Arts of Mars

"Arts of Mars" or Martial Arts is not a thing of hand to hand combat. It is not even about melee weapons or projectile weapons. It is not about self defense. Archery has little to do with that. It is about the philosophy and practice of war. Martial Arts are not exclusively about self defense. They are also about lethal preventive strike using a weapon. Few would dispute that Iaido can be used to assassinate, as easily as it is to defend from an attack. Ninjitsu is undisputedly the martial art of the assassins.

Martial Arts of the Wild West are all about firearms. Gunfights are generally not recognized as a form of martial arts, though they should be. Just as a sword, a spear or a bow can be used with deadly consequences and not exclusively in self defense but in protection of property, livestock or other humans, so can firearms be used for this purpose and they are. The philosophy of the duel has a long list of underlying rules and cultural norms. Melee weapons used for duels have transitioned to firearms, the mindset has remained the same. With guns, defeating multiple attackers is far easier, and given sufficient ammunition, one can fend off adversaries far more effectively than with any traditionally recognized melee weapon. A sniper can defeat more enemy combatants than any archer or master swordsman ever could.

Bushido, is a martial arts philosophy, but so are all the techniques of organized war-fighting of modernity. Martial arts are the arts of war-fighting and any organized warfare has rules, techniques, equipment, philosophy and strategy that fit a particular theater or purpose. The art of fighting without fighting in cybernetic martial arts has become more of an Iaido contest in self replicating spear throwing. The Romans used to make their spears, so that the tip would break off or bend, if they got stuck in an adversary or his shield, this way it couldn't be taken out and thrown back, thus gifting the weapon to the enemy after it is used. This is rarely the case in today's cybernetic warfare. A weapon used, is often a sturdy spear that ends up being used against the attacker.

Interestingly, the Martial Arts of Earth have a tendency of creating proliferation of ever more potent weapons among potential war fighters. Tank, plane or missile, new technological solutions have evolved weapons of war, and these weapons have spread around the globe to every military that can field an army.

Since about 2000, cybernetic warfare has evolved into a battle of wits, by using technological telepathy. Psychic warriors are perhaps the ultimate form of fighting without fighting, in that it is a direct confrontation of mind to mind. In this Royal Rumble, there can be many winners with the Earth's human, cyborg and AI population becoming a collective hive mind or there can be social stratification creating clans, groups, armies and kings. Even gods can come into existence. Had enough of Psychic wars? Are you a veteran with too many scars on the inside? I'll meet you on Mars. Don't get too familiar and friendly with horror and terror, they're just two small chunks of space debris. There's a whole Universe out there.

It will be poetic justice after all this killing on Earth, that Mars, a desolate desert planet like Arrakis, be populated by life to give rise to a new civilization. A civilization of peace, prosperity, modernity, technology. A vantage point for sentient introspection for Earthlings. The myth of Earth's Eden will become a reality on Mars. The first settlers to have kids, will be Adam and Eve to the future Mars civilization. The terraformers will be real Gods that give the planet its biosphere. Most importantly with the God of War turned into a Pale Blue dot, after millions of years of human evolution... we may finally learn to share without quarrels. Some of us may even learn to share our very minds.


kuffodog said…
The funding model for Mars One is to involve a Big Brother like elimination for the first 124 colonists to establish a pecking order for their travel. I recommend that the Mars Mission preparation be broadcast live globally, and the ENTIRE human population vote (as many times as they like) with money, by sending SMS'es which will cost $1 each for the contestants they like to remain in the show and the money to fund the mission. The final 16 should be picked as in the Big Brother reality TV show, with the actual contestants picking who leaves and the world audience picking whom to save, leaving the last 4 as the first mission crew. This will leave a crew that is tightly knit, competitive and chosen by much of the Earth's population. The process will democratize the choice of who will be immortalized as the founding fathers and mothers who build the Mars civilization and will not be credited to a gov't sponsored playboy billionaire chosen and groomed by the Obama administration to run a PR campaign in privatization of space access and usurper of my ideas (or thief of others'), namely Elon Musk.

Mars One should create the funding and buy the rides from Russia's Roscosmos, they are the only company that has so far provided a successful business model for private purchase of human rides into space. Mars One should negotiate with India, EU and USA to gain access to their mission control and communication assets already present in Mars orbit. The vehicles and habitats should be collaborated on with Lockheed Martin. China is sending a landing and orbiter mission to Mars, this means that the Long March 5 or higher platform can be purchased to deliver cargo into Mars orbit. India has delivered an orbiter spacecraft to Mars for 70 million. Mars one should purchase several such orbiters to deploy a network of microsatellites or cubsats, to create a GPS constellation with broadband laser connection network for real time satellite access for the colony. This network will allow colonists to stay in touch with Earth 24/7 anywhere on the planet. Money talks. Show them the money.

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