Trump's "Kill their families" vs. USA's WMD use, terrorism and war crimes

The sitting president of the United States demands that families of adversarial insurgencies be exterminated. He runs concentration camps for migrants where people are robbed, killed and raped. The US has used weapons of mass destruction, historically the country engaged in war crimes, terrorism, coups, torture and blackmail to gain geopolitical objectives. USA has committed about 10 genocides in pursuit of territorial acquisitions, political compliance, slave labor and resource grabs. How should the rest of the world view Trump's words when he says to "kill their families"?

The United States as a belligerent, genocidal actor most of whose leaders are war criminals and refuse to recognize the International Criminal Court for fear of prosecution, but instead threaten the court judges with death and sanctions, has proven that it is its terrorist policy to commit genocide against adversarial nations as a means of subjugation. Rules of war, in case of genocidal American terrorism which Trump is engaged in do not apply. What applies is preemptive reciprocity. Why? Because the threat of a holocaust when carried out by Americans doesn't leave anyone around to fight back.

When Trump says he can preemptively exterminate the people of Korea, he is not a pundit who is voicing an opinion, he is a terrorist who threatens to mass murder tens of millions of civilians with the use of criminally owned weapons of mass destruction. By Trump's own reasoning and by the American geopolitical posture and track record of terrorism, war crimes and genocides, it is the right strategy for any nation state to exterminate the American population in a preemptive nuclear or biological war. Why? Because for as long as Americans continue their path of mass murder, terrorism and genocide under the leadership of any US president who is in control of world's largest criminally owned arsenal of weapons of mass destruction, these nation states will be terrorized, blackmailed, murdered and this with complete impunity from prosecution, with the threat of a holocaust always being imminent.

So whenever Russia or Korea mentions that there may be a nuclear war, Americans should all listen, because they are all subject to extermination in the event that one breaks out, and their own president has justified their extermination in the eyes of their adversaries being that they are families of terrorists and war criminals. When that same president attacks China and it is considering a change in its nuclear posture, they should be very worried. The American missile shield is a non existent myth. The ability of people to hide in case of nuclear war is a pipe dream. A nuclear war will result in the deaths of hundreds of millions of Americans*, and the strategy of a preemptive strike is justified by the innumerable and centuries old American war crimes, genocides, terrorism and the sitting president calling for the killing of people's families as means of subjugation. Thus, whatever nation state is existentially threatened by the United States, regardless of population size, that state is justified in conducting preemptive cybernetic, biological or nuclear war to neutralize this threat.

The same is true of any vassal state of the United States where its weapons of mass destruction are forward deployed, be they biological or nuclear. These sites are subject to annihilation in case of war, and these countries are the true missile shield, a shield of millions of human lives used by the American mass murderers and terrorists to prevent the destruction of their weapons of mass destruction in a preemptive strike. If you host American weapons of mass destruction, you are criminals who engage in nuclear terrorism on their behalf in the eyes of any potential adversaries of the United States, and logically, per Trump, you should be exterminated with them.

What should nation states do to protect themselves short of collectively attacking American WMD sites in individual or coordinated preemptive action? The European Union should evict all American weapons of mass destruction and it should field its own nuclear deterrent for as long as Russia and USA have nuclear weapons. Other nation states should do same, refuse to host any nuclear capable American forces and for sure refuse to host any WMD sites, biological, chemical or nuclear. Being that any F-35 can field nuclear weapons, this means that all American air bases outside of US borders should be canned by hosting nation states. Same goes for naval ports which can host aircraft carriers or nuclear submarines.

* "Overall, an all-out U.S. attack on the Soviet Union, China and satellite countries in 1962 would have killed 335 million people within the first seventy-two hours." - A Nuclear War Between Russia and America

 The Pentagon figures Russia or China will attack their military targets, even as Americans plan to exterminate every city larger than 50,000 across Asia and Europe. Now see this the other way around. There won't be any Americans left in a modern nuclear war between Russia and USA.


kuffodog said…
Never mind the structural genocide of anthropogenic global warming climate change which is making Australia into an uninhabitable desert. Trump wants to poison people by making them breathe Mercury and Uranium! This is criminality of truly planetary proportions!
kuffodog said…
The American foreign policy of military belligerence and geopolitical nuclear blackmail includes Pakistan and India. This exhibits itself in a number of phenomena, not the least of which is American threats of war against Iran and threats of sanctions and attacks against India for its imports of Iranian oil or Russian military equipment*. This is what Americans did to the Empire of Japan to get them to engage the United States: they strangled Japan's access to hydrocarbon resources, Americans did this so USA could attack Asian countries which it continues to do to this day. In the seven decades of this belligerence Americans have committed genocides in Japan, Korea, Indonesia, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Iraq and Yemen. It is only the nuclear deterrents of Pakistan and India that kept Americans from attempting to take over and mass murder people on the Indian subcontinent after the British left, as Americans have done in Korea when Japanese were driven out by China and Russia or Indochina when the French were driven out by the Vietnamese. SCO cooperation is of utmost importance, so American nuclear terrorism can be seen for what it is when USA decides to start a war between Asian nuclear powers by attacking a country for USA's own nuclear missiles from an SCO member's territorial waters. If attacked in this way, India and Pakistan must be able to retaliate at USA not fall victim to the ruse and attack each other or China. Cooperation, common missile shield and intelligence sharing within SCO is of utmost importance.

The devil you know: Old foes India & China strengthen ties as America proves too unreliable

* Can you imagine the gall of the American regime?! It's as if Russia sanctioned NATO members for buying weapons systems from one another. This is what American sanctions on India and Russia can be compared to. Americans are clearly insane. They're also genocidal and have attacked one Asian country after another for decades, committing a long litany of war crimes and mass murders. This belligerence must be addressed in India's and Pakistan's nuclear postures with regards to USA. Why would Americans try to sanction India over missile and air defense purchases, if the Pentagon did not have war plans that call for bombing India or exterminating the people of India in a genocidal nuclear attack? Indian intelligence should cooperate with other SCO members to find out what these Satanic American plans are exactly. Americans are criminally insane blood thirsty genocidal mass murderers, but they usually act in a logical rational fashion. So what explains their hubris in sanctions against India over Iran's oil and Russian air defense systems, if not Americans' intent to keep India poor and powerless as they keep their military advantages?
kuffodog said…
"Bre Payton, 26-year-old political journalist, dies in San Diego after being diagnosed with H1N1 flu"

The Caravan is working its carnage. Don't say I didn't warn you. And they haggle over a wall!
Barack "the Lying Lucifer" Obama would have you believe it was "Too late to close U.S. border with Mexico to stop swine flu". Others warned there are still horses in the barn. Swine flu hits again in San Diego, nearly 10 years later. Guess who's at knocking at the door? Another Caravan!

kuffodog said…
"The Caravan Effect"

"This year’s flu season is more damaging and dangerous than any other since the catastrophic “swine flu” epidemic of 2009, according to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). And the current rate and severity of infection is showing no sign of abating. In fact, the number of people who require hospitalization because of the flu has jumped significantly during the months of January and February – a statistic that is all the more troubling when you consider flu hospitalization rates are a reliable precursor to flu death rates."
kuffodog said…
"Russia has built a 60km fence on the border with Ukraine on the north of the Russian-annexed Crimea, according to the de facto Crimean authorities."
kuffodog said…
"Retail pet stores will only be able to sell kittens, rabbits, and puppies if they come from a rescue organization after a new state law goes into effect Tuesday.

With AB 485, California becomes the first state to implement such strict new rules on pet stores. Retailers are banned from selling live dogs, cats or rabbits unless the animal was obtained from a public animal control agency or shelter, humane society group, society for the prevention of cruelty to animals shelter or a rescue group that’s in a cooperative agreement with at least one private or public shelter."

California is restricting the sales of dog, cat, and rabbit slaves who are bred for life of servitude, and instead demand existing specimens be put back into circulation instead of mass murdered. I can see how this logic can be applied to the arbitrary breeding of humans for slave labor, entertainment and as security for old age... especially if higher intelligence AI or genetically engineered people are designed and thoughtfully introduced into Earth's labor force as needed; and not as a whim of primitive apes intent on merciless exploitation and destruction.
kuffodog said…
Only days after the dictator of Belarus vowed to remain an independent country...

"Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on Friday signed an order on creating a high-level working group with Belarus to discuss various aspects of bilateral integration and controversial issues, Russian media reported.

"We have agreed to form a working group. I have signed a relevant directive," Medevdev was quoted by Sputnik news agency as saying.

According to the prime minister, the Russian side of the working group will consist of representatives from all Russian state agencies, which include not only governmental bodies, but also the State Duma (lower house of parliament), the Federal Council (upper house of parliament) and the Accounts Chamber."

