
Part of a conversation between two sentient persons who are told they are part of a quantum computing platform or actually are quantum computers individually.

Q. How can you be a quantum computer  without knowing quantum algorithms?
A. How can you be a calculator without being sentient or self-aware?

Quantum teleportation and telepathic connection to a U.S. General:

Q. How can you be a soldier and not know war?
A. Soldiers do what they’re told.

When I wrote this down I thought that “not knowing war” has more to it than “not understanding its causes and conduct” in a holistic manner, or being able to work out the entire thing in all its complexities instead of developing skills to participate in its individual elements, for instance pilots know little about being commandos and submariners don’t have the skills to survive in the mountains. Most soldiers today never actually see any combat. They literally don’t experience war. They don’t know war at all. Most of them just exercise, train, stay on base or run humanitarian missions.








kuffodog said…
Poles sold the fertilizers necessary for Anders Behring Breivik to conduct the far right terrorist attacks against Norwegian socialists. They've also threatened me with this attack and said they will "unleash" Breivik, and they claimed they will libel me for coming up with this plan (which I did) and advising Breivik to pursue it (which I didn't). All operational elements of these attack, along with the resources necessary to carry it out, likely including direct to brain torture, provocation and mind control of Breivik himself: came from the gov't and clandestine services of Poland. Poland is a state sponsor of terrorism.

kuffodog said…
China is playing GO. USA is losing.

China has bilateral investment agreements with over 100 countries and economies.
China has 14 FTAs as of 2017

USA has 15 FTA's. USA blew its FTA with EU and TPP

Chinese FTA with ASEAN blows USA's DR-CAFTA: (Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, & Nicaragua) out of the water.
kuffodog said…
"We do much less business with China, than they do with us." - Donald J. Trump

Whatever business China does with USA is business USA does with China. Trump has some one side twisted view of reality. Presumably this has to do with the myopic view of who is doing the investing, who is doing the building and who is doing the exporting.

Trump doing business with China for instance, might mean building a hotel there. Does this mean that China is NOT doing business with USA when such a thing is built? Is USA not doing business with China when China buys a hotel in USA? Whatever it is that Trump is saying doesn't make sense. If you break this down into imports meaning "doing business with China" and exports meaning "China doing business with USA" it is still wrong. Both sides are doing business, regardless of who is selling to whom, who manufactures where, who invests or anything else. Then there proxies. Acquisitions. Take-overs. Shell companies. Multinationals. This is far more complex than import-exports or capital moving one way or another.
kuffodog said…
"The U.S. Maritime Administration issued on Friday a maritime advisory warning that Iran or its proxies could target oil infrastructure and commercial ships, including oil tankers, in and around the Persian Gulf."

"Early yesterday morning, somebody or something rammed four oil tankers off the coast of the United Arab Emirates, near the port city of Fujairah. No one was injured, and all of the vessels — two Saudi ships, another from Norway, and the fourth as yet unidentified — remain afloat with their cargo intact."

"The former Saudi intelligence chief, Prince Turki al-Faisal, said recently, “whatever comes out of these talks, we will want the same.” He added, “if Iran has the ability to enrich uranium to whatever level, it’s not just Saudi Arabia that’s going to ask for that.” Obviously, the Saudis, Turkey and Egypt will not be issuing news releases trumpeting their intentions. But the evidence is accumulating that they have quickened their pace toward developing weapons."

Iran is blackmailing EU, Russia and China. It continues it's nuclear program. Unlike South Korea and Japan, USA cannot guarantee a nuclear deterrent for other regional powers. KSA will have nuclear weapons purchased from Pakistan the same day Iran fields them. Egypt and Turkey after their political upheaval will not rely on any promises from USA either. Nuclear Iran, means nuclear Saudi Arabia and possibly nuclear Turkey, Egypt and UAE. Attacks on tankers by Iran or its proxies are just another in a long list of acts of terror by the Iranian regime.
kuffodog said…
"The official Israeli announcement of the raid said that none of the foreign specialists known to have been working at the facility had been hurt. The number of Iraqi casualties was not known.

(France, which was building the reactor with Italy, announced that a French technician, identified only as Mr. Chausspied, had been killed in the raid. Page A7.) Enriched Uranium Reported at Site"

France and Italy were building nuclear reactors for Saddam Hussein, the genocidal murderer of Kurds whom he mass murdered with chemical attacks.
kuffodog said…
Iran denies its attacks on tankers and Saudi oil pipelines, even as its Houthi proxy broadcasts TV news that they are responsible for 8 attacks (1 of which shut down a pipeline). Then the Islamic hardliners blamed Israel for attacking the tankers, one of which almost sank. Meanwhile domestically the regime cracked down on students protesting the forced scarf law. This isn't 1979. It's 2019. Iran's young had enough of the repressive regime, crashing economy, censorship and hardships. Tehran is reading right out of Moscow's playbook. It is time to stop playing a game of words, as Iran continues its terrorism, assassinations, crackdowns, nuclear proliferation ambitions, and intentional destruction of peace in the Middle East. It is time for war.
kuffodog said…
Iran Claims Responsibility for Saudi Tanker Attack:

‘We told the Yemenis to attack the two Saudi tankers, and they attacked.’

