Combustion engines on the Moon and Mars

Methane engines like Raptor brought a couple things to my mind. First of all, as Starship like spacecraft commercialize space access, Titan will become a giant methane resource or in other words a Moon sized gas station. Second of all, combustion engines on Moon and Mars are a difficult thing, because there is no significant amount of oxygen in the atmosphere... but if you recycle the materials generated from combustion, a combustion engine that uses methane from Titan (in the EU cars run on natural gas) could prove an interesting solution. If one were to develop a combustion engine without emissions at all, one that recycles all the exhaust, it could find applications not only on worlds with no atmosphere or a thin one devoid of oxygen, but also on Earth. Take the idea and see what you can do with it. Feel free to send some cash to my PayPal if you monetize it. 


kuffodog said…
"Another case focuses on allegations that Netanyahu promised the owner of Israel’s best-selling newspaper to push for regulations on its main competitor, owned by Adelson."

Assad will outlast Trump and Netanyahu. Fascinating.
kuffodog said…
When I come up with innovation, I usually target a particular party, a corporation, a government, a military or a private investor and use the idea as a niche that gives them a head start on everyone else. This of course is best suited for those whom I target, because of their particular economic and technological predispositions to make the technology which I want to field into reality. Floating solar PV farms was an idea of mine that post Fukushima nuclear disaster... I offered to the Japanese. It was a perfect storm: shortage of power due to nuclear going offline, grid shot downs, etc - all of that would be mitigated by floating solar... and land and roof based solar in Japan was too expensive. Try getting an acre in Tokyo and see how much your solar farm will cost. The calculus for solar is prohibitive when land is this expensive. It's a great deal if existing water areas can be used for solar PV, you already have the surface area and synergies can be created with things like fish farms that are cooled the by floating PV panels and reservoirs that are protected from evaporating. Now I come across this headline:

"No land, no problem: Floating solar panels might be the next big thing"

First thing that came to my mind was like... yeah... duh it's been around 10 years since I've fielded the idea. It's circled around the world. Then I got sarcastic. Pretty soon all your coastal cities' rooftop solar will be floating. Now I'm thinking: you know what, my floating solar PV farms that can be moved on the seas near the coast... won't sink like the coal fired power plants as the world ocean floods one metropolis after another. I remember reading that someone was doing research on the economic viability of oceanic floating solar, but I didn't see the product deployed as of yet. People did do floating wind farms as I proposed, but oceanic floating solar is better than floating nuclear (something China and Russia chose to do instead of pursuing oceanic floating solar PV when I plugged it simultaneously, guess why?).... it won't be disastrous, if it is attacked or destroyed by some cataclysmic event. Also, as anthropogenic global warming climate change and associated sea level rise floods coastlines... the floating solar power plants, which can be MOVED, will be able to deliver power to NEW locations, they won't get flooded, they are scalable etc etc etc

The bit I've written plugging floating oceanic solar PV farms was extensive, but I did not target a market nor a producer. Now my Twitter is gone and you can't get an "I told you so" throwback tweet of mine. There is a lesson here:

1. Target a niche for the start up tech to fill.
2. Target investors or those best fit to fill the niche.
3. Consistently push the product and innovate on its utilitarian value.
4. It's always new to someone, embrace their enthusiasm: don't mock them.

I guess I failed on 1-4 in my plugging of oceanic solar PV farms, ones that can be moved around and offer power companies to move the plant to the highest BIDDER. Fuck it.
kuffodog said…
I hear some challenges and people calling me a liar, because I "targeted" Japanese. So I'll explain: I targeted Japan for floating solar PV... or FRESHWATER lakes and reservoirs, not OCEANIC ones. Not the same thing at all. You could argue that I targeted China and Russia for floating oceanic solar PV farms... but a offered a NUCLEAR OPTION and they did BUILD nuclear power plants that float after this.
kuffodog said…
"NREL estimates that there are 24,000 artificial lakes, ponds, and reservoirs that could host floating solar panels across the mainland United States. Combined, those projects hold the potential to produce enough solar power to equal almost 10 percent of the country’s annual electricity output."

