Cloning and head transplantation as a cusp of immortality present day technology

Regenerative medicine is replacing transplantation with on the body regeneration. The first transplant ever made... was that of a piece of SKIN. Now your own skin can be simply REGROWN on top of your BURNED body, and look as new skin ... without any scars. The progression in surgical techniques is thousands of years old. The 22 surgical tools that the Romans used two thousand years ago have not changed at all... they remain the same exactly, except they're made of better materials and they're disinfected differently. The first successful reconnection of the spinal cord has already occurred in mammals. The first successful head transplant has been done. The first successful cloning of mammals has been conducted on a wide ranging number of species.

Compare the progression of Moore's Law to how advances in surgical techniques have advanced what can be transplanted and you quickly realize, that it has come a full circle: skin which was the first organ transplanted can now be regrown. In fact, you can regrow your ENTIRE BODY and transplant your head onto it. The moral implications of cloning yourself do not exist... if the clone is BRAINLESS. The clone doesn't need a brain, because all one needs is the human body for a full body transplant. A clone grown in amniotic fluid to maturity can be ready within 18 years for harvesting, which means a 90 year old Arnold Schwarzenegger can step back onto the Mr. Olympia stage at 91 with the body of a 19 year old.

The cusp of biological immortality is technologically available today: it is the synergy of cloning and head transplantation technology with regenerative techniques that fully connect the spinal cord.

The technology of full body transplant in case of near death or death, does not hold ANY risk and the surgery can proceed at any time after the patient or the dead person's body can no longer support their head's biological functions. The body cloned for harvesting can wait for that time of transplantation, meaning the patient does not need to risk an early death or years of life lost if the surgery is unsuccessful. The cloning should begin NOW, and a market for this presumably exists. I found at least ONE potential customer, who stated that she would opt for immortality, if her immediate family would have access to the same technology... this means there are at least millions of people who will go for this.

The cost of raising a spare body for a full body transplant should be no more than $4,000 a year. The surgery itself will become robotic and standardized, with skin being regrown, so no scars are seen and facial skin being regrown, so no sign of facial aging creates a startling contrast between an old face and a young adult's body.

Elderly rich people who want to be immortal, should plan a full body replacement today. They should start cloning themselves at around 60 years old or sooner, depending on how risky their lives are. Some people may need a full body transplant sooner and may want to clone themselves in 20 year increments, having several spare bodies. This of course will depend on how risky their lives are and their financial ability to keep two or three extra bodies.

The cloning technology is a non-issue. Human cloning is present day technology, as is primate head transplantation. An artificial womb amniotic fluid BATH is needed to keep the clone inside such a liquid until harvesting and this may require a bit of innovation. I'd go with an umbilical cord until harvesting and an artificial placenta or one could use a feeding tube that goes through the nose or the side of the belly (but why if you have to grow the clone in this adult size womb anyway?).

The clone will grow like a baby human and it will not excrete or egest any waste, if it is fed by an artificial placenta. Environmental factors will not affect the clone's skin, muscles, bones, nails or hair, all of which should be easy enough to maintain. If the clone is raised outside the incubator it may need more servicing, which will greatly increase the cost of growing it, but the business model is still viable.

Present day cost of dog cloning would indicate that the $50,000 to clone a large mammal is prohibitive to most human inhabitants of the Earth who would strive for immortality, the $4,000+ a year upkeep of a body is an annual cost that is much more palatable, but one has to keep in mind that an elderly person will get a reset on the years of potential productivity: going back to that Arnold example, he could have another sports career as a bodybuilder, do the action movies as a young guy again except with his VAST experience as both and then some. Clearly, elderly in brand new bodies who can afford the $50 thousand and $4,000 a year to follow to clone themselves, will increase their potential income after a full body transplant. The average American will then be able to work another 40 or 50 years at an income level that covers the cost of the procedure within a year or two of continued work. 401K plans can take this into account as can health insurance plans once the procedure becomes standardized.

The choice is yours: retirement and an early death or the fountain of youth and continued professional life with the vibrancy of a young adult. I'm not twisting any arms here, but get LET'S GET THIS STATED!

