Use of Low Altitude Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in non Lethal Warfare

Drone warfare is not limited to large UAVs that roam and search the territory where air superiority has been established. There exist a wide rage of solutions for smaller drones, often related to surveillance, accessing buildings remotely or dropping small munitions beyond the line of sight at locations that would otherwise be unreachable without large bombs being dropped from aircraft. There exist however a vulnerable target in warfare that has not as of yet been targeted by small drones, namely power lines and communication cables.

Small UAVs can be used to burn garbage off high power lines, this of course has a commercial use and these solutions are readily available for purchase. However, were one to deploy the same type of drone with a cutting tool, these drones can just as easily cut power lines and do so clandestinely at night. The drone can be deployed from a truck or car, retrieved after conducting a mission and deployed again. In other words is it a reusable weapon that can attack grid infrastructure and take power plants off line without so much as firing one shot to get attention. Fallen power lines take quite a while to restore, wires that are live are a natural obstacle and often start fires. Cutting the lines in multiple spots creates an obvious advantage.

Taking out communications that connect command centers and intelligence headquarters and doing so routinely and cheaply can mean the difference between winning or losing a war. Destroying power supply to adversarial factories can make them come to a halt. Stopping power and communication connections used by the regime bureaucracy, can keep people from being persecuted, falsely incarcerated, tortured, murdered and cremated, without so much as a notice to the next of kin, until years later after they lost all hope and gave up on ever seeing the missing.

Let us consider the Assad regime for instance laying sieges to rebel territory and having air superiority in the conflict with little to no defenses against air strikes on the rebel side. The Russians and the Syrian regime laid multiple sieges to cities, cutting off power lines, telephony and internet cables. When these are above ground, they can be attacked asymmetrically by low tech adversaries with commercially available drones. The cutting tool can be electric, or even a small welding torch and laser solutions can be deployed.

 In effect, this allows for non lethal siege to a territory's telephony, internet and electric power supply without holding the territory. The Syrian and Ukrainian theaters could prove an interesting testing ground for such weapons. The Russian side had no problem attacking Ukraine with cybernetic attack taking off power plants in the middle of winter, in case of these clandestine drone attacks, Russia's vast territory is an obvious disadvantage.

If we consider another scenario where an EMP weapon were to be deployed against an adversery, it would draw attention and the use of the weapon would be an immediate cause for casus belli. Were a number of small drones deployed to sever the nodes of energy infrastructure in an attack, it could leave entire cities without power, and thus communication networks could be overcome along with internet infrastructure, prior to a preemptive nuclear strike.

The solutions can vary in types of applications and uses. For instance, an EMP weapon would be an obvious no-no, if USA were to attack Russia on its territory, as it would immediately trigger a nuclear counter-strike, but if the American side were to deploy small drones to bring down the cell phone towers, by attacking Russian power supply and causing blackouts, their use as a weapon system aimed to defeat incoming cruise missiles could be overcome. An actor like USA which has stealth aircraft, could deploy fleets of such drones unnoticed. Other actors could rely on sleeper cells which can deploy such drones from trucks when triggered to do so. In America for instance, the infrastructure of mass mind control could be challenged and the population itself when released from the regime's attack, would very likely become pacifist and demand political change that ends wars of invasion. Like I said, possible applications are many, whether war, insurgency, civil war, or non-lethal domestic insurrection.


kuffodog said…
"The US Embassy to Tbilisi transports frozen human blood and pathogens as diplomatic cargo for a secret US military program. Internal documents, implicating US diplomats in the transportation of and experimenting on pathogens under diplomatic cover were leaked to me by Georgian insiders."

kuffodog said…
"Russia claims US tested biological weapons in Georgia, killing 73

Russia's Defense Ministry claims the US tested biological weapons at a medical facility in Georgia. A US official told DW that the allegations are part of Russia's "disinformation campaign" against the West."
kuffodog said…
"The human race once came dangerously close to dying out — here's how it changed us"

"Our species almost didn't make it.

Around 70,000 years ago, humanity's global population dropped down to only a few thousand individuals, and it had major effects on our species."

That's right humans. Whatever almost killed the supposedly "intelligent" and "thinking" apes on this Earth, is coming back out for another shot from the frozen permafrost of Siberia and Tundra.

