Humans are still mostly gatherers

I walk past a quarry on the way to the library and each time I walk by... the "Flintstones" come to my mind. Poland is doing logging on the mountainside slopes of a national forest and I see their progress day by day. I thought to myself... this is simply gathering, what's the difference between cavemen using sticks and stones for 3.5 million years and these less labor intensive modern methods? About the only difference is that in modernity this happens with the use of machinery, which makes it possible for a single human to lift many trees or stones with the use of one mechanized contraption. When Egyptians were moving 20 plus ton stones to build pyramids they were essentially doing the same thing as the people who work at the quarry which I walk by several times a week now, in other words they were gathering stones.

Plastics come to mind as a method of producing materials in the shape, size, quality and chemical composition as opposed to HARVESTING and processing them. Essentially, all mining is gathering just as all killing of animals is a form of hunting, this makes modern human civilization predominantly dependent on the hunter-gatherer economic model. Recycling machines for 3-D printers can change this. Use of atmospheric gasses for production of materials democratizes the access to resources to any location on earth. Farming of fish and sea weed for food and fuel, opens up two-thirds of the Earth's surface to the Neolithic revolution. However to truly create materials that are not HARVESTED they must come from matter, energy or informational systems that are used to materialize the desired things from the vacuum of space, this as particles which are then controlled to produce the elements, compounds and materials where they are used to manufacture products. Using  light energy to create matter and antimatter is a good starting point. Ultimately manufacturing should be an act of programming an object into existence from the informational domain and then materializing it from nothing.


kuffodog said…
US court ordered Iran to pay $180 million to a US journalist held on espionage charges. Americans and Poles have hacked my brain without cause for 20 years, benefiting from my clairvoyance, leadership and innovation to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars... killed my friends and family... tried to assassinate me, torture me 24/7 for years and blamed me mutually for each other's false flag and psychological operations: and I never got ONE CENT. About the only thing that I got from Poland is an offer to be king, a repulsive idea and an attempt to bind my loyalty to a single nation state and the interests of its upper class. I guess 544 days in Iranian prison is worth $180,000,000 to US courts. How much is 20 years of mind and body torture by two nation states and their domestic terrorist groups? What an abominate absurdity! Iran's not going to pay a penny.

Now for comparative politics: Al Jazeera reporters held in Egypt spend years in prison on false charges and see no legal claims by US or Qatar to gain compensation or get them out. US itself targets reporters in DRONE STRIKES and they have to SUE the country NOT to get KILLED. The dystopia of the Great Satan goes beyond all comprehension.

"Iran rejects court order to pay freed U.S. journalist Jason Rezaian $180 million"

"How to
Kill List"

"Al Jazeera's Hussein detained in Egyptian prison for 1,000 days"
kuffodog said…
Obama absolved drug dealers. Then there was a record drug overdose year.
Trump absolved war criminals. ........fill in the blank.................

"Barack Obama has now commuted the sentences of more than 1,000 people in prison for drug crimes" (2016)

"Bleak New Estimates in Drug Epidemic: A Record 72,000 Overdose Deaths in 2017

"Trump Tells Allies He Wants Absolved War Criminals to Campaign for Him"

kuffodog said…
Bloomberg is going all in. He says he's already beaten Trump on domestic issues. I took the same approach to passing legislation in the US. Consider the minimum wage laws:

1010WINS - or ten ten wins - approach: an Obama White House minimum wage raise was a number I picked out of a CBS radio call sign mnemonic.

Minimum wage raise in NYC itself for jobs like my uncle held. Then minimum wage raises in California and New York that were progressive and forward thinking: one decision to raise wages incrementally over many years, instead of fighting for many years to raise the wage after it's been unsustainably low for over a decade. It's not the living wage bound to a CPI for the state or any given city, but at least it is proactive not reactive after the working poor are already going homeless and end up on food stamps.

My point? US is tiered in legislative zones: local, state and federal. Federal itself is tiered: diplomats, politicians and military have different legal systems apply to them that are custom made for their activities.

I like what Bloomberg says in this bit. He's targeting TRUMP not competing with Democratic has-beens and wannabes.
kuffodog said…
And they say that dog's mouth is its cleanest part, this of course to justify that being licked is safe and getting bit is a deadly threat of contracting rabies. So much for this urban myth.

"Man dies after being licked by his dog"
kuffodog said…
NASA is going to beat the Russians, the Europeans, the Chinese, the Indians and the Japanese in the race to the Moon... AGAIN!

(after they had over a half a century to catch up!)

This time NASA is to land the first woman on the Moon. God Bless America! Of course she's going to be divinely gorgeous and wear a tight Barbarella outfit when doing interviews from the Moon's surface. Oh wait...

"What is Artemis?"
kuffodog said…
First and only Polish national in space was a man. Poles have a shot at making history too... they can simply buy a ride from whoever offers orbit access to space tourists. I recently mocked the Polish government for failing to do so, when the price was a measly $20 million. Polsat could have done a TV show... full of female contestants in a Big Brother like bonanza to pick their own Barbarella.

My idea that became the Mars One project was an exactly the same business model. Nationally Poles only needed to copy it and make history... as well as a whole lot of money and gain international news attention as opposed to letting foreign oligarchs play space cowboys on old Soyuz rockets. They could have democratized space access to the average woman. They could have brought gender equality to the "ladies first" idiom by making the first Polish woman in space... someone who does it to create revenue for a TV company as opposed to cost $22,000 a pound to put a tourist in orbit. They could have "Turn on the emotions".

Do I always have to come up with these schemes? Aren't humans apes? Don't they APE SHIT?

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