
Showing posts from November, 2018

Live Aid for Yemen

To be free in a world, everyone in the world must be free, if not, then one must act persistently to ensure that everyone is free, or else none of us are. - Anonymous  I just went to see the movie " Bohemian Rhapsody " the final part of which had the Live Aid concert remembered as one of the biggest of all time . Below is a Wikipedia exert describing the event: "Live Aid was a dual-venue benefit concert held on Saturday 13 July 1985, and an ongoing music-based fundraising initiative. The original event was organised by Bob Geldof and Midge Ure to raise funds for relief of the ongoing Ethiopian famine. Billed as the "global jukebox", the event was held simultaneously at Wembley Stadium in London, England, United Kingdom (attended by 72,000 people) and John F. Kennedy Stadium in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States (attended by about 100,000 people). On the same day, concerts inspired by the initiative happened in other countries, such as the Soviet Un

USA, KSA, Russia and oil price manipulation

World's top oil and gas producers are United States , Russia and Saudi Arabia . Their fossil fuel oligarchs want high prices. All three states artificially and intentionally disturb oil markets to raise prices through war , sanctions , terrorism , invasions *, financial fraud , subsidies , fighting climate change science , election meddling , propaganda , authoritarianism , assassinations , inhibiting implementation of electricity based transport including electric cars , and OPEC conspiracies to control oil prices and production. By July 2015 WTI Crude oil prices rose and have reached around $90, which corresponded to Russo-American partition of Ukraine and subsequent War in Donbas. As the Paris Climate agreement was reached from which Americans ostensibly withdrew , prices started to drop. Europe and Iran successfully negotiated and put into force a nuclear deal with allowed Iran to put its hydrocarbons resources back on the markets. Total CEO was killed in Russia un

My idea, the hyperloop, needs Eurasian standards for an EU-EAEU-ASEAN-PRC network

I think the title of this blog entery says it all. There needs to be a Eurasian standard for hyperloop or whatever my vacuum tube magnetic levitation transportation system (VT-MLTS) ends up to be known as (I call it " kolej próżniowa " in Polish or vacuum train, Musk whom I solicited to write the white paper for me, calls it Hyperloop), "Just as there exists a standard cargo container size that allows commercial ships and trucks to move cargo containers around, so should the commercial cargo vacuum tube magnetic levitation transportation system be standardized across all of European Union, Eurasian Economic Union, ASEAN and China." - Marcin Kubik I thought about the cargo hyperloop some more and clearly if such a transportation system's tube is near vacuum, the cargo containers can simply sit on sleds, much as they are now moved around in Chinese and European ports, on driver-less robotic vehicles that slide under them without any cabin at all. Magnetic le

Chinese EV sales for October 2018

Tesla sold 211 cars in China in October 2018, which is a 70% drop from the year before. China as a whole, saw well over 120,000 electric vehicles REGISTERED during the same month. To blame this on Trump's self sanctioning through blind greed: is absurd. Tesla is not competitive. Overall, October 2018 electric vehicle sales were up 85% year over year (YoY). 2017 was the first year that plug-in vehicles reached 1 million sales globally. Obama plugged the Chevy Volt as a cure all and LIED that USA will put 1,000,000 electric cars on American roads by 2015 and that may not happen until 2020 . Now Chevy Volt is DEAD . Like everything else Obama lied about, Chevy Volt was a con . China is up to 1 million in annual sales, growing rapidly. World EV sales have passed 4 million mark this summer. By March 2019, another million is expected to added to the global EV inventory surpassing the 5 million mark.  USA is the 3rd largest EV market and will lose its percent of global purch

Crucifixion's alternative facts, prophecies and meanings

As as practitioner of Rei-Ki , I often had the vision of a white shining cross of light. This is the visual informational representation of the source of energy that is energy medicine , energy therapy, energy healing, psychic healing, spiritual medicine or spiritual healing. It is in the shape of St. Andrew's Cross, but the X is flattened and looks as if it were on its side. In a direct to brain communication, I was told the following version of Christ's Crucifixion: the cross was like the BDSM cross or the St. Andrew's cross, and Jesus was humiliated by having his genitals taunted. This I presume was meant to demean him, as the King of the Jews, a pretense that undermined the power of Rome in the land where he preached and his claims to the be Son of God, which undermined the Roman emperor's right to rule, based on his own DIVINITY. I'm told that Jesus was not speared on the cross and simply "died of shame" or experienced a psychological death,

