Radiative and indictive snow removal through sublimation or melting

I've brainstormed ideas on how to melt snow that piles up on roads instead of moving it, especially on city streets where too much of it has to be removed in dump trucks. Melting it with trucks that are powered by electricity, which cooks off the snow into vapor that flies off into the atmosphere, could be one way of doing it. Where the water can be poured out behind the truck, after the snow is melted and made into warm water inside it (nuclear fusion reactor on the truck would be good for this). The snow removal would thus use the hot water from the melted snow:

1. to rinse remaining snow and flow it off into the gutters, wells and off the road
2. heat the road somewhat so fresh snowfall would melt
3. the streets would be washed and cleaned with warm water

First, I thought about an electric truck using radiative heating, then to heat the snow as the truck picks up off the ground while it moves. This would be a good solution to melt off the snow, however I ran into a problem of how hot the radiative heat would have to be vs the maximum speed with which the truck would move against large amounts of solid water. The snow removing vehicle should be able to move at at least 30 miles an hour and melt everything on the road in its path.

Solution must probably involve both technologies. First use the truck the picks up the snow off the ground, sucks it in, melts and pours out water behind it or sublimes it to steam it into the air. Then, if that some water pour out behind it freezes, get the remaining snow, sleet or ice with the truck that has an undercarriage of inductive or radiation heating and clear remaining solid water off the pavement or sidewalk.

This bring ups some other ideas, like melting collected snow into pipelines or reservoirs or pouring it off into ground water.... to make use of the melted snow. A market also exists for smaller devices that heat and melt off the snow for real property owners to clear their sidewalks, yards or roofs... and let it run off as water to stay off... instead of shoveling it from one spot to another.


kuffodog said…
"Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Thursday he would send troops to Libya at the request of Tripoli as soon as next month, putting the North African country's conflict at the centre of wider regional frictions."

kuffodog said…
"The staggering numbers of China’s GDP have often been compared with other countries. Statements such as the three Californias of China (Guangdong, Shandong, and Zhejiang) or how Shanghai’s GDP equals the one of Finland has surprised many."

So. California has implemented the Kubik plan (for electricity and heating at least) for new construction residential buildings as the LAW... how about Guangdon, Shandon and Zhejiang do same?


kuffodog said…
"Poland's prime minister says Russian President Vladimir Putin has been lying in remarks blaming Poland for the outbreak of World War II"


I recently have expressed the opinion that it was in fact Poland's dictator Józef Piłsudski, that is to blame for the outbreak of WWII in Europe, first due to Poland's intention to invade Germany which resulted in Germany militarizing again in the early 1930's, then due to forming a trilateral agreement with France and Britain on mutual defense (which thus got those countries into a war with Germany, after Germany invaded Poland to reclaim lands lost after WWI. NOTE: similar situation in Ukraine today did NOT result in a world war, precisely because of this comparative politics hind site and no country intends to fight of Russian annexation of Crimea, not even Ukraine! Budapest Memorandum is simply ignored by all signatories...), also due to Polish war crimes and slaughter of Bolshevik POWs in the Polish-Soviet war (for which the Polish military officers were executed in the Katyn massacre, and which initiated the Soviet invasion of Poland to set things straight, besides USSR trying to get the land lost to Poland after WWI).

I don't know what Putin said, but this is very much the reason WWII started. Polish aggression, war crimes and impudence... besides the more obvious territorial disputes.

How else do you explain the 4 genocides perpetrated against the Poles by Germans, Russians, Ukrainians and Lithuanians in WWII? They pissed their neighbors off!




“...all skilled workers of Polish background are to be used in our war industry. Afterwards, Poles will disappear from the world... It is necessary for the great German people to see their main task in the destruction of all Poles.” - Heinrich Himmler, 15 March 1940
kuffodog said…
I demanded $2,000,000 from US gov't for CIA fucking with my family since 2014. Here's their answer:

White Settlement. Church of Christ.

I guess they say no. LMAO.

kuffodog said…
The Trump administration claims there is no global warming that's caused by fossil fuel use and withdrew from the Paris Agreement, then deregulated the EPA so polluters could accelerate the devilish destruction. Trump spews lies as extreme as calling coal beautiful and clean. He says the free press that exposes his crimes and treason is the "enemy of the people". He says the rapists like the one he installed on the Supreme Court can grab women by the pussy if they want to and need not ask. He would have you believe that black lives don't matter and the namesake civil rights movement is a dangerous terrorist organization which he attempt to list as one. You've got to give some credit to these Wahhabi Islamist and Koch Industries sponsored murderous liars in the Trump administration: they've even turned night into day...

"Mallacoota: Where Australia's bushfires turned day to night"
kuffodog said…
The Polish and American regimes want to make me into a mind controlled terrorist and torture me for years to that end as part of the MK Ultra assassination scheme. They torture and terrorize the local peasants here to accuse me of pedophilia. I used to advise these animals on various clandestine operations so I know the drill. Here's a reminder: I told CIA to pay $2 million in blood money to get their killer back... and they did. I mock these satanic murderous regimes of both Poland and USA daily on the $2 million settlement I demand of them. Their time runs out 1.1.2020

"LAHORE, Pakistan - An American CIA contractor who shot and killed two Pakistani men was released from prison Wednesday and left Pakistan after more than $2 million in "blood money" was paid to his victims' families, defusing a dispute that threatened an alliance vital to defeating al Qaeda and ending the Afghan war."


kuffodog said…
"Man who killed Texas church gunman speaks out"

kuffodog said…
The highest death toll in American mass shooting is less than 60. Presumably there will be subsequent killers who will try to beat the high score and be immortalized in pages of criminal history of the United States. I think that the Vegas shooter has created a potent prescription for this:

1. he picked a high ground where he could change location
2. he prepared a sufficient stockpile of ammo to hit more than a 1000
3. he picked a firearm that could be made into a machine gun
3. he did shoot nearly 500...

where he failed is that he didn't finish off people that stayed put on the ground AFTER they were hit. I think the next perpetrator will learn from this shortcoming in mass murder and will systematically spray victims with bullets once they are on the ground and unable to get away, instead of assuming they are fatalities.