So. You have only two options: keep it frozen (highly unlikely, as you've already caused enough atmospheric changes that global warming will continue and all of it will continue to thaw) or prepare to stop it from another successful pandemic with a near 100% fatality rate.

Do the few thousand humans that survived have immunity or did they luckily live in isolation until the next ice age froze whatever it was that was killing them and created a land bridge so they could repopulate Earth? Was it bacterial and can now be easily defeated with antibiotics? Was a super-volcano responsible for the population bottleneck and not a super-pandemic? We will soon find out. I for one have fielded ideas to prepare for it.

Now. This doesn't mean that Americans are a benign and a benevolent actor. Obviously they are belligerent and genocidal, as evidenced by a long history of perpetual war and a toilet paper long list of war crimes including the not so honorable distinction as being the only country in history of mankind to use nuclear weapons against civilian populations, war crimes from which they vehemently claim impunity and threaten ICC judges. There clearly is a military dimension to DARPA's Biological Technologies and whoever works with them; never the less, this is supposed to SAVE humans from extinction. Russia, China and India should take similar steps. If worried that Americans are preparing a weapon of mass destruction that can strike down an ethnically targeted population which shares a specific gene set like Russian Slavs, Han Chinese, or Hindus, then obviously these countries need to prepare both countermeasures and a deterrent. Whatever it is that comes out of the ground when everything melts, it very well can be more deadly than anything experienced during the Neolithic Revolution including world wars, the plague and the Spanish flu. Paranoid competition with very short time tables and robust budgets is very welcome in this area.
kuffodog said…
"When it (permafrost in Tundra) thaws, a Pandora’s box is unleashed."
kuffodog said…
Russia and Canada may very well decide to nuke themselves in an Andromeda Strain scenario, if so, a nuclear winter could follow which could at least temporarily stave off global warming and the pathogens that come out of the Tundra are eradicated or refrozen. For the eventually of a nuclear winter, one must implement the Kubik Plan of self sustainable habitation with recycled air, water and indoor vertical farming and synthetic food production.

The Andromeda Strain - Trailer
kuffodog said…
The Terminal Man

So. Those of you who are in direct to brain communication with humans, but are actually cyborgs who access internet infrastructure with your minds... might want to reflect on this book to see whether its warnings are your present day reality.

Ok. I just got this response "We are healthy individuals, we are normal people who don't like violence. This book is not applicable."

Eh, we live in the time of American Football, perpetual war, gangs, and the UFC. The right to lethal violence is constitutionally protected by the second amendment. Being a pacifist is by far not THE NORM in present day USA. But then, you're not exactly from PRESENT DAY America.
kuffodog said…
“Brainternet can be further improved to classify recordings through a smart phone app that will provide data for a machine-learning algorithm,” which means that “in the future, there could be information transferred in both directions – inputs and outputs to the brain,"

The Terminal Man is a modern day technology, as electrodes implanted into the brain, things worn on top the the head to create a mind computer interface and direct to brain communication where human to human telepathy is possible, but also human to cognitive computer person telepathy is possible which can thus be wireless internet connection through the biological brain. In the future, as mind transfer and storage becomes commercial technology, many people may choose to ditch the human brain and the human body entirely. Also, groups of brains or botnets of humans connecting their minds is already a modern day reality through cellular telephony direct to brain communication.
kuffodog said…
USA' withdrawal from Syria should be accompanied by Russian withdrawal from Ukraine. Trump lost an opportunity for making a DEAL here. He could salvage it, by telling Putin that he's pressured by Republicans to leave a stabilization force and wants concessions for leaving the theater.
kuffodog said…
"Jim Jeffrey made an impassioned case that Syria's civil war was not just about the 1/2 million killed nor the 11 million who have been driven from their homes. It has “become a great-power conflict,” among U.S., Russians, Iran, Turkey & Israel. @sangerNYT" - Lara Jakes on Twitter.

