Pool 10% of Top Military Budgets and put it towards Moonshot Projects

UN security council members (and others) should reduce military spending by 10% by appropriating this amount to a joint effort to move humanity forward in a number of big projects, similar in scope and shortness of schedule to the Manhattan Project or the Apollo program. Here's the laundry list of what I want:

1. Universal vaccine
2. Mind transfer and storage
3. Moon mining
4. Circumnavigating hyperloop systems for Earth, Moon and Mars
5. Compact fusion reactors
6. Anti-matter propulsion
7. Interstellar spaceships
8. Moon and Mars cities
9. Cybernetic cities
10. Unicorn ideas that I've spewed this year. All of them.

This of course reduces military spending for the top military powers, gets them to cooperate, builds international projects with unprecedented amount of funding that is increased and added to EVERY YEAR. This is a HUGE IDEA. HUGE HUGE. Get it done!


kuffodog said…
The Trump economy:

"Celadon is an Indiana-based trucking company. Industry experts say while the company grossed $1 billion just a few years ago, it filed for bankruptcy this week."


Tip of the iceberg the US titanic Trump Baby is headed for... in the trade war with China.
kuffodog said…
The discovery of Americas is something that you learn in history classes as Christopher Columbus getting credited with. Both continents were populated and had civilizations on them. Norte Chico, Cahokia, Zapotec, Toltec, Olmec, Maya, Aztec, Chimor, Mixtec, Moche, Mississippian, Puebloan, Totonac, Teotihuacan, Huastec people, Purépecha, Izapa, Mazatec, Muisca, and the Inca... they are all humans... someone must have discovered these continents BEFORE Columbus if they lived there, considering that humans supposedly originated in Africa and made their way to other continents.

The myth has it that during ice ages, Asians made their way to the Americas on foot, through the so called "land bridge"... some 10,000 years ago, or at a time when most Republicans believe that God created this "world". This disillusion (a mental illness shared by all religious humans who believe in non-existent entities) is a good excuse for genocidal expulsion and mass murder of the "invaders". A narrative that leaves the North American and South American continents in the realm of competition for the land with no indigenous rights to it... as everyone came to these continents from SOMEWHERE.

How were Indonesian and Pacific islands populated then? Most of them have humans living on them. There was no land bridge. Boats and icebergs... that's how.

My point? History is not necessarily defrauded by white christian supremacists to fit their political narrative of survival of the fittest (them) at the expense of "them people" (everyone else)... it is knit picked through for gems of outlier theories which may or may not be true to support their predatory practices.
kuffodog said…
"Facing the complicated situation of mounting risks and challenges at home and abroad in 2019, China has maintained sustained and sound economic and social development and made key breakthroughs in the "three tough battles," seeing notable progress in targeted poverty reduction, effective prevention and control of financial risks, and general improvement in the environment, according to a statement released after the conference."


When I stopped being a cheerLEADER for China at the end of 2018, after I moved to Poland in January this year and PRC made their president a dictator for life with his "wisdom" enshrined in the Chinese constitution... the world's largest economy has started to "sit on its laurels" a bit. I follow one statistic in particular, where I led: installation of solar PV, 2019 saw a dramatic drop.

It all starts with the verbiage:


poverty reduction to "building of individual household wealth"

prevention and control of financial risks to "creation of high yield and high security investment opportunity"

improvement in the environment is good... but weak.

kuffodog said…
India does not a have a "Muslim ban" with its new immigration law prioritizing religious minorities terrorized, murdered and persecuted by Islamist states that neighbor it. There is no discrimination with prioritizing a particular ethnic group, occupation, religion or anything else, if you WANT a certain kind of immigrant to become a citizen in your state. It's up to the state. States that offer citizenship in EU for instance, prioritize the wealthy who can BUY a citizenship like in Malta for instance... does this mean that these states discriminate against the poor? No. They create an OPPORTUNITY. Muslims still can come to India and become citizens... it's just that those whom they persecute and MURDER for standing ahead of them in line for water and being Christian... get PRIORITY in becoming citizens once they've made it to India.



kuffodog said…
3-D printed building blocks for exterior or interior walls insulating structures like single family houses should be made with VACUUM inside the block. You'll get thermos like insulation, complete sound insulation (it doesn't travel in vacuum). Etc. The block's structure should have tubes holding the external surfaces apart, it should be 3-d printed on site to have no waste in its delivery and production (you make as many as you're going to install and customize them). My idea is good for insulating siding or actual construction blocks for walls, as opposed to using wood and sheet-rock. Material science is key here. Put it together. The material should be strong enough to take a bullet and not lose the vacuum inside the block.

