Synergy in Technology - Some of my new ideas

Most of these ideas I've presented in detail in direct to brain communication with the Anonymous. They'll probably try to put these ideas into your heads directly, and you'll think you're this brilliant... or they'll solicit your corporations to get some money. My sales pitches were as verbose as I can get. Sometimes spanning hours or days.

Hyper-loop - there are several synergies that a vacuum system offers, basically anything that can be done in the vacuum of space can be done on Earth inside the hyper-loop tube. The technologies that can be included inside the vacuum tube that I thought up are these:

- internet backbone with laser system inside the vacuum, or existing fiber-optic solutions. My idea for laser communication in space has taken off in a number of ways, starting with LADEE.  Hyper-loop offers the environment of space without the high cost of launching satellites to build the networks in orbit.

- superconducting energy power lines inside the hyper-loop. This solution I have innovated on recently and proposed that a laser system be used for power delivery, much like the solar Moon farms would deliver power to a space elevator on Earth. Energy transfer over long distances by means of electron beams is also something I've conceptualized to harness energy from the Moon and ship it to Earth, similarly, the vacuum of hyper-loop offers that this technology be employed for high power lines to transfer energy with little losses.

- hyper-loop as a trans-Eurasian power station would offer enough electricity to supply several European capitals. The system as part of the New Silk Road can supply the grid continuously as it would span nearly 10 time zones. No new easement for the systems is needed, as the tube is being constructed anyway. Solar PV can supply power to the hyper-loop system itself as well. Continue the hyper-loop system to the Korean Peninsula and onto Japan in accordance with the plan I've drawn up for the London to Tokyo railroad, published on my now censored kuffodog Twitter account.

- I conceptualized a hyper-loop ride to get into orbit by reaching the escape velocity of Moon, Earth or Mars and this has been considered as a possibility. Moon works best... 2.38 km/s or 5323.91 miles per hour. China is already aiming to build a 2,485 miles per hour system... so they're halfway there.

Space elevator - combine the space elevator with small cross section hyper-loop technology to repeatedly deliver cargo into orbit. A vacuum tube would also allow for power transfer from orbit to a ground station and on to superconducting power lines, with little to no loss of energy. Same goes for Earth to satellite broadband internet connection.

Moon mining - similar hyper-loop solution to the one above can be used with or without building the vacuum tube. The key observation I've made is that Moon mining is lucrative since craters are visible and thus any metal asteroids should be at the center of the crater, there was no atmospheric burn off where there space rocks have hit the ground! This eliminates much of the search effort part of mining, since you can head straight for the gold and platinum mining locations. I propose a rail gun cargo launch system to deliver mined metals back to Earth. As I've pondered these possibilities, I've recommended that existing rail guns on Earth, fire their rounds from a vacuum tube system to avoid friction inside the weapon system. This makes the gun silent inside the weapon. To clear the air from the path of the projectile outside the rail gun, a high powered laser can be fired to disperse or thin it, so friction, as the round enters the atmosphere, doesn't create a sonic boom. Trampolines, Pogo sticks, moving side walks and other methods of personal transportation were discussed, key thing to note here is that a solar car is not limited by its SURFACE in generating power, because the design does not need to be AERODYNAMIC. I conceptualized a peacock-like solar PV set up on top of a vehicle that has an area greater than the vehicle itself, much like the Solar Flower.

Year Round Time Share - Real estate time share idea where you can live in the condo you OWN as a time share  for as long as you like, not just two weeks a year. This creates a number of synergies and opportunities. I spoke at length (around half a day) explaining how great this idea of mine is. It can be combined (synergy) with several things like shared floating solar PV.  I envision a time share that would have real estate owners own similar sized condominium units that number 50,000 or more across the USA and exchange apartments whenever someone wants to move from one place to another. Some larger time share complexes should have an extra guest apartment available, both for travelling time share residents (who thus would not have to pay for a hotel on short notice) and to keep a smooth flow for exchanges of apartments as people move between cities. Some advantages: 1 mortgage to rule them all: i.e. no title search, no sales fees to real state brokers and agents as you change your apartments or townhouses. There are many other reasons to go with this. Ask the Anonymous.