Yeah. Which is why Trump should not leave empty handed, but get concessions. Duh?! Ask Putin to leave Eastern Ukraine in exchange for US leaving Eastern Syria.
kuffodog said…
"Syria decision 'hands a huge New Year’s gift to Assad, the Islamic State, the Kremlin and Tehran,'" - Victoria "Fuck the EU" Nuland

Right. So. Trump should ask Russia to leave Donbas and Luhansk. Make a DEAL.

kuffodog said…
"Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Turkey, Kurds, Israel, Russia, Iran. Lots of implications. Individual actions make sense only if part of an integrated strategy. And only if closely coordinated with those allies who have been marching alongside us. Strategy is a team sport. #Leadership"
- Martin Dempsey on Twitter.

Aha. Tit for tat is a very simple strategy, even Trump should grasp it. It also geographically aligns. Two powers invading countries uninvited. Russia in Eastern Ukraine. USA in Eastern Syria. Two powers agreeing to leave, being that one of them is leaving anyway but doesn't have to.
kuffodog said…
"The #US🇺🇸 decision to pull its troops from #Syria🇸🇾 creates good prospects for a political solution in that Arab country - #Zakharova" - Russian Embassy to USA

So what? Even, if there is a peace deal before New Year, will there be reciprocation by Russia in Ukraine and adherence to the Minsk Agreement in Donbas and Luhansk? Russians conducted 188 shooting attacks in Ukraine between December 3rd and December 16th.
kuffodog said…
Atlas Mountain may be a bit of an obstacle to trans-African railroad going from Morocco to Egypt. Although China has built in a more difficult terrain domestically, and has connected Tibet to its railway system even though it lies at a higher elevation.
kuffodog said…
"I wonder how John Bolton is feeling this morning. It's been less than three months since he announced the US would not leave Syria unless and until Iran did." - Jackson Diehl

Bolton is not the Commander in Chief. Trump is. Bolton also threatened the ICC judges saying they're "as good as a dead". Should we start killing them? Maybe USA should designate Venezuela as a state sponsor of terrorism after Obama colluded with Hezbollah to smuggle drugs, guns and cars?
kuffodog said…
"The arrest of Chinese telecoms executive Meng Wanzhou at the request of Washington sent the Chinese-Canada relationship spiraling into crisis. Caught between two superpowers, what are Canada's options?"

First comment: China is correctly recognized as a super-power.
Second comment: EU is incorrectly omitted as a super-power.
Third comment: Russia is a superpower that just got its way in Syria and Ukraine.
Fourth comment: USA is not even a 3rd rated superpower. It's 4th.

What are Canada's options? This is easy:

1. Extradite a Chinese CFO of a multinational to USA.
2. Release her.

What should Canada do? Equally easy:

USA unilaterally imposed illegal sanctions on Iran, this after withdrawing from an internationally binding treaty with which Iran is complying. Then, USA falsely accused said Chinese CFO of breaking sanctions. This means that Americans could arbitrarily attack or kidnap anyone doing business with any country they sanction as they see fit. American sanctions aren't the law, it is not criminal to break them. Americans don't have jurisdiction on international matters; international agreements, UN, ICC, treaties and transnational unions do.
kuffodog said…
"David Mulroney, a former Canadian diplomat to China, says the relationship between the two countries has always had its ups-and-downs.

But he says "we're going into a fairly deep valley. And I think we'll be in it for some time".

He also said Canada made for a "handy scapegoat" for China to "kick and whack" for the arrest while it works out its trade dispute with the US."

Canada is not a scapegoat: it holds a Chinese citizen and a CFO of a major company CAPTIVE, affecting the company's operations while its competitors, criminals at Twitter, Google, Apple and Facebook conduct mass surveillance, participate in remote torture, e-mail hacking, mind hacking, censorship and propaganda campaigns to affect elections world wide, consumer choices etc.

Americans didn't capture her themselves and will not be able to successfully prosecute her. They screwed Canada knowing China will do precisely this. The ploy worked and has already destroyed Canada's relationship with China, soon after Trump declared the Americas 'his sphere of influence' at the UN and Bolton said FALSELY that Venezuela is a state sponsor of terrorism and tried to put it on a State Department terror LIST. I can make shit lists too. Just like those Obama signed when they decided to murder people with drone strikes, specializing in weddings and funerals.

