Crucifixion's alternative facts, prophecies and meanings

As as practitioner of Rei-Ki, I often had the vision of a white shining cross of light. This is the visual informational representation of the source of energy that is energy medicine, energy therapy, energy healing, psychic healing, spiritual medicine or spiritual healing. It is in the shape of St. Andrew's Cross, but the X is flattened and looks as if it were on its side.

In a direct to brain communication, I was told the following version of Christ's Crucifixion: the cross was like the BDSM cross or the St. Andrew's cross, and Jesus was humiliated by having his genitals taunted. This I presume was meant to demean him, as the King of the Jews, a pretense that undermined the power of Rome in the land where he preached and his claims to the be Son of God, which undermined the Roman emperor's right to rule, based on his own DIVINITY. I'm told that Jesus was not speared on the cross and simply "died of shame" or experienced a psychological death, but remained physically unharmed.

The LGBT-Q people have a rainbow as their symbol. The spiritual light of Rei-Ki is pure shining white. The Sun's light is a bit yellow in color; it breaks down into a rainbow or visible spectrum. The light of Rei-Ki or that of PURE divine spirits is PURE WHITE which can be generated by yellow and blue light. BLUE 'devils' or beings of BLUE light, appear blue at night, but exhibit themselves as PURE WHITE light in daylight.

The 'divine interdiction' I was experiencing was to dissuade me from war as the "Polish King". I was being spiritually healed. I was told that Jesus Christ does not want to be physically resurrected in this world, but that instead the heart which was stolen, namely that of Saint Laurence O'Toole, should be used to resurrect Lorcán Ua Tuathail as he was never with a woman and wants to experience a normal life. Margaret Brennan was also discussed, not the nun, the reporter who married a Muslim lawyer with the US Marine Corps and recently had a child. I did not know the child's name until now...

The flag of Ukraine is Blue and Yellow. The flag of the Russian navy is a blue St Andrews's flag. I looked up Eamon and the singer came up. His hit song is "Fuck It (I Don't Want You Back)".

Brennan and I, had an online relationship which resulted in jointly initiating the voluntary removal of chemical weapons from Syria, which resulted in the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize for the organization that successfully has done it. The meaning of my own online handle KUFFODOG is hidden and spelled backwards in a 666 twist on a piece of music. I was going to use part of a song's lyrics by Marylin Manson's album "Antichrist Superstar" called "Cake and Sodomy" as it came on while I was thinking up this name, which has a line "I am the God of fuck." I had to spell it backwards and drop the "c" (speed of light physical constant) because both the forward and backward spelling were already taken. I was sick of coming up with different handles for different services and wanted to have one for all of them and easy to remember, but one that would not be used by others. At the time, around the year 2000, I have come up with two axioms or the New Commandments:
1. thou shall not hate.
2. thou shall strive to understand. 
Their meaning should be obvious and straightforward: a world free of prejudice where reason and pursuit of knowledge are guiding principles will naturally guide itself to optimal outcomes. (Some of the people I knew in San Diego (place, I don't know the saint) then, made a sign: "End Hate"). 

Brennan's son's name is Eamon which does have a meaning, it means "guardian of the riches".

I have had visions about a decade ago, while in Warsaw, of nuclear like explosions over the city. My heart was being freed from Brennan by a "spirit" which stayed with me for nearly 13 hours. The "spirit" claimed to be that of the "Mary, mother of Jesus". Some may recall my prophecy of the Breezy Point fire and the solitary statue of Mary surviving it, or in fact of the storm and its destination itself. When I spoke Polish the "spirit" was bewildered she could not understand. I looked up Aramaic and the language of Jesus and immediately came upon 4Q246... right when Ukraine votes to mobilize and institute marshall law and Russia has de facto initiated aggression against NATO & Ukraine.