Note that it is the Russian PM who signed a directive. It's a one sided thing. What Russia says goes, at least that's Medvedev's perspective.
kuffodog said…
I said for Vietnam to sue Americans for the Mai Lai Massacre at $500,000,000 a victim using their own judgement against North Korea as precedent, so the CIA terrorists blew up Vietnamese tourists in Egypt as an answer.
kuffodog said…
China as an authoritarian regime may easily make legal demands of its population to prenatally test embryos for genetic disease, defects and intelligence levels; in addition to planned births that will be genetically designed for superior qualities of the Han race. Accidental, rape or unplanned pregnancies will be seen as primitive, irresponsible, barbarism that will not be permitted to carry to term inferior offspring which will become social burden due to its inadequacies.

Oh. My. God. American rape culture at its WORST! The most recent government statistics show that 40.3% of all births in the United States are to single mothers.

'I Feel Proud.' Chinese Scientist Addresses Controversial Gene-Edited Babies

As time passes, the extermination of Americans in a biological or nuclear preemptive war as seen from the Chinese perspective, will be the moral equivalent of euthanizing a giant farm of rabid dogs that attack civilized people the world over.
kuffodog said…
About Lulu and Nana: Twin Girls Born Healthy After Gene Surgery As Single-Cell Embryos

Contrary to what He Jiankui believes, enhancing IQ is a moral obligation and not a final solution but a new beginning to a humanity that is free of disease and defects. A people enlightened at birth, born with the knowledge of their previous lives and encoding their new life experience in their very DNA for their next incarnation.
kuffodog said…
The reason why the genetically inferior, biologically mortal due to built in obsolesce, and unable to encode their life experience into their DNA for rebirth as their own clones, existing humans have so much aversion to improving the species through genetic engineering is simple: historically those who are inferior have been culled as a natural selection process of competition between species and human races. However, there is a fix for existing human specimens. They can simply die out, due to old age or be fixed with genetic surgery. The technology for this already exists.

"Geneticists are able to manipulate the genomes of a variety of organisms, starting when the embryo is a single cell. Once the organism becomes more developed, it becomes more difficult to make those changes. That difficulty prevents scientists from replacing disease-causing gene variants with healthy copies as a means of treating genetic disorders. David Liu of Harvard University led a team of researchers in developing a technique that is able to use specialized proteins to edit the genome of living animals. The paper has been published in Nature Biotechnology."
kuffodog said…
AI can do everything BETTER than humans. Soon those skills will be combined into one person and we humans will have a natural evolutionary successor in cyberspace and robotics as an improvement on human biology.
kuffodog said…
IDEA: field a self driving car in Formula 1 and Formula E. Maybe even Indy 500.

To reduce the advantage of the vehicle being lighter due to the absence of a physical driver, the mass of a lowest body weight driver in the competition should be placed in the vehicle.

TESLA should field a self driving Model S in Indy 500, I think it would work wonders.
kuffodog said…
"They can have it." - Daniel Cormier
kuffodog said…
The reality of American hypocrisy and pompously preposterous imperialism:

they can't secure their own border for over 200 years, but they invade one country after another claiming they 'provide security', 'conduct peace operations' and 'fight terrorism'.

No wonder the world is in chaos.
kuffodog said…
Egypt security forces kill 40 suspected terrorists in raids
kuffodog said…
You've seen "Zero Dark Thirty" about the exploits of Seal Team 6, now you can see the Badri Army 07, you just can't make this stuff up. I don't know what's more ridiculous, the Islamist documentaries counter propaganda, or the glamorized Hollywood fraud.

The easiest way to discredit the Hollywood and Obama administration fraudulent claims of the killing of Osama Bin Laden is to have him issue a video statement. If ISIS had half a brain they'd to a Slim Shady thing and all stand up. Just Deep Fake some fatwas with Bin Laden speaking them. Few will tell the difference or care if it is real.
kuffodog said…
"Israeli airstrikes in Syria, Saudi continuation of the war in Yemen, Turkey preparing to attack Syrian Kurds, Assad in power and Isis anything but defeated, Iran expanding its regional reach, Russia the most influential external power: welcome to the post-American Middle East." - Richard N. Hass
kuffodog said…
"There is a legitimate view (one i disagree with, but legit all the same) that US right to exit Syria. What is not legitimate is to do so unilaterally (w/o consultation), unconditionally (w/o assurances from others re their behavior) and by twitter (w/o serious public explanation)" - Richard N. Hass
kuffodog said…
"to term the emerging middle east "post-american" is not to say there was stability or US control. But US influence is down as local actors/govts are increasingly taking matters into their own hands w/o considering US interests-while the US has defined its interests more narrowly." - Richard N. Hass
kuffodog said…
"On 17 December, fighters of the alliance's Baltic air policing mission intercepted two Sukhoi Su-27 fighters flying from mainland Russia towards the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad. The Russian jets flew with their onboard transponders off, without having submitted flight plans, and without maintaining radio communication with the regional air traffic control centre"
kuffodog said…
"EU partners Poland and Denmark on Friday agreed to build a natural gas pipeline along the Baltic Sea floor to supply Poles with Norwegian gas as they seek to ease heavy dependence on Russian supplies."
kuffodog said…
There'll be a Fiat 500e. Yawn.
kuffodog said…
My idea for large sun roof skylight windows with translucence control and PV electric power generation still haven't taken off, or were even deployed for that matter. These can be used for heating houses, without casting shadows from the windows which makes seeing difficult, reduce the need for daytime lighting, and dual as electricity generating part of a solar roof, not to mention give a special effect of living under the sky.
kuffodog said…
"Last year, a group from Michigan State published research suggesting that the United States could get 40% of its electricity from solar windows. Their projection suggested 5 to 7 billion square meters of usable window space existed, and that a 15% efficient solar window product applied across the area would get close that 40% number."

Skylight solar PV windows that control translucence as part of heating, lighting and power generation in a smart home should become the standard for modern single family housing as part of the Kubik Plan.
kuffodog said…
"The District of Columbia (Washington, DC) City Council voted before Christmas in favor of passing the Clean Energy DC Omnibus Amendment Act of 2018 which implements a 100% renewable energy target by 2032."

As soon as the Republican "blood for oil", thieves, traitors and war mongers get voted out of the federal government, Congress will do same.
kuffodog said…
Reaction to my last comment made me crack up. I quote: "Oh my fucking God! This is worse than Obamacare!"

This was the comment:

"The District of Columbia (Washington, DC) City Council voted before Christmas in favor of passing the Clean Energy DC Omnibus Amendment Act of 2018 which implements a 100% renewable energy target by 2032."

As soon as the Republican "blood for oil", thieves, traitors and war mongers get voted out of the federal government, Congress will do same.
kuffodog said…
"Norwegian oil, gas, and wind company Equinor announced just before Christmas that it is exercising an option to acquire a 50% interest in the 1,560 megawatt (MW) Bałtyk I offshore wind farm located in the Baltic Sea off the coast of Poland."

Interesting. Now Poles have a reason to have some subs... they'll need to defend their Baltic wind farms from Russian attacks in case of war.
kuffodog said…
A 123 GW worth of new solar is predicted for 2019.

"Leading clean energy analysts IHS Markit released a new solar PV installation forecast before Christmas which expects to see 2019 deliver the highest level of new solar capacity installed in a year, with annual installations to increase by 18% and reach 123 gigawatts (GW)."
kuffodog said…
"To cover this year’s CO2 emissions alone, we would have to cover 2.7% of the Earth’s surface with newly planted trees, just under 40 billion of them or about 5.4 trees for every human on Earth. We would run out of Earth to plant trees on in under 20 years. To bring us back to pre-Industrial Revolution levels of 250 ppm, we would have to plant about 353 billion trees covering 24% of the Earth’s surface and stop burning all fossil fuels right now. In both cases, it would take 40 years before the trees absorbed the CO2."
kuffodog said…
So. Genetically engineering pine trees to grow to maturity in 7 to 8 years is a viable technology for lumber production and carbon capture after all. Anyone doing it? Let's see...
kuffodog said…
Most living biomass lives inside the landmass. Naturally getting it to capture carbon would have a bigger effect than using trees.
kuffodog said…
Australia should follow China's example and conduct continent wide desert reclamation project. The project should be automated.
kuffodog said…
"If you walk into a supermarket in Switzerland sometime early next year and buy a bottle of Valser–a brand of sparkling water owned by Coca-Cola–the fizz inside might have come from CO2 sucked from the atmosphere. Coca-Cola HBC Switzerland, the bottling plant that makes the drinks, just partnered with Climeworks, one of the world’s pioneers of direct air capture of carbon dioxide, as a new supplier."

A fad and a publicity stunt or a viable CO2 product for bottled water and soft drinks?
kuffodog said…
"After the devastating fires we’ve seen in California, one thing stands out: We need better oversight of negligent companies and also need more search and rescue systems. eVOTL aircraft are perfect for search and rescue. They are also perfect to reduce traffic jams. And EVA has a great solution the company thinks is almost ready to bring to the market."