Then of course there are some tweaks that you can toss into this, like making yourself a bit taller or removing a gene responsible for breast cancer risk from your cloned body... so that you don't have to have a double mastectomy like Angelina Jolie. Genetic engineering of the clone can have wide ranging improvements, the Chinese for instance made dogs that were more massive in musculature, something a person who aims to a be pro bodybuilder would literally DIE FOR. Pun intended. Point is, that if you can customize a service animal or pet's DNA why wouldn't you do it for yourself? Clearly rejection of a full body transplant with just a gene or two altered, added or removed will not be much of a risk.


kuffodog said…
Earlier today, I proposed creating a market for organ sales for dead persons. Those who die would not see their organs simply donated, but their estate would benefit from organ sale. This would increase the number of people who would make their organs available for transplantation after death. It would create a market, where those who needed the organs the most could buy them at a higher price and not have to be put on waiting lists which can only be beat by organ traffickers. Organ trafficking crimes like organ theft, slavery, solicitation of sale from live persons or murder for harvesting, would be greatly diminished or eliminated entirely, as those who have the money to pay for organs, would simply pay a bit more to get them on such an exchange. To avoid the issue of people intentionally committing suicide to sell their organs to benefit family or an estate, a two year waiting period could be instituted before the payout is made. In cases of living person wanting to financially benefit from their organs made available for transplantation after death, some financial reward could be made available to those who enroll in this market, especially if such person do not have anyone in mind leave any estate to.
kuffodog said…
Money talks bullshit walks. Last presidential election Democrats canned Sanders because DMC ran out of cash. Bloomberg has plenty of it. Sanders is going to get the sack. Again. Super-delegates will go to Biden or Bloomberg.
kuffodog said…
The coronavirus is doing a double dip like CIA at Yemeni weddings and funerals with their drone strikes: people who were ill and recovered... get ill and show no immunity to the virus getting them sick again resulting in recurring hospital stays. Over a 100 such cases have been identified. If death tolls increase as this happens repeatedly, the 2.38% death rate may keep affecting the same population indefinitely like AIDS until a cure or vaccine is found... except it is AIRBORNE and is much more difficult to contain.
kuffodog said…
"The biggest single threat to man's dominance of the planet is the virus."

- Joshua Lederberg, Ph.D.
kuffodog said…
"Coronavirus: Iran calls on army for help as 23 MPs infected
Iran has confirmed its armed forces are available to assist health officials. European governments are hurrying to control the spread of COVID-19 as Italy's death toll jumped to 79"
kuffodog said…
"The International Atomic Energy Agency made the statement in a confidential report distributed to member countries that was seen by The Associated Press. The agency said as of Feb. 19, Iran's total stockpile of low-enriched uranium amounted to 1,020.9 kilograms (1.1 tons), compared to 372.3 kilograms on Nov. 3, 2019, noted in its November report."

US invaded Iraq over yellowcake that Saddam Hussein never purchased. This is the IAE report. What gives?

I guess it must have been the curveball that threw things off. (Pun intended).

The virus has been deployed, the fissile material for nukes is real. Iranians are dying. Everything is ass backwards. LOL
kuffodog said…
"As Carl Sagan said 'extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence,'" Schulze-Makuch said. "I think the proof will really require that we actually send people there, and an astronaut looks through a microscope and sees a moving microbe."

Send a microscope with the next rover mission. Use a camera to record and send to Earth what you see. Look around to find microbes to catalog, name and identify.
kuffodog said…
"This is the first report of a protein from any extraterrestrial source," the scientists added.

To be clear, the researchers aren't claiming that the hemolithin is evidence of alien life. But the discovery, if it holds up, would still be of great interest to astrobiologists. That's because it would show that very complex chemistry of the sort employed by life as we know it on Earth occurs of its own accord in deep space. (Proteins are the workhorses of cells, performing a wide variety of tasks for organisms.)
kuffodog said…
Ximena Sariñana - Different
kuffodog said…
"Now, by tapping into signals from nerves in the arm, researchers have enabled amputees to precisely control a robotic hand just by thinking about their intended finger movements. The interface, which relies on a set of tiny muscle grafts to amplify a user’s nerve signals, just passed its first test in people: It translated those signals into movements, and its accuracy stayed stable over time."