The next obvious venue and an opportunity for reaching the high score on the list of mass shootings in the United States is the Super Bowl victory parade. Difficult to prepare for, being that at least two locations could be celebrating it... but anyone with enough financial resources (the perpetrator will not need ANY money AFTER the attack), should be able to rent vantage point hotel rooms in both cities.

Mass shootings in the United States
kuffodog said…
Americans had to destroy their own Islamic State proxy as a hideous abomination of mass murdering psychopaths. I think time may soon come when Americans will have to destroy their 51st state: the henchmen Polish Catholic State. A state far more evil and sinister than its Islamic equivalent, because it pretends to be a modern nation state and a democracy even as it intentionally uses structural violence to kill millions of Europeans and cybernetic weapons of mass destruction to perpetrate larcenous genocide globally.

It is however highly unlikely that Russia's military will move in to take over and hold the territory, after Americans are done eradicating Polish terrorism from Europe, as was the case with the Islamic State. The population of polish cybernetic mass murdering terrorists working under the cover of anonymity for the Polish Catholic State (ruling Law and Justice party or the "Polish Hezbollah" is spread across the entire state), thus its defeat demands the destruction of the entire population of Poland or its electric grid and internet infrastructure.

The story below is unlikely to play out in Poland:

"Russian military police have managed to take over another base that was recently abandoned by the United States in northern Syria, TASS news agency reported on Thursday, December 26. U.S. troops held the former school building as a base north of Raqqa, the former de facto capital of the Islamic State terrorist group, until recently."

kuffodog said…
“On the issue of NATO expansion on our borders, at some point I heard from the Russian military — and I think they are right — If U.S. forces, NATO forces, are, were, in the Crimea, in eastern Ukraine, Russia is undefendable militarily in case of conflict without using nuclear weapons in the early stage of the conflict,” Russian parliamentarian Vyacheslav Alekseyevich Nikonov told attendees at the GLOBSEC 2017 forum in Bratislava, Slovakia.


Russia's plan to defend its territory from Polish and Ukrainian terrorism through NATO provocation and invasion does not need to use nukes, if:

1. EU and NATO throw Poland out (for their many crimes against BOTH)
2. Russia deploys a biological weapons program to counter USA's in Georgia
3. Russia gets US to quit NATO using its Manchurian candidate after reelection.
kuffodog said…
The American movie Platoon, saw a significant death toll among the cast of characters. It was well received. It won many awards.


"At least 31 members of Afghanistan’s security forces were killed in a series of Taliban attacks in three northern provinces, officials said on Wednesday."

Today's Afghan death toll scored high enough for cinematography to immortalize. Maybe someone should do a movie portraying the Taliban as heroes trying to evict evil invaders and their corrupt henchmen from their country and their capital?

kuffodog said…
"A video (posted on December 25) of a US TOW anti-tank missile being fired at a Syrian armed forces T-62 tank has emerged on social media; the decades-old military hardware was left virtually unscathed. The video’s caption says that the tank was attacked by militants, according to the Russian Sputnik news agency."

kuffodog said…
Military > Army > Main battle tanks: Countries Compared
1 Russia 22,710
2 China 9,000
3 USA 8,725
4 India 5,978

Russia, China and India are SCO members (NATO counterbalance in Asia) and each have their own GPS equivalent or better. China also has quantum radar that defeats US stealth capability in the air. All three have hyper-sonic missiles, US and EU have NONE. SCO air defenses, S-200 (archaic and short range shot by Syrian military) defeated the F-35 (a trillion dollar US fighter jet program, stealth) in Syria.

kuffodog said…
The best missile shield SCO could have is a 4 stage attack against terrorist imperialists' missile silos and naval assets to permanently stop them from keeping genocide of the people of their member states as an "option on the table":

1. confuse the chain of command or decapitate their command headquarters
2. conduct cybernetic attack to make their nuclear missiles fail
3. conduct electronic warfare to prevent air defenses from functioning
4. attack radar and all nuclear assets to eliminate offensive capability
kuffodog said…
Trump got a warning from Muqtada al-Sadr and the Mahdi Army, he didn't heed it. Then again, he's not just being thrown out from Iraq, but from the oval office as well.

Green zone is turning red with fire.

"Protesters broke into the U.S. Embassy compound by smashing in the main door. The reception area was set on fire. U.S. soldiers fired tear gas & stun grenades while sounds of gunfire have been heard. According to a PMU source, 20 people have been injured. Embassy staff have been evacuated."

kuffodog said…
Trump has reneged on every contract he ever signed. Why should Kim think he'll keep the agreement to denuclearize intact? Was it a one sided declaration with no obligation on USA's side? Americans violated every single treaty they've ever signed. Obviously this one they've trashed as well.


Expect a Korean nuclear test on the level of a King Bomb... or bigger.

kuffodog said…
"The U.S. has fomented war in Iraq for going on forty consecutive years now. From backing and encouraging Saddam to attack Iran in the 80s to genocidal sanctions that murdered 500,000 children and a direct war in the 90s to a full scale invasion and the creation of Daesh in the 2000s."


