
Cloning and head transplantation as a cusp of immortality present day technology

Regenerative medicine is replacing transplantation with on the body regeneration. The first transplant ever made... was that of a piece of SKIN. Now your own skin can be simply REGROWN on top of your BURNED body, and look as new skin ... without any scars. The progression in surgical techniques is thousands of years old. The 22 surgical tools that the Romans used two thousand years ago have not changed at all... they remain the same exactly, except they're made of better materials and they're disinfected differently. The first successful reconnection of the spinal cord has already occurred in mammals. The first successful head transplant has been done. The first successful cloning of mammals has been conducted on a wide ranging number of species. Compare the progression of Moore's Law to how advances in surgical t...

Radiative and indictive snow removal through sublimation or melting

I've brainstormed ideas on how to melt snow that piles up on roads instead of moving it, especially on city streets where too much of it has to be removed in dump trucks. Melting it with trucks that are powered by electricity, which cooks off the snow into vapor that flies off into the atmosphere, could be one way of doing it. Where the water can be poured out behind the truck, after the snow is melted and made into warm water inside it (nuclear fusion reactor on the truck would be good for this). The snow removal would thus use the hot water from the melted snow: 1. to rinse remaining snow and flow it off into the gutters, wells and off the road 2. heat the road somewhat so fresh snowfall would melt 3. the streets would be washed and cleaned with warm water First, I thought about an electric truck using radiative heating, then to heat the snow as the truck picks up off the ground while it moves. This would be a good solution to melt off the snow, however I ran into a problem...

Counter Strategy: the Afghan War example

For every strategy there is a counter strategy, or at least the best counter strategy should exist that will allow an optimal outcome with a range of probabilities and risks that create the best opportunity for victory. In the Afghan war, much like American strategy in WWII, mine was to create what was necessary to counter the difficulties faced by the war effort. For instance: 1. Supply lines were exposed to terrorist attacks in Pakistani territory where NATO could not defend them, because they had no troops present which made fuel costs rise to $500 a gallon for the US military. My counter strategy was this: - create an alternate supply line through the north: this included a logistics base in Russia, a Chinese built railroad into Afghanistan from the north, as well as the New Silk Road component of China connecting to Afghanistan through the Afghan Wakhan corridor and engaging China economically to protect mining sites with private security while ensuring an end of terroris...

Pool 10% of Top Military Budgets and put it towards Moonshot Projects

UN security council members (and others) should reduce military spending by 10% by appropriating this amount to a joint effort to move humanity forward in a number of big projects, similar in scope and shortness of schedule to the Manhattan Project or the Apollo program . Here's the laundry list of what I want: 1. Universal vaccine 2. Mind transfer and storage 3. Moon mining 4. Circumnavigating hyperloop systems for Earth, Moon and Mars 5. Compact fusion reactors 6. Anti-matter propulsion 7. Interstellar spaceships 8. Moon and Mars cities 9. Cybernetic cities 10. Unicorn ideas that I've spewed this year. All of them. This of course reduces military spending for the top military powers, gets them to cooperate, builds international projects with unprecedented amount of funding that is increased and added to EVERY YEAR. This is a HUGE IDEA. HUGE HUGE. Get it done!

Combustion engines on the Moon and Mars

Methane engines like Raptor brought a couple things to my mind. First of all, as Starship like spacecraft commercialize space access, Titan  will become a giant methane resource or in other words a Moon sized gas station. Second of all, combustion engines on Moon and Mars are a difficult thing, because there is no significant amount of oxygen in the atmosphere... but if you recycle the materials generated from combustion, a combustion engine that uses methane from Titan (in the EU cars run on natural gas) could prove an interesting solution. If one were to develop a combustion engine without emissions at all, one that recycles all the exhaust, it could find applications not only on worlds with no atmosphere or a thin one devoid of oxygen, but also on Earth. Take the idea and see what you can do with it. Feel free to send some cash to my PayPal if you monetize it. 

Humans are still mostly gatherers

I walk past a quarry on the way to the library and each time I walk by... the " Flintstones " come to my mind. Poland is doing logging on the mountainside slopes of a national forest and I see their progress day by day. I thought to myself... this is simply gathering, what's the difference between cavemen using sticks and stones  for 3.5 million years and these less labor intensive modern methods? About the only difference is that in modernity this happens with the use of machinery, which makes it possible for a single human to lift many trees or stones with the use of one mechanized contraption. When Egyptians were moving 20 plus ton stones to build pyramids they were essentially doing the same thing as the people who work at the quarry which I walk by several times a week now, in other words they were gathering stones. Plastics come to mind as a method of producing materials in the shape, size, quality and chemical composition as opposed to HARVESTING and processing...

Video-phone: Who is calling?

I have fielded the idea of the smartphone. That worked out. I fielded the idea of the tablet computer. That is now a thing. I told Google to make Google Glass. They did. I spoke about a video-phone for many years, when I finally got my hands on an iPhone to test it as a user, I came up with the improvements to make the smartphone into a kind of video-phone by adding the front camera so Skype users would be able to see who they are talking to and show themselves (and told Facebook to field an app for the smartphones which included video calls), besides telling Apple to add fingerprint ID as a security feature, diversify sizes and colors, make an iPhone in Gold and put in a flashlight into the device. They did that. Then on the 100th's Anniversary of the Grand Central station in New York City, a flash mob with the flash lights on their new iPhone 5's (product which fielded all these improvements) showed up and did a show... with the smartphone flash lights. And yet... the smartph...