Mind Storage is Possible with Today's Technology

Mind storage is possible with today’s technology, albeit it would need to be a bit improved and require a significant amount of money for any individual customer. It is a synergy between Google Glass, No More Woof and contact lenses that can tract the eye focus so the camera recording, can zoom in on the same object as the person is viewing. The camera itself would need to be one that allows for focus to match what the person is trying to see - i.e. Lytro. The same is true of sounds. In some instances, a person may tune out what is being said, although we would have a PERFECT audio and visual memory, it would not match what the biological brain processed and stored. Of these technologies, only No More Woof would need to be improved to record the entire brain’s activity. The cost would NOT be prohibitive; it would not be exclusively billionaires who can afford it. Mass produced, life recording technology can be manufactured for the price of a car. The storage of 5 petabytes needed costs under $100,000, however daily updates would be a pay as you live, service likely on the order of around $100/mo. for the entire lifetime. Production of life recording wearables would bring forth immediate informational immortality of persons using them, at least for the part of life they recorded. Children whose lives were recorded from birth, will be informationally immortal, minus whatever their brains recorded prior to childbirth. Regardless, two business models present themselves: wearables for recording of a life and a service to store it. Clearly retrieval and implantation is a matter of future technology, but this is a VIABLE way of achieving immortality. My idea is free domain. Have a free for all.

Glass https://www.google.com/glass/start/
No More Woof http://www.nomorewoof.com/
Lytro https://lytro.com/
Computer Contact Lenses https://www.technologyreview.com/s/515666/contact-lens-computer-like-google-glass-without-the-glasses/


kuffodog said…
Republicans used Curveball to get to invade Iraq.

"Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi (Arabic: رافد أحمد علوان الجنابي‎, Rāfid Aḥmad Alwān; born 1968), known by the Defense Intelligence Agency cryptonym "Curveball",[1] is a German citizen who defected from Iraq in 1999, claiming that he had worked as a chemical engineer at a plant that manufactured mobile biological weapon laboratories as part of an Iraqi weapons of mass destruction program.[2] Alwan's allegations were subsequently shown to be false by the Iraq Survey Group's final report published in 2004."


Now Trump and Pelosi are playing hardball... and Democrats are winning.

"President Donald Trump will NOT be giving his State of the Union speech on the House floor next Tuesday.

That much now seems definite, following an exchange of hugely passive-aggressive letters between Trump and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday -- a battle of words that ended with Pelosi informing Trump that she would not be introducing a "concurrent resolution" allowing him to address a bicameral session of Congress on January 29."


So much for the invasion of Venezuela, Bolton.
kuffodog said…
Wild, wild EAST?

A mass shooting in Florida left 5 people dead inside Sun Trust Bank.


Were they all Americans? If so, that beats the Benghazi death toll.

kuffodog said…
Donald John Trump has a better working relationship with the ruler of North Korea, Kim Jong Un than with the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi. Their correspondence is apparently cordial.

"Pen pals! Kim Jong-un gushes over Trump's latest 'personal letter' sent after receiving 'beautiful notes' from the North Korean dictator"






kuffodog said…
"Filings for U.S. unemployment benefits fell last week to the lowest level since 1969, signaling the labor market remains tight despite the partial federal-government shutdown.
Jobless claims declined 13,000 to 199,000 in the week ended Jan. 19, bucking economist forecasts for an increase, Labor Department figures showed Thursday. The four-week average, a less-volatile measure, decreased to 215,000, the lowest since early November."


I was deterred by remote torture and mind control from visiting my mother for months, from filing for health insurance, from filing a college application to a 4 year school, from filing for college financial aid, from filing various credit and loan applications, from filing my mother's 2017 taxes which she needed to keep various benefits, from filing any new employment applications... presumably mass mind control in USA can stop people from filing for unemployment as well. I was also deterred from defending myself and my mother in court, being that I would claim that she was tortured as well as myself, with the complicity of the property manager and the US gov't.

Good unemployment statistics, but hardly believable.

kuffodog said…
"Initial claims were the lowest since November 1969. Claims had previously reached as low as 202,000 in the past year."

I've explained many times that compering the unemployment claims metric in this way is not very accurate, as it does not account for population size or the size of the labor force.

US population in 1969 was 202.7 million

US population in 2018 is 326.7 million

Unemployment claims also need to account for labor participation rate, so there are three metrics here that are inextricably linked and work together.

1. number of claims
2. number of people in the labor force
3. total population size

On the other hand simply comparing ratios of number of claims vs. total number of people in the labor force from one hear to another is not enough, because you can have a stagnant labor force size but a growing population.

