USA, KSA, Russia and oil price manipulation

World's top oil and gas producers are United States, Russia and Saudi Arabia. Their fossil fuel oligarchs want high prices. All three states artificially and intentionally disturb oil markets to raise prices through war, sanctions, terrorism, invasions*, financial fraud, subsidies, fighting climate change science, election meddling, propaganda, authoritarianism, assassinations, inhibiting implementation of electricity based transport including electric cars, and OPEC conspiracies to control oil prices and production.

By July 2015 WTI Crude oil prices rose and have reached around $90, which corresponded to Russo-American partition of Ukraine and subsequent War in Donbas. As the Paris Climate agreement was reached from which Americans ostensibly withdrew, prices started to drop. Europe and Iran successfully negotiated and put into force a nuclear deal with allowed Iran to put its hydrocarbons resources back on the markets. Total CEO was killed in Russia under less then dubious circumstances. Americans' far right Republican war mongers first staged the 9/11/2012 protests, then with Russia and Israel conspired to engulf Libya in civil war. This too resulted in drop in production as Libya's infrastructure was attacked and exports haggled over. By now that has stabilized and Libya has brought production back online, disregarding the demands that OPEC makes of the country. Iran is under American sanctions again, by the American regime, while the Saudi regime perpetrates genocide in Yemen starving tens of thousands of children to death. European Union refused to back American belligerence and fraud, and sticks by the Iran nuclear deal, China and India refuse to yield to American belligerence. Russia and Saudi Arabia are forced to increase production, otherwise Iran will benefit the most from higher prices, as it is not restricted by OPEC or USA's sanctions. Even with Trump showering American fossil fuel oligarchs with tax breaks, subsidies and war mongering against Venezuela trying to sanction the country to keep its oil off the market, prices have now dropped to $50.95.

Americans and Russians have staged the Azov sea incident on purpose to reignite conflict. The purpose of the conflict is to increase oil prices and affect the hydrocarbon markets. Putin is losing political support as quickly as oil prices drop, at least according to the opinion of some Bloomberg analysts. Putin and Trump in a desperate attempt to seem like they are in control, spew lies about lower prices at $60 level being "fine". Trump the pathological liar is taking credit for their drop by saying he's demanded that they drop. The oil prices are dropping due to these factors:

1. Inability of USA to sanction Venezuela and curb its oil production and exports
2. Iranian Nuclear Deal being honored by Iran and the European Union with China and India continuing imports of Iran's hydrocarbons
3. Expansion of the New Silk Road reducing demand for oil in sea transport
4. Building of the new Suez Canal reducing transport demand for oil and time of delivery
5. deployment of electric buses, trucks, cars etc that now number 4+ million
6. China and India building vast oil reserves to cushion fluctuations of price & production
7. Steadfast defense of South China Sea by PRC as its territorial waters
8. deployment of renewable power to island nations that replaced oil generated electricity
9. building of high speed rail in China
10. natural disasters destroying oil product consumption
11. CIA attacks on Brazil, people, politicians & infrastructure failed to stop production rises

12. Mexico oil infrastructure is mostly offshore and the country is getting hit by potent Pacific and Atlantic hurricanes with great consistency, its oil production has dropped... but the industry was privatized which means Mexico's oil now competes on the global markets. 

13. "All of the Above" energy policy in USA consistently increased oil and gas production aiming to reduce reliance on OPEC producers
14. introduction of LNG terminals in the Baltic diversified European markets making pricing more competitive, and EU's common energy market improved on all of it.
15. aviation bio-fuels were introduced. It's been 10 years. Guess what? The existence of this market drops the oil prices.

There is a gas station being built near me. It has been in the works since 2011. They started building it, oh about half a year ago, I'd say. It is nowhere near completed. Gas stations cost a lot of money to build, this one took at least 8 years of planning and building. It cost millions. Compared to the charging infrastructure, which requires no new buildings, is safer, can be deployed anywhere there is electricity, gas stations are an abomination and a huge expense. On the other side of the street in the parking lot where CVS, Vons and Khols are located, several FREE charging stations popped up like mushrooms. This gets me thinking, because the old gas station which they tore down to build this thing was robbed and someone was murdered during the robbery... why build gas stations at all? 

Charging stations require no new land, they can't be robbed, nobody will die for electricity, they can't blow up, they don't pollute, can be put anywhere, cost a tiny fraction of what a gas station costs and they take days to install... not a decade to plan, approve and build.

*Invasion - these are so frequent and so many that I couldn't just post a link. Nearly all the links I included in the first paragraph refer to American efforts to affect oil prices, but all have equivalents in Saudi Arabian and Russian actions. Recent invasion by Russia include Syria, Georgia and Ukraine. Invasions and terrorism by Saudi Arabia include 9/11 attack in USA, Iraq, Yemen. Invasions by USA include Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan etc. Invasions control hydrocarbon consumption, hydrocarbon transit, hydrocarbon prices, and hydrocarbon production.


kuffodog said…
All competitors of Saudi Arabian and American oil producers are now at war, under terrorist attacks, under sanctions or suffer a combination of all three:

South Sudan

How unlikely is it that this is the precise geopolitical goal of USA & KSA?
kuffodog said…
Taliban are an Islamist political movement that after the Afghan Civil War, which resulted from American terrorist attack on the country to drive out a legitimate socialist gov't and its Soviet allies, formed their own Islamic gov't and controlled most of the country since.

Taliban are not a designated terrorist organization, those in Pakistan who are, namely Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan, are a completely different group. Even they weren't designated until 2010. USA invaded Afghanistan to restart opium and heroin production and protect Bin Landen, in 2001. - Bin Laden evacuated from USA. - List of terror groups. No Taliban. - Taliban. - Pakistani Taliban

Today, Americans can no longer protect their Saudi terrorist proxies like ISIS and Al-Qaeda or use them for false flag attacks to undermine geopolitical adversaries, because it isn't just Shia who fight them tooth and nail, it is Sunni themselves who are sick of American terrorism and even Taliban fight them. - Taliban wipe out Al-Qaeda after American stop bombing them

This is not new. In 2001, Taliban's local fighters fought side by side with the gullible Delta Force crusaders who were sent by the Pentagon to create the illusion that they were going to fight their own Saudi proxy Al-Qaeda, all the while giving them a free passage into Pakistan while putting on a fireworks show by dropping bombs in front of their ranks to prevent the Taliban from overtaking their positions in a frontal assault.

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