Brennan whose father is a long time Wall Street person, banned me from her Twitter account. Then so did Twitter's CEO, who now has developed Square, a payment system which was MY IDEA into a very profitable company. He first banned my account which I used for advertising a book on gout my mother and I published, then silenced me on my personal account which had over 120,000 entries, articles, poems, diagrams, concepts etc. When I started an account on a platform similar to Twitter the Anonymous followed me there, hacked it, then got it banned as well. Much of my interaction with the Mary "spirit" had to do with gluttony, avarice, modernity, my personal life and "Computer people" who she has deemed to be "damned souls".

What to make of all this? I need to read up on things. I'll voice my opinion later. Here is a reminder, a photo I took after I met with the Syrian diplomats at the New York Giants' parade. "Q":

Brennan worked for Bloomberg. I advised Bloomberg to honor Ed Koch, before his death by naming the Queensboro bridge after him. Poland wanted to make me king, Brennan could have been queen.

I never knew that Ed Koch refused to honor the New York Giants. Micheal Bloomberg made up for it in style.

There was also a discussion of borders and nation states, as well as why countries have the right to keep people out and how supranational unions create a transnational order where free movement of people is possible without documents; it was also mentioned that supranational unions across continents will subsequently form a unified world order with free movement and no violence, provided all human rights are respected across Earth and all countries are sufficiently developed.

"The Great Satan" or the Beast, is in my opinion the United States of America. Its blasphemies are obvious. The Dragon is China, it sits on its shores and has dealt with USA acknowledging its power, assimilating its economic and cultural practices. I think the Social Security number is the mark of the Beast or Great Satan. It has 3 parts. Each is supposed to add up to 6-6-6, now as to how to calculate that, I'd say do it as you see fit. Add, subtract, multiply or combine operations. What does it mean that the number is on people's arms and foreheads? Sign on foreheads could mean some devilish facial recognition thing where the Social Security number comes up on your head when you are recognized by the surveillance software in videos. SS# is a tax ID number. 

Rev. 13:13 And it performed great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to the earth in full view of the people.

USA has fire bombed a long list of countries. It still does. It is the only country to use nuclear bombs, twice in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which first the Sodom and Gomorrah scenario exactly. Adulation of Americans' excesses, deviance, greed, lust, wrath, pride etc is world wide. USA's 'rule' over the world came with its hegemony after Warsaw pact fell. It took 42 separate presidencies of the Great Satan to get global hegemony. The horns out of Earth are missiles launched from silos and ground, the ones from the sea are SLBMs. The blasphemous Americans, most of whom like to pretend to be Christians and claim it is the Catholic Church with popes, most of whom are saints, to be the Beast. The Church never gained global hegemony. At best it shared it with the Caliphate and Islam, Orthodox Christians and never had much influence in countries like India, China or Asia. The way the Dragon gave power to the Beast, it worked for it. China became a factory for USA, as did Japan, Korea and much of Asia. The beast is now at war with God's people, namely Muslims, killing them in a wide assortment of countries. Missiles coming from the ocean, land and FIRE from the sky (some named HELLFIRE, blasphemously but accurately). No POPE had ever wielded such power, for sure no pope ever nuked anyone, like Americans did to Japanese. Devils were often portrayed to be BLACK, many American soldier ARE, as was Obama. Great Satan, has Apple Watch and Apple pay (developed COUNTER to what I advised! I said to use payment systems without ANY device, using fingerprint biometrics with a number combination). You wear it on your wrist to pay for stuff. Google's motto is "don't be evil"... which brings us to the HOLOCAUST:

IBM's motto is THINK and APPLE's is THINK DIFFERENT. iPhone's are the first devices which allowed for direct to brain communication. Great Satan set out to first TORTURE people's minds and souls, then demonically possess them. Cellular telephony was also used by Great Satan (USA) in this scheme to murder and gain power over world's "kings".

Reign of Great Satan, with 42nd presidency... ended in 2000. I came about, except I've been denied, tortured, abused, hacked, defrauded, terrorized and libeled etc. much like Jesus. The difference being that not just my body, but my mind and soul is tortured, as opposed to the other way around for Christ.