How is it that humans can mind control one another, but can't build prosthetic arms that uses the mechanism of a working biological arm to move a technological one? If through the telecommunication spectrum of cellular telephony, control can be established over another person's or animal's organism, the same methods could be copied to control a piece of equipment. A kind of remote telepathic approach, just like in mind control quantum connections using cellular telephony for cybernetic entanglement. This way the user could control their arm remotely even if it is not attached to them.
kuffodog said…
The argument that xenobiology should be quite diverse and that because extraterrestrial alien animal life has not been studied and observed (other than alien spacecraft), thus proving that this great galactic biodiversity DOES NOT exist, makes about as much sense as arguing that the Solar system is unique in the universe (before 1990 when no exoplanets have been observed), because it is THE ONLY ONE with planets. The argument is false though logical; just because humans have not observed and studied life bearing exoplanets with such biodiversity, it doesn't mean the galaxy isn't teeming with them. The present estimate is that around 50,000,000,000 (50 billion) such planets are present in the Milky Way alone. Evolution is a fact. Get over it.
kuffodog said…
IMF put $50 billion, China put $16 billion and USA $8.3 billion to mitigate the coronavirus.

Someone will make a lot of money. No?

EU allotted $10 million (yes, MILLION with an M) to research it. I'm told it doesn't kill WHITE PEOPLE. Hmm.

kuffodog said…
Destruction of hospitals by intentionally targeting them exacerbates epidemics and this is the aim and purpose of the Russian and Syrian regimes in the Middle East. Targeting of medical staff and destruction of healthcare infrastructure continues to be a war crime consistently committed by the Syrian and Russian regimes over the last decade.

12 Hours. 4 Syrian Hospitals Bombed. One Culprit: Russia

Russian–Syrian hospital bombing campaign

The Assad regime has tried to develop nuclear weapons, biological weapons and has used chemical weapons to mass murder civilians in the country where the dictator claims to be a president. Israel air force has neutralized his attempts to field a nuclear arsenal and a biological weapons program. The Russian regime has all such capabilities at their disposal. While restarting or moving a nuclear facility is difficult, doing same with a biological weapons program is far easier.

Operation Outside the Box (formerly Operation Orchard)

Israel’s strike on Syria also hit biological weapons facility, says report

Use of chemical weapons in the Syrian Civil War

Russia and weapons of mass destruction

It is important to analyze and see how the Russian and Syrian regimes benefit from the coronavirus epidemic and start to question whether they were motivated to resort to bio-terrorism, whether they used the existing epidemic to kill with biological weapons to gain military advantage in Syria or did they only create a fertile ground for a geopolitical setting where Syrian refugees would be seen as leprous unwanted invaders and terrorist that Putin and Assad portray them to be: animals to be slaughtered, free movement would be constricted by world wide quarantines, and the West's appetite for intervention to topple Assad silenced by every headline grabbed by the Putin and Assad's kingmaker: the coronavirus.
kuffodog said…
SimCity doesn't have any debt in it. All building is a result of production, trade and taxation. There is no borrowing of any kind.

Cryptocurrnecy as a global reserve currency is an interesting paradigm, one that could be implemented world wide. Monetary policy for most nation states is often a tool that is necessary in times of emergency. While issuing fiat currency can match economic pace of growth even if it is in double digits like China's, there exists a perpetual risk of hyperinflation.

Cryptocurrency is a tool that fills in the gap between sovereign debt and monetary policy: it can be mined and hold real value, in whatever quantity desired, provided that EXTRA computing and energy resources necessary to mine it are allocated to its creation.

There exists a REAL value that backs cryptocurrency, just as people perceived a real value in the gold that backed the US dollar: it is the computing resources and the ability to generate the electric power to make them run! Both the IT infrastructure that grows as cryptocurrency is mined and the extra grid capacity needed to power it, are things that create economic wealth. Re-purposing this capacity after desired amount of cryptocurrency is created or keeping spare capacity to get more when needed, should become part of national fiscal strategies, investment banks and central banks.

The financial industry's capacity for high frequency trading should be matched by or exceeded by its IT capacity for cryptocurrency creation.

Small nation states can purpose necessary cryptocurrency mining resources powered by renewable energy to fund big projects not by DEBT or fiat currency being minted by a loose monetary policy, but instead by creating a valuable reserve currency resource which is decentralized and accepted world wide.

