Laser Internet and Power Transmission

Laser communication relays in space have been demonstrated by NASA, and already been deployed by China and EU in laser satellite relays. Solar sails powered by lasers are being developed for humanity's first interstellar mission. I thought to myself, just now I did, that if all those ideas I pitched worked out... why not use laser communication systems here on Earth as well... and do one better... why not use lasers for wireless power transmission?!

The Tesla towers for free wireless power transmission proved dangerous and not profitable, because it would be difficult to keep track of who is receiving the load. Not so with laser powered transmissions which can serve as a communications system. As long as the communication system is connected to customer or receiver, one can keep exact track of how long that transmission has lasted and determine the amount of energy transferred.

I did pitch laser towers for China as weapons systems for air defenses, but it appears that the three proposals can now be combined. Terrestrial laser tower communications, defense and energy transfer solutions, could be used by the same system powered by one electricity source. Towers could send energy between one another in relays (just as presently high voltage power line towers are built), as well as field turrets that could power overflying aircraft... or shoot down hostile missiles and planes. Power lines often span entire countries or continents, thus electric aircraft can be continuously charged when flying over them. What's even better, ESA is already working on concepts to field technology that will transfer power with the use of a laser system. So why not do it? Why not go for three birds with one stone?

The towers could replace building expensive power lines and cables. Granted, there could be some fatalities if birds flew into the beams, but that is already a reality with the 'death ray' concentrated solar power plant where some birds get cooked in flight. Eventually they will adapt and learn not to fly into the, it is natural selection.


kuffodog said…
George H. W. Bush died at 94. He was old. Then I thought "wait a minute, how old is George W. Bush?!" He's 72. His presidency ended in 2008... a decade ago, now. He was 55 when he took the post, 63 when he left it. Time sure does fly.
kuffodog said…
Traitors die a traitor's death. The high five says it all. President of Russia, Vladimir Putin and the Saudi Crown Prince, Mohammad bin Salman were both ostracized by Donald Trump (the Manchurian candidate in USA), but they seem to be in the pilots' seats of the G20 jumbo jet. Geo-politically speaking. Since when is good humor and happiness a vice?!

Things I'm accused of:

1. Causing massive earthquakes just by thinking about them.
2. Causing hurricanes and choosing their paths.
3. Triggering volcanic eruptions on purpose.
4. Terrorist attacks aimed to terrorize me, Americans and Europeans (I'm both).
5. Having reporters killed (Hastings for instance).
6. Having reporters raped (Brennan for instance).
7. Targeting cities with asteroids (in Russia!).
8. Flying without technological aids (in Poland!).
9. Ordering genocide (of Rohingya).

Then I'm tormented and tortured over these and other outlandish accusations. I fully sympathize with Putin and MBS for being showered with American news venom. Congratulation on being able to keeping up good spirits. Alexander Litvinenko and Jamal Khashoggi were spies, traitors, and one hung out with Bin Laden for nearly a decade.
kuffodog said…
I warned whom I deemed to be a stalker and some others prior to that, that unless the mind hacking and stalking ends, the US will have a mass shooting and a top officer (at colonel or general level) will be used for the purpose. The stalker called the cops and told them I threatened to conduct the mass shooting myself (apparently I was not LOUD ENOUGH because he didn't get it right), cops in turn cuffed me, searched me, and put me in a clinic to calm down for the night. Here's the outcome:

"Vice Adm. Scott Stearney, commander of U.S. Naval Forces Central Command and the U.S. Fifth Fleet, was found dead Saturday in his residence in Bahrain, U.S. military officials said."

Two comments:

1. A good officer. Took his own life, rather than taking lives of his tormentors.
2. Better to lose a commander than the fleet.
kuffodog said…
In regards to the last comment: learn to listen and to read. Correlation does not imply causality. There is free speech in this country, it is constitutionally guaranteed and it is called the Bill of Rights: that's 1st through 10th Amendments.
kuffodog said…
"Iran agreed to halt the development of its nuclear weapons program and allow international checks of its facilities under the Iran nuclear deal, or the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, that the Obama administration (EU, China, Russia and Iran) negotiated in 2015. In exchange, the U.S. and several other countries fulfilled the landmark achievement by rolling back crippling economic sanctions."

"Iran had not tested a similar weapon for more than a year, Parsi said, because of that agreement, but that changed after the U.S. withdrew from the nuclear deal."
kuffodog said…
"Estimates of the country’s nuclear stockpile vary: some experts believe Pyongyang has between fifteen and twenty nuclear weapons, while U.S. intelligence believes the number to be between thirty and sixty bombs. The regime successfully tested intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM), each capable of carrying a large nuclear warhead, in July and November 2017. Pyongyang said that in its November testing of the new Hwasong-15 ICBM, the missile hit an altitude of 4,475 kilometers (2,780 miles), far above the International Space Station, and flew about 1,000 kilometers (590 miles) before landing in the sea off Japan’s coast. Analysts estimate the Hwasong-15 has a potential range of 13,000 kilometers (8,100 miles) and, if fired on a flatter trajectory, could reach anywhere on the U.S. mainland."
kuffodog said…
"“President Trump has agreed that on January 1, 2019, he will leave the tariffs on $200 billion worth of product at the 10 percent rate, and not raise it to 25 percent at this time,” the statement read. Over the next 90 days, American and Chinese officials will continue to negotiate lingering disagreements on technology transfer, intellectual property and agriculture."
kuffodog said…
"Trump said on Saturday he will give formal notice to the U.S. Congress in the near future to terminate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), giving six months for lawmakers to approve a new trade deal signed on Friday."
kuffodog said…
"BREAKING: Israeli police recommends attorney general to indict PM Netanyahu and his wife Sara Netanyahu for alleged bribery in their relationship with telecommunication tycoon" - Barak Ravid (Haaretz)
kuffodog said…
"NEW: @WSJ has seen the classified CIA assessment on Khashoggi. Signals intelligence shows that the Saudi crown prince sent at least 11 messages to his closest advisor who oversaw the team that killed Khashoggi in the hours leading up to the operation."
kuffodog said…
"Lenience for those who repent, punishment for those who resist."