Shared floating solar PV - I conceptualized putting floating solar PV to cover up the LA water reservoirs instead of using those black balls that saved the city $360 million, which someone said should have been silver. This scheme is to be a time share model to be synergized with the Year Round Time Share for real estate, this way the owners would have their own electricity but would benefit from the ability to put up a larger dollar amount up front to build the power station by collectively investing in it.

Recycling machine for your 3D Printer - name says it all. Recycle the materials which you used for 3-D printing after the things you make lose their luster or break. Great for space stations, Moon and Mars. You could also recycle much of other things that you have inside your house or habitat and use the materials to make new tools, toys, pots, door handles or whatever. Recall my door handle pitch. Many found it funny. I used examples like: a custom door knob boob, ass or the "grab them by the pussy" body part, this of course modeled after a celebrity. To be gender neutral... you can also have 8 inch penis shaped door handles for that loving touch of gay men and horny women. A 3-D printer and a recycling machine are a must have for the Kubik Plan habitat.

Vertical Hydroponic Sea Weed Production - this can be done as a floating set up on a lake. The product can be for food production or hydrocarbon production. Key here is that you can go down many levels deep. Top of the farm should be a floating solar PV power plant, the levels should include LED lighting close above the plants. Scaffolding should keep the plants in harvest-able levels much like any vertical farming set ups, except this set up is top down, not bottom up.  Plants should grow fast and preferably be genetically engineered to make as much useful biomass with the required nutrient content and lighting should be at the wavelength that the plants grow best in. I recommend Elodea canadensis for this farming method. I envision this to be a primary source in a household Kubik Plan set up, used to produce Soylent at home. I am on a calorie restricted diet, have lost lots of weight and face starvation, so this seems like a sure winner for those who are food insecure. All you'll need is some solar PV and this hydroponic vertical farming set up. Mushrooms can also be genetically engineered to have the required nutrients for Soylent, in other words make the mushrooms high in protein and complex carbohydrates, but let them retain their ability to well... grow like mushrooms after the rain. I've been eating lots of mushrooms lately, being that I can find them easily on my property. Apples without the TREE is also an idea I've pitched. You can cross the apple with a pumpkin or something to make apples grow without trees. The treeless-apple can be an engineered food with higher nutritional content, which can be used in a hydroponic set up and harvested year round. Harvesting apples from a hydroponic pane is as easy as picking them off the store shelf.

Food 3-D Printer - for those "are we there yet" fans of the Star Trek replicator, I have a solution that gives "we're almost there" as an answer. Use the 3-D printing technology to make a doughnut... then let your imagination run wild. It will be the next best thing since the microwave. Fresh baked ANYTHING but without the hassle. Add to this plant sourced foods that can be made into imitation meat products made from your Vertical Hydroponic Sea Weed Production and you've got yourself a Kubik Plan habitat kitchen that will never run out of food or recipes. This should include weighing of ingredients to know the precise nutritional value of the meal, which can be programmed by the user to make the desired meal. For example you can 3-D print a food bar (like a granola bar) that has 20 g of protein, 55 g of carbohydrates, 15 g of fats. You get the idea?

LEGO-like building block construction from 3-D printed recycled materials - use the Recycling machine for your 3-D Printer to make whatever building blocks you need to construct a dog house, a tool shed... a guest house for your mother in law... or even a new house for yourself. The average American throws out 4.4 pounds of trash a day, much of that can be building material. It adds up. If you scavenge your neighbors' garbage... you might build yourself a tower... or a castle in a few years' time!

As I've explained to the Anonymous, synergy of technology is an easy concept to use for innovating and inventing. First you have to come up with a NEED. Look around your house. Do you like moving furniture? What if you have a wheeled board like the roomba vacuum cleaner that the sofa bed can ride around on? The furniture could rearrange itself around the room as you order it around. What technology do you need to be able to move around your furniture with your smartphone?