For instance Estonia could pay for public projects by mining Bitcoin as a nation state, while its drive towards digital economy is thus accelerated and no public debt incurred. This also allows small EU states to be less dependent of Brussels' approval of regional and EU funded projects and creates less risk, thus allowing states to be braver and more forward thinking in pushing public policy projects which otherwise could prove to be white elephants and burden their taxpayers with debt. Nobody who trades or uses Bitcoin will begrudge Estonia for using what Bitcoin they've mined to build a new bus terminal, if it doesn't bring in the regional tourism they thought it would create. Estonia would have a bus terminal. There'd be no debt. There'd be more Bitcoin in circulation. The country's energy grid would have more renewable power capacity. Its IT infrastructure would field more processing power.

Incidentally: both the infrastructure and the electricity used to mine will be needed for:

- virtual real estate
- mind transfer and storage capacity
- storing and running cyber persons living in the virtual real estate

This all holds REAL value, because it creates economic activity and capacity to create even more productivity and wealth. Gold sitting in US Treasury's basement doesn't do that. Extra zero's added to a piece paper that Maduro printed doesn't do that either.

See what I mean?
kuffodog said…
I just discovered that this person exists, and the world become a better place. LOL

Kyra Gracie
kuffodog said…
Anonymous will bring about extermination of humans. They are pure Satanic evil. Murderous. Libelous. Sadistic. Thriving on lies, hate, torture, conflict and cybernetic terrorism.

Nation states like Poland, USA, Israel and UK which embraced the services of the Anonymous as a proxy for mass mind control, extrajudicial killing, silencing of dissent, assassination, propaganda, hacking, fake news, fraud, patent theft and other criminal schemes to enrich their oligarchies that purchased the services of far right fascist regimes through corrupting these countries' political systems, see these regimes use any means necessary to keep power and entrench it.

These regimes, enabled and serviced by the Anonymous terrorists, have maligned this group of "hacktivist" psychopaths into the modern day cyber Schutzstaffel. It's a Nazi feedback loop between the far right and the extremist anarchists.

All freedom of thought and speech in these countries has been crushed and destroyed by terrorism, torture, mind invasion, mind control, hacking, disinformation and propaganda of the regime's and the Anonymous. It is as if the average citizen's mind was caught in a steel vice being squeezed ever tighter by these monsters.

They (the Anonymous anarchists and the far right fascists) will drive their despotic adversaries in Iran, Russia, China and Syria to a global confrontation with the use of weapons of mass destruction. The coronavirus is only the beginning.
kuffodog said…
"Twenty-seven people have been killed in an attack in Afghanistan at a ceremony attended by presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah, he told CNN.

Abdullah said he escaped the attack in west Kabul unharmed, and that small arms gunfire followed by rocket fire killed 27 attendees and injured a further 52.

Armed men used a high-rise building nearby to shoot at the crowd, the source said. Ministry of Interior spokesman Nasrat Rahimi told CNN that special forces were sent to the scene."

Taliban control their territory. Americans and the Afghan gov't should try to control theirs.
kuffodog said…
Total population: 7 billion 769 million

Kill rate: 3.4%

Anyone can get it.

If everyone gets it: 269 million will die.


Then you can get it AGAIN!

It can also mutate to become better at killing, or be weaponized!
kuffodog said…
666 Fifth Ave (see video)
kuffodog said…
Democracy has failed in Afghanistan, just as it failed in Libya. Civil war will follow.
kuffodog said…
Italy’s massive coronavirus quarantine provokes panic; stock markets tank 11%
kuffodog said…
Flight MH17: Trial opens of four accused of murdering 298 over Ukraine
kuffodog said…
"Crude oil futures plummeted by more than 30% at the open — the biggest one-day drop since the 1991 Gulf War — on the prospect of an oil glut and softer global demand."
kuffodog said…

It's Monday. It's gonna be MANIC.
kuffodog said…
"The market has triggered a ‘circuit breaker’ that keeps stocks from falling through the floor. Here’s how that works"
kuffodog said…
Russian ruble dropped to lowest level since 2016. Russia is standing its ground and oil is getting cheap.
kuffodog said…
They couldn't do it with tariffs, the coronavirus dropped China's exports by over 17%
kuffodog said…
Tourism is 16% of Italian economy. That's tanking right now. Courtesy coronavirus.