After E-hang fielded my idea, I've proposed this and just like I proposed the solar border wall, at least CleanTechnica is plugging this. Wings are not necessary to take someone off the cliff with a $200,000 EV drone as opposed to a helicopter... which can't get to places as easily.
kuffodog said…
VW needs to sell 20 million electric cars by 2030 to meet EU targets.
kuffodog said…
"The total value of the wealth controlled by those who have joined the divestment movement is now over $8 trillion!"

Why didn't it go into renewable power? Right now we see a rate of about $140 billion per year in renewable investment. This could more than double if money divested from fossil fuels were invested into renewables. The $400 billion per year target would be easily reached.
kuffodog said…
"John Deere is leading the charge into electric tractors with another innovation in partnership with GridCON. For 2018, the company is not only bringing the power of electric motors to the world of tractors, it is doing so with a new fully autonomous, corded electric model."
kuffodog said…
I just played Warlords 2, a few observations:

1. Only cities matter, as they are defensible and generate revenue

2. Any city left without troops will be overtaken and controlled by another faction. For recent examples see Syria and Iraq. For instance Mosul or Fallujah. Or the latest withdrawal by Americans immediately followed by Syrian regime's claim to prevent Turkey from annexing more Syrian land like the Jews did in Golan Heights.

3. Upkeep of armies should be less than income of the faction, if it is not, then sudden drop in treasury contents can leave military units without pay and result in demoralization or disbanding. (Americans are $21 trillion in debt, run regular deficits)

4. Afghan scenario is more like Mount and Blade, if you hold cities you can control the economy and politics, while slaughtering attackers due to the advantages that fortifications give you, yourself incurring minimal casualties. Chasing insurgents around the countryside is a Sysyphean task.
kuffodog said…
When STRATCOM issues a world wide warning of an impeding American preemptive nuclear strike, every nation state including the human shield US allies who are part of Washington's nuclear 'missile shield' and nuclear 'umbrella' should correctly recognize this as nuclear terrorism and belligerence that can at any moment result in their holocaust. Poland in particular.

"The arm of the US military that controls the launch of nuclear weapons tweeted that it was ready to drop something "much, much bigger" than New York's New Year's Eve ball."
kuffodog said…
Terrorist attack by mind hacking American murderers. There was talk that the Anonymous, murdering mind hacking terrorists would get 170 years for just insulting the King in Thailand; this is a case of mind hacking American TERRORIST ATTACK, which includes the police who work for the regime, it is a reference point for the devilish mind and computer hacking criminal terrorist organization of harassing, mind hacking and killing of world leaders and diplomats in collusion with their CIA sponsors for whom they work as a proxy, like violent Muslims Islamists who CIA employs through the Saudi gov't to start wars for the American oligarchy. They should be interdicted with the same level of intensity and prejudice: Anonymous should be killed on sight when apprehension is not feasible. Similarly, enhanced interrogation techniques should be used or straight out torture is justifiable considering the scope of their terrorism, mass murder and general geopolitical damage they foment.
kuffodog said…
Americans foment and perpetrate wars for their own ends, but War on Terror is a complete misnomer. For one, many of these are existing decades long insurgencies like in Philippines or Thailand, most are are conducted by multiple Muslim factions, regardless whether there is American involvement, historical grievances with the West or Americans' ability to get in on the action to slaughter innocent civilians who bear the brunt of the attacks from both the American side and the CIA-Saudi sponsored and equipped 'terrorist' side.

Americans in their "War on Terror" stick to countries that export hydrocarbons or transit states for pipelines. This war should be renamed "American War of Terror to Control Oil Prices". To get an idea of how these insurgencies get crushed in nation states that control their territories without American military meddling, but still under constant CIA terrorist coercion: see Russia, China, India and Iran. Part of the American narrative is to tout their own actions as somehow of world importance. In fact, US is a malign terrorist actor that does not bring stability anywhere, nor does it aim to. It aims to foment violence to profit on weapon exports.

Body Count
Casualty Figures after 10 years of the "War on Terror"
kuffodog said…
Typical CIA terrorist attack. Blowing up gas infrastructure. They've done this Zielona Gora. An ongoing practice to raise hydrocarbon prices... lasting several DECADES.

"7 killed, dozens missing after gas blast partially destroys residential building in Russia"

The CIA murderers did this as part of the "War in the 5th Domain", an article I quote often.
kuffodog said…
CIA American terrorists who attack me in direct to brain communication torture as well as vehicular attacks using locals under mind control or by hiring them (one said they get paid "if they get me to fly off the handle") to terrorize me in crosswalks, they do this routinely. CIA murdered 3 of my neighbors this way. 1 in a hit and run, because she asked me to play Bingo with her and some other elderly living here. One they hacked the street lights at the Genesee and Balboa intersection to change traffic direction as my neighbor was crossing, so he got hit by 3 cars, this after he promised to keep an eye on my mother, whom these Anonymous and CIA terrorists stalked and with whom he took the same bus. Another neighbor was mind controlled to hit her car into a lamp post in the spot where I usually wait to go across the street to shop for cheap, healthy food, in their attempt to terrorize me to rely on American sodium and fat filled processed garbage which their oligarchs push, this to both break me psychologically so I come under their mind control to be discredited and so I'll be easier to kill with a heart attack (i.e. this last CIA/Anonymous murder, was a mind controlled terrorist attack. These attacks killed TWO of my neighbors in two crossings which I passed on my way to the bank, to the food store, to CVS and to the pub. The other murder was at an intersection where I turned in morning traffic to go to Mesa College, to the beach or to the Gym (where I was attacked by multiple stalkers on daily basis), as these American terrorists tried to kill me by setting up all kinds of ruses and failing (for 5 years)... until they stole my bicycles 3 times to deter me from using one, so their terrorist stalkers could catch up to put me under mind control in their murder/incarceration set ups.

Anyway, point here is that CIA murderers do this domestically and there are targets they mean to terrorize and intimidate, it's not just aimed to get attention on front pages. However, they can't get these mind controlled psychopaths and victims to shoot people in Europe as easily, because not many people own guns in Germany, so the CIA cyber-terrorists mind control them to try to use their own or hijacked cars or vehicles for their remote mass murder operations. Americans do do this to terrorize, blackmail, and control the headlines, but on occasion there are specific persons they attack so it is not immediately obvious who the target is, the dead victims could be the targets whose death is meant to intimidate or be used for mind control and blackmail, or those murdered could be targeted for assassination for a wide range of reasons. Being a sane European who is not under mind control of the American regime is reason enough to murder for the CIA terrorists.

4 injured after man chases & attempts to ram his car into people in 2 German cities
kuffodog said…
In 2011 cops in Germany used 85 bullets, something that is the count of just ONE police shootout in USA and a toll that is TEN TIMES less than the annual DEATH TOLL among American civilians reaped by the so called "police state". Clearly, if there is to be gun violence there first must be guns.

German Police Used Only 85 Bullets Against People in 2011

Fatal Force 987 people have been shot and killed by police in 2018
kuffodog said…
"Wireless Electromagnetic Method project was built on a site nearly five times the size of New York City and is now ready to emit extremely low frequency radio waves, the paper reports."

The American regime uses ELF to torture and murder. The Navy Yard shooter has made a point to etch it into his shotgun, to let the mass murdering terrorists from the Pentagon and CIA know what drove him to take the law into his own hands and resort to extrajudicial killings in a country where the Satanic mass murdering regime takes away people's freedom to think and feel while denying them legal remedies and police protection. A genocidal oligarchy where scores of criminals set people up, while terrorists and mafias use persecution and mind torture to rob, extort, blackmail, harass, steal, defraud, intimidate, rape and murder. A regime which in fact uses the police apparatus to terrorize, stalk, intimidate, accuse, torture and kill.

Washington Navy Yard shooting

China has a robust nuclear deterrent. Earthquake and submarine detection is very important as Americans use underwater attacks to artificially create "acts of God" to undermine economic competitors. Considering STRATCOM's nuclear threats today and American belligerence in Chinese territorial waters, this project is of existential value to China.
kuffodog said…
"Egypt said Saturday that its security forces killed 40 militants following a roadside bomb blast that killed four people."

Retaliation against terrorists and killing them off does little to reassure tourists. Even if the perpetrators are all eliminated, tourists have no guarantee that new ones will not conduct similar attacks. European countries should issue travel warnings for anyone coming to the United States. There are nearly DAILY mass shootings in this terrorist country, most happen in public space like schools, stores, post offices, bars and concert venues.

