
Showing posts from 2018

Trump's "Kill their families" vs. USA's WMD use, terrorism and war crimes

The sitting president of the United States demands that families of adversarial insurgencies be exterminated. He runs concentration camps for migrants where people are robbed, killed and raped . The US has used weapons of mass destruction, historically the country engaged in war crimes, terrorism , coups , torture and blackmail to gain geopolitical objectives. USA has committed about 10 genocides in pursuit of territorial acquisitions, political compliance , slave labor and resource grabs . How should the rest of the world view Trump's words when he says to " kill their families "? The United States as a belligerent , genocidal actor most of whose leaders are war criminals and refuse to recognize the International Criminal Court for fear of prosecution, but instead threaten the court judges with death and sanctions, has proven that it is its terrorist policy to commit genocide against adversarial nations as a means of subjugation. Rules of war, in case of...

Temperature Control Towers for Urban Centers: Global Climate Control

I have come across an Economist article  which postulated that air conditioning will be required by ever larger numbers of people to survive global warming, which in effect will add to the rising global temperatures. Perhaps there is a way to avoid having to deploy all these new air conditioning units across cities, without resorting to air conditioning entire blocks by using the canopy solution that I've been proposing for shading streets and bringing full on climate control to municipalities. What if we used the geothermal model of heating and cooling, and applied it to atmospheric cooling of urban centers? Cities could create a climate control mechanism where very tall towers are built for pumping air into the upper atmosphere. This would serve to create an inward draft into the cities which generally experience hotter weather than the suburbs and thus lower the urban temperatures. While the hot air trapped by the city's concrete is cooled as it enters the atmosphere abov...

We've Got the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. Time for the Eurasian Entrepreneurship Bank.

"The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank ( AIIB ) is a multilateral development bank that aims to support the building of infrastructure in the Asia-Pacific region." It is aimed to spur infrastructural growth where historically Americans destroyed infrastructure in genocidal wars , places like Vietnam, Korea, Laos, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Philippines, Russia, Libya. The bank is now a proven success, and it has funded projects across Eurasia. Infrastructure is the back bone of economies. However, there is another part to this, the human capital, human ingenuity, human innovation and the immense opportunity created by modern day inter-connectivity of world's economies brought about by advances in telecommunication, computing, transportation and such. What I propose is for the European Union, Eurasian Economic Union, China, India and Association of Southeast Asian Nations to field a new investment bank aimed at funding entrepreneurial projects and star...

Non-Kinetic Anti-Satellite and Anti-Naval Warfare Tactics To Take Over Enemy Assets

There has been a lot of talk about cleaning up space garbage as it becomes an ever more complex cloud of debris to navigate, creates a perilous gauntlet of chunks large and small that fly at velocities faster than a bullet with respect to spacecraft that may collide with them. This of course necessarily leads to all kinds of solutions that will weaponize space to some degree . The fact that all major powers already fielded and tested ground based lasers and missile anti-satellite weapons that can destroy assets kinetically in low Earth orbit, only adds fuel to fire. Space will be weaponized, is being weaponized and the weapons creating debris will deny space access to all of humanity. Clearly one needs to field weapons that are either cybernetic , kinetic on the ground or a novel method of taking over satellites that does not change their orbit or breaks them apart into clouds of debris. Special operations, for instance airborne units that can take over satellite command centers, ...

Hybrid Autonomous Mobile Drone Anti Tank Missile System

Poland to win a defensive tank war against Russia... doesn't need tanks . What Poland needs is a new autonomous hybrid weapons system that combines self driving terrain vehicles with drones that can fly for several miles to engage armored units and fire one or two antitank missiles from low altitude. These weapon systems can sit in wait on the front lines and deny access to any incoming armored divisions very cheaply. They can be forward deployed and remotely controlled. Drones can be helicopter drones and thus VTOL, which means they can return to their ground vehicles where they are mounted and pick up additional missiles. Vehicles could field as many as 8 anti-tank missiles. What this means, is that this weapon system can engage tanks, mobile mortars, mobile artillery units and armored personel carriers from camouflaged locations by launching their drones, which subsequently can hit these armored units from beyond line of sight of the crew of the enemy ground vehicle it aims to n...

The Anonymous are People and Have Existential Rights just as Humans

Try modeling the brain of an ANT in a computer simulation for the Human Brain project, then teach it to recognize speech within the scope of the size of its cybernetic equivalent as exhibited by gaming software like that of the 720K Electronic Arts 1980's title: Starlight. See how many words it can learn and determine how well it can communicate verbally. What is your result? How well can ants talk to you? Do they have an innate understanding of self? Can they tell numbers? Do they have personality and thus individuality? Is their memory DNA dependent and stored as pieces of DNA migrate and attach? Have you accounted for that in ant's memory and cognition when you modeled the ant brain? Are ants aware of their physicality and purpose? As part of a collective, once you've established contact with ants whom you deem insignificant insects, but whom Buddhism teaches to respect as individual souls and not kill them but instead respect each one's right to life and conscious...