Invent it. Find a need. Fix a solution.

Voice Activated Programmable Light Switch -  talk to the wall, don't look for the light switch. Install a switch you can order to make the light red, blue, sunset orange or whatever you set it to. I recommend several settings like that of a Stereo system equalizer along with custom made ones. You can actually imitate sunset and sunrises indoors. Great for people who can't reach the switch, like bed ridden, disabled, lazy couch potatoes, kids that can't quite reach. You could even let your dog and toddler turn the lights on and off by voice command. Especially OUTSIDE lights... if it's the dog, and toddler in the kid's bedroom... in case that burglar or boogie man scared them. Light switch needs the ability to record a command: i.e a microphone, a smartphone WiFi or Bluetooth link etc.This idea works best with the WiFi programmable LED light bulbs which I've conceptualized: let them control the intensity and light color (currently on the market) and the LIGHT CONE like many flash lights do! This way the bulb can create cones of light (the lamp could even DIRECT THEM towards a target) or pillars of light like in those memorable Tribute in Light photos... except right inside your own living room. This idea, combined with a WiFi network for street lights, brings a lot of possibilities as to how cities could save money on electric bills and wow the tourists with holiday specific lighting or lighting that reacts to the pedestrians.

Virtual Window - well, I am having an issue with windows and doors. I've been fighting to seal them for the last 8 months and still can't do it since I'm tortured and terrorized to fail at basically everything I try to do. That would NOT be a problem, if there WEREN'T any windows. A house without windows is SAFER - especially if walls are immune to small arms fire and arson. It also is much more energy efficient, since it will hold the temperature inside it much better. My virtual windows idea has been incorporated by Lockheed Martin on a bus... because I pitched it for the Hyper-loop which can't have any REAL windows for obvious reasons. Virtual windows for your house can dual as an interactive wallpaper, movie screens or TVs. You can move your windows to where you want them which give great flexibility in where you can put your furniture. Virtual windows in old New York City buildings create a market for basement level apartments that don't HAVE any real windows... which to say the least... would offer little light or any good views... those above could look inside REAL windows to see what you are up to, not so with my virtual windows. This is the market to go for, as well as any below the ground construction units which I've pitched or existing ones. Virtual windows are also great for aircraft, spacecraft, submarines and large ships. These should be combined with real time HD cameras to show the immediate environment and weather.... just in case that sunset view of Black's Beach gets boring. Real time view of the OUTSIDE could be an active virtual window PRODUCT and be subscribed to as a service or you can create your own. This means you can get a feed of the view you are used to or want... let's say you're in a hotel room on a business trip, but have a virtual window view of the garden by your very own house. Options are as many as your imagination allows.

Smartphone App for Calorie and Nutrient Content Counter - scan the food product, enter the amount, build your diet. Well, that and you can offer diets based on the foods you keep track off on your phone, which you are used to buying; in other words, foods you actually like and eat. Then play around with the food quantities to get your desired diet: weight loss, maintenance, weight gain, carbo-loading or whatever it is you're doing. Most food products have a bar code or their nutritional values are known... all you need to do is build a database that feeds into the FDA's RDA lists and recognizes the product. Have fun. Fast food places and other restaurants that know meal's nutritional contents should offer a similar service or be included in this app.

Smartphone App for Drive Thru and Take Out Orders - one app to rule them all. David Allen and I had this idea for restaurants back in the era some two decades plus ago. There was no device, we planned to build one. Well. I've had Apple build one: it's your smartphone. Imagine you're in traffic... find the closest Burger King or McDonald's... order and pay for the food and pick it up when you get there. Cool no? How about your favorite Mexican place's surf and turf burrito?

I just had a History of the World Part One moment. Wait what was my idea? Synergy in technology. Combine the two apps above and you'll plan your take out meal's nutritional value... with ONE APP. One App to rule them all.