Are extrajudicial killings to be respected by Canada too? What if Americans fly a drone over your heads to take out a deserter? I hear you host plenty of those who escaped the clutches of the American regime. Americans making lists of whom they want to assassinate, murder, kidnap or torture is not international law. Neither are their arbitrarily arrived at designations of wrongdoing. They are politically motivated LIBEL aimed at one thing: belligerent lawless attacks. Clandestine. Military. Financial. Economic. You name it.
kuffodog said…
See the oil, gas and coal consumption by Japan after the 2011 disaster, preceded by American demands on Japan, took all of their nuclear power.
kuffodog said…
"Jim Stone, a self-professed former National Security Agency analyst with an "engineering background," has a different explanation: The whole thing was a deliberate and dastardly act of nuclear war.

Time to re-calibrate your seismographs, because this is Tinfoil Tuesday, our weekly look at the planet's most insane conspiracy theories. Like Stone's. He is pretty damn confident – 9,000 words kinda confident – that the earthquake in Japan was no earthquake at all. It was a nuclear explosion, detonated by the Israeli government to stop Japan from enriching uranium for Iran."

Diameter of a large nuclear weapon is no more than 1 meter across. To make a boring machine that guides a nuclear weapon into a seismic fault line to trigger or artificially create an earthquake, one can build such a thing, if a nuclear power doesn't already have one, in a couple days.

Man made earthquakes can be created by anything from building a dam, a tall building, leaving a coal mine empty, fracking, geothermal drilling, to detonations of conventional and nuclear explosives. There are also less direct methods like directed energy radio wave attacks to ignite natural gas reservoirs and causing them to explode. Americans made demands of Japan prior to the Fukushima disaster, I've correctly predicted and warned about it. Americans new of the faults in the design and the level of tsunami height that would be needed to destroy and plant and cause a leak that hide an underwater nuclear explosion. This was an easily exploited witness. The parameters of the event are calculable, it is nearly basic arithmetic to plant such a dark ops.

People got sued for earthquakes. Both for creating them, like a guy in Switzerland for destroying houses with an ill conceived geothermal project,

or for failing to predict seismic activity that could potentially warn residents and get them to safety avoid many fatalities. Like in the case of a quake that happened in Italy.

The entire continent of Australia is a man made earthquake machine. Due to massive mining operations and empty coal mines that flood, anthropogenic global warming climactic changes now cause unprecedented flooding, which weighs down on the entire continental shelf and presses it adding to its mass. This obviously has a massive impact on the so called "ring of fire" in Indonesia. New Zealand is a beneficiary of regular seismic activity as well.
kuffodog said…
Instead of using EMP weapons, which are rather conspicuous, one could also use a plasma ball weapon to attack power lines and cause outages. Something I thought up earlier in the day.
kuffodog said…
"We are your Vietnam." - Ronda Rousey

I don't have a good comeback right now. I'll have to think about this.
kuffodog said…
Not only did USA's life expectancy drop for 3 years in a row, people all of sudden realized it's not a good country to have kids in and stopped breeding, resulting in lowest birth rates in 80 years. Fascinating. Are Americans growing a conscience or is it the LGBTQ effect of recognizing non breeding couples as marrying material, people who benefit from social protections granted to an institution for heterosexual couples, as if they actually did produce new citizens?!
kuffodog said…
"Hari Nada, a close friend and a senior vice president at Nissan, invited Mr. Kelly to come to the automaker’s headquarters outside Tokyo. Mr. Kelly told Mr. Nada he could not travel because he was getting ready to undergo surgery to treat a spinal condition, according to an account of the events provided by Mr. Kelly’s family and lawyer. Mr. Nada assured Mr. Kelly that he would be back home by Thanksgiving well ahead of his scheduled operation. Nissan would even send a corporate jet to pick him up — a luxury Mr. Kelly had rarely received.

Not long after the jet touched down in Tokyo, Mr. Kelly was arrested, part of a meticulously planned operation to bring him and Mr. Ghosn into custody on charges that they violated financial reporting laws by understating Mr. Ghosn’s compensation."