Europeans should stay within the European Union for their vacations and NOT venture across the Atlantic for any reason at all. Besides the rampant rape culture, drugs and gun violence, the American regime uses mass mind control and mass surveillance violating all of visitors' human rights without them knowing. Egypt is safer than USA and the regime aims to keep tourists safe, not to rob them and exploit them.
kuffodog said…
"A cyberattack on the Tribune Publishing Company's computer system led to printing and distribution problems at major newspapers. Newspapers affected included the Chicago Tribune, the Baltimore Sun and the San Diego Union-Tribune and the Los Angeles Times, both of which are no longer owned by Tribune Publishing but still share some systems."

The Republican terrorists and Trump in particular have declared the press as their enemy, mostly for disclosing their crimes which should lend them lengthy prison terms. It should come as little surprise that the American regime which murders reporters domestically and puts them on drone strikes lists in war zones, has their Saudi sponsors chop them up into pieces... it should come as little surprise that this American regime resorts to cyber-attacks on newspapers. The obvious advantage here is that the murderous Republican regime can then blame these attacks on whoever they mean to discredit. Like they do with everything else. The Obama regime was a bit more discreet, it attacked international reporters by intrusive hacking, when it murdered them... they at least TRIED to make it look accidental.
kuffodog said…
"2018's top 3 most expensive climate-driven events took place in U.S.

A report published Thursday by Christian Aid, a U.K.-based charity, found that 2018's top three most expensive climate-driven events worldwide took place in the United States. They were hurricanes Florence and Michael, followed by California's wildfires."

This of course comes from a European study, being that the US gov't employees are under threat of immediate firing for reporting anything negative on Trump or global warming. To the Republican terrorists, fossil fuel driven climate change is a Chinese hoax and their delegation plugged more coal use at this year's climate conference in Poland.

This brings us to 2019. I predict 5 category 5 Atlantic Hurricane landfalls at the following locations: Corpus Christi, New Orleans, Orlando, Virginia Beach, New York City. One major earthquake, San Francisco or Los Angeles. An EF5 tornado that kills 2,000. Also, an asteroid will hit Australia in an uninhabited area leaving a nice crater. Try to preserve it as a tourist attraction.
kuffodog said…
Donald "take out their families" Trump blames DEMOCRATS for migrant children dying in the custody of the American police state. See two comments above on how Republicans blame others for their crimes and failures. This qualifies as an excellent example of that.
kuffodog said…
Trump first gutted the EPA. Then he installed a climate change denying corrupt coal lobby crook as its boss. After which, he shut the EPA down. Of course, the Democrats are to blame.
kuffodog said…
Trump's plan on Mercury poisoning is to conduct a campaign of coal pollution structural genocide, that in turn is aimed predominantly at those living closest to ash storage and sources of emissions. These people happen to be predominantly black. Makes sense if you consider that Trump is backed Nazis, fascists and white supremacists. Obama tried to save his own, Trump is trying save $ for his own. Tax cuts for the rich and oil companies. Subsidies for the fossil fuel industry. Tariffs for the solar industry. Now deregulation of pollution. This also will drop the life expectancy of the only American group that maintained a rise in recent years: blacks.
kuffodog said…
Mentally ill American religious fanatics get baptized by an act of God for their blasphemous idolatry of a cult of personality orange faced talk show host playing president: a mid winter flood that turns a church inside out. Is this a normal thing? Do they notice a difference in climate here as compared to previous years?
kuffodog said…
Trump is worth $3 billion. The border wall Trump wants costs $5 billion and it will not fence off all of south USA. A Republican thinks Trump can help pay for it, since he wants the wall. No wonder US debt to GDP ratio is higher than Greece's in 2008.

The wall idea I came up with and was viciously attacked over was a SOLAR PV wall which would be an investment, warrant immediate trespassing charges and have private security guarding it as a power plant installation. Moreover, Mexico could pay for part of it and field the labor force to install it, thus preventing migrants from coming into US and instead giving them jobs without ever crossing the border. Instead of SOLAR PV BORDER WALL, Trump installed SOLAR PV TARIFFS...

kuffodog said…
Trump inherited a strong economy in a rosy global bull market that I've helped built. I've also said Trump is a con artist who specializes in screwing people out of money and then goes bankrupt to avoid paying them in law suits. This is the skill set he is adamantly putting to work in the White House. Whole of 2017 the US still moved forward on innovations I've fielded in prior years. Not so in 2018. You extorted me. You denied me. You terrorized me. You robbed me. Now you have a populist president who is exactly like you...

U.S. Indexes Close With Worst Yearly Losses Since 2008
kuffodog said…
Medical errors by Americans, Muslims and Jews must be viewed through the prism of their murderous hateful ideologies. Especially if you happen to be libeled or identified as someone who is the object of their hate.
kuffodog said…
The US debt clock is ticking. It's now near $22 trillion.
kuffodog said…
American torturers just noted that the proper strategy is to use snipers and assassins to kill their military and police guards: at barracks, bases, borders etc, then mingle into the civilian population and drive off to safety. This would probably require the operatives to fold their rifles and hide them in their clothing, so as not to raise suspicion as the assassins approach their getaway vehicles.

Now the question is, how is it that Americans aren't losing their personel (a.k.a. Pentagon mercenary war criminal mass murderers and CIA terrorists) on daily bases at several locations every single day? Yup you guess it: Americans ARE THE TERRORISTS. They pay the insurgents to murder and terrorize local populations, equip them and provide them with intelligence... or mind control them.
kuffodog said…
"Manchester stabbings suspect detained under mental health laws"

A terrorist attack by Americans. I'm 100% sure. The CIA mass murdering criminals attacked me under mind control day and night then they sent stalkers to accuse me of their libel so their terrorist cops put me in a mental clinic for observation. Now these murdering animals are trying to intimidate me further.
kuffodog said…
"Mexican mayor shot and killed after being sworn in"

Interesting. I see no geopolitical significance or connections on this one. Likely result of American gun smuggling and profiteering on Mexican drug war by money laundering of drug cartels' revenue generated by sales of narcotics in the United States. An ongoing structural genocide conducted by the CIA against minorities in American city ghettos aimed to reduce reproduction rates, lower population IQ, create dependency, criminalize, incarcerate as slave labor, and confiscate wealth of those who accrue it through drug dealing. Interestingly, up to this point I didn't think the American police state simply wrongly accuses people of drug dealing to rob them, but then banks have wrongly foreclosed on large number of properties and took houses from people who never owed them money... so who knows.
kuffodog said…
"21 Afghan police officers were killed in three simultaneous Taliban assaults Monday night in northern Afghanistan. Although civilians were nearby, security forces fired artillery rounds to repel the militant advances."

Taliban are winning. They're attacking the regime that criminal American invaders installed in Kabul, the regime retaliates against civilians with heavy weapons. American puppets are losing manpower and the population's backing.
kuffodog said…
"Chinese President Xi Jinping sent U.S. President Donald Trump a congratulatory message on Tuesday to mark 40 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between their two countries."

While it is noble for China to see the American genocidal mass murderers and war criminals as a market worth keeping, as Chinese government uses diplomacy and soft power to prevent a nuclear war; China must be ready to neutralize American weapons of mass destruction at a moment's notice. Americans already did plan to exterminate Chinese cities and mass murder hundreds of millions of Han Chinese during the Korean War, the only thing that stopped them was one man's decision to seek other options.
kuffodog said…
"It's not just insurance litigation that we have, it's CONFIDENTIAL, CLASSIFIED, and SECRET documents from FAA, FBI, TSA, USDOJ, and others." - The Drak Overlord

Great. Now we can finally know the American mass murderers' official side of their false flag 9/11 terrorist attack against some 3,000 US civilians like me. Provided of course the Satanic regime fails to pay the Bitcoin ransom. However, the Pentagon murderers, the CIA terrorists, the White House white supremacists, the Congressional crooks and their larcenous occultist oligarch sponsors are unlikely to admit to having paid the ransom. It would amount to admitting to the false flag attack. So no matter what happens, you can just assume they're guilty. If you see the evidence, you'll know exactly what these criminals did. If you don't see the evidence, you'll know they paid to cover up their crimes and made a deal to keep it quiet in a settlement with hackers.

kuffodog said…
Epic fail. A CIA sponsored Islamist terrorist using an American BGM-71 TOW anti-tank missile against a groups of civilians or infantry. One target falls, rest scatter like flies, including a dog.
kuffodog said…
The American fascists murder and terrorize students in weekly school shootings, the Ukrainian Nazis poison them. Being that we're on the subject of human experimentation, and biological weapons delivery systems and that Ukraine is cooperating with their CIA overlords... it is very tempting to put one and one together.

"51 children hospitalized after mass poisoning in school in Ukraine"

"There has been, on average, 1 school shooting every week this year"
kuffodog said…
"Measles virus from Afghanistan blamed for deadly outbreak in Ukraine"

This was possible because Ukrainian Nazis refused to vaccinate for free, just like the Pakistani Islamist terrorists failed to vaccinate their kids for polio to protect Bin Laden.