"A quick glance at today's metal prices shows just why this could be the gamechanger needed to speed the transition towards the so-called hydrogen economy. Iron and nickel are priced at $0.13 and $19.65 a kilogram. By contrast, ruthenium, platinum and iridium are priced at $11.77, $42.13 and $69.58 per gram—in other words, thousands of times more expensive."

kuffodog said…
Class action lawsuit against a rapist. In the words of Don King, the Vulture of the ring: "ONLY IN AMERICA!"


"Harvey Weinstein reportedly is close to a massive settlement with more than 30 women accusing him of sexual misconduct."
kuffodog said…
China has a message of peace from Nanjing.

kuffodog said…
My "all of the above" energy policy has resulted in US becoming a net OIL EXPORTER:

"The United States has gone from net #petroleum product imports of 698,000 barrels per day (b/d) in 2009 to net petroleum product exports of 3.2 million b/d in September 2019. http://go.usa.gov/xpm37 #EnergyTrade"


...but you thank the TAKERS, like Ivanka Trump for that: her father, the LIAR in CHIEF says she "CREATED 15 MILLION JOBS!" At least some of those jobs must have fallen into the energy industry's lap. No?!
kuffodog said…
"The comet is making a one-time visit to our solar system. Its immense speed of 100,000 mph (44.7 kilometers per second) is too great for the object to be captured by the sun’s gravity, meaning the comet will leave our solar system as quickly as it arrived."


Panspermia is interstellar. Using a comet to go from one star system to another is a viable means of transportation... provided you live long enough, have a multi-generation spaceship or use robotics. Humans using icebergs to populate islands of the Pacific ocean would be an analogous method to this interstellar travel using such comets. Primitive... opportunist... But it will get you where you want to go!

For instance, my 100 Year Startship Project now has a technology that can do this:

1. place a spaceship and a science payload on a comet like this one.
2. hitch a ride.
3. deploy communication relay micro satellites along the way. (Starshot)
4. explore the solar system the comet travels to next.

Voila! My 100 Year Startship Project is viable with Hayabusa2 (Japanese: はやぶさ2, "Peregrine falcon-2") PRESENT DAY technology. So. Get on it. Literally. Like go have a spaceship you'll use to explore another start system: hitch a ride... then use the comet for fuel once it gets there.


kuffodog said…
----Khalifa Haftar, who leads forces in eastern Libya, "is not a legitimate leader ... and is representative of an illegal structure," Erdogan said after meeting in Istanbul with Fayez al-Sarraj, the prime minister of Libya's internationally recognised Government of National Accord (GNA).---

kuffodog said…
---- "If it is necessary for us to take such a step, of course, we have the authority... We will close down Incirlik if necessary," Erdogan said on A Haber TV on Sunday. -----

kuffodog said…
Building observatories on the Moon should be every astronomer's wet dream. No atmosphere. No light pollution. Gravity well that lets you build a bigger telescope by a factor of 6 by mass (as compared to building one on Earth) but still keeps it from moving. No need to build on top of a mountain to be above the clouds. Advantages are many.

The project of LANDING a SPACE telescope on the Moon and keeping it operational for decades could have been completed some half a century ago... but then it's people like me who led NASA... and rarely do we come up with the OBVIOUS solutions.

kuffodog said…
----"JBL is crowdfunding a new pair of headphones that use an array of solar panels on their headband to offer potentially unlimited battery life under the right conditions. The Reflect Eternal headphones are live now on IndieGoGo, and can be preordered for $99 with an expected ship date of October 2020."----


This is good. Now add to this an augmented reality glasses component that becomes a VIRTUAL reality product with photo-chromatic lenses or covers... make it a 5G internet enabled device... and you'll build exactly what I asked for.

Also, the headband should read your thoughts: this means a MIND to AUGMENTED or VIRTUAL reality interface (recall No More Woof). If you stream your data to the cloud... you'll have mind transfer and life experience STORAGE. For instance you can record lectures, ALL OF THEM, every single one you ever went to in college.


kuffodog said…
Search Google for "full spectrum solar panels" and you'll get 2002 research...

November 18, 2002

"An unexpected discovery could yield a full spectrum solar cell"


Put a full spectrum solar PV on a head band like in the solar powered headphone mentioned in the previous comment... and you'll never need to charge any of your portable computing devices by plugging in.