Paradoxically, this was a war for oil. Now Americans don't need that oil any longer, being that as of September 2019, USA has become a net oil exporter. This could explain why Americans evacuated their embassy in Iraq and calmly watched as Iraqis vented in the Green Zone after 40 years of mass murder. Now Trump blames Iran for CIA terrorism, US military genocide and State Department's imperialist impudent belligerence to obfuscate American crimes against the people of Iraq... while Ali Khamenei, Iran's Supreme Leader tells the Trump regime he can do NOTHING to Persians.

The free people of this world should be hoping that Americans attack Iran directly, so they don't just get a bloody nose they deserve... but kicked out of the Middle East permanently.
kuffodog said…
UK, Poland, Israel and USA are terrorist regimes that torture, murder, conduct mass surveillance not just on computing devices but on human minds, conduct terrorist attacks domestically and abroad to eliminate political opponents and control the media cycle, defraud, conduct false flag operations, conduct ecocide and structural violence murdering millions... it's about time someone called out UK on torture. UK like Poland and US uses directed energy torture and murder weapons using cellular telephony infrastructure.

kuffodog said…
---Between December 19 and 24, Putin responded on several occasions to the dangerous revival of fascism sweeping across Europe by calling out the Polish Ambassador to Germany Józef Lipski (1934-1939) as “scum and an anti-Semitic pig, there is no other way of describing him… He shared Hitler’s anti-Semitic sentiment and moreover, he promised to erect a monument in Warsaw for the persecution of the Jewish people.”---

kuffodog said…
“The last thing this country should do is rush into or blunder into another war in the Middle East. And no matter who our president is, no president is smart enough to, on their own, make that kind of a decision without deliberation,” Kaine said in an interview. “The logic of the idea just gets more and more persuasive the more time that elapses after 9/11.”

kuffodog said…
Russia controls the airspace in Idlib; this means Russia effectively dictates terms to NATO. Turkey operates in Idlib on the ground trying to defend civilians from the genocidal Syrian regime, but cannot use its air power. What an embarrassment to the EU and USA!

"But Turkey’s options in the northwest are limited.

Russia controls the air there and without air support Turkey is in no position to push back Syrian forces, said Asli Aydintasbas, a senior fellow at the European Council for Foreign Relations."

kuffodog said…
Crime can be policed in the streets of neighborhoods where there is no private security, no doormen, no gated communities... where police do not require a warrant or a 911 call to justify entering private property. It just so happens that structural violence unleashed by centuries of white supremacist prejudiced US oligarchy's oppression has created ghettos in American metropolitan areas and people like the Bush clan flood them with CIA smuggled drugs, so they are rife with crime. On purpose, to fill their private prisons with slaves.


"George H.W. Bush White House Once Ordered Drug Buy From Teen For Presidential TV Stunt"

"Allegations" of CIA drug trafficking

"Obama protected Hezbollah drug ring to save Iran nukes deal"

"The Business of Punishment: How Forced Prison Labor Has Generated Revenue Since the Colonial Era"
kuffodog said…
"The remains of 2,411 fetuses found in Illinois last year after the death of a former abortion provider have been buried, but authorities say they're no closer to knowing why the doctor had been keeping them."


Abortion of a child that was conceived consensualy by a couple, one to which the father does not agree is: MURDER. In this case of MASS murder, the Americans are simply amused by the fact that the killer collected the carcasses.
kuffodog said…
"GOP senators rip Afghanistan War: $1 trillion spent and ‘we cannot show any progress’"

"Donald Trump eyes Afghanistan's $1 trillion mineral reserves to pay for reconstruction after 16 years of war"
kuffodog said…
"Consistent contributions — and giving them time to grow — are keys to building bigger portfolios. Among workers who have been in their 401(k) plan for 10 straight years, the average balance rose to a record $328,200, according to Fidelity."

kuffodog said…
Bio-mimicry dictates that soft robots should have skeletons to make them into REAL androids... REAL PEOPLE... except ones that never get fat, wrinkle, can have any body transplanted (even their HEAD), and come with a cloning and mind transfer and storage warranty. They can ALL be beautiful with perfectly symmetric faces on top of that... and never age.

Then there is the immortality perk.


Standard robots are rigid. Soft robots are too difficult to control (clumsy like an earthworm). Make a SNAKE. Put a skeleton inside soft body robots and you've got exact bio-mimicry of most soft body mammals like humans. Or you can keep doing the insect like exoskeleton thing.

'Sensorized' skin helps soft robots find their bearings
kuffodog said…
"The view was obtained on Feb. 14, 1990, just minutes before Voyager 1's cameras were intentionally powered off to conserve power and because the probe—along with its sibling, Voyager 2—would not make close flybys of any other objects during their lifetimes."


I was just reminiscing how prejudiced my views were in regards to science fiction and "pseudo-science" writers, when it comes to the known number of planets in the solar system and any postulated undiscovered planets like Zecharia Sitchin's Nibiru, being much like the Luminiferous aether: never to be found. I kind of felt stupid. It appears that NASA thought the same thing at the time and simply decided not to see any... and apparently there were some to be found. Not only the number of planets which the Voyager spacecraft could have swung by has increased the total know as planets of this Solar system, but the definition of what a planet actually is... ended up being hotly disputed.


kuffodog said…
"The research team modelled prospects for growing major food crops in potential new farmland that may come available as climate change alters growing seasons worldwide.

"Areas currently not suitable for agriculture are likely to become suitable in the next 50 to 100 years," said Krishna Bahadur KC, an adjunct professor and research scientist with the Department of Geography, Environment and Geomatics (GEG)"


Russia has already transitioned from a net wheat importer to being grain self sufficient. This is obviously going to continue, as the world warms, arable land will become available further north.
kuffodog said…
"We need food, but we don't want environmental impacts. We need to find a way to balance."