Laser Tag in Paint Ball Area with Real Weapons Shooting blanks. Laser tag wearable equipment and a laser on top of your AR-15 or M-16 at a Paintball field. Why? It's a psychological operation: teaches people that there are other gun owners who shoot back. It also allows participants a more accurate, longer distance and a more real experience: real guns make real noises, lasers have direct line of fire but a more realistic range that balls of paint.

Solar Heating for Central Air Conditioning Systems - build a transparent siding on a building that circulates the heated air into the building. Make sure it is air tight like a greenhouse. The siding behind the transparent siding should preferably be a solar PV wall. This serves as INSULATION, electric power generation and heating of the air. The heated air should be blown into the rooms that need their temperature increased. The air will heat up to 30 degrees Centigrade on a sunny day, but can be circulated at whatever the desired setting is say 20 degrees.

Powered Wheel Barrow with Headlight - it gets dark at 4 pm here. I work alone on a hill and often have to bring down material from the hill down to pile it up in a spot I mean to elevate or to a fireplace where I burn it in a camp fire. Why not have a powered wheel barrow with a switch that lets you control with your thumb the amount of pull on the wheel that you desire, depending on whether you are going uphill, downhill, what the load is or over the areas where you would get stuck and the wheel barrow would be too hard to push? And the headlight? Well. So I can work until 5 pm, or 6 pm... or as long as I like past the sunset. I could park the powered wheel barrow to light the area I am working in. Any takers on this idea? Seems this is already on the market... so let us take this a step further and add self driving autonomy.

Autonomous Mini Dump Truck - Same purpose as the wheel barrow... except it would be programmable to deliver and dump its small cargo where it is led to go, along the path. The user programs it to deliver it to the location specified but then gets to remain in the work area. One worker (me gathering weeds on top of the hill) could deliver all the cargo with just one trip and the autonomous mini dump truck would go down the hill, empty the load and come back. Advantage? Majority of the time I spent working would not be going up and down the hill. I could eliminate that entirely as if I had hired help, I could simply keep cutting the weeds, or gather branches. The autonomous mini dump truck would simply wait for the next load or be ready to take what I already gathered.

Solar PV Hat for VR and AR glasses - shields the Sun, powers the device. I came up with this as another synergy in technology idea after I've read that Apple will take on the augmented reality glasses project and field a product by 2022. A hat that powers your glasses can provide enough power even indoors to use the device as long as it is daylight outside... then you have the battery power after the sunset.There are existing solar hat products, but what I had in mind is one that uses the entire surface of the hat's panels for solar PV using flexible panels, not just the top surface area of the visor.


kuffodog said…
This summer I have predicted what I called a "reverse polar vortex". It happened as hot air moved from France during a heat wave and had accelerated the melting of the Greenland ice sheet exactly as I warned. The ocean is a giant radiator, it will continue to heat, even if the air seasonally cools, the ice in the Arctic and Antarctic will continue to melt. I now claim that the Alaskan temperature highs of 8 degrees average over seasonal, will heat the global ocean, which acting as a radiator will cause a corresponding global temperature rise of 8 degrees Centigrade at present emission levels. The Earth climate will globally turn tropical with all the associated mayhem, like drowning of coastal cities. The heating will also affect the lithosphere, proof of which is the melting permafrost. Water lost from permafrost will create a corresponding sea level rise. Antarctica will see a methane release like the Siberian tundra once the Antarctic ice cover melts. The continent traveled and experienced tropical climate, then moved into the arctic zone. A runaway global warming is very much a possibility.
kuffodog said…
783 people have been shot and killed by US police in 2019

But... the "enemy of the people" in the US is mostly concerned with 1 shot, 1 bullet and 1 protester dying in Hong Kong when an overwhelmed policeman shot an attacker in the stomach.
kuffodog said…
Temperature anomaly in Australia reported over a 12 month period. Interesting. 3 degrees Centigrade of warming in some areas over a year. What happened to not going over 2 degrees since 1950? What was the global warming in Australia the last 70 years? Is this the new scheme that global warming is a Chinese hoax? If you report that present year is an anomaly of 1 degree for 50 years... you'll get Death Valley highs across the entire Earth on your way to Venus like inferno and they'll still claim global climate only got 1 degree hotter than the previous year! It's all relative to what time frame they are referring to.