PIGS (Portugal, Italy, Greece, Spain)

They're about to be hit.
kuffodog said…
"The 9/11 commission report, which was released on July 22, 2004, suggests that the plot’s ringleader had considered crashing a commercial airliner into a nuclear power plant in the New York area. The report explains that Mohamed Atta, who piloted one of the planes that hit the World Trade Center, “considered targeting a nuclear facility he had seen during familiarization flights near New York.” The nuclear plant was not identified, but the report says the plotters already had agreed to target the World Trade Center. The Journal News broke the story over the weekend.

Several strong pieces of evidence point to Indian Point. First, the terrorists had rented planes from Teterboro Airport – in northern New Jersey about 30 miles from Indian Point – for their reconnaissance flights. Second, a June 16th 9/11 panel statement noted that the terrorists’ test flights included trips along the Hudson River corridor. Third, the Indian Point nuclear power plants in northwestern Westchester County are about 35 miles from midtown Manhattan. Other area nuclear power plants are more than 100 miles from New York City."

How many planes fly near the Indian Point every day? Which one will hit it?
kuffodog said…
"U.S. West Texas Intermediate crude is on track for its worst day since January 1991, and second worst day on record after plunging 22%, or $9.15, to trade at $32.13 per barrel. Earlier WTI hit a session low of $27.34 per barrel. International benchmark Brent crude futures were down 21%, or $9.74, to trade at $35.52 per barrel. Brent futures dove more than 30% at the low to $31.02."
kuffodog said…
$5 oil produced from marine and lake grown seaweed can upend the markets, whoever gets that technology can take on OPEC, Russia, USA combined!
kuffodog said…
Putin dumps OPEC to start a war with America’s shale oil industry
kuffodog said…
"The entire US yield curve plunged below 1% for the first time ever. Here's why that's a big red flag for investors.

Surging demand drove up the price of US Treasuries, dragging down their yields and sending the entire yield curve below 1% for the first time ever. The yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury touched a record low of less than 0.4%, while the 30-year Treasury yield slid below 1% - an unprecedented event."
kuffodog said…
Electric plane's and vehicle's range depends on how they are powered, compact fusion reactors will make this range global, this calculus is not applicable to things that run on fuel in tank.
kuffodog said…
German companies are building TESLA battery factories in... Germany. It's the equivalent of Ford motors going to build its car on BMW and Volkswagen territory. Key here is that TESLA isn't just a car company.
kuffodog said…
No oil is needed for electric cars... oil and gas wars? You're immune if you run on renewable electric power.

"According to Renew Economy, German has set higher daily or weekly records in the past, but February of 2020 set the record for an entire month. “Of the total 45.12TWh generated by Germany’s power sector, 27.63TWh, or 61.2%, was generated from renewable electricity sources. Throughout the month, Germany’s renewable energy sector regularly provided around 60% or above of the country’s electricity production – including over a dozen days around or above 70%,” RE writes.

Wind turbines were by far the largest contributor to all that renewable energy, generating a record 20.80 TWh, or 45.8%, of the country’s electricity. That smashed the previous record of 34.7% in March of 2019. In second place was not solar, as you might expect, but biomass with 3.74 TWh or 8.3% of the total. Solar was third with 1.86 TWh, or 4.2%. Natural gas provided 10.2% of February’s total, while nuclear provided 11.5%. Coal — both soft and hard — provided only 17% of the country’s power in February."
kuffodog said…
DUNE technology in desert villages of Earth. Yawn.

"The new hydropanels will be installed in two different locations in the village to provide much needed water to residents. The arrays were designed specifically to meet the needs of the community, producing 22,000 liters of clean, renewably sourced pure water every month. SOURCE hydropanels use only sunlight to produce clean drinking water from the air, leveraging technology and material science to accomplish what would otherwise be considered magic."
kuffodog said…
I was in New York for the original Black Monday and thought nothing of it. I did predict this Black Monday in 2020, and still it means nothing to me personally as I hold no stock nor have any savings to lose.