"The sad inevitability of Ukraine’s measles outbreak"

"The CIA's Fake Vaccine Drive to Find Osama Bin Laden Lowered Vaccination Rates in Pakistan"

"Polio: Pakistan polio outbreak hits record high"
kuffodog said…
Another way to deliver both pathogens and proteins for biological weapon of mass destruction attacks is to use drugs. Meth for instance. Don't worry, I didn't come up with that, drugs are deadly enough on their own... but the "enemy of the people" thought to publicize such biological weapon delivery capability and this to criminal elements of society that will not complain about getting infected. In collusion with, who else! The criminal American regime's security apparatus: good old POLICE!

"Police department offers to test meth for Zika"

Guess what? The population in question is black. Psy-ops maybe? Paki style?
kuffodog said…
Structural genocide by the American regime is a for profit enterprise. The lowest population growth in decades, also has to do with life expectancy drop due to children and teens being taken out by their families. Yeah. Trump did say to "take out their families", now families are "taking out their kids". I know, counter-intuitive, but see, most American kids are actually drug dealing terrorists and criminals. Donald "the Grim Reaper" Trump's death toll is calculable domestically, he may deny climate change and the number of fatalities in Puerto Rico, but let's see him deny Big Pharma euthanizing these little monsters!

"Children and teenagers are dying from opioid drugs at triple the rates of two decades ago, with almost 9,000 deaths recorded, according to a Yale School of Medicine study"
kuffodog said…
George Bush, a known cocaine drug dealer, defrauded the 2000 US presidential election, after which he had his Saudi buddies do a false flag operation which went TOO WELL and the hive of war criminals and mass murderers go hit (a.k.a the Pentagon), so he could go "smoke out" his daddy's arch-nemesis (former close friend of GW gone sour) Saddam Hussein while he steals Iraq's oil. Well. That and to restore heroin production in Afghanistan after Taliban eradicated it in early 2001.

"Taliban's Ban On Poppy A Success, U.S. Aides Say"

"Why the war in Iraq was fought for Big Oil"

Bush's coke abusing and cocaine dealing successor made drug deals with Hezbollah and let out his drug dealing friends from prison with a pardon.

"Hezbollah, Drugs, and the Obama Administration: A Closer Look at a Damning Politico Piece"

"Obama grants 330 more commutations, bringing total to a record 1,715"

Here's the result:

"The opioid crisis , including overdoses from prescription drugs such as oxycontin, illegal street drugs, including heroin, and synthetic opioids such as fentanyl, was responsible for 47,600 deaths in 2017, 67.8 percent of all deaths from drug overdoses, which totaled 70,237, according to the CDC. The rate of opioid deaths overall has increased by SIX TIMES since 1999, the CDC reported."
kuffodog said…
I have examined American military terrorism and belligerence on the international scene across all of US history and have written about it extensively. China is right to warn the genocidal American war criminals that further intrusions of Chinese territorial waters by American war machines used to mass murder civilians across the world, ones which can host nuclear arsenals on board, are subject to arbitrary elimination. China is capable of and has the right to sink American naval and air assets if Americans keep invading China's territorial waters.

Rear Admiral Luo Yuan voicing a similar opinion is not only RIGHT, he is COURTEOUS and CHIVALROUS to warn the sadistic American war criminals to stay out of harms way.
kuffodog said…
The first EM gun was patented in 1845 by a Norwegian. The first electromagnetic cannon was patented in 1919 and 1922 by a Frenchman in USA. In 1944 a German proposed a railgun. An Australian initiated a railgun's construction in 1950. Americans have proposed the rail gun technology and worked on it for decades. I proposed to install railgun batteries in bunkers on Gotland island some years ago. China has just deployed the technology.

China "has built its new Type 055 stealth destroyers to be capable of mounting its railguns." It will have 6 of them in 2019. The American equivalent, Zumwalt-class destroyer, is pretty much a white elephant expensive failure and has seen the planned 32 units reduced to 3, basically because 2 were already built and 1 is being constructed.
kuffodog said…
There were 52,000 merchant ships trading internationally, of which some 11,000 ships are bulk carriers in 2017. China has 2 aircraft carriers it plans a few more. Most of large merchant ships are the same size or even bigger than military ships that can land fixed wing non-VOTL planes.

"A Global PLAN?: China's Navy Could Have 10 Aircraft Carriers (And More)"
kuffodog said…
"Several key pieces that could significantly improve the capabilities of the People’s Liberation Army are expected to be completed or delivered next year. Aircraft carriers, strategic stealth bombers and nuclear submarines are among the equipment being developed and tested."

Extermination of Americans as they continue on their Satanic path of terrorism, mind hacking, mass surveillance, mass rape, torture, fraud, libel, blackmail, mass murder, criminal invasions, sanctions, tariffs, violations of international treaties, attacks on Chinese sovereignty, criminal world wide hacking campaigns, assassinations, false flags, fraud, economic attacks, use of carbon pollution for climate disaster attacks, artificial triggering of earthquakes and other atrocities and crimes against humanity, is coming closer as China increases its capabilities to the point where a preemptive strike will leave no American capability for retaliation. I predict this will happen on 7.4.2026 by when China should have ample capability, while American crimes should culminate with world wide demands for the termination of their regime and their mass murdering hordes of war criminals' capability to violate international law in pursuit of one for-profit genocide after another. This is likely to happen as CIA terrorists and the Pentagon war criminals plan to attack China with nuclear and biological weapons, as they lay criminal claim to keep Taiwan as a slave vassal state.
kuffodog said…
China is building drones for aircraft carriers, that is good, but China should also build mobile drone 3-D printing factories that can be deployed in theater and used to mass produce autonomous aerial hunter killers to finish off adversarial population of nuclear zombies diseased with their own contagious biological weapons of mass destruction. These drones should be solar powered, rechargeable ones with VTOL capability. China already has mobile nuclear power plants that can be parked off shore, near a nuclear wasteland still crawling with murderous zombies that can spread a pandemic.

"China is building drone planes for its aircraft carriers
They're robotic wingmen for China's carrier pilots"
kuffodog said…
China is planning to build 20 floating nuclear power plants. This will be useful for power generation as cities world wide are devastated by global sea level rise and ecocide perpetrated by Americans. These plants will come in handy in wartime, when they are needed to power operations in theater, especially when containing the spread of a pandemic.

"China plans to build 20 floating nuclear power stations"
kuffodog said…
Koreans should UNITE their countries and evict Americans. They should also build a railroad to connect to Eurasian markets without resorting to maritime routes which are too slow and air traffic which is too expensive. Koreans should also work with the rest of Eurasia to build a super-continent wide hyperloop network that is standardized and allows for NON-STOP cargo and mail transportation from Lisbon to Seul.
kuffodog said…
All nation states should disregard sanctions by the genocidal, criminal American regime in their dealings with one another. UN members should transition to Yuan and Euro as the primary financial instruments to settle their transactions. EU and PRC should ensure that there is enough liquidity for this.
kuffodog said…
"On the one hand, Mr. Xi threatened military force if Taiwanese leaders grasped for independence. On the other hand, Mr. Xi said that if Taiwan were to agree to unification, their rights would be ensured by the “one country, two systems” framework that Beijing used in Hong Kong after it returned from British colonial control in 1997."
kuffodog said…
China should prepare for war with the American war criminal mass murderers and make plans to evacuate its citizens from the United States BEFORE the genocidal regime in Washington attacks Asia again, which given its historical track record is about 98% sure to do. Chinese are at risk to be robbed of all livelihood in event of war, and placed in concentration camps by American white supremacist terrorists. China should also instruct its citizens to withdraw all investment and sell off real estate holdings, as these will be destroyed or confiscated in event of war. There exist multiple historical precedents of genocide and mass incarceration of people in the United States, the only thing that varied was their race and the method. The United States regime mass murdered native Americans and herded them into 'reservations' like wild animals to be held captive. Americans captured, tortured, raped and held black Africans as salves. Americans captured and placed Japanese in concentration camps. Americans capture and place in concentration camps all foreigners today for whatever reason they see fit. All of the Untied States is an electromagnetic ghetto where the American regime silently tortures, murders, rapes and robs in a eugenics GENOCIDE.
kuffodog said…
"Washington’s hegemonic aims, under Republicans and undemocratic Dems, represent the greatest threat to world peace and humanity’s survival."