The Kubik Plan calls for inside the habitat food production. I've presented several solutions and concepts on how food can be produced by anyone in any house or apartment, using just air, water and electricity that comes from a renewable source. In environments other than Earth, recycling of waste, both water and solid waste, may become necessary. More complex system that involve reusing the air will also emerge. Full energy, water and food self sufficiency of individual habitats, including 3-d printing and recycling of small items, tools, electronics drugs etc... is the pathway of present day technological and human civilization's trends. My plan is dependent on human ability to remain biological beings. I foresee a strong trend towards robotics, virtual living and ultimately the transition of the human biology to an entirely cybernetic existence in virtual cities with far less restrictive existential needs for inhabitants that those placed on mankind due to built in biological obsolescence associated with aging, wear and tear, injury and chronic disease resultant from bad habits or environmental impacts.

One way to produce foods that don't require any landmass at all, is to genetically engineer fruit that is grown with its stems dipped in an aquatic solution of nutrient producing algae in vertical farming sets ups, year round, indoor, anywhere. Designing mushrooms to contain higher quantities of macro-nutrients, but retain their ability to grow at their fast speed is another way to produce required food for a Soylent like meal. The details of these technologies and their advantages I've explained at great length. Recently I've proposed genetically engineering seedless fruit's mesocarp into algae so it can be produced for marmalade, juices or Soylent and such, without having the plant at all. This can work for oranges, grapes, apples or whatever is soft and watery.
kuffodog said…
"In general, the researchers find that when air pollution is generated in one state, half of that pollution is lofted into the air and carried by winds across state boundaries, to affect the health quality of out-of-state residents and increase their risk of early death.

Electric power generation is the greatest contributor to out-of-state pollution-related deaths, the findings suggest."


Renewable power generations saves lives. Killing people in another state half of the time to lower your own state's pollution related death tolls is still structural violence unleashed on Americans, even if the state next door went completely green.
kuffodog said…
"So how far away can we see? You might think, in a Universe limited by the speed of light, that would be 13.8 billion light years: the age of the Universe multiplied by the speed of light. But 13.8 billion light years is far too small to be the right answer. In actuality, we can see for 46 billion light years in all directions, for a total diameter of 92 billion light years."

kuffodog said…
"In other words, due to the Universe’s expansion and the presence of dark energy, 97% of the observable Universe is already unreachable, even if we left today at the speed of light."


It also means that you can only destroy 3% of the Universe, if you use a weapon system that obliterates anything in its path as a growing sphere of vacuum or explosion of some sort... even if it propagates that destruction radially at the speed of light.

kuffodog said…
"Finally, the most distant galaxy of all is GN-z11, a phenomenal 32 billion light-years away."

kuffodog said…
"While estimates among different experts vary, an acceptable range is between 100 billion and 200 billion galaxies, said Mario Livio, an astrophysicist at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland. When the James Webb Space Telescope launches in 2020, the observatory is expected to reveal even more information about early galaxies in the universe. "


The term "observable Universe" is self explanatory. What is the wrong assumption that people can make... is that astronomers think that it comprises the ENTIRETY of the universe humans inhabit. Does the phrase give a hint that there is more to the universe than what we can see and that the speed of light limits that range of visibility in a universe that is much larger than that observable part? This wasn't immediately clear to me, until today.


How can you get around this? Use a wormhole to go very far. Send a telescope. You'll see light in a different "observable universe" bubble range. More of the Universe will become observable. Then read my comment (the one before the last one) on how much of the Universe can be intentionally destroyed at the speed of light... and think again.
kuffodog said…
"This Is How We Know There Are Two Trillion Galaxies In The Universe"

kuffodog said…
US homeless population does not include IDPs and refugees or people who commit crimes on purpose to go to prison so they can stay alive... as in get food and shelter in a country that makes it illegal to hunt and fish unless you get licenses and pay fees.

I did not leave the country because of assassination attempts, assaults, attacks, structural violence, torture, mind hacking or any of that. I left because I was thrown out of the apartment I lived in... even though I paid rent.

The US legal system that allows people to be tortured extra-judicially in their own homes and then thrown out has put a career criminal who's a money launderer, scram artist and fraud in the White House. The statistic that says there is only half a million homeless in the US is likely underestimated by a factor of 10. I'd say there are about 5 million homeless in the United States right now.

kuffodog said…
The Third Opium War is about to end, at least for the Taliban and the US military. Who knows, they may become allies in fighting it to a successful conclusion together. That leaves the Brits and the Afghan drug dealing warlords. I think Russia and China should step in and help settle this once and for all.

"Taliban spokesperson has claimed that the organization has finalized a peace deal with the U.S. to end more than 18 years of war.

Suhail Shaheen told Afghan television station 1TV on Monday that the two parties had reached an agreement and suggested the deal would be signed by the end of February. Newsweek has contacted the State Department to confirm Shaheen's report."

kuffodog said…
Bezos said he will spend over 3 times Trump's total wealth on fighting anthropogenic global warming climate change, which the US president says does not exist or is a Chinese hoax.

"Amazon founder Jeff Bezos has announced a massive new campaign to help save the Earth from climate change. The world's richest man has announced he is launching the Bezos Earth Fund with $10 billion of his own money to kick things off."


Trump has also claimed Bezos is a bozo. If Bezos doesn't use this money to heavily invest in building wide ranging renewable power capacity to power Amazon and its affiliates, but treats this effort as philanthropy, Trump may be right. I advised companies like Google and Apple to do this over a decade ago and they already are self sufficient in renewable power and for the most part grid independent.
kuffodog said…
"Amazon, one of the world's largest companies, has an "enormous carbon footprint," according to The Hollywood Reporter, as it ships products globally using fossil fuel for planes, trucks, and more. Some of Amazon's workers have created the Amazon Employees for Climate Action group that has criticized the company for not doing enough to fight climate change."