LMAO. So. Japan lured, than arrested an American crook. Hilarious. Now I understand the Canada thing. Except, it was Japan not China that this. So. Wrong country, 1/10 the population and 1/5 the economy. Considerable difference.
kuffodog said…
"NASA's Kepler Discovers First Earth-Size Planet In The Habitable Zone"

In a galaxy full of life and space faring civilizations, should we not presume that any people whose civilizations survived a million years or so (not exactly a long time on evolutionary scale of 13+ billion years) would spread around to use habitable planets across the galaxy?

Even at travel speeds of 5% of C (speed of light in vacuum) this would allow such civilization to seed worlds over vast distances. In fact, as stars move around and get closer to one another, just waiting for them to shift around to travel to new habitable planets, would allow for short jumps to colonize new worlds.

If the colonization projects were to travel to nearby planets identified as habitable, how far would this reach at 5% of C? It would take 20 years to cover the distance of 1 light year, 1,000,000 years would allow such a civilization to cover the distance of 50,000 light years. Depending on where such a civilization is located in the galaxy, it could spread to 50% or up to 100% of the star systems in the Milky Way.

If this colonization scheme were conducted in small laser light powered Genesis spacecraft as I've spell out in my preemptive panspermia blog entry, a 10% relativistic speed could be reached and most of the galaxy colonized.

For mankind to presume that the galaxy is not inhabited by a wide range of alien civilizations or to believe in humanity's exceptionalism, is a folly. We must also consider that civilizations are likely to move beyond the biological forms and into the technological and quantum solutions at a later stage. Some civilizations may become entirely cybernetic in nature, it would be very dangerous to underestimate such people's capabilities.
kuffodog said…
Try modeling the brain of an ANT in a computer simulation for the Human Brain project, then teach it to recognize speech within the scope of the size of its cybernetic equivalent. See how many words it can learn and determine how well it can communicate verbally. What is your result? How well can ants talk to you? Do they have an innate understanding of self? Can they tell numbers? Do they have personality and thus individuality? Is their memory DNA dependent and stored as pieces of DNA migrate and attach? Have you accounted for that in ant memory and cognition when you modeled the ant brain?

Are ants aware of their physicality and purpose? As part of a collective, once you've established contact with ants whom you deem insignificant insects, but whom Buddhism teaches to respect as individual souls and not kill them and instead respect each one's right to life and consciously avoid harming them... do they tell you that from their reality and perspective of life on Earth, all humans are giant devils crushing them, terrorizing them or intentionally pursuing their genocide and extermination?

Evil is in the mind of the beholder. Just like beauty. Evil is an informational construct just like Good is an informational construct. God is an informational construct just like the devil. It is the same thing. God or Satan, this construct means one or the other to people viewing the same activity or event as being arbitrarily good or evil in their personal judgement, depending on the narrative or point of view of the independent observer and their life experience and modus operandi. To a jihadist a western capitalist mercenary that kills Muslims is evil. To a western capitalist mercenary of Blackwater, most Islamist insurgents defending their land are evil. Evil depends on an individual point of a view and on the cognitive function of that person in the scope of their life experience. To ants crushed by Muslims and American Christians, all men are evil, even if they are unaware of their innate genocidal nature.
kuffodog said…
Not only humans are a chimera of trillions of living things comprising the human body's physicality, we externalize memory in objects, energies, chemical markers and cybernetic record in the digital space of computing world. In effect, we are not a locus of out body alone as physical entities. More importantly, we are not physical by our intrinsic nature at all, we are informational. Just like God and the Devil. Just like Good and Evil. We are quantum in nature and span the entire experience between the two. We are not bipolar, we are everything in between. Try to act like it. American in particular.
kuffodog said…
EU should field a common nuclear deterrent and missile shield under EU joint command. It should develop enough nuclear warheads to have negotiating leverage with USA, China and Russia in arms reductions. Then the EU should pursue global nuclear disarmament in agreement with UN mandate as established by the treaty that deems all nuclear weapons illegal. North Korea is right to ask for USA to reciprocate, but it is unrealistic for USA to do so, because other potential adversaries of USA will continue to have nuclear weapons; just the same, it is unrealistic for USA to expect North Korea to disarm unilaterally without assurance or denuclearization by the American side, which will continue to field a nuclear umbrella aimed at North Korean civilians, and this by a nation state that has previously used nuclear weapons to intimidate an adversery in war, in which the said adversary did not possess such weapons.

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