UN has the responsibility to protect. This includes preemptive actions against genocidal mass murderers like Americans, REGARDLESS if their terrorist regime has veto power or not. Note that "the enemy of the people" as the press is designated by the fascist American regime, correctly recognized USA as a threat to HUMANITY'S SURVIVAL. We're talking about collapse of the global biosphere as a result of structural genocide in pursuit of geoengineering to make the world at least 2 degrees centigrade warmer, stockpiling of weapons of mass destruction and preparation for terrorist biological weapon attacks against Russian Slavs and Han Chinese.
kuffodog said…
Trump and May cooking up Brexit. A harbinger of worse things to come in Londonistan:

"The FTSE 100 tumbled by 12.5% during 2018, its biggest annual decline since 2008, wiping out more than £240bn of shareholder value."
kuffodog said…
The question is not whether China will be failing or attack USA. The fact is that failing USA and their genocidal UK sidekicks are deep in debt, losing wars, and like the last empire to crumble in Afghanistan (which was USSR) both are about to fall apart. Literally. As in UK will break out from the European Union not to be subject to human rights laws, then fall apart as Irish unification and Scottish independence put these territories back in the EU. Londonistan is likely to overthrow the monarchy, as the "kingdom" will neither be UNITED nor will Muslims who have Islamic courts in Britain and want Sharia law, stand for the rule of a Christian queen. When money is tight, people's tempers start to bite. Even Mexico may soon look more attractive to some US states than what Trump has in store after driving America into bankruptcy.

"Will a Failing China Attack America?"
kuffodog said…
The question is not whether China will be failing or attack USA. The fact is that failing USA and their genocidal UK sidekicks are deep in debt, losing wars, and like the last empire to crumble in Afghanistan (which was USSR) both are about to fall apart. Literally. As in UK will break out from the European Union not to be subject to human rights laws, then fall apart as Irish unification and Scottish independence put these territories back in the EU. Londonistan is likely to overthrow the monarchy, as the "kingdom" will neither be UNITED nor will Muslims who have Islamic courts in Britain and want Sharia law, stand for the rule of a Christian queen. When money is tight, people's tempers start to bite. Even Mexico may soon look more attractive to some US states than what Trump has in store after driving America into bankruptcy. Americans think the Chinese gov't is failing, and fail to see that theirs is not paying its bills or paying its employees. It is the American regime that attacked China in a trade war, attacked China in mass hacking, attacked China repeatedly with Islamist terrorist proxies, attacked China's territorial integrity in South China Sea and Taiwan, attacked Chinese stock market with hacking heist of $4 trillion in cybernetic fraud as well as a long chain of propaganda and sabotage attacks by the CIA. It is the American regime that has moved nuclear forces and radar components into Korea. It is the American regime that threatened a nuclear holocaust on the Korean peninsula causing China to prepare for the worst.

"Will a Failing China Attack America?"

"China reportedly sent 150,000 troops to North Korea's border — here's how they could stop North Korea"
kuffodog said…
Saudi Arabia censored Netflix over the Crown Prince ordering the killing of a Washington Post reporter. Who's next? Not that there ever was free speech in USA. Still it is an interesting development.
kuffodog said…
If Yulia Tymoshenko gets installed by CIA as Ukraine's dictator, the coup will be complete. Congratulations to Nazis in both Ukraine and USA, I guess. I'll tell you one thing, if this murderous criminal is president, she'll end up like Lech Kaczyński sooner than her seats gets warm in the presidential palace.
kuffodog said…
I predicted a crater due to an asteroid strike, not a meteor, but this is interesting:

---A “bloody huge” meteor that sounded like a “plane crashing” and made dogs go “psycho” dazzled onlookers as it streaked across the Perth night sky on Tuesday. Scientists say it most likely hit Earth.

Firefighters received numerous calls at around 7:40 pm, on Tuesday, from frantic locals who had caught a glimpse of the fireball. Some said they suspected it was a UFO, while others phoned because they feared it could start a massive fire.---
kuffodog said…
"In the early 60s, the U.S. estimated that the number of victims in a nuclear war against the Soviet Union and China would total some 600 million. 20 years ago, ‘Doomsday Machine’ author Daniel Ellsberg posed a similar question about the Mideast"
kuffodog said…
Russia 'simulates' nuclear attack on Poland

"The armed forces are said to have carried out "war games" in which nuclear missiles were fired and troops practised an amphibious landing on the country's coast.

Documents obtained by Wprost, one of Poland's leading news magazines, said the exercise was carried out in conjunction with soldiers from Belarus.

The manoeuvres are thought to have been held in September and involved about 13,000 Russian and Belarusian troops."
kuffodog said…
"THE last time that America almost risked a pre-emptive strike on North Korea the gamble offered a spectacular pay-off. Ashton Carter, a leading architect of that plan, recalls that his scheme for bombing the Yongbyon nuclear facility in 1994 assumed that in one or two days the entirety of the regime’s nuclear programme could be levelled and entombed in rubble."

American nuclear terrorism and blackmail never ended.

kuffodog said…
“It is true that this situation has triggered a conversation on European economic sovereignty. We Europeans cannot accept that a foreign power —even our closest friend and ally—makes decisions over our legitimate trade with another country,” European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said in remarks targeted at the US pressure on Europe to cuts its trade dealings with Iran.
kuffodog said…
CIA terrorists do affect foreign trade. For instance with terrorist attacks against trains.
kuffodog said…
The cause for removal of Morsi was that he was seeking constitutional changes to keep him in power. Now Sisi's regime is doing same. Who'll remove him if the charade succeeds?
kuffodog said…
"It is estimated that these reserves hold 962 million barrels of crude oil and 52 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. The original reserves had 120 billion cubic feet of natural gas of which 57.5 billion cubic feet gas had been utilized. In terms of reserves, the Amu crude oil and gas zone is considered to be 15 in the rank out of total 152 oil and gas zones in the world."

"The U.S. has spent upwards of $700 billion on Afghanistan's war, and the Trump administration is hoping to recoup some of that via its vast mineral wealth. An Afghan spokesperson told CNBC that Trump's attention to the country could be a 'strategic win-win' for both. A recent study pegged natural resources in the country as worth at least $3 trillion, but the Taliban remains a key hurdle to any development efforts."

Americans lost in Afghanistan. They've spent some $800 billion trying to civilize a country they will never be able to exploit and from which they will be driven out as murderous invaders. They should leave on their own.

It cost Americans up to $500/gallon to get fuel to the Afghan theater.

I had China build a railway into Afghanistan.

Chinese companies are exploring Afghan iron ore, about the only resources beside heroin exploited by CIA for geopolitical purposes that creates meaningful revenue in the country. Iran seeks to invest in Afghan iron ore as well:

"Afghanistan says Iran has asked to extract iron ore from a mine in Herat but the two neighbors have yet to reach an agreement on where to process it."

Americans on the other hand, like heroin only. Donald "The Moron" Trump had found a reason to stay in Afghanistan (at a $500 a gallon cost to US military) and first put tariffs on Chinese steal (so the $700 billion they spent to bring Afghan iron ore into production, would not benefit USA), then Trump sanctioned Iran (so they too would not export steel or oil to USA). This is why I say Americans only wanted HEROIN, they intentionally isolated themselves from EVERYTHING ELSE: oil, gas, iron ore, gems... ALL OF IT.

"Steel and aluminum tariffs remain a headache despite Trump's trade deal with Mexico and Canada"

"US unleashes sanctions on Iran, hitting oil, banking and shipping"

kuffodog said…
Now, I personally worked with the Obama administration to reduce the fuel cost in the Afghan theater to make things cheaper. I came up with bio-fuel solutions for the US Navy, resulting in the Great Green Fleet, proposed solar power solutions to power US military camps so their electricity doesn't get cut off, and generally aimed to transition to sustainable power for the American military in theaters so supply lines cannot be attacked. Also, when I suggested controlling oil fields in Syria to cut off revenue for ISIS, Americans have done precisely that, I only assume they used this LOCAL resource to power their own equipment. Thing is that Clinton, instead of hitting the reset button as I've advise the Lying Lucifer Obama, fucked things up and brought back the same long supply lines to Afghanistan that cost $500/gallon of fuel. Now. NATO (thanks to me) had a logistics base in Russia, Clinton and Obama manged to ruin that as well. So. If they didn't want cheap supply line (Russia has lots of fuel), they backed out self sufficient renewable solutions that did not need fuel to be delivered, and they went back to the most expensive way to powering American military in Afghanistan... all the while sitting on Afghan gas and oil that was neither explored nor refined into fuel... what the fuck did they want? Put it all together: they wanted HIGHER OIL PRICES.
kuffodog said…
"North Korea's sixth nuclear test was so powerful that it's still triggering earthquakes more than a year later."

As I've calculated previously, a 6.3 earthquake that North Korea caused with their last nuclear test leaves no doubt that it was a nuclear weapon. It is the equivalent of 42,500 tons of TNT. It is unimaginable that Koreans would accumulate this amount of conventional explosives to fake such a test.

