruption, fraud, and pollution; not be rewarded with subsidies.

France should seek a European solution to implementation of its renewable energy transition goals. Regional development funds are available from the European Union. France should aim to build a national infrastructure for charging of electric vehicles. The young adults of France, should be publicly engaged by the French gov't to create an ecosystem of entrepreneurship that seeks money for development and implementation of business and infrastructure projects that make the transition to electrified road transport. On national side, France should pass laws that facilitate this. For instance, allowing even or odd numbered cars to enter Paris on particular days to prevent deadly air pollution, does not discriminate against fossil fuel driven vehicles nor does it reward electric ones. The Chinese model of issuing new registrations only to electric car owners, while charging a much larger registration fee for NEW fossil fuel cars, gives the consumer an obviously EV biased option. The option they are given is a quieter, non polluting, often cheaper, faster, better accelerating electric car. This is the type of solution that can change the entire fleet of cars to EVs within around a decade as old vehicles are replaced by new purchases. No new taxes. No discontent. No protests.

The French gov't does not need to pay for a transition to renewable energy economy. The French gov't needs to legislate to create an ecosystem of favorable conditions to ensure that this transition takes place and that the new renewable energy economy does not need to be subsidized, but that it generates tax revenue, creates employment, increases the tax base through new employment and not only is self sustainable, but allows for exponential growth and world wide export of its innovative solutions. This new renewable energy economy should also generate enough profit for investors to shower it with money, so no public funding is required. At least that's we did so far. I think it worked out rather well.

* NOTE: the American regime negotiated the Kyoto Protocol agreement then did everything it could to undermine it. Hence the yellow highlighted DROP in world's renewable power generation until 2003, when Americans' terrorism and genocidal intents became obvious even to France.

The people of France have reduced their per capita carbon footprint by HALF since 1979. The world as a whole, has seen a turnaround recently, and even though global wealth, infrastructure, population size, and world GDP all keep increasing rapidly, the per capita carbon emissions have started to drop. I don't see why the people of France should bare a bigger burden and be taxed for it. The proper solution is to encourage and guide Europeans to become a carbon free society that is a model for the rest of the world without punishing citizens and consumers for using existing infrastructure, products and technologies that must be powered by fossil fuels, but which will eventually need to be replaced. When they are replaced, their choice should be made irresistible: renewable non polluting solutions.

The renewable energy made up 36.6 percent of the country's total installed capacity of power and generated electricity of 1.7 trillion kilowatt hours last year, according to Liu Baohua, deputy head of the National Energy Administration. - Xinhua 
While China's installed renewable capacity keeps growing, its actual production remains at the world average of 23% of total electricity production. The Americans who aim to melt the polar ice caps and leisurely aim to reach 18% which is predominantly installed hydro capacity that has been in operation for nearly a century. New energy storage solutions will make ALL installed renewable capacity usable, thus China will jump to nearly 40% of renewable power generation at a moment's notice. The Kubik Plan will be on its way to becoming a reality in world's number one fossil fuel consumer and demand for fossil fuels will suddenly drop... shocking the markets and taking fossil fuel production off line. This will cause a tectonic political shift in USA as world's number one oil and gas producer will see hydrocarbon prices crash.

We've had the New Silk road built for a reason. Chinese solar PV production is enormous and investment in rooftop solar is scalable to household level. What the European Union must do is eliminate its tariffs and bring in Chinese solar panels to Europe, then install them on every single European farm. The cost of solar PV is expected to drop by 66% between summer of 2017 and 2020, this means that even if investment in Solar PV drops by 30%, world's installed annual capacity will continue to grow at an annual rate of 36%. France should not only prepare to buy solar panels and have EU drop the solar tariffs, but France should encourage and aim to create domestic production of solar panels.

Export of solar PV to make the world transition to renewable power is the best way to fund France's own transition to a net-zero economy. An Eurasian superconducting super grid, built with a standardized magnetic levitation vacuum tube transportation system will allow for sharing of solar power electricity day and night across Europe's and Asia's super continent. France should seek to build such standards and work to implement a hyperloop solution that is powered by solar electricity and duels as a transcontinental power line.

Estonia has implemented a bus public transport solution that is free for citizens. This model combined with deployment of electric buses can shift France's road traffic emissions downward and change attitudes towards renewable power and electric vehicles, both. France's tax on gasoline will not generate ANY revenue, if the country's road vehicle fleet transitions to EVs, therefore it is a short term half-measure that people correctly revolted against. The EV market is exhibiting exponential growth, with Tesla and Chinese car companies increasing their production dramatically and deploying charging stations globally. I venture to say that France would not be able to collect any meaningful amount of money from these taxes, if their intended effect took place and people gave up fossil fuel cars for electric ones. This will happen for sure, regardless of what France does, because electric cars are better, safer, environmentally friendlier and will be cheaper as they are brought to economies of scale. France can legislate to MANDATE that all new buses be electric across the country, no matter which municipality buys them, thus ensuring that pollution levels are reduced and public health is not negatively affected. For sure no individual will complain about having to ride cheaper, quieter buses that don't pollute their towns, if they do... you know who is behind it: Russia and USA.

Ford has implemented my idea for a concentrated PV solar car solution, but never commercialized it as the Obama regime promoted fossil fuel use, even as the "Liar in Chief" spewed assurances that the American federal government backs green technologies. France should pursue this technology idea of mine and encourage Citroen to make a solar powered electric vehicle with a concentrated solar lens car port that requires no charging infrastructure and does not use electricity from the grid or gasoline for short daily commutes. France should export this vehicle to countries that are well endowed by solar radiation. North Africa, the Arabian Peninsula and India will be great markets for a solar powered Citroen EV.

Portugal is already generating 100% of its energy needs from renewable power. This means that France can simply import cheap renewable power into its grid from Portugal, and not undergo any investment costs at all. France was instrumental in working towards a common energy policy, the common energy policy of the European Union should prioritize existing renewable power production and export excess power, like that of Portugal, Germany or Denmark, to make fossil fuel generated electricity less profitable in countries that burn hydrocarbons and pollute European skies. After all, Polish coal doesn't just kill Poles, it kills 400,000 Europeans across the continent. A European grid should maximize existing renewable power sources and expand them. Poland is a vassal of the American regime, and is used under mind control and threat of terrorism to comply with the US regime's demands to import its hydrocarbons to mass murder Europeans and undermine European unity through structural violence and political defiance of European laws and norms. Countries like that should be France's top priority as targets for introduction of renewable electricity into their grids, not the people of France whose appliances and homes run in 75% of the cases... on nuclear power.


kuffodog said…
Some American stalkers wore a special T-shirt to Target yesterday for the occasion of the Trump regime buying some terrorists and protesters to conduct a campaign of violence against the French presidency. Now he mocked Macron online and calls for the 'ridiculous' Paris Agreement to be scrapped. This of course during a COP event in Poland, his closes allies in genocidal mass murder via fossil fuel pollution. Oh, by the way, the CIA was 'proving a point' that they can 'mind control me' to write about crap they want to know about. I don't think they counted on this outcome. LOL

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