Bezos is a hypocrite. He should buy up inventory of electric trucks that are self driving or field the technology with companies like Tesla and BYD. Invest in R&D to field delivery drones or develop a pick up/delivery electric drone quadricopters that can run errands going to drive through pick up lines and stores to bring home online purchases to the buyer. He should ensure that all Amazon data centers and offices are powered by solar PV or wind.
kuffodog said…
"Its cylindrical 3,750-kilogram payload included fresh fruit, cheddar and manchego cheese, as well as candy for the crew aboard the International Space Station (ISS)."


Manufacture of food inside spacecraft or habitats is existentially necessary for the survival of mankind and eliminating food related planetary boundaries and ecological footprint. Technologies I've postulated, explained, solicited and advised to be fielded should be developed, deployed brought to economies of scale and universally used.
kuffodog said…
"After some thought it became apparent to us that we could potentially create a thermal switch by controlling the emission properties of the nanomembranes by bringing a third object into close proximity of the nanomembrane," said Dr. Edgar Meyhofer, a professor of mechanical engineering at the University of Michigan.


Building a thermos like insulation siding with vacuum inside it can create excellent energy efficiency for residential homes and commercial real estate alike. A greenhouse like siding that captured heat by letting in the infrared radiation (eh, like in a greenhouse) then ventilates the heated air to warm the building as desired, should be combined with a solar PV siding inside it (for electricity generation and to power the system) that is then insulted from the building walls by a thermos like layer that has vacuum inside it. It all sound high tech but it is simply 3 things in one:

1. greenhouse infrared central air system but using a siding set up on the building,
2. solar PV siding (instead of roofing
3. thermos like insulation.

kuffodog said…
I recently mentioned Rod Blagojevich in a conversation, apparently it jogged some Republicans' memories.

kuffodog said…
See the product, below which miraculously appeared as an ad on my CBS tab. Recall what I said about the Kubik Plan and the Neo-Mao technological and cultural revolution earlier today. Imagine this 3-D printer making not just parts, but products from recycled materials or hydrocarbons harvested and made from the air at any habitat or small business location. 3-D print your own clothes... don't wash them: recycle them, you'll fight modern day slavery and make everyone into the master of their house. Now go make your own Kevlar reinforced shoes that fit perfectly.


Keep your production line running at full speed. Reduce lead time and cost on end effectors by printing on-site same day tooling. Print new tools and functional replacements for old parts. Save time and money with carbon fiber 3D printing.
Typical Machined Cost
Markforged 3D Printed Cost


kuffodog said…
Retina display

The concept works for flat screen 2-D printing that moves in time: your smartphone, tablet, TV monitor etc. Make the pixels small enough and the thing becomes smooth enough for your eyes to fail to tell the pixels apart.

The same concept should be used for 3-D printing:

1. retina smooth 3-D prints should create the illusion of smooth surfaces, ones which the viewer will see as continuous and solid in surface from the "viewing distance".

2. just as 2-D screens display images, 3-D prints can display things to change in time, move, shape shift, or exhibit innovative meta-material properties.
kuffodog said…
China is the sick men of Asia... was something I just heard that was used by journalists, and three of them got banned in the country. The coronavirus and all that. I just mentioned this movie scene recently and someone picked up on it. Now the term is international news. Funny.

kuffodog said…
"The modern combine harvester, or simply combine, is a versatile machine designed to efficiently harvest a variety of grain crops. The name derives from its combining three separate harvesting operations—reaping, threshing, and winnowing—into a single process"


kuffodog said…
"hyperloop technology market is expected to reach a value of almost $6bn by 2026, according to Verified Market Research"


I was just asked "what did you do to make it happen?".

1. I originated the idea for the technology.
2. I pitched how and why it is feasible, necessary and profitable to pursue it.
3. I got Musk to write the white paper.
4. I stayed on top of it and cheered on for 7 years now.
5. I pitched routes and developed the idea further.
6. I diversified the hyperloop idea to include cargo, mail, car delivery & Moon versions.
kuffodog said…
7. I provided insight on existing rail and pitched the need for standardization

kuffodog said…
The picture that's worth a 1000 words. A baby koala clinging to its dying parent on life support with patches of fur missing. Iconic black and white portrayal of anthropocene's mass extinction predominantly caused by anthropogenic global warming climate change.

kuffodog said…
Poles denied me library and computer center access under all kinds of attacks in conspiracy with the Law and Justice regime... then Americans went and torched one in the US. Go figure. Almost as clear cut an ops as the White Settlement shooting and the coronavirus. I keep asking for that $2 million from the US Department of Defense. The coronavirus... corona means crown, Christ the King statue and Polish offer for me to be a king here, pandotoy, Wolf Warrior 2, my letter to the Chinese consulate offering a deal if I'm granted asylum in PRC they didn't answer to, etc. Almost. 1000's of books burned. A fire fighter dead. Now it fits a bit more into a cohesive attack on my psychology. The Polish regime only burned the Harry Potter books, these teens were made to burn the whole library. Oh yeah. All my books here are gone: high school yearbook, encyclopedia Britannica, Great Books of the Western World, college textbooks, books I got as gifts, Harvard Classics... ALL OF THEM. There's more. Whatever.

kuffodog said…
Porterville: has meaning as well. Maybe my uncle has all these books? He worked as a porter in NYC For decades. LOL
kuffodog said…
"Fortunately just such a pair of tweezers exists. Made from specially aligned polarised light, these laser-based forceps can act as optical traps for tiny objects.