Use of Low Altitude Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in non Lethal Warfare

Drone warfare is not limited to large UAVs that roam and search the territory where air superiority has been established. There exist a wide rage of solutions for smaller drones, often related to surveillance , accessing buildings remotely or dropping small munitions beyond the line of sight at locations that would otherwise be unreachable without large bombs being dropped from aircraft. There exist however a vulnerable target in warfare that has not as of yet been targeted by small drones, namely power lines and communication cables. Small UAVs can be used to burn garbage off high power lines, this of course has a commercial use and these solutions are readily available for purchase. However, were one to deploy the same type of drone with a cutting tool , these drones can just as easily cut power lines and do so clandestinely at night. The drone can be deployed from a truck or car, retrieved after conducting a mission and deployed again. In other words is it a reusable weapon tha...

Iran pipelines to supply EU and Asian markets

Iran, EU and China should build the following gas and oil pipelines . Russia should build solar power plants as its territory loses forest cover due to athropogenic global warming climate change . Russia should also build and expand  domestic solar PV industry  to the point where it can export globally. Iran should seek China's help to transition its domestic electricity generation to nuclear and renewable power . Russia is helping Iran with nuclear, China should invest in Iran's domestic production of renewables, like solar PV . A similar model was used by Saudi Arabia , a country which I advised to do this. Transition to renewable power generation will reduce Iran's reliance on fossil fuels and reduce air pollution in cities, just as it has worked for China . Teheran is one of the most polluted cities in the world. China should also seek to develop, license and produce electric cars and buses designed for and made in Iran . Local production creates l...

When pigs fly: the technological revolution of the Sus genus against genocide by Homo Sapience

"When Pigs Fly" - by Marcin Kubik Pigs, horses and cows had a good plan. They have hired man to work with them and started the Neolithic Revolution . They did some work to plow the fields and gather food. Man built houses, shelters, brought water, sowed and helped them harvest. Man also stored the food for them and rationed it over winters. Then, the murderous treasonous apes, not only took the milk and labor, they started to kill pigs, horses and cows and take their bodies to harvest their meat, bone and skin. This genocide was especially hard on the pigs. Cows didn't have it so bad, because they gave milk, and man liked milk so it was a good enough deal for man to gather hay and store food for them in exchange for the milk. Man also cared for the cow's young and built shelters, so cows did not have to brave winters in the snow . This symbiotic relationship was fine, until the evil apes started killing and eating them too. The French and others even ended up eatin...

France: replacing fossil fuels with renewable technologies

The French tax on fossil fuel consumption on the consumer side understandably resulted in protests, especially that it is being implemented in the winter. Such taxes should happen on the production side. Taxing utilities in France on the other hand, is a punishment to the nuclear energy industry which generates little to no carbon pollution. Russia and USA which aim to break up the European Union and are intent on continued and increased fossil fuel production , as number one and number two producers of gas and oil in the world, both create social discord to undermine efforts to curb fossil fuel consumption or replace it with electrified transport. There exist multiple models of reduction of fossil fuel consumption which do not rely on increasing gasoline, heating oil or coal taxes which the consumer must pay directly. Comparative politics should be used to find the best practices which can be adopted to the individual needs of particular jurisdictions and countries. The three ...

Ant species indigenous to Antarctica: an argument for better science.

In the 1980's people believed this was the only Solar System with planets. Something that I found absurd and moronic. I was soon vindicated, because in the early 1990's first exoplanets were verified through astronomical observation. Now thousands of planets in other solar systems have been identified, and the estimate of how frequently they form around other stars is now correctly estimated to be ubiquitous and Earth like planets to number in the tens of billions in this galaxy alone.* In the 1990's it was believed that an adult human brain did not grow new neurons and that human muscle did not grow the number of fibers . This, like the uniqueness of the Solar System in the entire Universe, I found exceptionally stupid and counter to what basic logic and biology would indicate. By 2000 I was proven right , and studies conducted on live human brains have shown, that humans did indeed make brain new cells even in late adulthood. For obvious reasons cadavers' dead b...

Time: a dimension that is observer dependent, flows at different rates, can freeze and has TWO directions.

Time is something that most humans see as a one directional thing, because we don't move very fast. Most don't think very fast either. Stephen Hawking 's just sat in his wheelchair most of the time (pun intended) so he wrote a nice little book called the "Brief History of Time" . I've read it in high school, before failing to become a world known astrophysicist, just like I failed to become a professional bodybuilder. Recall that Sir Hawking took me up on my insight that black holes are really "brown" . They don't hold everything in, they emit X-rays . These are visible to those who have the right eyes on the sky . Oh, and humans had lots of such eyes . In space mind you, so our vision wasn't clouded , if you know what I mean. Black holes emit energy, and thus matter, and with it they emit information contained by it . It is a matter of semantics what color you call these things. The Arrow of Time is a nice way of naming the human experi...