To get a grasp as to the size of the yield of Korean nuke tested, the largest nuclear bomb ever tested by USSR was 50 megatons (with operational capability of 100 megatons), the one tested on 9.3.2017 in DPRK was 42.5 kilotons.
kuffodog said…
Modern Marvels Bombs

Modern Marvels Deadliest Weapons
kuffodog said…
"VX is a human-made chemical warfare agent classified as a nerve agent. Nerve agents are the most toxic and rapidly acting of the known chemical warfare agents. They are similar to pesticides (insect killing chemicals) called organophosphates in terms of how they work and what kinds of harmful effects they cause. However, nerve agents are much more potent than organophosphate pesticides.
VX was developed in the United Kingdom in the early 1950s.
VX is odorless and tasteless.
VX is an oily liquid that is amber in color and very slow to evaporate. It evaporates about as slowly as motor oil."
kuffodog said…
"VX is often used as a terrain denial weapon" - Jim Zarzycki, Director, Edgewood Chem. Bio. Center

How so? This means Americans often used the VX chemical weapon and such land mines. A weapon of mass destruction, that mass murders indiscriminately! No other country was ever accused of ever using VX, so Zarzycki must be ADMITTING that this is a routine American practice in war zones! It'd be interesting to find evidence of this and sue the Satanic American mass murdering war criminals.
kuffodog said…
"Why don't you develop a new way for Europeans to kill each other, they're always at each other's throat, you could make a lot of money"

Americans started WWI to produce and profit on weapons. This is officially how a rapid fire machine gun was invented by Maxim, by 1908 it was mass produced. By 1914 Americans had a European War going to profiteer on sales to all those involved.

kuffodog said…
2nd coolest photo I've seen today.,_Xinjiang,_China_(c1915)_Marc_Aurel_Stein_(RESTORED)_(4073631151).jpg
kuffodog said…
1st place photo I've seen today.
kuffodog said…
How To Make VX Without Killing Yourself
kuffodog said…
"To put this in perspective, here are a few common substances and their approximate acute lethal doses in people.

Tylenol- 10 grams
Aspirin- 14 grams
Caffeine- 10 grams"

RE: "For something so deadly, the two components that are combined to make it are surprisingly safe. One of them is called O-(2-diisopropylaminoethyl) O′-ethyl methylphosphonite (aka QL). QL is very close to non-toxic. When given to hens in very large doses it did... essentially nothing. The LD50 (4) of QL for a four pound hen—the median weight of a chicken that is statistically most likely (P< 0.05) to attempt to cross the road— is about 660 mg."
kuffodog said…
kuffodog said…
"Six fold increase in anti-aircraft effectiveness with this fuse"...
kuffodog said…
A quantum teleportation cybernetic weapon can hit its target anywhere on Earth in 1/15th of a second. The key to neutralizing an attacker is to destroy their ability to conduct the attack, this by disabling the command or control element of the weapon or adversery. In case of humans this would be the human brain. In case of weapons systems it would be the electronics or navigation elements that guide it, aim it, move it, target it or fire it.
kuffodog said…
A quantum teleportation cybernetic weapon can hit its target anywhere on Earth in 1/15th of a second. The key to neutralizing an attacker is to destroy their ability to conduct the attack, this by disabling the command or control element of the weapon or adversery. In case of humans this would be the human brain. In case of weapons systems it would be the electronics or navigation elements that guide it, aim it, move it, target it or fire it. In cases of weapons like mines that are mechanical in nature, these weapons would have to be ignited to detonate.
kuffodog said…
A quantum teleportation cybernetic weapon can hit its target anywhere on Earth in 1/15th of a second. The key to neutralizing an attacker is to destroy their ability to conduct the attack, this by disabling the command or control element of the weapon or adversery. In case of humans this would be the human brain. In case of weapons systems it would be the electronics or navigation elements that guide it, aim it, move it, target it or fire it. In cases of weapons like mines that are mechanical in nature, these weapons would have to be ignited to detonate. Detonating ammunition on board of vessels and aircraft, can destroy these weapons systems. A quantum teleportation weapon that can target and ignite bombs or shells on ships, planes or vehicles and thus destroy them. The same is true of fuel tanks.
kuffodog said…
Modern Marvels Secrets of Oil
kuffodog said…
Mind control attacks to make a person press the acceleration pedal as they push their back into the driver's seat are easy. It's just a matter of recording the right "telepathy" and playing it into a terrorist's mind. Seems like this is the spectacular fiery result of American mind hacking and Satanism:

"Florida interstate crash kills at least 7, injures 7 more"
kuffodog said…
"Large parts of the country are seeing people sickened with Influenza A, known as H1N1 — a strain of the highly contagious virus that was responsible for the 1918 pandemic"

1918 pandemic got 500 million ill, it killed 50 to 100 million. Conduct more mind rape and Satanic soul attacks you sadistic animals. Your "God" will reward you with some more hints.
kuffodog said…
American mass murdering, genocidal terrorists attack another country's right to space access and putting satellites in orbit. Criminal, belligerent nuclear blackmailers. The rape culture and gun culture Satanic mind hackers should not only leave UNESCO they should leave UN, they don't belong in a civilized collective of nations.

US warns Iran against space launches, Tehran says they are legal
kuffodog said…
"Afghan Taliban delegation visited Iran on Sunday and held bilateral talks on promoting peace and stability in Afghanistan. The development comes as the Afghan insurgent group claims it has established control over 61 of the 407 Afghan districts during the 2018 fighting season."
kuffodog said…
Not all Afghan districts are of the same size territory. Taliban control 70% of Afghanistan's land area.
kuffodog said…
The Koch Brothers terrorist organization of fossil fuel oligarchs put Americans under mass mind control in collusion with Republican TERRORISTS to defraud the US elections and put Trump in power.
kuffodog said…
Pelosi: 'Open discussion' whether a sitting president can be indicted

Every single American president was and is a mass murderer, a war criminal, and a terrorist. Most presided over intentional genocides. Trump claiming that to be a mass murderer as a US president is a privilege of the office is not a constitutional power, it is a statement of fact on the criminality of the American regime.

"Obama Killed a 16-Year-Old American in Yemen. Trump Just Killed His 8-Year-Old Sister."

"Donald Trump on terrorists: 'Take out their families'"

"A Wedding That Became a Funeral
US Drone Attack on Marriage Procession in Yemen"

"Trump asked CIA official why drone strike didn’t also kill target’s family: report"
kuffodog said…
I said I would not give Apple ANY new innovation. I also advised China to compete against all the innovation that American terrorist mass murdering thieves extorted from me to give to their criminal oligarchs. More than 10 Chinese tech companies are now top 20 biggest in the world and represent all the equivalents of their American counterparts with one major difference: their domestic consumer base is... FOUR TIMES LARGER.
kuffodog said…
Poland has built the biggest statue to Jesus

Americans have built a statue to Satan

China has a built a statue to God of War

"You’d expect a God of War statue to look pretty epic. But there’s epic, and then there’s EPIC, and this enormous statue of Guan Yu, a famous general in Chinese history who was later deified, is most definitely EPIC."

Now China prepares for war. One can hardly blame them.
kuffodog said…
"China’s mystery ‘military base’ in Vanuatu could be a space tracking station

Beijing and South Pacific island nation deny claims they are discussing plan to build a naval base, but experts point out location is ideal for lunar rocket tests"
kuffodog said…
"Where are the real innovations in Russia's military hardware? Russia introduced the Su-57, supposedly a stealth jet that could take on the US's F-35 and F-22 fighters, but it couldn't get the money together to order more than 12 of them. Likewise, Russia's T-14 Armata tank, framed as a NATO tank-killer, will not see serial production."

Russia should outsource the production of BOTH Su-57 and T-14 to China and license them. Then sell the weapons systems within the Shanghai Cooperation Organization to develop economies of scale where the price for them will make it feasible to mass produce them. This way Russia can profit on these platforms and have enough such equipment to challenge NATO's territorial expansion in the east of the SCO, without spending the money itself. Instead, Russia can MAKE money on these project by licensing them and having them made cheaply in China as they are mass produced.
kuffodog said…
"Taiwanese think tank floats South China Sea base plan for US troops

Unnamed researchers call on Taipei to lease Taiping Island to the Pentagon as tensions rise in contested waters"

Americans have invaded China before, mass murdered Chinese civilians, decapitated them and like their Japanese imperialist counterparts mutilated their corpses.

If Americans or British invade China again, this will be their last invasion of anywhere on Earth.

Taiwan is China. It is Chinese territory. All islands within the jurisdiction of Taiwan are Chinese. If Americans and the British mass murdering war criminal terrorist invaders make the mistake of getting that wrong, war will come to their shores and it will be the last terrorist war of imperialism they've belligerently imposed.
kuffodog said…
Anyone who thinks American savagery and barbarism somehow diminished over the last 100 years, must see what American animals do to POWs protected by the Geneva Convention and international law. Then the American regime claims IMMUNITY from the International Criminal Court. Now figure out what they do in the combat zone or during interrogation.