So, what was the US oligarchy and their Republican henchmen doing for the last 18 years? Probably the same thing they did to me: target researchers, inventors and innovators for assassination starting in High School. This likely is the reason why no new research pops up on the subject for the last two decades.

When my chemistry professor Dr. Spivak (I took AP chemistry and won New York City academic Olympics gold medal in chemistry that year) asked me to do research for a federal solar PV project and field a solution that will make solar PV go mainstream in the 1980's... they hired some Albanian terrorists to kill me in a drive by shooting as I walked off Astor Ave... not even ONE BLOCK away from Christopher Columbus High School.

Full spectrum solar PV effectively brings about solar powered flight, solar cars, individually powered solar households with electric everything... and a sudden death to fossil fuel and the Deep State's "blood for oil" to create a market for arms exports business model: one of robbery, enslavement, destruction, imperialism and exploitation.

Want world peace? Research the material science to field a full spectrum solar PV product for portable computing devices. Few years from adaptation of full spectrum solar PV for the small expensive things where it will make economic sense immediately... this solar technology will be what lithium batteries used in cell phones grew to become in electric cars and home power storage wall units.

Republicans won't be willing to give up their portable computing devices... so they won't be able to stop full spectrum solar PV (like they stopped high speed rail in the 2010's and electric cars in the 1990's). They will like the convenience of not having to charge them: EVER!. As full spectrum solar PV becomes universally accepted, its transition into transportation and energy industries will become a de facto next step... and they won't be able to break your legs like the criminal cabal of mafia goons they are... because you would have already made that step without them realizing that:


Develop full spectrum solar PV.
kuffodog said…
----For Max Jaderberg, a research scientist at DeepMind, owned by Google's parent company Alphabet, the next big leap will come via "algorithms that can learn to discover information, and rapidly adapt and internalize and act on this new knowledge," as opposed to depending on humans to feed them the correct data.

That could eventually pave the way to "artificial general intelligence," or a machine capable of performing any tasks humans can, rather than excelling at a single function.----

kuffodog said…
Russia's "freedom of navigation operation" in USA's exclusive economic zone of the Eastern US seaboard is going to pass by... right where the infamous Raytheon blimp made its escape.


--- October 29, 2015

The 243-foot long blimp, a Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense Elevated Netted Sensor System, or JLENS, floated for about four hours, reaching a height of 15,000 feet before partially deflating and falling toward earth near Muncy, Pa., where it remained Thursday in two “mostly intact” pieces a few hundred meters apart, Army Capt. Matthew Villa said. ----


Russia's Klub-K missile system can be a nuclear cruise missile threat easily installed on the Viktor Leonov. Now the Pentagon will get a better understanding of what its Navy does in the South China sea... not in Chinese exclusive economic zone but in CHINA'S TERRITORIAL waters.

Russia's Klub-K missile system

Vishnya-class intelligence ship

This while China and Russia state that UN sanctions on DPRK should be eased.

Recall Victoria Nuland's "Fuck the EU"?

Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping should now reciprocate, say "fuck the US" and lift all sanctions on North Korea unilaterally. Then build the railroad links as I've recommended: extend the New Silk Road all the way through South Korea to Japan. Iran's president could bring up the issue when in Tokyo and offer rail delivered hydrocarbon exports.
kuffodog said…
Nighttrain - Hallo Bimmelbahn

Boney M. - Gotta Go Home

Duck Sauce - Barbra Streisand
kuffodog said…
---"The Australian Bureau of Meteorology said the average temperature across the country of 40.9 degrees Celsius (105 Fahrenheit) Tuesday beat the record of 40.3 Celsius (104 Fahrenheit) from Jan. 7, 2013."---


Record not for any town or location... it's a continental AVERAGE. All time high 105.
kuffodog said…
Poland is a terrorist Catholic State:

- it is not just a sponsor of terrorism: it perpetrates terrorist attacks
- there is no separation of state and church
- the regime has mind control and mass surveillance in place
- political opponents of the regime are assassinated
- regime propaganda by state owned media is domestic & used to control the population (unlike external to build soft power for the state of outlets like RT, France24 or Voice of America)

then there are the courts...

"Poland could have to leave the EU over its judicial reform proposals, the country's Supreme Court has warned.

The proposals would allow judges to be dismissed if they questioned the government's judicial reforms."

kuffodog said…
Lying under oath is an impeachable offense?


----Before Trump entered on the Execution of US President's Office, he took the following Oath or Affirmation:—"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."----

Has he lied? He lies about literally everything. In how many ways was his OATH a ridiculous lie... like all else that he spews out of his mouth.

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