Since 2000, American hegemony was no longer so obvious. Islamists revolted across the world. Russia (the bear) and China (the dragon) grew in power, EU solidified and grew, AU emerged. The BEAST was wounded, and on its KNEES in 2008 with the world financial crisis and trillions lost in war against Muslims. The Beast or Great Satan, recovered thanks to Obama (some see him as the DEVIL, I call him the Lying Lucifer) usurping all my leadership and innovation to keep it alive.

Revelation 13:7 It was given power to wage war against God’s holy people and to conquer them. And it was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation.

USA or the Great Satan, has a world wide mass surveillance program. Usurps the right to preemptive nuclear strike against anyone, anywhere. Google and Facebook as tools of the regime are used practically globally, and thus regime's propaganda, manipulation and blasphemies are global.

I think the Trident missile might be a blasphemous name as well, since it refers to a Roman god, Neptune and usurps the power of a God.

Image of the Beast? Well. First American genocide against the natives ended around 1900. Several other genocides soon followed and an immediate one in Philippines, and that's around the time when airplanes came about.

The image, is likely the part of the deception here. Could it be the Bohemian Grove's effigies where world leaders in cahoots with the Great Satan gather? People like George H.W. Bush and his two sons George W. Bush and Jeb Bush who were also all members of  Skull and Bones secret society at Yale? The IMAGE of the Beast was White Christian Supremacy, clearly that image CHANGED with Obama.

Revelation 13:12 It exercised all the authority of the first beast on its behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed.
"Newsweek: Obama is 'The Second Coming'"

"Newsweek veteran Evan Thomas, gave Obama God-like qualities during his first year in office, saying on MSNBC, "In a way, Obama's standing above the country, above -- above the world. He's sort of God. He's going to bring all different sides together.""

Obama exercised all the authority of the first beast on its behalf, and second THE BEAST or the ANTI-CHRIST? I mean with titles like "Obama is 'The Second Coming'", and me in great anger and suffering along with my mother being tortured for HIS crimes and that of the Great Satan... I've come to call him the Lying Lucifer. Who had this statue built? I had world's tallest one of Christ built in Poland. I predicted (part of my prophecies) that a statue for Satan will be built. Did OBAMA order it to be built, if not who?

Revelation 13:15 The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.

The image in Moloch is worshiped in Bohemian Grove. If Obama ordered the Baphomet statue to be built, that would make a few parallels.

Revelation 13:11 Then I saw a second beast, coming out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon.

Obama's narrative gave new life to USA or Great Satan, but he waged war against Muslims across the world, who refused to worship the Beast's image. In other words to be client states to USA, stay quiet to Western blasphemies and crimes, while absorbing all American sins: gluttony, sexual deviancy, violent and economic oppression etc. Best example here: Obama's support for gay marriage. Islamists who fought against Great Satan, got picked apart by Hellfire missiles along with their families. Obama very much rehabilitated USA's standing in the world with his LIES, as his regime spied on European allies, perpetrated false flag terrorist attacks and tortured people like my mother and I.

Contrary to Obama's regime, I tried to bring democracy and freedom to many countries including Great Satan itself and many Muslim countries in the Middle East and North Africa. This resulted in the overthrow of many dictators and gov't changes across the region including royals, much as prophesied in 4Q246. These was the so called Occupy Wall Street, Arab Spring and Ukraine's Euromaidan movements backed by EU and Polish intelligence. Meanwhile Obama:

Revelation 13:15 The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.
The fact that people worshiped the image of the Beast rehabilitated by Obama, bought into his lies as the regime tortured, murdered, robbed and enslaved, this gives the prophecies' narrative that the cult of personality of the US presidency and the Beast are one and the same. USA is its presidency in international standing. Obama also "spoke like a dragon" in other words like China, in terms of peaceful policies, international cooperation, development etc. Republicans even accused him of being a communist and a socialist. Meanwhile it was predominantly a big con as Obama showered Wall Street with money, his cronies with contracts, and his family with $11 billion worth of Americans' tax dollars.

So. About the Russians taking 3 boats from Ukraine: there is a precedence of Iran doing that to USA and nearly everyone was fine with it. The location of the incident was in Russian territorial waters.


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