Given short enough light waves, an experimenter has a good chance of trapping something as tiny as an individual atom in its pinch. Of course, first the atoms need to be cooled right down to make them easier to catch, and then separated into an empty space."


Arranging individual atoms using laser light, which is computationally programmable! This process can bee replicated and scaled up. It can result in the type of 3-D printing technology on nano-scale I've been pitching recently. Arrange individual atoms in a 3-D print using LIGHT to create not just compounds using individual atoms... but atoms using subatomic particles like neutrons, protons and electrons... and once you star doing that, you're on your way to having a Star Trek replicator that beats any modern day printer hands down. Why? Because all you have to do is to get an energy supply and put any old chunk of mass inside the thing and restructure it to whatever you want it to be. Start small. Make gold out of lead.
kuffodog said…
Adult bees have better spacial perception and object visualization than juvenile humans?


Not necessarily. The bees in this story knew "HOW" to see, the kids didn't. The light coming on and off doesn't mean that someone (the blind bee) who has never seen before is able to do the same thing. The bees weren't BLIND and then suddenly got the sense of sight, they knew how to see already and thus could VISUALIZE objects perceived by other senses. It's much harder to visualize, if you've never seen anything to begin with. As much as I'd like to say that humans were stupider than the bees in this study, the two groups did not have the same conditions. Kids born blind with cataracts never LEARNED to see or VISUALIZE, the bees used the sense and thus could. Do the same study with humans turning the light on and off and most of us will do nearly as well as the bees.
kuffodog said…
"Researchers previously knew that the insects could recognize complicated color patterns in flowers and even human faces."


Wasps probably remember faces like pigeons and bees. Good thing they didn't swarm. Bastards.

1. Those I didn't kill by stomping on them could remember, so they knew not to fuck with me.
2. Those that died didn't have anything they could remember, so they could NOT get help.
3. Those inside the house whom I'm thrown out... remember that I was kind to them.

So... I don't know whether or not they scheme to attack in a swarm based on memory. If they do... I'm fucked if any survivors get help and come back to get payback. For sure their nests in the ground are defended and deadly dangerous, but their group tactics are nowhere near as good as those of the bees. They bit me on a couple occasions when I wasn't paying attention this summer. My lower leg ballooned and stayed swollen for over a week in each instance. They didn't get to have a third strike: it was extermination.

There is a lesson here for US.
kuffodog said…
Alien spacecraft come to Earth and are powered without ejecting reactionary mass, in other words the "rocket equation" has no bearing on them entering, leaving or maneuvering in a gravity well. This means that such technologically is physically possible and can be acquired or indigenously developed. Hyperloop that launches spacecraft and the space elevator overcome this "rocket problem" as well.


However, if economies of scale bring a nuclear powered CAR to the average human household and it is not only a flying car, but a spaceship, one that can go into orbit with reactionless drive propulsion, the opportunity for using these to conduct terrorist attacks would make 9/11 look like a kindergarten quarrel. Clearly humans aren't civilized enough to make such technology universally available. Smartphones and mind hacking is bad enough, this would be a total disaster.
kuffodog said…
"The coronavirus may have emerged from a Wuhan laboratory leak, which studies deadly pathogens such as the SARS virus, scientists suggest.

Health officials believe that the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which causes the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), originated from wild animals sold in the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan City, which is home to 11 million residents."


If deployed intentionally, though counter-intuitive, this ops makes LOTS of sense:

1. China shows resilience to bioterrorism by controlling it and instituting death penalty
2. China builds the necessary countermeasures to USA's genocidal bio weapons
3. The Chinese regime gets even more surveillance & police power
4. Population is controlled (recall forced abortions and infanticide of 1 child policy)
5. The virus kills China's enemies across the world, Chinese gov't looks even MORE competent by controlling the epidemic it started domestically when it suited it to do so
6. China controls GHG emissions by hitting travel (reduced due to virus spreading)
7. China reduces emissions globally by hitting the ANTHROPOGENIC part of global warming - up to 200,000,000 can die or 2.38 % of Earth population.

...but then it is all just hearsay. Or is it?

kuffodog said…
"Off-duty Haitian police officers exchanged fire with members of the newly reconstituted Haitian army in front of the national palace on Sunday, in a dangerous escalation of protests over police pay and working conditions."

kuffodog said…
"The championship trophy for badly timed death, though, goes to a pair of British writers. Aldous Huxley, the author of Brave New World, died the same day as C. S. Lewis, who wrote the Chronicles of Narnia series. Unfortunately for both of their legacies, that day was November 22, 1963, just as John Kennedy’s motorcade passed the Texas School Book Depository. Huxley, at least, made it interesting: At his request, his wife shot him up with LSD a couple of hours before the end, and he tripped his way out of this world."

kuffodog said…
The tech industry in Silicon Valley thrives on scams that create millions of fake users to prop up statistics that show investors geometric growth of unicorns powered by venture capitalists corruption and the SEO monopoly of Google, backed by 3rd party indenture of all advertising to the top players who label all those who don't pay them or aren't on their payrolls: spammers and hackers. It is unsurprising that the BANSKTERS follow the same business model: fake the accounts, fill them with FED's gift money and show investors you're making a killing so they give you even MORE MONEY to speculate on!

kuffodog said…
"Holy water fonts have been identified as a potential source of bacterial and viral infection."


Synagogue of Satan has used holy water to spread disease before, during Black Death. Vatican got control over the entire continent, then Holy Inquisition and Conquistadors murdered some 100,000,000 in the Americas. Now it's the CORONA VIRUS. Christ the King and all that.



kuffodog said…
"At least 272 people have been infected with the virus, and seven people have died in the Southern European nation."