Labor force participation rate in 1969 was below 61.5%, lower than it is in 2018 at 63%. The population today has 124 million more people. So the 2018 unemployment claim number is BETTER than simply matching the 1969 metric by over 61%, even if labor participation rate were the same, and it is NOT. If we account for the difference in labor participation beyond 61.5 in present day 63% we have to account for that 1.5% difference as well.
kuffodog said…
I found this note I wrote some years ago and I've expanded the idea a bit more:

In war, societies that are the strongest and most capable of rapid adaptation are generally the most successful. Species wide, humans have always won in war; because war was conducted among men, no matter which human faction was victorious, the victory belonged to the human species. In evolutionary terms, it means that those groups, be they religious, political, national or any other belligerents, those who were the fittest... survived or being victorious got to impose the winning faction's rule. The political and economic systems that can win wars, are ultimately tested as most successful and others are subjugated to adopt them, in recent history the strongest and most adaptable systems have shown to be a combination of capitalism and democracy with a significant dose of socialism, often these include archaic remnants of monarchies. What this means is that unless a war results in extinction of mankind - man is always victorious, both in semantic and evolutionary terms. Survival of the fittest and natural selection are as applicable to homo sapience as they are to any other species, however, because humans are apex predators and are capable of producing their own food, the driving evolutionary force for humans is competition within the species itself, not natural selection resultant from predation or forces of the ecosystem that limit prey populations or food supplies. This intraspecies competition includes violence and structural violence.
kuffodog said…
Since the start of Arab Spring and Syrian Civil War, various factions, predominantly American ones, have spent these 8 years torturing my mother and I, while keeping a hypocritical narrative of "Assad must go", the US has yet to decide to sanction Syria's genocidal dictator, even as Americans drive me out of the country after years of persecution... the second time around. I've been constantly attacked and tortured for frighting for human rights, green economy, sustainability, social equality, rule of law, income equality... and trying to overthrow the Assad regime, basically I've been attacked about everything Republicans don't want. Clearly they LIKE Assad, better than me.


kuffodog said…
Saudi Arabia, now notorious not only for decapitating homosexuals, but also for using its consular diplomatic outpost in Turkey for torturing, dismembering and murdering Jamal Khashoggi, a columnist for The Washington Post... is pursuing a ballistic missile program.

"A military base deep inside Saudi Arabia appears to be testing and possibly manufacturing ballistic missiles, experts and satellite images suggest."

kuffodog said…
Someone just said "we want world peace". One way to have world peace, is to convince every human on Earth to want it as well. People usually pursue what they want or desire. As to how to go about doing that, there probably exists a wide spectrum of things that make people want peace. War, terrorism, interventions, assassinations, criminal homicides... those are instances where that peace is broken. One could argue that it is the aftermath of war, especially wars that devastate many nations, that are most effective in making people 'want peace'. People however forget war and its suffering. New generations of belligerents arm themselves and inevitably seek violence. In societies where peace was a result of war, remembrance make people "want peace". Knowing the horrors, the suffering and the cost of war, people are less likely to pursue it, it also motivates those who were victimized by genocide, not rely on others but their own military strength to protect their 'peace'. Consider Germany and Israel for instance. Germany as the Nazi aggressor, has laws and remembrance that allows the mistakes of the past to be avoided. Israel on the other had has become a militaristic society, precisely because Jews' transnational pacifism led to their holocaust in WWII. How to convince people to world peace? The same way as they are convinced to anything else, advertising, education, financial incentives, propaganda, building of a world citizen identity, teaching tolerance toward ideological and political diversification. There are many way to make people "want peace". Often it is enough to convince top leaders of nation states to choose dialogue and diplomacy over brinkmanship and war.
kuffodog said…
"It was an impossible dream that brought about human flight and other wondrous scientific discoveries that make life easier. It was an impossible dream that brought forth medicines to cure certain illnesses, reduce pain, suffering and extend human life. Impossible dreams can come true.

As we enter the new year let us not abandon the quest for world peace as we continue to “dream the impossible dream, to fight the unbeatable foe, to bear with unbearable sorrow, to run where the brave dare not go, to right the unrightable wrong, to try when your arms are too weary, to reach the unreachable star.”'

kuffodog said…
In 2011, I predicted that the Taliban will attack Malala Yousafzai, that she will suffer head wounds and live. I told this to Brooke Baldwin, who came to Poland to interview me and find out why I'm under constant electromagnetic torture. Now a Noble Peace Prize laureate, Malala returned to Pakistan recently, for the first time since the school bus shooting. School shootings in USA are quite different, usually it is the students themselves who are the killers, and not a month goes by without a mass shooting incident.

I myself like to say that I had a hand in two Nobel Peace Prizes, the 2012 Nobel Peace Prize that was awarded to the European Union "for over six decades [having] contributed to the advancement of peace and reconciliation, democracy and human rights in Europe" and the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize awarded to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, which would have never been possible if I didn't come up with the idea of having the Assad regime voluntarily remove chemical weapons from Syria and had no Margaret Brennan communicated this impromptu at a Geneva conference to Lavrov and Kerry directly who immediately seized on the idea disregarding Obama's red lines.



One of the people who was in constant direct to brain communication contact with me over the past few years repeatedly said that "we don't back down" as the United States. It succinctly explains why the country is perpetually engaged in war, usually on multiple fronts, since its very inception. One way to ensure war is to consistently refuse to compromise, break out of treaties, and pursue violent military solutions for dispute resolution. Fortunately the opposite is also possible, a sure to way make peace is to negotiate compromises, to uphold or renegotiate treaties, to seek non violent economic and diplomatic solutions to disputes.

Peace is often a matter of choice, especially for nation states that hold permanent seats on the UN Security Council. USA, China, Russia, France and UK did not have to intervene in Syria nor did they have the UN mandate to do that, they chose to do so. How long would the war in Syria have lasted, if instead military intervention, the belligerents involved were sanctioned on arms sales and Syria embargoed on all military related materials, supplies and equipment by all members of UN Security Council instead of them actively participating in the conflict?

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