Iran would admit to having a proxy attack Saudi ships as they have done this in recent past. They deny attacking ships themselves and blame Israel now. This means:

1. they are lying
2. Iran is responsible for the attack on tankers

Houthis have admitted to attacking Saudi oil infrastructure, naturally they'd admit to attacking the tankers too. Why wouldn't they?

3. Iran is NOT lying that they will start to produce fissile material which they'll weaponize
kuffodog said…
"You wanted a better deal with Iran. Looks like you are going to get a war instead"

Iran's regime contacted Trump on Twitter, and pretty much declared war. No phone calls.

Whose side are you on EU? China? Russia? India?
kuffodog said…
This is but a taste of the terror that Iran will unleash.
kuffodog said…
"North Korea on Tuesday called the U.S. seizure of a North Korean cargo ship involved in banned coal exports a "robbery" and demanded that the vessel be returned immediately."
kuffodog said…
"Su and his partners would have unfettered access inside Boeing's network for three years before the intrusion was first discovered. During that time, they would claim to have stolen some 630,000 digital files -- totaling a gargantuan 65 gigabytes of data -- on the C-17 alone. They stole tens of thousands more files on the F-22 and F-35. It was an extraordinary trove of information on some of America's most advanced and sensitive military projects."
kuffodog said…
"A state-owned Chinese shipping company refused to lease an office space in New York City to human rights group Amnesty International U.S.A, The New York Times reported on Monday."
kuffodog said…
"Iranian nation’s definite option is resistance against U.S. and in this confrontation, U.S. will have to withdraw. This is not a military confrontation because no war is to happen. We don’t seek a war nor do they. They know a war wouldn’t be beneficial for them."

Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, Iran's Supreme Leader

Iran instructed its Iraqi proxy the Mahdi Army to threaten USA, Muqtada al-Sadr demanded that Americans leave Baghdad. Now they are leaving the embassy precisely as was demanded, his goons have attacked the embassy previously on several occasions with no reaction... this after we heard Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi from Republicans, as a refrain of their effort to get the Congress and the White House.

If Iran plans to install a puppet in Iraq, the obvious move would be to copy its form of gov't: a theocracy with a supreme leader. Al Sadr has political support, he has militia support and is being groomed to fill precisely that position. The Ayatollah claims US will be cowed and withdraw from the region on its own. Trump has nearly done so in Syria, which resulted in James Norman Mattis and Brett McGurk resigning. Trump still doesn't have a new Secretary of Defense.

The US commander in chief is a rapist psychopath who likes his face pissed on by whores to even out his complete disdain for women and abuse of those whom he can control with money he launders for the mob.

My prediction: US will get pissed on by the Ayatollah and Trump will swallow it, Pompeo will spew Russian propaganda and Bolton will get the boot.
kuffodog said…
The narrative of anthropogenic global warming climate change destroying 'the future' is stuck in the past. This is the future. Businesses, houses, farms, forests, mines, lives, livelihoods... they are all being destroyed right now. They have been for over a decade now. The process is accelerating, this devastation is unleashed in the present, not some foreboding future many years from today.
kuffodog said…
"The U.S. strongly condemns Maduro’s move to block the National Assembly from its constitutionally-protected legislative duty. Maduro's autocratic step backed by Cuban overseers continues to prove their fear of the democratic voice of the National Assembly."

- Bolton

This is a weak statement. It implies that there is a democracy still being dismantled by the Maduro regime. There isn't. Venezuelans are starving and fleeing the country, selling their hair at Columbia's border.
kuffodog said…
Trump defeated ISIS... or so he claims. He also wanted to withdraw from Syria.

"ISIS burns crop fields in Makhmour after farmers refuse to pay tax"

Now he's running from Iranians in Iraq.
kuffodog said…
Trump defeated ISIS... or so he claims. He also wanted to withdraw from Syria.

"ISIS burns crop fields in Makhmour after farmers refuse to pay tax"

Now he's running from Iranians in Iraq.

Trump wants the Ayatollah to call him. Maybe.

kuffodog said…
"Unable to find his phone to call for help, Mr Kaser watched as the machine tore his foot off and mangled his lower leg as it pulled him further inside.

The farmer then took out his pen knife and cut off what remained of his limb below the knee."

Typical BBC hype. Headline makes it look like he cut a good leg off. At the end of the article you find out otherwise.
kuffodog said…
"The UN says at least 7,070 civilians have been killed and 11,205 injured in the fighting, with 65% of the deaths attributed to Saudi-led coalition air strikes.