Any company that wants to buy up old oceanic oil platforms and build solar PV farms on them and around them, with ocean based maintenance crews living on these platforms, could power all North and South American coastal cities from the exclusive economic zone of any country in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, Atlantic or Pacific. Big market. Really big. Especially if you use the power do DESALINATE when there there is excess electricity produced. Many islands have very expensive real estate. Floating on the ocean is free.
kuffodog said…
"Do not believe any article or story you read or see..." - Donald J. Trump

A great quote from a pathological liar.
kuffodog said…
"Republican Approval Rating = 95%. Thank you!" - Donald J. Trump

This is right up there with his best buddies Putin and Sisi in Russia and Egypt. Russians use gov't paid buses to move voters around so they can cast votes in multiple jurisdictions. Sometimes Putin's henchmen get over 100% of the vote. The dystopian Trump regime is catching up... FAST. Remember fake crowds? Cambridge Analytica?
kuffodog said…
The Polish CATHOLIC STATE recently had the NOTORIOUS Radio Maria and TV TRWAM
priest Tadeusz Rydzyk, (the Polish equivalent of Hezbollah's Hassan Nasrallah) give an AMNESTY to the Poles on waiting lists to see a medical specialist.

"Blisko milion złotych dla fundacji o. Rydzyka z Ministerstwa Zdrowia"

The Czechs did not get such an amnesty. They got a death sentence in the ER's waiting room. Literally. X spots the marks.

"Ostrava: Six killed Czech hospital shooting, gunman at large"

This is such an extreme outlier in the Czech Republic and so close to the Polish border and my present location, that it screams TERRORISM of the Polish Catholic State. I'm nearly CERTAIN of it. I mocked Poles as a Catholic State and a terrorist country for perpetrating the 2011 Norway Attacks to intimidate me and blackmail me, along with the Boston Bombing and the Benghazi Attacks (along with a long list of other such things)... for the entire year since February 3rd.

I also spoke with border patrol here. They basically do NOTHING but sit in their cars... miles from the border crossings. A perfect get away scheme, Ostrava is minutes away from the Polish border. To top it all off: last night they had a guy call the cops because someone was trying to buy booze while underage and there was a description of his appearance by color of what he was wearing... right after they threw a an empty can of spam and a slice of bread at the front gate to my house. I mocked this "911"telephone conversation that death threats, assaults, conspiracies and murder attempts I am subjected to by the Polish Catholic state, invasion of my property and other such crimes: never get investigated by Polish police and instead the regime terrorizes me and sends the cops (along with other goons) after me at every opportunity, as they did in USA. Then there is the red jacket. Yihua Lee, my old college room and flatmate hated "Romper Stomper"'s Neo Nazis, I explained in the scope of the movie the Han Chinese are racially prejudiced supremacists who aren't in the habit of dating WHITE PEOPLE never mind breeding with them... both things I just talked about last night. A red jacket was a KEY item in the plot line of Romper Stomper.... and its what was worn by the shooter in Ostrava.

Oh, an the Polish Catholic state, a collective of murderers, liars, thieves, religiously insane extremist terrorists has recently been hacking my mother into my mind... who a.) requires medical care b.) hates me c.) cock-blocks any and all attempts at heterosexual relationships I may have. If CIA nuked Warsaw instead of having its Polish proxy terrorist state attack innocent victims in a respectable EU country... it wouldn't even begin to reach the required level of reciprocation that Americans deserve in vengeance against these savages.

It all kind of fits into this terrorist attack scheme. It all adds up. The Polish Catholic state strikes again. As soon as I read the story, they cut off the remote TORTURE, presumably so that I feel better about being terrorized, robbed, persecuted, attacked and extorted.

I wonder if this is somehow meant to put some more cash into Rydzyk's bank accounts?

2011 Norway attacks

2012 Benghazi attack

Boston Marathon bombing

kuffodog said…
"The Caspian Sea spreads out over nearly 1,200 kilometers (750 mi) from north to south, with an average width of 320 km (200 mi). It covers a region of around 386,400 km sq. (149,200 sq mi) and its surface is about 27 m (89 ft) BELOW sea level."

China should make the Bohai Sea into an inland sea like the Caspian Sea, it will then become a BELOW sea level body of water as world's ocean rises due to global warming. China should build a Bohai Sea barrier as I've instructed, along with the wind energy and other infrastructure I've written about.
kuffodog said…
"The roadmap to peace under the so-called Minsk Agreements includes a constitutional reform, an amnesty of rebel militias, and an election of MPs to the Ukrainian parliament to represents residents of the breakaway regions. The final step would be for Ukrainian troops to take control of the border.Kiev has agreed to the roadmap, but says the border takeover must come first.

Putin said he was not certain that President Volodymyr Zelensky would be able to keep a check on Ukrainian radical nationalists, who gained significant prominence in the country since the 2014 armed coup in Kiev, in which nationalist fighters played a key part"

Ukraine should recognize Crimea as a Russian territory and vice versa, Russia should recognize east Ukraine as Ukraine, after Ukraine's reconciliation with the Russian separatists, if such a thing can be negotiated, enacted and maintained.

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