Locations of American Nuclear LGM-30 Minuteman Missile Bases

Recently, I saw an article about North Korean missile bases with ICBMs. Americans have no proof that these missiles carry nuclear warheads, they could be conventional weapons that aim to take out aircraft carriers of which USA has 20. So far Koreans have 16 such bases identified.

However, it is no secret that Americans are a belligerent nuclear power that threatens non nuclear nations with extermination through unprovoked nuclear attacks with preemptive strikes. This, varying on the degree of the eloquence of the mass murderer in chief, is either worded as "no options are left off the table" or "fire and fury". This is coming from a country that planned to exterminate China's urban populations, which was not a nuclear power in the 1950's and did conduct genocidal criminal nuclear attacks against Japanese civilians less than a decade earlier. USA is country which conducted nuclear weapons tests on Pacific islanders, calling them savages and forcibly resettling them.


The pictures of the Korean missile bases taken from satellite images show no evidence of nuclear activity. Below is the list of the Americans list of nuclear missile bases.

90th Missile Wing LGM-30 Minuteman Missile Launch Sites

North Korea is threatened by a nuclear holocaust by an administration and a country of historically proven aggression with weapons of mass destruction. It has every right to:

1. Develop a nuclear deterrent large enough to ensure total destruction of the adversary.
2. Take on the same nuclear posture with regards to the Unites States as US has to DPRK.
3. China like DPRK should follow Russia's suit in nuclear deterrence of USA.
4. European Union should evict all American nuclear forces so as not to be a human shield.
5. Having fielded a common military, EU should filed a missile shied & a nuclear deterrent.
6. Once USA is targeted by "no options left off the table" and "fire and fury" preemptive nuclear postures of EU, Russia, China, DPRK, Pakistan and India, these nuclear powers should collectively demand American, Israeli and British nuclear disarmament. USA as the first, most hostile and belligerent nuclear power is the primary road block to compliance with UN resolution 71/258


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