Some guy at the local convenience store here spoke with a clerk and said his friend in Wroclaw is working on this coronavirus and it doesn't kill white people. The death rate is 2.38 per 100 in China. Now let us see:

Italy, an EU country is worse: 2.57

Anyway. The Fake News CNN would have you believe that this "pandemic" is causing market fears, if so it's a one two punch to the gut of the US bankster oligarchy: Sanders looks increasingly likely to be nominated as the Democratic candidate for president and when he wins the rich will get taxed and free FED money for Wall Street will dry up.


kuffodog said…
‘Spit Spreads Death’: A mournful march commemorates 1918 flu that killed 20,000 in Philly

kuffodog said…
Antarctica has temperatures like Southern California... it's going tropical. 20% of ice lost in 9 days. 20% of ice loss continent wide would result in worse disaster than even I've predicted. This could mean there'd be a 14 yard global sea level rise in ONE SUMMER. Basically a 52 foot tsunami that does recede.

kuffodog said…
"Nearly 900 protesters were killed during that stretch, which ended when Mubarak stepped down and handed over his power to the military.

Mubarak eventually was sentenced to life imprisonment for involvement in the killing of anti-government protesters during the uprising, but later was retried and subsequently acquitted and released in 2017."


I often warned that a surgeon hacked in a neuro-weapon attack, has only to make one false move... it doesn't take a CIA man to do it!

kuffodog said…
Russia has moved its nukes into the Kaliningrad district, USA's NATO plan for war in Europe was to make Poland into a nuclear desert before 1989, now if Russia and USA use autonomous weapons system to confront one another in Poland... they can BOTH nuke the Catholic State! I think this will happen on July 4th, 2026!

"The US conducted a military exercise last week which simulated a “limited” nuclear exchange with Russia, a senior Pentagon official has confirmed.

The war game is notable because of the defence department’s highly unusual decision to brief journalists about the details and because it embodied the controversial notion that it might be possible to fight, and win, a battle with nuclear weapons, without the exchange leading to an all-out world-ending conflict."

kuffodog said…
"The partners have determined six locations for this designed enhanced military presence. Poznań, in western Poland, is to host the Division Headquarters and the U.S. Army area support group. Drawsko Pomorskie, in the country’s northwest, will host the primary Combat Training Center for joint use by the Polish and U.S. Armed Forces. Wrocław-Strachowice, in southwestern Poland, is to host the U.S. Air Force aerial port of debarkation, and Łask, in the country’s central part, will host the U.S. Air Force remotely piloted aircraft squadron. Powidz, in western Poland, is to host a combat aviation brigade, a combat sustainment support battalion, and a special operations forces facility, while Lubliniec, in the country’s south, will host a special operations forces facility, according to the document."

kuffodog said…
Chinese solved their demographic bulge, so they don't become like Japan? If this coronavirus kills 200,000,000 old people world wide... those who inherit their wealth will have the Chinese Communist party to thank.


"China’s Aging Population Is a Major Threat to Its Future"
kuffodog said…
"SANDERS: In the last three years, last three years, billionaires in this country saw an $850 billion increase in their wealth.

But you know what? For the ordinary American, things are not so good. Last year, real wage increases for the average worker were less than 1 percent. Half of our people are living paycheck to paycheck; 87 million Americans have no health insurance or are underinsured; 45 million people are struggling with student debt; 500,000 people tonight are sleeping out on the street, including 30,000 veterans."


Home of the free. Right. Those are the lucky ones who weren't MURDERED in a eugenics genocide by the fascist terrorist regime backed by the Polish Catholic state and its Law and Justice TERRORIST GROUP. Then there are those even worse off: disabled, tortured and powerless puppets under mind control (zombies) and those who are SLAVES working for 8 cents an hour... disenfranchised for life.

Then there are freedom fighters and refugees like me. I'm an American but I had to leave USA to avoid getting murdered and tortured to death by the Trump regime and their Polish cohorts. I'm not homeless, because I've got a house here in Europe, but even here these Nazi murderers continue their satanic campaign against me.


kuffodog said…
"More than 1,000 potential cave entrances have been mapped on Mars by the US Geological Survey's (USGS) Astrogeology Science Center."


kuffodog said…
Google BANNED the advertising for the book I published with my mother "How to Conquer Gout". It was deemed a miracle cure, this as Google criminally advertised drugs for Canadian pharmacies and pushed drugs for a $5,000 a month drug to mitigate (not cure) gout.

The US health care system is overloaded with chronically ill people and there will be more of them. The solution lies not in creating cheaper health insurance that is universally available, but in putting a stop to corruption and structural violence that result in chronic diseases. Let innovators, writers and publishers build an American health culture for fitness and vegetarian diets (like Soylent), instead of feeding the public the usually quoted rape culture promoting promiscuity which spreads STDs and the gun culture that adds to the ranks of the disabled and mentally ill people with PTSD.

That said, the democratic debate has a consensus: minimum wage must be a living wage and all Americans have to be covered by medical insurance, these are human rights issues. They are existential in nature.





kuffodog said…
"Iran's reported mortality rate for the illness — about 16 percent — surpasses the rate for other countries by a dramatic margin."


China 2.38%
Italy 2.57%
Iran 16.00%
Poland... 0%

kuffodog said…
I keep explaining the many existentially necessary advantages presented by the Kubik plan indoor vertical farming and other such innovations that make habitats and households food self sufficient with nutrient production via innovative technologies. Locusts can't destroy indoor food production either. Another reason to go with my plan...

kuffodog said…
Trump claims that the new coronavirus will die out by April 2020. If true and it has a built in self destruct mechanism in addition to being ethnically targeted, this is some high tech shit even I didn't conceive. I guess if the terrorists in the White House killed off most of the people they meant to scare into compliance... that would be counter to their political intent. So, the plot thickens.

