Chinese EV sales for October 2018

Tesla sold 211 cars in China in October 2018, which is a 70% drop from the year before. China as a whole, saw well over 120,000 electric vehicles REGISTERED during the same month. To blame this on Trump's self sanctioning through blind greed: is absurd. Tesla is not competitive. Overall, October 2018 electric vehicle sales were up 85% year over year (YoY). 2017 was the first year that plug-in vehicles reached 1 million sales globally. Obama plugged the Chevy Volt as a cure all and LIED that USA will put 1,000,000 electric cars on American roads by 2015 and that may not happen until 2020. Now Chevy Volt is DEAD. Like everything else Obama lied about, Chevy Volt was a con.

China is up to 1 million in annual sales, growing rapidly. World EV sales have passed 4 million mark this summer. By March 2019, another million is expected to added to the global EV inventory surpassing the 5 million mark.

 USA is the 3rd largest EV market and will lose its percent of global purchases rapidly. This year China reached 37% of the 3.5 million EVs sold, with EU in second place of 28%, the two controlling 65% of world EV market between them.

The limiting factor to adaptability of electric vehicles is the range vs charging stations density function. The European Union and China should jointly develop a transnational system of EV truck stops for Eurasian highway systems, thus standardizing EV charging and ensuring that no truck runs out of power in transit. - Marcin Kubik

BYD trucks can pull any cargo or container. Even if their range is too limited for transnational cargo transportation, they should be universally adopted due to fuel savings and the fact that electric trucks are quiet. Much garbage pick up happens while people are still asleep and traffic is light on the roads; to have silently moving, stealthy trucks, perfectly fits that ecosystem of sales.

The European Union has about 15 million trucks on the roads. Even if all new trucks are electric it will take over 15 years to replace this fleet with new vehicles. I suggest accelerating this process by sell existing gas or diesel trucks to India. This will allow for economies of scale in EV truck production, as new regulations on how quiet the trucks and non polluting should be in European cities expel polluting fossil fuel trucks from them. This of course requires new legislation, that prioritizes electric vehicles over fossil fuels ones.


kuffodog said…
Torture and terrorism by the Americans and the American regime not only deserves consistent reciprocation, but persistent and thorough global effort to permanently eliminate their capability to mass murder, conduct mind surveillance, hack and steal. No American company should be permitted to purchase ANY telecommunication companies or access cellular telephony infrastructure in ANY independent nation state. To allow this is to LOSE sovereignty. All American satellite signals should be JAMMED when attacking a SOVEREIGN nation state's territory. If they cannot be jammed, the satellites should be DESTROYED.
kuffodog said…
The European Union should either exit NATO or ensure that the criminal American regime does so. The European Union should also field a common nuclear deterrent, a missile shield and defend its citizens MINDS from American hacking, terrorism and demonic possession by the NSA, CIA, the US military and the Anonymous terrorist group as well as their Jihadist proxies. I recommend that the European Union join the Eurasian military cooperation alliance with Russia, China, India and other members or the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
kuffodog said…
China, when it deploys modern nuclear power plants that can reuse fuel, should buy Americans' nuclear waste from the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository.

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