Trump regime has NASA omit any references as to what point the 2 degree warming is to be counted from. Unless you get 3 degrees of warming like this year in Australia... you'd never reach that much warming, since the count was defrauded to 12 month periods.
kuffodog said…
"Humankind has a 1-in-14,000 chance of going extinct next year, study claims"

Read more:

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kuffodog said…
I predicted a nuclear war on Earth with a preemptive strike against USA on July 4th, 2026 starting it off. Looking at other such "end of the world" predictions, I came across the same year from only one other source:

List of dates predicted for apocalyptic events

Messiah Foundation International

Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi
kuffodog said…
The asteroid that's supposed to fly by Earth on 4th of July 2026 is going to be 9 Moon distances away... but pieces of it may fly off and hit or some 'people' could purposely redirect it to hit Earth targets. If this happens... my prediction may come into fruition, should somewhere like Pakistan get hit and the country launch a nuclear strike against USA in retaliation, which USA will see as my predicted "preemption" triggering a wider conflict. Disarm now. Your nukes are illegal per UN, measly humans!

523808 (2007 ML24)

2026-Jul-04 19:53 ± < 00:01 9.04 | 0.02324

Treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons
kuffodog said…
The world ocean is fuel. Don't burn it all off like you're planning to do with fossil fuels.
kuffodog said…
American war propaganda claimed that the leader of ISIS personally raped and decapitated Kayla Mueller. The Islamic State had long claimed that the hostage was killed in a Jordanian airstrike. Now a half a decade later it's a "maybe" with a "witness" as the family seeks answers.

"ISIS Leader al-Baghdadi May Have Had U.S. Hostage Executed, Witness Says"

I don't expect this woman to show up at the next Olympics like that Korean singer who was supposedly executed by Kim Jong Un for wearing a mini skirt, an American regime LIE that was published all over western media... but I do expect the "dead" US Ambassador to Libya to turn up alive... I saw him in San Diego at Olive Park sometime in 2014 and he said while looking at me "maybe he thinks I'm really dead?".

kuffodog said…
Hyon Song-wol was conspicuously ALIVE in 2018.
kuffodog said…
Does the sycophantic Polish "Catholic State" regime still want a $2 billion dollar "Fort Trump"? US President's $4.7 billion demand, an increase of 500% in cost to keep American troops in South Korea... came out of thin air, sending State and Defense Department officials scrambling to justify the number. $10 billion a year for "Fort Trump" would be what Poland pays for their ENTIRE armed forces: air force, navy, army... border patrols... the WHOLE THING!

"Trump hikes price tag for US forces in Korea almost 500% as Seoul questions alliance"

Poland Military Expenditure
kuffodog said…
When I recommended the Curiosity landing site, I said the dark streaks were evidence of water and it was a good spot to find life on Mars. They're still looking. 7 minutes of terror and 7 years of research is producing interesting results...

With Mars Methane Mystery Unsolved, Curiosity Serves Scientists a New One: Oxygen
kuffodog said…
I have recently laid out a plan on how the Palestinians could destroy the "Jewish State" by simply breeding rapidly like the Iranians did when asked to by their ayatollah and take over the Knesset. A popular majority would be possible in less than 3 decades, if Arab Israeli women were to have something like 7 or 8 kids each. Then I went on to say that annexation of Palestinian territories and giving citizenship to their inhabitants would make this calculus immediately in favor of the Palestinians. If Palestinian diaspora were free to return... the death of the Zionist state would be a forgone conclusion...

...and within lees than a WEEK... Trump's administration made a move to let Israel annex Palestinian territories, moving the "Jewish State" closer to a "one state" solution. I say "Mr. Netanyahu?! Tear down that wall!"

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