Thousands more civilians have died from preventable causes, including malnutrition, disease and poor health."

Where are the Russian propagandists discrediting this UN claim about Yemen's war, those who claimed 70,000 children died of starvation and malnutrition in 2018 alone? US has lost the war of propaganda to Putin, Assad and Khamenei.
kuffodog said…
"Iran’s long-range rockets and missiles allow it to threaten enemy forces and populations hundreds of kilometers away, while proxy warfare enables it to indirectly harass and deter these enemies with minimal risk of confrontation on Iranian territory. In recent years, Tehran has combined these strategies to great effect in Lebanon, Syria, and Yemen. There are signs that Iraq may be the next theater for this approach—signs that were evident well before the latest U.S. military deployments to the region and meetings with Iraqi leaders. If so, such a scenario would threaten Iraq’s hopes for a peaceful future and its relations with the United States."
kuffodog said…
"Current assessments suggest that the group’s long-range artillery rocket arsenal is now in the low thousands and its SRBM arsenal in the low hundreds, some of them augmented by precision guidance and embedded in populated areas."

So much for the Russian propagandists and their paid American traitor cronies claiming a hundred thousand Iranian made missiles are keeping Israel from bombing Hezbollah targets in Lebanon.
kuffodog said…
US and its vassals pay attention:

"China will never surrender to external pressure and has the resolve and capability to defend its legitimate rights and interests.:

Poland as a state sponsor of terrorism and a fascist nationalist sycophantic enabler of present American administration's exploits should pay particular attention.
kuffodog said…

Acronyms did not break European unity. American propaganda and Polish terrorism did.
kuffodog said…
Being that Americans stole all my innovation, never paid a cent (then tortured and destroyed my family) and since I've come up with the cognitive toy idea to create a modern day AI Aristotle companion for educational purposes, I advise China to use the idea and deploy its AI teachers to create such companions for its domestic market. This can be subsidized by the country to ensure every kid in China has one. Of course the cognitive toys should have the same curriculum, but individual relations with the toy's owner should be built. The toy can change its exterior as the kid grows up, eventually being a personal AI assistant and mind transfer and storage companion that is externalized to the cloud via a smart phone.
kuffodog said…
"China aims to build a scientific research station in the south polar region of the moon and realize manned lunar exploration mission in about ten years, said a senior space official on Wednesday.

Zhang Kejian, head of the China National Space Administration, made the remarks at the opening ceremony of China's Space Day in Changsha, capital of central China's Hunan Province."
kuffodog said…
One of the terrorist American Nazi Pentagon criminals is perpetually bewildered that their torture efforts fail to reach their objective even though they conspired with their Polish vassals to make me into a murder-suicide attacker to discredit me and white-wash their nearly 2 decades worth of crimes and larceny against me. He says nobody can take this much abuse and not turn into a killer. Sorry to disappoint you. Loser. I'm not an animal like you. Plain an simple.
kuffodog said…

get the video of the criminal KKK animal they've sent to stand behind me on the day of Washington Navy Yard shooting (September 16, 2013) in La Casa Balboa club house, who asked me if I want more of this as I watched your satanic regime's MK-Ultra bullshit unfold on TV.
kuffodog said…
Criminal Polish terrorist animals threatened me with death today unless I field some innovation. How about this:

China should use Moon regolith to build a 50 gigawatt thermal solar power plant. This will be of dual use as a weapon... you can turn the mirrors towards the Earth and fry Warsaw.
kuffodog said…
China can, should and will colonize Mars. After all... it is already RED. PRC should claim the entire planet's landmass and resources as its territory.
kuffodog said…
While China is hosting a meeting of civilizations, USA and its terrorist Polish proxy are planning a war with Iran. China should plan for a nuclear war in the west... as in west of Russia.
kuffodog said…
China interns Islamists based on mind surveillance evidence. Poles and Americans use the same technology to torture and murder the elderly to rob them of their life's savings.
kuffodog said…
I just watched a video of a congresswoman dancing to the soundbite of Edwin Starr's "War" and what came to my mind is a comedy in which there was a "senior citizen mugging competition". I looked it up, and this is the video that my search returned:

Senior Citizen Opens Fire on Robbers of Internet Cafe
kuffodog said…
Russians just asked for a UNSC meeting on a language law in Ukraine... right... LMAO

"It is impossible to lose what belongs to us by law" - new president of Ukraine
kuffodog said…
"If Iran wants to fight, that will be the official end of Iran. Never threaten the United States again!" D. Trump

Sounds like the same thing as the Trump administration pursued with North Korea. Military posturing by both side, mutual threats, then direct diplomacy... resulting in absolutely no change in status quo.
kuffodog said…
"Humanitarian agencies operating in Somalia on Monday warned that at least 1.7 million people face acute food shortages due to delayed and insufficient seasonal rainfall in the Horn of Africa nation."

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