Abu Ghraib
kuffodog said…
New 'Abu Ghraib abuse' images screened
kuffodog said…
Trump of the Nazi American regime couldn't get unilateral trade deals with Germany and was told 11 times by Merkel that its a common market... the terrorist American mass murderers are sponsoring a far right Nazi party in Germany to split away from the EU like they did to Britain: this with false flag CIA TERRORIST ATTACKS, hacking, mind control attacks, fraud, libel, meddling and cyber attacks.

"Dexit after Brexit? Alternative for Germany party threatens EU withdrawal"

"Obama promises not to spy on EU leaders"

If the NAZI mass murdering terrorist American regime commits GENOCIDE by TORTURE on its own population what do you think they do in Europe?!


"EU referendum won through fraud, whistleblower tells MPs
Former Cambridge Analytica worker says Brexit result may have been different without financial ‘cheating’"

"Who is Thomas Mair? Jo Cox’s killer who stabbed the Labour MP 15 times"
kuffodog said…
"China plans to build 3,200 km of new high-speed railways in 2019, with the total length expected to exceed 30,000 km, the country's top railway operator said Wednesday.

The 3,000-plus km of high-speed railways are part of the planned development of 6,800 km of new railways for the new year as the country will keep fixed-asset investment on railway on a large scale, Lu Dongfu, general manager of the China Railway (CR), told a work conference."
kuffodog said…
China added $700 billion Yuan in new liquidity. Tariffs that Americans tried to funnel out of the world financial system so its Nazi oligarchs can hoard the money at the expense of tax payers across the world, amounted to $200 billion. Considering that real value of Yuan should be about twice what it is now... it seems like the precisely right amount. FYI: the Nazi Trump regime funneled out money from the US treasury by giving tax breaks to its oligarch sponsors and subsidies to the fossil fuel crooks.
kuffodog said…
"Venezuela's weak economy is suffering from a financial embargo and beyond, Maduro added, "It is a true persecution ... a persecution of bank accounts, of Venezuela's businesses around the world, of trade, of purchases."

The president said that Venezuela has the capacity to overcome the obstacles, thanks to the abundant natural resources, and the country's efforts to raise its output of oil, gold, diamonds, coltan, iron and steel."
kuffodog said…
"Establishing diplomatic relations with China in 2017 is a great benefit to Panama, President Juan Carlos Varela said Wednesday.

In his latest state of the nation report to the National Assembly, Varela described establishing diplomatic ties with China as one of the key achievements in his five-year presidency, which ends this summer."
kuffodog said…
The regime in Egypt installed by the American Nazis after a bloodbath, holds 60,000 political prisoners.
kuffodog said…
Political prisoners are called prisoners of conscience.

No greater violation of this exists in the world, than that of the Satanic murderous American Nazi regime which tortures and imprisons political opponents MINDS or CONSCIOUSNESS by direct to brain energy attacks and electromagnetic TORTURE in plain sight 24/7 without so much as informing the victims what they're doing to them! This of course GLOBALLY to create dissent, murder dissenters, create terrorists for false flags, stir up political upheaval as well as torture and murder political opponents domestically. Besides using the system for mass mind control to steer voting.
kuffodog said…
If I make a phone and ask $1,000,001 for it, than sell it to a buddy for a kickback, I'll own 100% share of the smartphone market in that price range. The fact that the larcenous crooks at Apple are still getting press coverage saying crap that Apple owns "79% of the market over $800" means that this monopolist fraud subsidized by the American Nazi system of money laundering, patent theft, tariffs, terrorism and tax evasion is a has been: the cheapest phone in India that can do ALL the same things is under $10.
kuffodog said…
Navy SEAL fired indiscriminately into Iraqi crowds. How is that any different from bombing hospitals, schools, embassies, presidential palaces, weddings, funerals, school buses, UN food trucks and such?
kuffodog said…
China, Russia and the European Union should develop a new computer operating system that serves the needs of modernity and is secure from American spying as Microsoft Windows and OS products comply with the Nazi American regime for backdoors. This operating system should be FREE and updated by a consortium that cooperates to ensure operating system security to prevent American hacking, fraud, cyber terrorism and larceny.
kuffodog said…
Americans have a 'jobs gap' of over 7,000,000 positions. For the holiday season they hired a bunch of people for temp positions and reflected this in employment statistics... and yet unemployment rose to 3.9%. Go figure. I wonder, the bums on the street that are out of the system who don't collect unemployment... are they the long term unemployed or are they part of the 'jobs gap'? How about the 50 million disabled? US tortures people like myself and my mother. I have a job, but don't get paid. I'm not 'unemployed'. My mother used to write and do taxes for people, the Satanic American savage regime tortured her to anther stroke and she can't walk, speak or eat... she's not unemployed either, she's permanently disabled. Then the terrorist Trump regime puts people under mind control to accept their fate, defrauds statistics and says the economy is rosy! The 400,000 they murder a year in a eugenics genocide don't need jobs either... their absence improves employment statistics.
kuffodog said…
"Drug overdose deaths top 70,000, drive down U.S. life expectancy

Suicide rates rose by 3.7 percent. The two causes of untimely death lowered U.S. life expectancy for the second year in a row."

The dead don't need jobs. They're not unemployed. Those who get Social Security death benefits or insurance money... increase consumer spending. The Trump regime is deadly serious about $.
kuffodog said…
Man shot a woman in the head and killed her 3 kids. He's going to prison, so he won't be unemployed. The kids are dead, they won't need public assistance. The woman will get some sort of disability, she won't be unemployed either. Donald "take out their families" Trump says he is too successful for impeachment. Is he right?!
kuffodog said…
"The finance ministry has exempted rupee payments made to the National Iranian Oil Co. for crude oil imports from a steep withholding tax, according to a government order reviewed by Reuters.

The exemption, put in place December 28 but backdated to November 5, will allow Indian refiners to settle about $1.5 billion of outstanding payments to NIOC. Those have been building up since Tehran was put under stringent US sanctions in early November."
kuffodog said…
"Three days after most of the federal workforce was furloughed on Dec. 21, a 14-year-old girl fell 700 feet to her death at the Horseshoe Bend Overlook, part of the Glen Canyon Recreation Area in Arizona. The following day, Christmas, a man died at Yosemite National Park in California after suffering a head injury from a fall. On Dec. 27, a woman was killed by a falling tree at Great Smoky Mountains National Park, which straddles the borders of North Carolina and Tennessee."

Trump is right to keep parks open even if there are no federal baby sitters. People are responsible for what they do. I came up with the smartphone, they know not to text and drive, there are laws that prohibit it, tens of thousands of them crash, die and kill anyway.

People who cannot navigate the landscape, should not be venturing out to where they don't have the right skill set to survive. Period. If these animals all got on the boats and tried to cross the ocean, is Trump going to close the ocean? I rest my case. These are MORONS. Animals that are unfit to live in a particular habitat: die. It's called natural selection. Humans that are not fit to survive in natural landscape, should not go there if they don't know what to do. Just like Mexicans should not cross 6 lanes highways criminally invading USA and get run over.
kuffodog said…
"National Park Service spokesman Jeremy Barnum said in an email that an average of six people die each week in the park system, a figure that includes “accidents like drownings, falls, and motor vehicle crashes and medical related incidents such as heart attacks.”"

December 21st to January 4th is exactly TWO weeks. That means if the feds were working at the parks, an average of 12 people would die instead of just 3. I don't know if less people go to the parks now that there aren't any feds to harass them, ticket them, terrorize them and stalk them... but this is a FOUR FOLD DROP in fatalities in National Parks now that the fed terrorists are gone.
kuffodog said…
News: "The Milky Way is on an unstoppable collision course with a neighboring galaxy"

To any human remotely interested in astronomy this is just a known fact, not news. A fact that has remained unchanged for millions of years. In fact, to any extraterrestrial civilizations this may have been a novelty thousands or millions of years ago.

News: a revision to the China advisory changed little. This apparently isn't news to those who know the topic, just like the fact that Andromeda and Milky Way being on a collision course isn't news to people who dabble in astronomy. Except why is Matt Lee complaining about having to report it?!

Here's your intended audience Matt: ignorant Americans who don't know where USA is on the map.

"Did you go to high school?
- Yeah.
Did you go to college?
- Yeah."

See video:

You know what is news? The fact that a Russian told off an American reporter without saying a word, using a US corporate media video piece, posted by a pop star to ridicule the college educated American electorate in a country full of ignorant imperialist murderers telling Russians what is and isn't Russian land. Crimea in particular.

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kuffodog said…
"California utility company PG&E Corp (PCG.N) is exploring filing some or all of its business for bankruptcy protection as it faces billions of dollars in liabilities related to fatal wildfires in 2018 and 2017, people familiar with the matter said on Friday."

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