Thanksgiving: American natives fed the colonizers who repaid them by genocide and starvation.

Today is a holiday in the United States which celebrates the Native Americans providing the invaders (who came to mass murder them and steal their land) with sustenance after a failed harvest. The starving pilgrims were kept from death by locals who provided them with turkey meat they've hunted to keep them alive. The Americans of course changed the story and defrauded this history to make themselves look like the benefactors. Then repaid the Native American nations with genocide*, extermination, massacres and more deviously: the purposeful destruction of the means of their sustenance. The Indian Wars proceeded in USA until about 1900. They ended, because the invaders successfully laid siege to the indigenous people of the North American continent with starvation, and they deprived them of their way of life by taking away their land and their food. The United States government pursued a policy of structural genocide through the extermination of the American bison.

"Settlers slaughtered some 50 million for food and sport. Then they [bison] almost disappeared completely, according to the US National Park Service (our emphasis added):

In 1800, it was estimated there were forty million bison, by 1883, there were few wild bison in the United States - most were in Yellowstone National Park. By 1900, there were less than a thousand left in North America." - Melia Robinson

The US government paid $2 per buffalo hide, which resulted in vast fields where the Plains Indians hunted, being littered with rotting carcasses of bison; bison, which were the primary source of Indians' food, shelter and tooling. This was purposeful and stated GENOCIDE through starvation, in addition to the usual massacres, raids on Indian villages, biological attacks by providing natives with diseased blankets in lieu of bison skins and four centuries of extermination through military, mercenary and vigilante efforts.

During the Obama regime, "the US House of Representatives and the Senate passed a bill that would honor the country's largest land mammal, the American bison, as our national mammal." No bill ever honored the human victims of the purposeful holocaust perpetrated by mass murdering liars and hypocrites who even defrauded the Thanksgiving holiday. Then, the satanic lying criminals defrauded history: now it is the pilgrims' "fruits of labor" who threw a party for the British invaders and their Native American enemies.

100+ million Native Americans Were Murdered By The American Government


kuffodog said…
"The new statistics project that the nation (United States) will become “minority white” in 2045. During that year, whites will comprise 49.7 percent of the population in contrast to 24.6 percent for Hispanics, 13.1 percent for blacks, 7.9 percent for Asians, and 3.8 percent for multiracial populations" - Brookings

"The US will become ‘minority white’ in 2045, Census projects"
kuffodog said…
The genocide conducted by the mass mind control program of the CIA and NSA, ran by the American oligarchy with the use of cell phone tower direct to brain communication and brain hacking is not limited to the Americas, that alone is presently responsible for about 400,000 premature deaths yearly in USA alone. While the 100+ million death in the above quoted figure of genocide of American natives by US government is hard to grasp in the scope of the short time frame for existence of the gov't of the United States, let us remember that 'native Americans' are not exclusively American Indians, they are Mestizos persecuted and killed by the United States, people of the Caribbean, Central and South America invaded terrorized, mass murdered, persecuted in structural genocides; they are also black slaves tortured and murdered for a wide range of reasons, who at the very least must be counted as natives once they were born on the continent.

The genocides perpetrated by the American government include Asian immigrants of various ethnic origins who were discriminated, lynched and killed; it also includes white immigrants who retained their national identity like the Irish, who were victimized by a number of massacres. One could even argue that the American Civil War itself as a genocide against southern whites based on political persecution. Mauritania was never invaded by the United States even though it had legal slavery until around 2008. The South was invaded over a resource: the black labor force was needed in the industrialized cities in the north. Drug wars, gun running, CIA drug smuggling and other forms of structural genocide, including economic and clandestine warfare against countries like Venezuela or Mexico, should also be included in the ongoing genocide of the American natives or invasion of Cuba and Panama: i.e. people born in North, Central and South America... people who were purposely destroyed and killed by actions of the United States government.

The lowest estimate which does not include genocides prior to 1776 and is limited to pure blood American Indians murdered by the government of the United States on its present day territory is at least 12 million, twice the total death toll of Jews slaughtered in the Holocaust. The US gov't orchestrated, funded and supported the Nazi eugenics programs of 'undesirables' and the genocide against the People of Poland followed by the mass murder of European Jews... it never declared war on Nazi Germany, Nazi Germany declared war on the United States honoring a treaty with Japan.

The US gov't genocides were not limited to the Americas, but continued in the Philippines, Vietnam, Korea, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia... and over the last few decades across a number of Muslim majority countries.
kuffodog said…
"The Homeland Security- administered fusion center agencies/commands -- chief among them, U.S. Cyber Command -- use a nationwide scalar electromagnetic radiation "directed energy" neuroweapon system to silently torture, impair, subjugate, or slow- or fast-kill extra-legally targeted Americans and their families -- an American genocide hiding in plain sight."

- Vic Livingston
kuffodog said…
The neuroweapon genocide conducted by the criminal American regime is not limited to the United States. It is used to create mind controlled acts of terror across the world. This inexplicable event in China for instance, is meant to show that any country's citizens can be made to crash into pedestrians under mind control. See video.

"Children hit by car outside primary school in China, multiple casualties"
kuffodog said…
Ecocide on a global scale. Mass extinction. Anthropocene is really kicking in.

"Greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere reached a record not seen since sea levels were 10 meters to 20 meters (33 feet to 66 feet) higher than they are now, the World Meteorological Organization said in a report."

This means that we will get 10 to 20 meters in sea level rise, the only question is how fast. I'm moving into the mountains, 200 meters above present sea level, Poland will lose little, All of Long Island and New York City will go under water. Oh well. My prediction is that this will happen within 3 to 5 years. It doesn't bode well for a Bloomberg presidency.

It's a Chinese Hoax according to Trump. Like all abominate crimes perpetrated by Americans and the genocidal American regime, these crimes are denied, never prosecuted, and blamed on the victims. USA is the number one greenhouse gas emitter in all of man's history.

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