Did the virus "escape" a Chinese lab, or is it a bio-terrorism warning by USA?

kuffodog said…
"U.S. President Trump says people predict an April end to coronavirus"
kuffodog said…
"The Kr00k bug arises from an all-zero encryption key in Wi-Fi chips that reveals communications from devices from Amazon, Apple, Google, Samsung and others.

SAN FRANCISCO — A serious vulnerability in Wi-Fi chips has been discovered that affects billions of devices worldwide, according to researchers. It allows attackers to eavesdrop on Wi-Fi communications.

The bug (CVE-2019-15126) stems from the use of an all-zero encryption key in chips made by Broadcom and Cypress, according to researchers at ESET, which results in data decryption. This breaks the WPA2-Personal and WPA2-Enterprise security protocols"

as soon as the vulnerability was published, the terrorist polish regime started exploiting it

kuffodog said…
The terrorist Polish and Trump regimes assaulted me with mind control attacks the whole night and put me under mind control to punch a bathroom door and break another door with head butts. Once has wholes in it, the other does too, came off the hinges and broke the door frame. My hands are now bruised and scraped up. One of the attackers was linked (my mother I think) and couldn't stand the mind control attack hitting their own head with palm strikes... which I imitated along just as I repeated all whining and verbal abuse out loud, so now I have some bruises on my scalp. Nice going Nazis.

I'm no Thomas Jefferson, but I am King in Cyberspace. Your asses are now TOAST.

"I have sworn upon the altar of god eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." - Thomas Jefferson


kuffodog said…
Headline difference:

33 people killed in Airstrike by the Syrian regime

33 NATO soldiers killed in an Airstrike by the Syrian regime

...neither, but instead it is:

33 Turkish soldiers killed by airstrike in northwestern Syria

"Ankara, Turkey — Turkey on Friday raised the death toll from a Syrian government airstrike on its forces in northwestern Syria the previous night to 33 Turkish troops, the highest number of Turkish soldiers killed in a single day since Ankara first intervened in the Syrian conflict in 2016."


Why is this headline CATCHIER? Because, they could have been killed mistakenly by Israel, on purpose by Russia or through a ruse that got the US air force to do it and it would be a far more exciting story. The way it is, it's just an escalation and shows that Russia has no control over Assad, but Assad puts his money where his mouth is.

kuffodog said…
"The Navy said the People's Republic of China naval destroyer lased the American P-8A Poseidon aircraft in an act the U.S. deemed unsafe and a violation of international codes and agreements. The statement from U.S. Pacific Fleet said the laser was detected by sensors on the aircraft, but was not visible to the naked eye."

kuffodog said…
"A "boom" of confirmed cases of the coronavirus that has now killed more than 3,000 people around the world — including two in the U.S. — could already be racing across America despite ramped-up efforts to contain the outbreak, experts say."


If the coronavirus was a case of bio-terrorism, it already matched the 9/11 attacks death tolls... and it's JUST GETTING STARTED!
kuffodog said…
The masks don't work, measly humans.


Revelation 16: Then I heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven angels, “Go, pour out the seven bowls of God’s wrath on the earth.”

kuffodog said…
Revelation 8 The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was allowed to scorch people with fire.


Any Christians in Australia? Scorched with fire? The whole fucking continent burned down this season. Getting popcorn for India's heatwaves reaching 60 degrees Celsius. This will be interesting.

It's global. The fires are everywhere.
kuffodog said…
This season, about 19 million hectares burned down in Australia, the area of entire Poland is about 31 million hectares. My prediction stands: all of southern Poland's forest cover will burn down!

kuffodog said…
12 The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East.


Remember how I told you to stay on the East side of Euphrates and help the Kurds? Deal is off, you didn't pay me $2,000,000 I asked. The rivers will now evaporate. ISIS will not have to cross the rivers, there won't be any. The desert will come to you all.
kuffodog said…
3 The second angel poured out his bowl on the sea, and it turned into blood like that of a dead person, and every living thing in the sea died.

kuffodog said…
The Trump administration strategy to control coronavirus: tell people not to buy masks!

kuffodog said…
"Turkey shoots down two Syrian fighter jets over Idlib"

kuffodog said…
"Adviser to Iran's Supreme leader dies from coronavirus, as other top officials infected"

kuffodog said…
The Law of Return (Hebrew: חֹוק הַשְׁבוּת, ḥok ha-shvūt) is an Israeli law, passed on 5 July 1950, which gives Jews the right to come and live in Israel and to gain Israeli citizenship.[1] Section 1 of the Law of Return declares:

"every Jew has the right to come to this country as an oleh [immigrant]."

kuffodog said…
"I honestly don't know but I have read that on the Internet. You know, my dad came to this country from Poland at the age of 17 without a nickel in his pocket. He loved this country. I am, you know, I got offended a little bit by that comment, and I know it's been on the Internet. I am obviously an American citizen, and I do not have any dual citizenship," - Sanders


The Catholic State and Jewish State sure do have the bases covered in this election. No matter who they get into the White House they score.
kuffodog said…
Pompeo to sign historic U.S.-Taliban peace deal

kuffodog said…
"Arctic may see 'ice-free' summers in as few as 15 years, study says"


Expect it to happen THIS year.
kuffodog said…
Are there masks for dogs? Trump should get one. LOL

kuffodog said…
The UK has left the EU


Wow. I searched for Brexit and instruction for POLES to get the fuck out of UK came up.


kuffodog said…
Brexit will cost the UK up to 30 times more than it will gain back from striking a Trump trade deal


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