Americans taken note. China is the new hegemon, EU is second. USA is a bronze medalist in the geopolitical contest (even while cheating with use of tools like 'Islamist terrorism', nuclear blackmail, mind control, sabotage, cyber war or mass surveillance) looking in the closet to delude itself that the gold medals of the past are present day reality.

kuffodog said…
"A Uighur woman and mother of three told a Congressional committee this week that she was tortured and suffered the loss of a child in a mass internment camp, pressing the U.S. to take punitive action against China’s mass detention of the Muslim minority."

Reminds of the made up sob stories that Americans fielded for show to pick a fight with Iraq. This time they're barking at a Dragon, not at a desert fox.
kuffodog said…
Any Congressional hearings on punitive actions against Saudi Arabia? They actually do get to see this intelligence.

"NEW: @WSJ has seen the classified CIA assessment on Khashoggi. Signals intelligence shows that the Saudi crown prince sent at least 11 messages to his closest advisor who oversaw the team that killed Khashoggi in the hours leading up to the operation."
kuffodog said…
Paris didn't have enough smog... so the French burned some cars to make the air quality worse.
kuffodog said…
Don't like fuel taxes?

Buy an electric car,
use public transport,
get a motorcycle,
use a bicycle,
or WALK.
You can car pool too.

Don't want to pay for electricity for your car?

Get a solar car.
kuffodog said…
"Poroshenko says Russia has deployed "more than 80,000 troops, 1,400 artillery and multiple rocket launch systems, 900 tanks, 2,300 armored combat vehicles, 500 aircraft and 300 helicopters" along their border. He spoke Saturday said at an Ukrainian military event."
kuffodog said…
There are tens of thousands like this American woman, who were murdered and cremated by the Assad regime backed by Putin's oligarchy which openly kills traitors, political opponents, diplomats, businessmen and journalists who go against the dictator's rule.

"In September 2015, Syrian-American engineer Layla Shweikani traveled from her home in the Chicago area to Damascus, Syria. Intent on helping internally-displaced persons, she began pouring her energies into humanitarian aid and relief work. A few months later, she was arrested by Bashar al-Assad’s government and thrown into a detention center. Despite the involvement of the Czech ambassador in her case (the Czech Republic serves as the “protecting power” for U.S. interests in Syria), she was referred to a military judge and then executed on Dec. 28, 2016. Nearly two years later — just this week — her family finally was informed of her death."

"Remembering Auschwitz: Should Israel bomb the Syrian regime's extermination camps?"

"At least 60,000 have died in Assad's jails during war, says monitor"

Assad and Putin outlasted even Merkel and Netanyahu. I'm out of money and tortured 24/7 for years, facing eviction and terrorized to leave San Diego. Most recently I was placed in a clinic by cops. Meanwhile, not so much as an international warrant for the arrest of modern day Hitler running concentration extermination camps in Syria: its dictator who aided then funded the ISIS proxy with oil purchases taken from the land they stole.

"Oil and Gas Sales to the Syrian Regime Are Now ISIS's Largest Source of Funds"
kuffodog said…
The intervention in Libya was to prevent a genocide comparable to that of Rwanda and it didn't happen. The lack of intervention in Syria resulted in the Assad regime bestially murdering anyone who opposes it including via chemical and incendiary weapons targeted at civilians, by simply using a slogan that is music to Americans ears: "they're terrorists." Assad and Putin are past the halfway mark to Rwanda level death toll. Syrian cities lay in ruin. Counting Georgia and Ukraine this is Russia's the third war of aggression against a people struggling for democratic rule in less than a decade, and NOT counting the oppression of people of Ingushetia, Dagestan and Chechnya within Russia itself.
kuffodog said…
The Trump administration has persistently deflected criminal liability from Trump himself. Eventually this will fail as the underlings who took the fall start to talk and make deals.

Trump exhibits consistency though:

1. tax breaks and subsidies for Trump's oligarch sponsors
2. attempt to fill treasury with tariff money, effectively self sanctioning USA
3. defiance of science, especially climate science
4. disregard of norms and moral conduct
5. absence of care for the troubles of Trump's electorate
6. derision for Trump's opposition and critics
7. scapegoating of women, Muslims, minorities and the press
8. ineptitude and incompetence
9. self praise
10. breaking of treaties
11. using presidency as a personal brand to put the Trump name on 'new' deals
12. catering to Putin's interests
13. adulation of dictators
14. undermining of European Union, politically, economically, militarily & geopolitically
15. colluding with a foreign dictator, namely Putin, to get elected & keep power

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