A few words on dropping Oxygen levels

Several days ago, I spoke to a person who works at the Scrips Aquarium about what the effects would be, if all the ocean's plankton died off and stopped producing oxygen. She said the ocean produced 51% of the atmospheric oxygen, I recalled a figure of 70%. I concluded that if plankton all died in her scenario, we'd have the effective oxygen level at 0 altitude corresponding to what it now is at 4,000 meters in Tibet. She seemed unconcerned. This is what the Nation Geographic  [1] does quote: "Prochlorococcus and other ocean phytoplankton are responsible for 70 percent of Earth's oxygen production. However, some scientists believe that phytoplankton levels have declined by 40 percent since 1950 due to the warming of the ocean. Ocean temperature impacts the number of phytoplankton in the ocean." It appears that either I remembered correctly, or the 40 percent drop was not reflected in new reality. The proportion of plankton's output of oxygen has dropp

Computer People's innovation: some space age technology

Technological solutions that are sought by individual peoples depend on their environment and immediate needs. These needs expand and evolve as the technological, biological and geological environment evolves. Space age technology is derived from a challenging environment of weightlessness, restricted water resources that are high priced due to the extreme cost of its delivery into orbit, and restricted space due to absence of atmosphere and thus a size limited volume of habitats, whether spacecrafts or buildings. The need to eat is existential for humans. The Earth itself is becoming a challenging habitat due to rapid changes in its atmosphere and biosphere. Human food consumption is also a function of population size per given area and the trend to maximize food production from the minimum possible amount of resources is an economic driver. The Computer People have communicated to me an idea for fish production in stand alone containers for large fish. These aquariums would ju

How fast will the sea level rise? Much faster now.

Factors that accelerate polar and Greenland ice melt: 1. Arctic methane release, 50 Giga tons . The release has begun . 2. Fires. The 2018 wildfire season involves wildfires on multiple continents. 3. Energy related global greenhouse gas emissions rising. Even if they don't rise, they will still accumulate at over 35 gigatons per year from energy use alone. 4. Arctic amplification . 5. Accelerating  melt of Antarctica since 1992 can take a nose dive. 6. Reduction of biomass carbon capture due to mass extinction . 7. Existing greenhouse gas concentrations will bring about global warming that will result in 10 meters to 20 meters of sea level rise . This is now certain. However, there are inflection points for ice melting, for instance temperature of 0 degrees Celsius must be reached for it to start to melt. A global inflection point may not have been reached yet as the Earth warms, thus when it is reached, ice could suddenly melt much faster. Present sea

Thanksgiving: American natives fed the colonizers who repaid them by genocide and starvation.

Today is a holiday in the United States which celebrates the Native Americans providing the invaders (who came to mass murder them and steal their land) with sustenance after a failed harvest. The starving pilgrims were kept from death by locals who provided them with turkey meat they've hunted to keep them alive. The Americans of course changed the story and defrauded this history to make themselves look like the benefactors. Then repaid the Native American nations with genocide*, extermination, massacres and more deviously: the purposeful destruction of the means of their sustenance. The Indian Wars proceeded in USA until about 1900. They ended, because the invaders successfully laid siege to the indigenous people of the North American continent with starvation, and they deprived them of their way of life by taking away their land and their food. The United States government pursued a policy of structural genocide through the extermination of the American bison. "Settlers

Locations of American Nuclear LGM-30 Minuteman Missile Bases

Recently, I saw an article about North Korean missile bases with ICBMs. Americans have no proof that these missiles carry nuclear warheads, they could be conventional weapons that aim to take out aircraft carriers of which USA has 20. So far Koreans have 16 such bases identified. However, it is no secret that Americans are a belligerent nuclear power that threatens non nuclear nations with extermination through unprovoked nuclear attacks with preemptive strikes. This, varying on the degree of the eloquence of the mass murderer in chief, is either worded as "no options are left off the table" or "fire and fury". This is coming from a country that planned to exterminate China 's urban populations, which was not a nuclear power in the 1950's and did conduct genocidal criminal nuclear attacks against Japanese civilians less than a decade earlier. USA is country which conducted nuclear weapons tests on Pacific islanders , calling them savages and forcibly r

"We have no way to pay him"

In a direct to brain attack, some female voice stated "we have no way to pay him". I've repeatedly said the US gov't owes me for 18 years of usage of my mind as a 'computer', in other words for torture, persecution and slavery. As there are multiple thieves, attackers, torturers and factions who benefited from my innovation, stolen from me, used business models I've come up with and other such things, I am going to assume that some people genuinely don't know 'how to pay me'. 1. Come up to me and give me a cashiers check. You people terrorize, stalk and attack me daily in multiple staged attacks, and you stake me out 24/7, so it should not be hard for you to find me. Today while getting quarters at Well Fargo an Asian guy stalked me in line, the stood outside and took pictures with his cell phone. 2. Send a cashiers check to my mailbox. You know where I live. Some of you terrorists followed me all the way to the gate of the apartment comp