After 19 Years of Torture Americans Are Finally Killing Me

After 19 years of electromagnetic torture, abuse, human rights denials, robbery, hacking, mind hacking, mind control, assaults, fraud, libel, stalking, harassment, denial of police protection, set ups, terrorist attacks, rape threats, murder threats, arson, assassinations of people I knew, torture of my dog, family and friends, etc. etc. etc... my face now looks how my mind and body felt for the entire time of this Satanic persecution by the United States of America and its demented criminal population.


The US electromagnetic neuroweapon torture isn't silent, if the victims who suffered it screamed their lungs out. 
- Marcin R. Kubik


kuffodog said…
One of the torturers just said that "they should keep going until he can't stand it".
kuffodog said…
Russia sent a bomber on a visit to Venezuela.

Now it crashed one in Russia’s north-west during snowstorm.
kuffodog said…
"A new treaty signed by France and Germany on Tuesday reiterates their commitment to support each other, which they have done as NATO members. Angela Merkel also supported the creation of a joint European army."

As France and Germany lead the way, the rest of European Union should follow and form a common army.
kuffodog said…
I've explained this before, I'll explain this again. China's GDP growth has to be taken into account with the size of the economy. Landmass is same. Population growth stalled. Mining resources actually deplete year over year. Energy resources and infrastructure grows, but that doesn't add to the GDP on annual basis, their use as the population utilizes them for economic activity does. What does 6.6% growth mean? China's GDP PPP in 2017 was $23,159,107 million or $23.2 trillion... this means an addition of $1.53 trillion, in GDP PPP terms over 2018. That's bigger than the entire economy of Australia in GDP PPP terms and nearly as big as Iran, Saudi Arabia or Canada. What it also means that by the end of 2018, China's GDP PPP outdistanced both EU and USA, to $24.7 trillion.

Now lets see the numbers:
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
15,646 16,773 17,930 19,135 20,443
7.7% 7.8% 7.2% 6.9% 6.7%

As the Chinese economy transitioned to domestic consumption, in 1990 the Chinese economy grew at 6.9% but it was about 34 times smaller than in 2017. Chinese economic growth as a percentage has been decreasing steadily as the size of the economy grew. since 2014. Annual growth rate has been "lowest since 1990" for the last 3 years: 2016, 2017, 2018... however the actual increment of growth is about 35 TIMES larger. Also, let us remember that China has actually intentionally tried to SLOW economic growth to a SUSTAINABLE LEVEL. It has been doing that since 2012.

"Why China Wants to Slow Down Its Own Economy"
kuffodog said…
What's the difference between God's VENGEANCE and TERRORISM?

Vengeance is reciprocation, terrorism is proactive political violence aimed to obtain objectives that would otherwise be unattainable through electoral processes, legislative processes, or normal uniformed military conflict.

ven·geance (vĕn′jəns)
Infliction of punishment in return for a wrong committed; retribution.

ter·ror·ism (tĕr′ə-rĭz′əm)
The use of violence or the threat of violence, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political goals.
kuffodog said…
The war on terror is now over.

We will now have individual nation states domestically secure their territorial integrity and police their countries to prevent violent acts of domestic terrorism.

The US forces deployed in the War on Terror will be withdrawn. Drone strikes will end. The US role will be akin to the support role for the Kurds in the international intervention against ISIL.

Taliban will make peace with USA and the Afghan gov't and serve as a military force to eradicate poppy production, as the country's economy transitions to a diverse basket of agricultural products.

Al-Shabaab will be given an opportunity to disarm under an amnesty, akin to what happened in South Africa, then there will be rehabilitation and reintroduction of the fighters into the labor force, as Chinese investment brings manufacture to the country.

Libya will negotiate disarmament of militant groups and formed a unified military force.

Egypt will secure the Sinai by force, with no aid from USA.

Syria will negotiate peace. Iraq stabilize.

China will reeducate its Muslim minority.

Philippines will squash the Islamist insurgency.

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