Black Monday
kuffodog said…
"In an unprecedented and potentially legally fraught move, all of Italy and its 60 million residents have been placed under lockdown, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announced on Monday, part of a raft of sweeping quarantine measures intended to contain the outbreak."

Part eggplant.

Supposedly the virus doesn't kill WHITE PEOPLE. All of Italy is on lock-down. Go figure. :-D
kuffodog said…
In a psychological operation Costa Concordia was sunk, then it was salvaged. The point was that going on cruises is predominantly an exercise in gluttony and should be avoided in the midst of a global epidemic, one that should be refrained from. While also it dismissed the Titanic myth, as it was now erased from the minds' of the public: any ship can be salvaged, any technology replicated. Replica of the Titanic is now an attraction in China. One if I'm not mistaken will be an ocean going ship.

The coronavirus simply tops it all off: "People fighting over ‘rotten’ food on coronavirus-stricken Grand Princess cruise: passenger." I mean really? How about a STAYCATION?!
kuffodog said…
"So far, Italy has 9,172 cases and 463 deaths -- the most of any country outside of China."
kuffodog said…
463/9172 = 5.05% death rate in Italy. Hmm. Higher than in China.
kuffodog said…
Wuhan is in the Hubei province that proudly boast the "God of War" statue.

Coronavirus cases in China have flatlined. The rest of the world is in jitters.
kuffodog said…
Does this sound like Bloomberg taking South Korean anonymous claims made in a DAILY and making it into a headline? This doesn't make it into REAL NEWS. Mental note to self: read Bloomberg past the articles' titles.

"South Korea's Daily NK news organization, however, reported that 200 soldiers are dead from the virus and another 4,000 people are in quarantine.

North Korea's military is scrambling to control the spread of the coronavirus outbreak, the Daily NK reported, citing an anonymous source."
kuffodog said…
[The Saudis] are playing a very dangerous poker game, and they’re playing it against a chess player. But they don’t have a good hand. But the chess player has a very good hand and the chess player is Russia,”

I told you people over and over: the US is playing Battleship and chess with Chinese... who are playing GO. Now all your maritime freedom of movement is restricted by the Wuhan virus. Globally. How are your "freedom of navigation operations" going in the South China Sea?
kuffodog said…
The Polish Catholic state's crusader in chief, gen. Jarosław Mika has the coronavirus.

kuffodog said…
"Tesla has produced 1 million electric vehicles, according to the firm’s CEO Elon Musk, who congratulated the “Tesla team” on the milestone via a tweet.",_Inc.

Keep in mind Tesla ONLY MAKES ELECTRIC VEHICLES. Since Tesla started making cars in 2003... Toyota has produced about 140 million vehicles to TESLA's.... ONE million. Does their valuation reflect that?
kuffodog said…
After a viral attack on Poland that kills millions and spreads in EU, Russia will be justified in neutralizing the epidemic with a nuclear strike.

Clearly Canada and USA should be seen in the same light.
kuffodog said…
The terrorist genocidal Polish regime continues to pretend to be a democracy and the Law and Justice terrorist group a legitimate political party.

"WARSAW — Poland's government has decided to cancel all mass events due to the coronavirus outbreak, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said on Tuesday.

"At this morning's meeting we took a decision to call off all mass events," Morawiecki told a news conference.

The central European country of 38 million people has reported 17 cases of coronavirus. No one has died from the virus in Poland."
kuffodog said…
The murderous genocidal sick sadistic terrorist Polish regime is launching 6 more virus labs, to spread disease globally and better target its bio terrorism campaign.
kuffodog said…
"Poland’s road transport industry has collapsed as a result of the developing coronavirus epidemic, the sector association ZMPD said on March 6. Emergency measures are needed from the government to save the PLN130bn (€30.2bn) industry, the association said.

The spreading coronavirus epidemic – there were 17 cases in Poland on March 9 with the number set to grow rapidly soon, according to the government – has driven road transport’s cargo turnover down 30% in mere weeks, the ZMPD said. Passenger movement has virtually, ceased with turnover falling 97%, according to the association."

The terrorist genocidal Polish regime prints currency to pay its supporters. Pleading for FAKE money, printed by murderers, puts their victims at their mercy. Neat trick no?

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