Live Aid for Yemen

To be free in a world, everyone in the world must be free, if not, then one must act persistently to ensure that everyone is free, or else none of us are. - Anonymous 
I just went to see the movie "Bohemian Rhapsody" the final part of which had the Live Aid concert remembered as one of the biggest of all time. Below is a Wikipedia exert describing the event:

"Live Aid was a dual-venue benefit concert held on Saturday 13 July 1985, and an ongoing music-based fundraising initiative. The original event was organised by Bob Geldof and Midge Ure to raise funds for relief of the ongoing Ethiopian famine. Billed as the "global jukebox", the event was held simultaneously at Wembley Stadium in London, England, United Kingdom (attended by 72,000 people) and John F. Kennedy Stadium in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States (attended by about 100,000 people).

On the same day, concerts inspired by the initiative happened in other countries, such as the Soviet Union, Canada, Japan, Yugoslavia, Austria, Australia and West Germany. It was one of the largest-scale satellite link-ups and television broadcasts of all time; an estimated audience of 1.9 billion, across 150 nations, watched the live broadcast, nearly 40% of the world population." - Live Aid

Queen was featured performing at the Live Aid concert, below is a video of the actual performance:

Today, Yemen is facing further famine after tens of thousands of children have already died. There are other places in the world, like Syria, Somalia and Afghanistan which face drought and severe food shortages. My idea is this:

"Let Eurasia do an international Live Aid concert, something similar to Eurovision, but with accomplished popular bands and performers to raise money for UN World Food Program" - Marcin Kubik
 So let's Save The Children!


kuffodog said…
World GDP PPP (current international 2018 $) grew by a factor of 4.43 from 1990 ($28.8 trillion) to 2017 ($127.57 trillion). World population grew from 5.3 billion in 1990 to 7.6 billion in 2017 or by a factor of 1.43. This means that per capita World GDP PPP grew by a factor of 3.1 or 310 percent from 1990 to 2017.
kuffodog said…
China's GDP PPP (current international 2018 $) grew by a factor of 20.8 from 1990 ($1.12 trillion) to 2017 ($23.301 trillion) per World Bank. China's population for the same period grew from 1.135 billion in 1990 to 1.386 billion in 2017, or by a factor of 1.221. China's per capita GDP PPP for the same time period from 1990 to 2017, grew by a factor of 17.04! This means that China outperformed the rest of the world in per capita GDP PPP growth by a factor of 5.5!
kuffodog said…
From 1990 to 2017 Poland's GDP PPP grew by a factor of 4.69, by comparison the rest of the world grew by a factor of 4.43. Poland's population however has not grown during the same time period, it was 38.04 million in 1990 and 37.97 million in 2017. This means that the GDP PPP growth in per capita terms was higher than the 310% growth (or factor of 3.1) exhibited by the entire world, resulting in a gain of 470% in Polish GDP PPP per capita from 1990 to 2017 or growth by a factor of 4.7.
kuffodog said…
“I am the wealthiest man not just in Europe but in the whole world: I collect emotions,” Putin has said. “I am wealthy in that the people of Russia have twice entrusted me with the leadership of a great nation such as Russia. I believe that is my greatest wealth.”

Putin's net wealth:

a.) $40 billion
b.) $70 billion
c.) $200 billion
d.) nonsense picked out of journalists' noses and smeared on pieces of paper

"And if the rumors are true, the Black Sea manse isn’t Putin’s only palace. He enjoys 20 palaces, four yachts, 58 aircraft, and a collection of watches worth £400,000, according to a scandalous dossier drawn up by a former deputy prime minister in 2012."
kuffodog said…
Stuff fell off the shelves in Anchorage during an earthquake.

Massive earthquake hits Anchorage

kuffodog said…
FedEx-49 Heavy being refused landing permission during 7.0 earthquake.

Fog should have resulted in a refusal for Polish Air Force 101 to land as well...

...damn those tricky henchmen of Putin's!
kuffodog said…
Trump's plane got clipped. Kind of anticlimactic after the mayhem at Anchorage airport. Pun intended. Anti-Climactic. Get it?
kuffodog said…
“President Putin should finally face the truth: two explosions which eventually destroyed the Tu-154 were incontestably identified by official expertise.”

- Antoni Macierewicz, Poland's defense minister

I prognosticated and warned of an attack by an Ukrainian nationalist to set up Russia, weeks prior to the event. This would have been an RPG more than a MANPAD... I'm not sure that two strikes with a grenade could take out the plane.

In my opinion the primary causes of the crash are:

1.) manipulation of the crew to land in extremely hazardous conditions
2.) FSB operative inappropriately issuing permission to land
3.) manipulation of president KaczyƄski via direct to brain communication by NSA or CIA through the satellite phone they had under surveillance and mind control.


1.) No EU presidential plane should rely on American or Russian satellites for communication or navigation. Use Galileo and EU secured satellites instead.

2.) NO EU presidential plane should be purchased from any producer outside of EU. Buy plane from Airbus, nobody else. Have them serviced and equipped by EU manufacturers. Nobody else.

3.) Ensure cells phone and satellite phones of top EU politicians and military leaders aren't hacked. If they are: retaliate; then work to secure communication channels.
kuffodog said…
Use of nuclear weapons has a number of potential applications besides military purposes:

1. redirecting Mercury or Venus to move the planets into more 'habitable' zones (asteroids are probably better for this, and the idea is interesting).

2. creating subterranean molten energy and isotope sources on the Moon or elsewhere.

3. powering space ships.

4. asteroid mining.

5. hydrocarbon mining (slant wells, presently fracking instead of nuking) or plugging leaks like the 2010 Deepwater Horizon could have been immediately sealed with a nuke.

6. excavation, on worlds with no atmosphere for instance Moon or Mercury.

7. stopping hurricanes (someone in Poland proposed this with conventional gravity bombs to mix water surface with deeper cooler water in the path of the hurricane so it loses strength or is redirected)

8. building canals

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